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New Version : (Sept-22-2014) Sidewinder Photo Colour Balancer "F1-C17 (meta-fix)" SIMPLE BASIC

[Note: Requires Java2 JRE ready on your computer , Oracle JRE 7 recommended]
-* 24 bit image Photo editing (Image Types only: *.jpg , *.jpeg , *.png , *.bmp - nb: "Alpha transparency not supported"):
-* manual colour balancing of individual colour RGB.
-* manual colour balancing of individual colour RGB and bright/dark by 16 band(brightness level) set filters (RE its' VISUAL
TUTORIAL .pdf or .html).
-* Brightness/Dark balancer control uses a more accurate algorithm than most "linear numeric addition"
brightening/darkening in other editors.
-* Quick colour balance by visual example "Quick colour Board".
-* Gamma/mid-tone exposure correction.
-* Gamma/mid-tone contrast System (a little manual - RE its' VISUAL TUTORIAL .pdf or .html).
-* Image resizing.
-* Preservation of EXIF data of camera images on jpeg,jpg.
-* Thumb image add or removal on jpeg,jpg.
-* Cropping by mouse or numeric text field settings.
-* Text writing on images (colour and size) (HOW TO helpfile .pdf or .html).
-* Convert 24 bit RGB image "to Black and White 24 bit RGB" (jpeg,png,bmp).
-* Rotate image 90o CCW or CW.
In an ordinary editor the addition system in brightening shoots the pixel colours to a white speckle haze far too quickly and distorts the
colour ratio in the pixels(whether brightening or darkening) by as much as 5 to 10 on two of the pixels' colours with just one action to commit
called!, and, upon as much as 50 percent of the images' pixels usually. Sidewinders system does not, it requires around 10 actions before the
pixels are mildly out somewhere between 3 to 5 from double precision floating point ratio remembering calculations!

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Here's a psychadelic 60's song as mad as losing the pop art pixel colours!

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Whats here for Linux: Screenshots , About the application in Linux , How to install java to your Linux machine , How To
install and configure the JRE , How To install and run the application. Final JRE configuration with $PATH variable.
NOTE: To view digital photograph EXIF data on your JPEG file you can right-click on the file in your OS and open its
"properties" menu tab, > summary > advanced

Link: Sidewinder Linux Information

Link: Sidewinder Photo Colour Balancer GUI Visual TUTORIAL for "Contrast operation"
Link: Sidewinder Photo Colour Balancer GUI Visual TUTORIAL for "Contrast operation"
Link: Sidewinder Photo Colour Balancer GUI Visual TUTORIAL for "16 Band RGB Filter operation"
Link: Sidewinder Photo Colour Balancer GUI Visual TUTORIAL for "16 Band RGB Filter operation"
Link: Sidewinder Processing Examples (PDF) DOWNLOAD
Link: Sidewinder F1-C17 Photo Colour Balancer HOW TO page 22-09-2014 (F1 meta-fix 22-09-2014)
(updated Sep 28, 2014)
Link: Sidewinder F1-C17 Photo Colour Balancer HOW TO (application/PDF) (F1 meta-fix 22-09-2014)
(updated Sep 28, 2014)
Link: Sidewinder Linux Information
Link: DOWNLOAD F1-C17 (meta-fix) Sept-22-2014 SideWinderPhotoColourBalancer (zip)

NOTE: In a normal computer(4GB and above) When you click the White(brightening/darkening) button or the
Gamma/mid-tone button, with a 16 mega-pixel photo, the Sidewinder editor is doing
48 million, double precision, four decimal place, floating point arithmetic equations, in under 10 seconds,
and 64 million of these if you click the button for Contrast!

