ProjectIEEE Project List - Technosoft Systems List 1

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SL N0. Titles Tech.

1 Data integrity proofs in cloud storage. .Net
2 Exploiting Dynamic Resource Allocation for Efficient Parallel Data Processing in the Cloud .Net
3 Optimal service pricing for a cloud cache .Net
4 Fuzzy Keyword Search over Encrypted Data .Net
5 Achieving Secure, Scalable, and Fine-grained Data Access Control in Cloud Computing .Net
6 An economic approach for scalable and highly-available distributed applications .Net
7 Privacy-Preserving Public Auditing for Data Storage Security in Cloud Computing .Net
8 Secure and Practical Outsourcing of Linear Programming in Cloud Computing JAVA
9 Going Back and Forth: Efficient Multideployment and Multisnapshotting on Clouds JAVA
10 Improving Utilization of Infrastructure Clouds JAVA
11 Agent-Based Urban Transportation Systems JAVA
12 Ensuring Data Storage Security in Cloud Computing JAVA
13 Client-side Load Balancer using Cloud JAVA
1 The Geometric Efficient Matching Algorithm for Firewalls .Net
2 A Policy Enforcing Mechanism for Trusted Ad Hoc Network .Net
3 Adaptive Fault Tolerant QoS Control Algorithms for Maximizing System Lifetime of Query-
Based Wireless Sensor Networks
4 Detecting Kernel-Level Root kits Using Data Structure Invariants .Net
5 Architecting a Secure Enterprise Data Sharing .Net
6 Fingerprint Matching Incorporating Ridge Features With Minutiae .Net
7 Robust Correlation of Encrypted Attack Traffic Through Stepping Stones by Flow
8 SigFree A Signature-free Buffer .Net
9 SAT: A Security Architecture Achieving Anonymity and Traceability in Wireless Mesh
10 Nymble Blocking Misbehaving Users in Anonymizing Networks JAVA
11 Modeling and Detection of Camouflaging Worm. JAVA
12 RITAS: Services for Randomized Intrusion Tolerance JAVA
13 Online Intrusion Alert Aggregation with Generative Data Stream Modeling. JAVA
14 Towards Situational Awareness of Large-Scale Botnet Probing Events. JAVA
15 Analysis on Credit Card Fraud Detection Methods. JAVA
16 Layered Approach Using Conditional Random Fields for Intrusion Detection
1 A User-Oriented Image Retrieval System Based on Interactive Genetic Algorithm .Net
2 Human Motion Tracking by Temporal-Spatial Local Gaussian Process Experts .Net
3 Embedded Extended Visual Cryptography Schemes. JAVA
4 Robust Video Data Hiding Using Forbidden Zone Data Hiding and Selective Embedding. JAVA
5 Computational Perceptual Features for Texture Representation and Retrieval. JAVA

6 Subspace-Based Striping Noise Reduction in Hyper-spectral Images. JAVA
7 Multiple exposure fusion for high dynamic range image acquisition. JAVA
8 Minimizing Additive Distortion in Steganography Using Syndrome-Trellis Codes JAVA
1 IR-Tree: An Efficient Index for Geographic Document Search. .Net
2 Studies and Evaluation on Meta Search Engines .Net
3 Mining Web Graphs for Recommendations .Net
4 Monitoring Service Systems from a Language-Action Perspective. .Net
5 Integration of Sound Signature in Graphical Password Authentication System .Net
6 Exploring Application-Level Semantics for Data Compression .Net
7 A Link Analysis Extension of Correspondence Analysis for Mining Relational Databases .Net
8 Query Planning for Continuous Aggregation Queries over a Network of Data Aggregators .Net
9 Horizontal Aggregations in SQL to prepare Data Sets for Data Mining Analysis. .Net
10 A Personalized Ontology Model for Web Information Gathering .Net
11 Efficient Multi-dimensional Fuzzy Search for Personal Information Management Systems. .Net
12 Efficient Computation of Range Aggregates against uncertain location based queries. .Net
13 Scalable Learning of Collective Behavior .Net
14 Improving Aggregate Recommendation Diversity Using Ranking-Based Techniques .Net
15 One Size Does Not Fit All Towards User- and Query-Dependent Ranking For Web
16 Publishing Search Logs A Comparative Study of Privacy Guarantees .Net
17 The World in a Nutshell Concise Range Queries .Net
18 Adaptive Join Operators for Result Rate Optimization on Streaming Inputs .Net
21 Data Leakage Detection Abstract .Net
22 Extended XML Tree Pattern Matching: Theories and Algorithms JAVA
23 Load Shedding in Mobile Systems with MobiQual JAVA
24 The CoQUOS Approach to Continuous Queries in Unstructured Overlays JAVA
25 Ranking Spatial Data by Quality Preferences JAVA
26 Effective Navigation of Query Results Based on Concept Hierarchies. JAVA
1 Live Streaming with Receiver-based Peer-division Multiplexing .Net
2 Continuous Neighbor Discovery in Asynchronous Sensor Networks .Net
3 Jamming-Aware Traffic Allocation for Multiple-Path Routing Using Portfolio Selection .Net
4 Self-Reconfigurable Wireless Mesh Networks .Net
5 Conditional Shortest Path Routing in Delay Tolerant Networks .Net
6 Slow Adaptive OFDMA Systems Through Chance Constrained Programming .Net
7 Pricing under Constraints in Access Networks Revenue Maximization and Congestion
8 Selfish Overlay Network Creation and Maintenance JAVA
9 SPAF: Stateless FSA-based Packet Filters JAVA
10 ProgME: Towards Programmable Network Measurement JAVA

