HRC M. Com Handbook Updated Ver 1.0 2013

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Master of Commerce - M. Com.

1. Introduction : Introduction to business policy and strategic management - their definitions, nature,
scope, significance, elements and processes.
2. Strategic Formulation :Vision - Mission - Business purpose -- Objectives and Goats - Environmental
Scan - Internal Environment and External Environment - SWOT Analysts - Formulating strategic
3. Strategic Choice : The input stage - matching stage and decision stage. Cultural aspect of strategic
choice. Functional Strategies- H. R. Strategies, Marketing strategies- Financial Strategies- Operational
strategies. Matching the organizational structure with strategies" - "i.e. restructuring and reengineering.
Introduction to corporate level strategies- modernization, diversification, integration- Mergers, take
overs, joint ventures, turn around. disinvestment and liquidation- Making strategic choice.
4. Strategy implementation : Issues In implementation Project implementation and control procedures,
resources allocation- Corporate ethos, culture and ethics- Management of change.
5. Strategic Evaluation : Monitoring and control of strategy formulation and implementation- Technique
of evaluation and control- PERT/ CPM, Budgetary control, variance analysis- measuring organizational
performance - Taking corrective, action.
6. A. Global issues in strategic management :
The global challenges - strategies (or competing in global markets, local markets & cultural variations,
Export strategies. Licence Strategies franchising strategies, rnulti country organization global strategies
- Guidelines for success as a global competitor.
B. Recent trends in strategic management
Applying the strategic management process Through case study method - The case preparation-
process- Analyzing cases reporting recommendations.
M. Com Part - I
Semester I & II
Strategic Management
Economics of Global Trade & Finance
Business Management
Paper 1 : Human Resource Management
Paper 2 : Marketing Strategies and Plans
Advanced Accounting
Paper 1 : Advanced Fianancial Accounting
Paper 2 : Advanced Cost Accounting
Recommended books :
1. Strategic Management , Fred R. David, Prentice Hall Internatinal
2. Business Policy & Strategic Management, Dr. Azhar Kazmi, Tata McGraw Hill Pub.
3. Strategic Management, Beni Banerjee
4. Business Policy & Strategic Management, Jauch Lawrence R & William Glueck, Mc Graw Hill Book Co.
5. International Strategic Management (for Global Strategies) R. M. Shivstava, Himalayan Pub. House
6. Strategic Management a multi-perspective approach. Edited by Mark Jenkins & Veronique
Ambrosini, Palgrave (Publication)
7. Strategic Management, Thomas L Wheelers & J. David Hunger, Addison Wesley Publishers
8. Strategic Management Competitiveness & Globalisation
Michael Hitt, R. Duane Ireland, Robert E. Hoskisson, South Western Thomson Learning.
9. Business Policy & Strategy Concepts & Readings
Daniel Mc Carthy, Robert Minichiello, Joseph Curran, All India Traveller Bookseller Delhi
10. Strategic Management John A Pearce II & Richard B. Robinson, Jr. AITBS Pub. & Distr , Delhi
Module I : Commercial Policy : Tariff and Non-tariff barriers, Miscellaneous Protection Techniques -
Dumping, Subsidies, Cartels and Commodity Agreements.
Module II: Economics of Integration : Types of integration (EU, NAFTA, APEC, ASEAN, and SAARC):
Achievements and Future prospects, Regionalism Vs. Multilateralism
Module III: Trends in World Trade, WTO and Developing Countries : Recent Trends in Global Trade
- Contentious issues - Agriculture and Market Access, Trade and Environmental issues, Dispute Settle-
ment Mechanism.
Module IV: Balance of Payments Adjustment : Foreign Trade Multiplier and Global Repercussions -
BOP and Policy Mix: Role of Monetary and Fiscal Policy in BOP - Trade-off between Internal and Exter-
nal Balance (Mundell and Flemming Model)
Module V: Foreign Exchange Market : Flexible Exchange Rate, Currency convertibility, Significance of
foreign exchange reserves, Exchange risks, Global linkage of foreign exchange markets, Open and Closed:
Interest Parity Conditions - Euro Currency Markets , Euro Equity and Euro Bonds Markets - Nature and
Module VI: International Factor Movements : Movement of labourbetween countries - Trends in Migra-
tion, International capital movements - Role and impact of foreign capital, Types and factors, Role of MNCs,
Changing role of the IMF in the emerging international scenario.