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for video playback.
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F1 is pre-tuned by Australian stout drinkers, is about all common here with this, but you can get an "F".
While 1.6.0_22 compile is thought better by newer JDK/SDK - JRE version , the program does not use "generics coding"
so it appears 1.5.0_03 responds better and more reliably, it also gives backward compatibility when dumping it into your computer to use
[Version F1 with JPEG thumb write while no standard EXIF image data and a thumbs removal system]
If you want to place a thumb image on a PNG or BMP they do not allow it in that file type.
Once again the jpeg header data block and thumb image size is related to the compressor used and the maximum Kb of all forward header
block sections(EXIF is near proprietory with Adobe and Fuji JPEG/JFIF meta data wrapper format), Sidewinder only uses a high quality
image level compression of 92% - 95% on the main image so it will not compress the thumb much either resulting in a larger thumb image
file size that could over-run the forward header block total size allowed on the image specification(there is an API documentation clue to
this one also apart writer imageInsert() methods getPreferredThumbnailSizes() - sometime maybe).

The following is a fix for F1-C17 "image meta data" this places camera data with or without placing a thumb image
(the previous version to "meta-fix" loses the EXIF data if no thumb image is present or placed).
It writes to disc a bit better too.

The following line on Sidewinders' ouptut board can now be ignored:

..."This photo editor also places or removes thumb images on JPEG but must be placed on after second save after
finalised image editor processing."...
The writer was simply an IIOImage morphis version, there are others also that use ImageWriteParam in the call, "and that is not
strange"! because there are around 50-100 lines of code to set up JPEG write for compression and rendering settings i wrote maybe as
much as over a year back, but apparently nothing was actually using it! The give-away was a method i read to try to improve it that uses
constant field values (it said the writer can be forced to use the original stream meta data, given this sets up its own parameters in my
coding, and any jpeg can be decoded by any set of tables, there should be no problems anywhere, again the changed writer morphis takes
the imagewriterparam object i setup in my code and can take a null argument for either(completely use stream meta data or use params)),
then i took a look at the writer morphises in the API docs.
(The updated help files (to recent, there are newer here on the site) are in this fix version also)

SideWinderPhotoColourBalancer-F1-C17(Sept-22-2014)160(meta-fix).zip [ "compiled 1.6.0_22" ]

SideWinderPhotoColourBalancer-F1-C17(Sept-22-2014)150(meta-fix).zip [ "compiled 1.5.0_03" ]
DOWNLOAD F1-C17 (meta-fix) Sept-22-2014 SideWinderPhotoColourBalancer (zip)
(NOTE: Reasonably for all other purposes except the thumb image checkboxes, FO and B&W and EBLA5, screenshots are acceptable for F1-C17)
Link: Screenshot F1-C17

Here is an example of the type of file for Sidewinder:

The Above fix for F1-C17 "image meta data" appears to have been a fix inclusive for this problem, exactly
how well i don't know at this stage but it seems thereabout right.....
[ WARNING - PRECAUTION - When adding a thumb image ,
always "save a finalised copy first as JPEG with no thumb image (particularly jpeg)" ,
then use the "saved editor image"(auto-re-opens into editor) to place a thumb image on a second save!
(for 99% probable success, do not exceed "150" thumb image size).
, and save the image edit process output text by copying and pasting it to a text file]
IF a crash error occurs, always switch off the editor (after getting your output text) and restart it.

How-To copy and paste, select text with mouse, then press CNTRL+C keys together, then paste into a text pad.

The fix seems to allow such as a 12 M pixel to place a thumb of 170 instantly on 1st save when finishing
Link: Original unedited (Fraser Island coastal beach overcast day)

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Link: Original unedited (Fraser Island coastal beach overcast day)

Link: Sidewinder F1-C17 edited (Fraser Island coastal beach overcast day)
Original location:
Output Board information:
=== filename: 43319000.jpg ===
=== abspath: C:\43319000.jpg ===
=== format: JPEG
image width: 2592
image height: 1944
Number of ThumbImages: 0
Balancer List Control: RED :DOWN : 5
Balancer List Control: RED :DOWN : 5
Balancer List Control: RED , GREEN , BLUE -> (WHITE) :DOWN : 10
::HueBoard:: - CONTRAST SET: UP 1.10 (opposite- Down-Setting: 0.909)
Balancer List Control: RED , GREEN , BLUE -> (WHITE) :DOWN : 30
Balancer List Control: RED , GREEN , BLUE -> (WHITE) :DOWN : 10