11 Delay Analysis and Optimality of Scheduling Policies for Multi-Hop Wireless Networks JAVA
12 Buffer Sizing for 802.11 Based Networks. JAVA
13 Model-Based Identification of Dominant Congested Links JAVA
14 Channel Allocation in Wireless Data Center Networks JAVA
15 Minimum Bandwidth Reservations for Periodic Streams in Wireless Real-Time Systems. JAVA
16 A new approach for FEC decoding based on the BP algorithm in LTE and Wi-MAX systems JAVA
17 On Modeling, Analysis, and Optimization of Packet Aggregation Systems - Network
18 A Distributed Explicit Rate Schemes in Multi-InputMulti-Output Network Systems JAVA
19 Always Acyclic Distributed Path Computation
1 The Awareness Network, To Whom Should I Display My Actions? And, Whose Actions
Should I Monitor?
2 Analysis of quality of object oriented systems using object oriented metrics JAVA
1 Automated Certification for Compliant Cloud-based Business Processes .Net
2 Vulnerability Analysis in SOA-based Business Processes .Net
3 Service-Centric Framework for a Digital Government Application .Net
4 OWLPath: An OWL Ontology-Guided Query Editor .Net
5 Secure Service-Oriented Architecture for Mobile Transactions .Net
6 Dynamic Authentication for Cross-Realm SOA-Based Business Processes .Net
1 Distributed Adaptation of Quantized Feedback for Downlink Network MIMO Systems. .Net
2 Network Coding Based Privacy Preservation against Traffic Analysis in Multi-hop Wireless
3 Throughput Optimization in High Speed Downlink Packet Access (HSDPA). .Net
4 A Spatiotemporal Approach for Secure Range Queries in Tiered Sensor Networks .Net
5 Multicast Multi-path Power Efficient Routing in Mobile ADHOC networks JAVA
6 Host-to-Host Congestion Control for TCP JAVA
7 Mesh Based Multicast Routing in MANET Stable Link Based Approach JAVA
1 MABS Multicast Authentication Based on Batch Signature .Net

2 A Privacy-Preserving Location Monitoring System for Wireless Sensor Networks JAVA
3 Throughput Optimization in Mobile Backbone Networks. JAVA
4 Supporting Efficient and Scalable Multicasting over Mobile Ad Hoc Networks. JAVA
5 Bandwidth recycling in IEEE 802.16 Networks JAVA
6 Optimal Jamming Attacks and Network Defense Policies in Wireless Sensor Networks JAVA
7 Secure Data Collection in Wireless Sensor Networks Using Randomized Dispersive Routes JAVA
1 An AbuseFree Fair Contract Signing Protocol Based on the RSA Signature .Net

1 Distributed Protocol to Serve Dynamic Groups for Peer-to-Peer Streaming JAVA
2 Correlation-Based Traffic Analysis Attacks on Anonymity Networks JAVA
3 Cooperative Caching in Wireless P2PNetworks Design, Implementation, And Evaluation JAVA

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