Recommended books :
1. Changing Patterns of Global Trade, INTERNATIONAL MONETARY FUND: Prepared by the Strategy,
Policy, and Review Department, 15, 2011.
2. Doha and Beyond: The Future of the Multilateral Trading System Author: Mike Moore (Ed.)Publisher:
Cambridge University Press, 2004.
3. Economic Geography: The Integration of Regions and Nations Author: Pierre-PhilippeCombes, Thierry
Mayer, Jacques-Francois ThissePublisher: Princeton University Press, 2008.
4. EU Trade Strategies : Regionalism and Globalism Author: Vinod K. AggarwalPublisher: Palgrave
Macmillan, 2004.
5. Introduction to International Economics Author: Dominick Salvatore Publisher: John Wiley & Sons,
6. International Economics: Theory and Policy (9th Edition) [Hardcover] Paul R. Krugman (Author),
Maurice Obstfeld , Pearson Education, 2008.
7. International Economics, Robert C. Foenstra& Alan M. Taylor, Wath Publishers, USA.
8. Labour Movement: How Migration Regulates Labor Markets Author: HaraldBauder Publisher: Oxford
University Press Inc, USA, 2006.
9. Labour Movement: How Migration Regulates Labor Markets Author: HaraldBauderPublisher: Oxford
University Press Inc, USA, 2006.
10. Macroeconomics 8/e [Hardcover] RudigerDornbusch(Author), Stanley Fischer(Author), Startz(Author),
Richard Startz(Editor)
11. Mithani&Jhingan, International Economics, S.Chand& Co.
12. Peter Kenen: The International Economy, (4ed.) Cambridge University Press, 2000.
13. Bo Sodersten, International Economics.
Business Management : Paper - 1
1. Introduction to Human Resources Management and Environment : The Legacy of HRM and
Importance, Environmental influence affecting HRM, Objectives and rising prominence of HRM
department, HRM from an international perspective.
2. Human Resource Planning : Steps in human resource planning, human resource information
system, job analysis (job description and job specification),Job design-Techniques and tools,
psychological issues in human resource planning
3. Recruitment and selection : Meaning and sources of recruitment, tools of selection, selection
process, role of recruitment agencies in the selection process
4. Performance Appraisal : Introduction-definition, objectives, need and importance, evaluation process,
ethics of appraisal, merit rating-meaning and methods, limitations of performance appraisal, recent
5. Training and Development : Training-need, objectives and importance of training, need and
importance of MDP, designing an effective training and development programme, evaluation of the
effectiveness of the training programme, relevance of Video Display Terminals (VDT), challenges
before a trainer, designing models for self development, knowledge enrichment and career advancement
6. Succession Planning : Time frame, elements of succession planning, issues in succession planning
and solutions
7. Employees Health and Safety : Physical health and mental health, safety measures, stress
measures, employee welfare
8. Recent trends in Human Resources Management : Business process outsourcing, causes and
effects of downsizing, employee incentive schemes like stock options, HRM from global perspective
Recommended books :
1. Management of Human Resource (A Behavioural approach to personnel) by Darovedo R.S. / Oxford
and IBH Publishing Co., New Delhi 1952.