Take note of the fact brightness was taken down 40 after use of "::HueBoard:: - CONTRAST SET: UP 1.10
(opposite- Down-Setting: 0.909)" and there is no actual image loss after changing to the different process in
this editor(from contrast - to next process - bright/dark). This is what is meant by ..."So, i built this program
to hold the original negative or positive out of bounds values of each pixel and reuse them as the boundary of
the usable valid numeric image data moved in again for pixels that editing placed back into correct computer
image value"... , and also "calibration backup array".
I did another version of this image later and used the image as a test because the editor while debugging didn't ever like the image to save it.
It goes...
blue down 15, green down 5, red down 3, contrast up 1.1, white down 50.
Here is a rework of it and the
Link: "Sidewinder editor actions TXT ouput"
Link: Re-processed Colour Image
Link: Converted Re-processed B&W Image
Here is another good example...
Link: Original unedited (remote Queensland bush railway crossing)
Link: Sidewinder F1-C17 edited (remote Queensland bush railway crossing)
Original location:
Output Board information:
=== filename: 93634890.jpg ===
=== abspath: C:\93634890.jpg ===
=== format: JPEG
image width: 4608
image height: 3456
Number of ThumbImages: 0
Balancer List Control: RED , GREEN , BLUE -> (WHITE) :DOWN : 30
Balancer List Control: BLUE :DOWN : 5
Balancer List Control: BLUE :DOWN : 5
Balancer List Control: BLUE :DOWN : 5
::HueBoard:: - GAMMA SET: UP 1.20 (opposite- Down-Setting: 0.833)

DOWNLOAD F1-C17 (meta-fix) Sept-22-2014 SideWinderPhotoColourBalancer (zip)

TIP: You only need ONE thumb image on a photo (While there are EXIF blocks carry more info it is not a point to have more than one thumb. The
editor will repaint it on saving.)
The following problem in FO and previous versions of image write failure coupled with thumb image data has been corrected and fix versions can be
obtained (downloaded). There is more to dig into to find subtle faults since the thumb system was one of the most attacked by power outage and other
forms of computer crash.
Link: (TESTS) Original pic - one thumb image :Canada - Late Evening picture
Link: (TESTS) Treated Color - more Thumbs : Canada - Late Evening picture
Link: (TESTS) Black and White Convert in JPEG same extra thumbs: Canada - Late Evening picture
Note: IF! the GUI does not show a jpeg image when you open it the chances are it is not simply a 24 bit type.

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Link: (TESTS) Treated Color - more Thumbs : Canada - Late Evening picture
Link: (TESTS) Black and White Convert in JPEG same extra thumbs: Canada - Late Evening picture
Note: IF! the GUI does not show a jpeg image when you open it the chances are it is not simply a 24 bit type.
Also, As stated elsewhere, rotating your image for viewing or editing in Sidewinder does not lose image information, and when the position needs to match
the original data, simply rotate the image back to its original position when it was opened, most cameras have inbuilt software and sensor to mark the "top"
position of a photo.

Link: Sidewinder F1-C17 Photo Colour Balancer HOW TO page 22-09-2014

Link: Sidewinder F1-C17 Photo Colour Balancer HOW TO (application/PDF) 22-09-2014
Link: Sidewinder Processing Examples (application/PDF)
What is "Sidewinder"?
It is a true colour (24 bit , no alpha transparency channel and no alpha indicator byte) digital camera image(digital photo) editor written in Java2.
[NOT a graphics creation or paint image editor!]
note: It does have text painting on images of each line requires saving the image to hold it in place if you want to then add another line onto the
image, "NEVER use JPG for test painting in this editor" only use BMP image type for text after all image quality editing has been finalised to
prevent gradual quality loss if you put e.g. DD-MM-YYYY on your photos or write any other information on them.

Why it's called "Sidewinder" is because of the way it walks accross all the grains of pixel! On "two settings" , the calibrated original(used alike a
co-efficient) pixel values kept on an array coresponding the editor change calculations and the allowed valid image insert pixel numerics setting specified by
comparing to the validity of the calibrated originals on the calculation results array.

ABOUT: SideWinderPhotoColourBalancer:
Of origin i couldn't find a "small" or "portable" imaging program that did colour balancing of 24bit colour images. That is the least of why! , i often found that
shifting above and below the required levels for the RGB in an imaging program resulted in loss of the original data settings of pixels as they ranged outside
and back into the images numeric parameters. So, i built this program to hold the original negative or positive out of bounds values of each pixel and reuse
them as the boundary of the usable valid numeric image data moved in again for pixels that editing placed back into correct computer image value(0 zero to - 255 per colour Red,Green,Blue). Before learning computer programming, i learned photographic developing, C41,RA4,E6,PC30 e.t.c. , i also built
my own 120mm and 35 mm colour enlarger, of this is the transfer over alike to balancing a colour photo card with film negative exposure.
Note: While Sidewinder is compiled for backward compatibility in 1.5.0_03 , Sidewinder should be used in as new a JRE as possible! e.g. current Java7
[ For MS-Win To install ] You must have an Link: Oracle Java2 JRE (Win / Linux / Solaris / Mac OSX 10.7.3) 1.5.0_03 or newer
installed, then, drag and drop the application folder [ .\SideWinderColourBalancer ] (with contents in structure) from the zip to the folder you want to put it
, then run the WSH script [ Install-Desktop-STARTER-Shortcut-Sidewinder.wsh ] in the application folder [ .\SideWinderColourBalancer ] by double
clicking and it will put an icon on the current user desktop (note: see Link: Microsoft downloads WSH XP if your machine does not have WSH installed
or use your Win OS install disk if it is newer than XP).

DOWNLOAD F1-C17 (meta-fix) Sept. 22nd 2014 - MS-Win compiled JDK 1.5.0_03 (or
Screenshot 1: ("F0-C17") SidewinderPhotoColourBalancer EBLA5 mainboard, text board, hue board gamma and contrast
Screenshot 2: Quick Colour Balancer Board
Screenshot 3: Sidewinder F0-C17 Sunday Sep 14, 2014 : EXIF thumb images repaired to basic config - usable

Link: Sidewinder Linux Information

Note: Effectively when rotating images "in sidewinder interface" there is no loss associate the image quality, image quality is controlled by the file
compression system on "save as". All Sidewinder files are saved as high quality in jpg or simply png or bitmap loss-less.
Unfortunately, while Sidewinder does rotate images in the editor(If you are placing the pic in an online browser HTML display control: in Sidewinder rotate
to the opposite direction e.g. if 90 deg. right looks correct then rotate it 90 deg. left then save the image - there is no "save over" system in sidewinder), i
have not got around to setting the "int" for oriency from the images that carry EXIF data.
This following freeware application i found is able to correct image oriency on JFIF/TIFF types that carry the oriency EXIF data!


- no EXIF orientation integer for image TOP position settable by user or retrieved by the editor for image presentation
- no undo or backup mechanism (*will be solved sometime by project buffer and edit session activity retrieve/restore points)
- job measurement completion bar (alike a download bar) erratic and inconsistent measurement readings during some operations (mostly call scope acrossPage 5 / 11

- no EXIF orientation integer for image TOP position settable by user or retrieved by the editor for image presentation
- no undo or backup mechanism (*will be solved sometime by project buffer and edit session activity retrieve/restore points)
- job measurement completion bar (alike a download bar) erratic and inconsistent measurement readings during some operations (mostly call scope across
classes - requires breaking into callable steps of reusable methods to jump through in the main class)
- minor error message from file open dialogue swing thread on preview-file-image "thread cancellation file selected again" (construct a thread to abort on
file re-selection if selected file name has changed)
Download : and Open in Sidewinder : Image with EXIF thumb images store blocks
The Quick Colour board is repaired now, it went to a bizarre set of computer crashes around one and a half years back of one was a blackout
that lasted overnight and occurred in the middle of the night writing off edited disjointed refactored unsaved code in the editor at the time.
"The greatest!" was in an internet cafe(where i normally write) and someone who was previously using the computer i was at told me he had
leaved his files on disk and not restarted the machine to clear all the personal information, he simply said that after i had been using the
machine for 15 minutes writing in code and simply clicked the machine restart button! Normally i use the standard buttons for colour balance
so i never noticed about the quick colour boards and nobody wrote me an email error report!

A couple of things to remember!!! The QUICK COLOUR BOARD: Only open one of it each use. If you decide not to use it or when
your finnished with it, SWITCH IT OFF, ONLY HAVE ONE OPEN WHEN IN USE, so if you want to use up not down for the colour
balance quick board you need to switch it off and press the appropriate button to pop up the other panel, "do not have both, do not have
more than one quick colour panel!".

The other is only use .jpg , .jpeg , .png , .bmp True colour (24 bit) files and these before-mentioned extensions with no alpha-channel(no
transparency added).

Finally, when any process is used "wait until it finnishes AND the main image is repainted to the screen up to 5-10 seconds after process
finnishes(on smaller 2gb to 6gb or older computers e.g. early P3 or older can be 30 seconds!!! and processes are slow too)".
Best Freeware Download - Best freeware downloads available everyday on one site

Link: Sidewinder Processing Examples (PDF) DOWNLOAD

Link: Sidewinder F1-C17 Photo Colour Balancer HOW TO page 22-09-2014
Link: Sidewinder F1-C17 Photo Colour Balancer HOW TO (application/PDF) 22-09-2014
DOWNLOAD F1-C17 (meta-fix) Sept-22-2014 SideWinderPhotoColourBalancer (zip)
["fix on first ebla5" Internal class reboot after some tools used(subtle - well... until it occurs!) - also recompiled in 1.5.0_03 SDK for
backward compatibility of JRE's ]
- "Proper Contrast algorithm" - ALSO - "contrast over-bright" has image information returned from backing array(origin calibration template)
with use of bright/dark(white)!!! Various fixes!!!
[ The below "before" and "after" examples are the type of picture Sidewinder was created to handle, Manual setting camera shots that will
probably require improvement because there is no other way for settings on the camera , or camera shots that were bungled in manual mode
from not resetting ] Here is a picture of a pet lady(5 inches across) lived in and around the house in the past ten years, i had to put her to
sleep because she gets in my bed and has caused the odd palpitations, it's simply one night i had insomnia so i was well on the way to being
deceased if i didn't know where she was and i found her outside my bedroom door with one of her smaller babies. This photo is shortly
before i put her to sleep with the spray can. Can't really think what came over me, i should have leaved her there until i got better but i was
thinking i could forget her depending where i put the canister. Every other day its a foot away from the head up on the eve beams or 1/2 a
foot away on the wall in the corridor, she all but walked into the canister by indication and her baby just sat quietly beside watching. Just a
final note: They are called an "Inland Funnel web" because of the size of their fangs and their behavior when they sit up on their back four
legs and hold their front four legs up and wave them or hold them alike a human hand and fingers in a curled claw grab position while lifting
their fangs and head front, similar to the immensely deadly coastal Funnel Web spiders(Atrax Robusta), however, Inland Funnel Web spider
venom is less toxic and only potentially could kill(and she only sits up that way rarely and when overhead on the eve beams so you only tend
to notice when she unloads the venom onto the top of your head as you pass under her - makes you wonder where the dribble came from).


Here is a scenery "BEFORE" and "AFTER" photo. This was done in EBLA5 using the gamma and white(brighten/darken)RGB filters(8 of
them) to accentuate the darkened parts of the shadowed background areas. You want to use a tabbed browser so you click between the
three images easily and quickly to see the differences of visibility not mere enhancement.
The second "AFTER" has been done by a small tiny tweak down of contrast, and after saving the processed picture (the first AFTER photo),
it would have been better again if it were done while all the process had occurred during one processing session for that image.
The fourth(skipped 3rd) is a better understanding of what leads to the enhancements and a better natural color look, it did require a tiny
quantity of gamma but the bulk of it is done by filtering lifting "up" dark parts with the "white"(synonym for bright dark in the editor controls)
RGB filter levels set and bringing the grass back "down" with "white" RGB filter levels set on the Hue Board.



AFTER PHOTO (4)RGB filter Sodomy
filter Natural


PREVIEW B&W AFTER PHOTO B&W(4) made with new B&W converter tool and what will be either "EBLA6" or "F1" version

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Adobe Flash Player or an HTML5 supported browser is required for video playback.
Get the latest Flash Player
Learn more about upgrading to an HTML5 browser

(EBLA5 and F0 write image types to disc problems)

After finally checking the API documentation by exhausting the supply of methods and object morphise calls possible, it has been found to be a subtle
problem of the "new IIOImage()" constructor call morphise.
It did not accept the thumb image list defined to it as the list to use. If there are thumb images on the IIOImage object metadata it must be destroyed by
overwriting "AFTER" construction with a setThumbimages method call.
Neither the compiler or the runtime environment logged any errors about it 'though the result clearly is not re-writing the thumbs or placing new thumbs
on a JPEG/JFIFF image type. Technically feeding the thumb list to the new IIOImage object is an acceptable way of placing them on the object,
However, not so!
There remains a more tricky issue of write with thumb image in F1-C17, However, this is due to javax.swing threading and general virtual machine
runtime environment threading in the application with javax.imageio during JPEG processing. Unlike PNG or BMP JPEG is quite complex in structure for
processing underneath. It causes what is showing now to be processing sequence timing mismatch but exactly where and when, also the EXIF header
specification for thumb images is as much a problem of not landing to much data in high quality image onto the forward header blocks section.

DOWNLOAD F1-C17 (meta-fix) Sept-22-2014 SideWinderPhotoColourBalancer (zip) (note: It us unknown how

well it is usable in Linux at this time email: "subject: Linux Sidewinder Screenshot - bug" and pics to
*Link: Download : (PDF) linux-userguide-all.pdf (Illustrated GUI desktop user guide for Linux)
*Link: "chmod" and "chown" file permission command
*Link: Understanding and changing file permission in Linux

Page 7 / 11

*Link: Understanding and changing file permission in Linux

Link: (PDF) Debian Linux system and OS user guide (a typical Linux distribution)
Link: Linux Filesystem (e.g. "ext3" or "ext4" are their normal base type others are for show and special usage)

Link: Sidewinder Processing Examples (PDF) DOWNLOAD

Link: Sidewinder F1-C17 Photo Colour Balancer HOW TO page 22-09-2014
Link: Sidewinder F1-C17 Photo Colour Balancer HOW TO (application/PDF) 22-09-2014
NOTE: Large pictures in use by the Hue board above 6 - 8 megapixel can take thirty seconds to complete, press
"apply" button once only, and wait until the "Hue Board" disappears.

Get the Java JRE Runtime

Link: Download : Get the JRE for Java: Win, Solaris, Linux
Link: Download : Get the JRE for Java: Mac

Screenshots of EBLA2-C17 2 SidewinderPhotoColourBalancer

These are in Debian OS flavour, one of its latest releases.

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About the version in Linux

First, this is the same as the windows version except the Win. files are not included to assist install and configuration simplicity.
This version has been compiled in 1.5.0_03 Linux Sun Java SDK to allow use on machines that do not see much update. While updating over internet and is a perfectly
normal idea to some, it is often where viruses come from and also in this country(Australia) not particularly well serviced unless the persons bank account is well
serviced.Contrary to appearance i do not use Netbeans IDE much or to write this, i use gedit,Kwrite or notepad or contex or Netbeans as required for convenience. I als
compile on the command line(unix or win) in a custom application structure so putting it into an IDE is useless except the bare source file for an IDE(I prefer to know what
am doing! e.g. custom tags,JSF,JSP,http web services WSDL e.t.c.) not rely on what someone can do quickly for me - e.g. "starters .bin and unistd.h with execlp or
execvp" (Debian and Suse did not have "gcc" or "g++" bundled so i had to fall back on Slackware 10.1 and with both Win and Debian i can only start Slackware with the
disk using "bare.i root=/dev/hda5 noinitrd ro" because grub and Lilo are not compatible at install time at overwriting each other)which i must say had a better chance here
against java LinuxStarterMotor than anything else in linux and is why it is not included in this version download for UNIX's, however the most sensible is shell scripting for
the modern OS's.

How to Install the Java JRE

Any Java JRE 1.5.0_03 or newer is suitable to run this application.
First you should have downloaded either a .bin or .sh file called SOMETHING LIKE(only)"" or "jdk-1_5_0_03-linux-i586.bin" BUT
should not have SDK or JDK in the name if your simply a java application user, it should have JRE in its name.
The easiest way to install it is to place it in the directory you want , that will be in your user directory or a sub-folder of that.
A user directory is the name of the user you log into your Linux system with. While "root" is a user, root user is only required if you need to change the permissions of the fi
so the sub rank user can use them, paticularly if you need to install an application.
Some Distros(flavours) of Linux do not have a direct "root" user you can log in as so you must use either the "super user terminal(command line)" or use the "super user file
browser(GUI visual mouse inter face)" to change the permissions.
You may need to allow the user to "execute" the file, so you potentially need to become the "root" user to "chown" the permissions of the executable file in a terminal or
superuser file browser.
When the executable JRE installer is in the folder you want it (example here /home/nicephotog/Downloads ), open your terminal ,
then issue the command alike mine here, "cd /home/nicephotog/Downloads" (note the space between CD and the path) to set the terminal "current directory in
use" (the one you want to install to and execute the JRE installer in)
Then simply write"./" followed on that line with no spaces the file name of the executable e.g. "./" or "./jdk-1_5_0_03-linux-i586.bin"
You then you see text of the "license agreement" for your JRE or JDK or SDK. You must continue to press enter-key untill you are given the choice "i agree [yes no]"
Type onto the prompt "yes" if you agree to the license terms and after press "enter".
The installer will unpack into the directory the .bin or .sh executable installer is in.
But we are not done ... read next...

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The installer will unpack into the directory the .bin or .sh executable installer is in.
But we are not done ... read next...

How to configure your JRE to operate in Linux

Your JRE needs to be recognised automatically to start java applications and applets! by issuing the command "java" on the terminal command line or by .sh shell scripts
You must now enter super user mode and open /etc/profile Linux system configuration file
Open it with either gedit or Kwrite text editor(any basic utility text tool editor is ok but you must be in super user mode)
Now go to the last line and put these("these" are my folder paths YOUR FOLDER PATHS IN YOUR MACHINE ARE WHAT YOU PLACE INTO /etc/profile)
command lines (NOTE: the first is really for JDK and SDK)
export JAVA_HOME= /home/nicephotog/Downloads/jdk-1_5_0_03
export java=/home/nicephotog/Downloads/jdk-1_5_0_03/bin/java
NEXT ALSO if you have a JDK or SDK for java but if you can find the folder path in the JRE it is worth also puting into /etc/profile
export jar=/home/nicephotog/Downloads/jdk-1_5_0_03/bin/jar
finally , save the file , logout , and restart.
NOTE: $PATH variable is a little more complex and another difficult but not too dangerous part of the top of /etc/profile lines that should be altered but not required here.
Find a "Linux environment variables Tutorial".
When you finnish editing /etc/profile , save and exit the editor then logout and restart your machine.

How to run the EBLA2-C17 2 application

Put the Sidewinder application folder into a folder in your user directory by dragging and dropping it from the "ark" or some other archiver GUI interface. (note: you only
need to have a JRE installed not configured into the OS system files and edit the paths below mentioned, in the commandline in "" to operates the
Open the file called "" and you will see this next line (is for larger computers - RAM -Xms256m -Xmx512m)...

/home/nicephotog/Downloads/jdk1.6.0_22/bin/java -classpath "/home/nicephotog/EBLA2LX/origin-SRCEBLA2/SideWinderColourBalancer/engine" -Xms256m -Xmx512m SidewinderPhotoColourBalancer

Next would be wise to use as the command line EXAMPLE model because most computers are above 2GB now!
/home/nicephotog/Downloads/jdk1.6.0_22/bin/java -classpath "/home/nicephotog/SideWinderColourBalancer/engine" -Xms512m -Xmx1024m

or on a small computer(for smaller devices - RAM -Xms128m -Xmx256m) , but you may experience minor problems above 8 mega-pixel size images
/home/nicephotog/Downloads/jdk1.6.0_22/bin/java -classpath "/home/nicephotog/EBLA2LX/origin-SRCEBLA2/SideWinderColourBalancer/engine" -Xms128m -Xmx256m SidewinderPhotoColourBalancer
REPLACE THIS "/home/nicephotog/EBLA2LX/origin-SRC-EBLA2/SideWinderColourBalancer/engine" WITH WHERE YOU PUT THE APP. ALL THE
WITH THE ENGINE FOLDER "/your/complete/path/to/the/application/folder/engine"
AND THIS "/home/nicephotog/Downloads/jdk1.6.0_22/bin/java" , THE FULL PATH TO THE "java" EXECUTABLE (IMPORTANT - Linux is alike any unix
system, the names of files and folders are letter case sensitive)
You must use the full path to the "java" executable to be used, and the full path to and with the "/engine" folder, this is because of a small glitch in some
linux versions in determining the classpath at runtime inside the program and because a suitable startermotor has not been built because of such a problem
To run Sidewinder, be sure to check on your "file properties menu"(right-click on the file in the GUI) that the "" script is set as executable and all users ca
execute it.
Then simply click or double click on the script file and it should run.
To run sidewinder you only need to change the lines of the script as previously told but also only need a JRE installed(install decompressed from the JRE's installer "ready t
be configured", however it is good practice and helpful to other java applications to configure the JRE into the OS system files apart that being the right action to commit.)
For Mac users and other UNIX distributions not Linux, to Hazard a guess, change in the, the shebang line (the first and top line of the
shell script), from #!/bin/bash to #!/bin/sh also. However i do not know the /etc/profile system in those OS's or the login shells default or otherwise in use.You possibly
require to write extra information using "chsh" command in the shell script. Other UNIX OS's than Linux will also require an installed JRE or JDK or SDK. Page 10 / 11

For Mac users and other UNIX distributions not Linux, to Hazard a guess, change in the, the shebang line (the first and top line of the
shell script), from #!/bin/bash to #!/bin/sh also. However i do not know the /etc/profile system in those OS's or the login shells default or otherwise in use.You possibly
require to write extra information using "chsh" command in the shell script. Other UNIX OS's than Linux will also require an installed JRE or JDK or SDK.
Make a Desktop convenience starter link
If you want to put a link to the in Linux on your desktop for convenience, all you need to do is drag the script icon from the
/SideWinderColourBalancer/ folder and release it over the Desktop area and popup menu appears asking if you want to link the script file to the Desktop folder, select an
press on "link to here" selection of the menu.

$PATH if you want to set it(which you really should but be careful)

Here is an extract of near the top of the /etc/profile Linux configuration logon startup script
# /etc/profile: system-wide .profile file for the Bourne shell (sh(1))
# and Bourne compatible shells (bash(1), ksh(1), ash(1), ...).
Here is an excerpt of the lines near the top in a Linux /etc/profile
notice that PATH does not have the $ sign with it, it is only used "when the script wants to use the contents of the variable".
notice there are two lines with similar information in the double quotes, and each "path" in there are separated by a colon : symbol.
on the end of both lines inside the double quotes put the full path to the /bin folder of the JRE or SDK/JDK with a colon on the left but not on the end
if [ "`id -u`" -eq 0 ]; then
export PATH
redone, appears as example below
if [ "`id -u`" -eq 0 ]; then
export PATH
OR you could put between the "if fi" this...
if [ "`id -u`" -eq 0 ]; then
export PATH

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