2. Personnel Management (Management of Human Resources) by Dr. C.B. Mamoria/Himalaya Publishing
House, Bombay 1980
3. Designing and Managing Human Resource Systems by Udai Pareek and T. Vnkateswara Rao /
Oxford and IBH Publishing Co. New Delhi 1981
4. Managing Human Resources, Productivity, Quality of work life, profits by Wayne F Cascio / McGraw
Hill International Editions 1986
5. Dynamic Personnel Adminsitration Management of Human Resources by M. N. Rudrabosava Raj
/ Himalaya Publishing House, Bombay 1979
6. Personnel the human problems of Management George Strauss, Leonard R Sayles / Prentice Hall
of India Pvt. Ltd. New Delhi 1985
7. What is needed to perform the personnel function successfully (Personnel and Human Resources
8. Resource Development by Richard D Irwin, U.B. Singh / Rawat Publications, New Delhi 1992.
9. Personnel / Human Resource Management by Terry L Leap and Michael D Crino / acmillan Publishing
Co.- New York, 1990
10. Hand book of Human Resource Management by Nadley Leonard, John Wileys and Sons 1984.
11. Human Resource Development The Recent Experience by Sievera
12. Readings in Human Resource Development by T V Rao
13. Recent Experience in HRD by T V. Rao and D Perera
14. Training for Development by Perera and Linton
Business Management : Paper - 2
Strategy defined-components / essentials of a well defined strategy-3 strategy levels (corporate/
business/functional level strategies)-role of Marketing in formulating strategies-recent influences
on strategic role of Marketing (globalization, importance of IT, building long term relationships.)
(a) Corporate Strategies
Defining firms mission-objectives-sources of competitive advantage-Product/Market strategies-
allocating resources (portfolio models BCG and GK and Value based Financing (i.e. DCF
(b) Business Unit Level Strategies
Designing SBU S- business unit objectives-allocating resources within business units-business
strategies of prospector/defender/analyser/reactor (Reference-Organisational Stratey, Structure
and Purpose-By R. E. Miles and C.C. Snow)
(c) Developing Marketing Plans
Understanding Marketing environment-macro trend analysis (demographic, socio-cultural,
technological, regulatory and natural environment)- internal micro analysis-assessing industry
attractiveness with Porters Five Forces model- anticipating and responding to environmental change-
understanding Market demand ( student must have basic familiarity with demand forecasting)
a) Customer Value, Satisfaction and Loyalty
b) Satisfying Attractive Martket Segments (the segmentation process) and
Targets Positioning and Dealing with Competition
Designing product strategies and managing through the life cycle (including new product
strategies)-building strong brands and equity-strategies for services
Price demand relationship-alternative pricing strategies-managing value network and channels
managing retailing, wholesaling and logisties.
Designing IMC-managing Advertising. PR Promotion, Personal selling and Direct Marketing
Setting performance standard-evaluating feedback data-strategy reassessment-Marketing audit
Recommended books :
1. Marketing Strategy A decision focused approach By Walker, Mullins, boyd and Larreche, Tata
MacGraw Hill Publication.
2. Marketing Strategy Ferrell, Hartline, Lucas Perentice Hall Publication.
3. Marketing Strategies A twenty first century approach Ashok Ranchod - Perentice Hall Publication
4. Strategic Marketing Problems Cases and Comments Robert Kerin and Peterson 10th Edition
5. Cases in Strategic Marketing Rosenthal and Brown 2000 edition.
6. Frame Work for Marketing Philip Kotler and Kevin Kotler 3rd Edition, Perentice Hall Publication
7. Analysis for Strategic Marketing Vithal Rao and Joel Steckel
8. Marketing Management Rajan Saxena Tata McGraw Hill
9. Strategic Market Management David Aaker John Wiley & Sons
10. Marketing Management Planning Implementation and Controls Global Perspective Indian
Context Ramaswamy Namakumari Macmillian Business Books
11. Marketing Concepts and Cases Etzel, Walker, Staton and Pandit MacGraw Hill Special
Indian Edition
12. Portable MBA in Marketing Scheme and Hiam John Wiley and Sons
13. Marketing Nuggests Conceptual Dimensions in Marketing Dr. S. Rameshkumar
14. Marketing Management Russell Winer Prentice Hall
15. Marketing Strategies, Tactics and Techniques A Handbook of Practitioners Stuart and Rogers.
Advanced Financial Accounting : Paper - I
1. Consolidated Financial Statements
a) Accounting Standard 21 b) Consolidated Balance sheet
c) Consolidated Profit & Loss Account d) Simple Subsidiary Company Only
e) ExcludingInter Company Holding of Shares
f) Foreign Subsidiary Company
2. Accountancy & Statutory Requirements of Banking companies
Accounting Provision of Banking Regulation Act
Provisioning of Non- Performing Assets
Form & Requirements of Final Account
3. Foreign Currency Conversion : Requirements as per AS- 11 - Foreign Branches
4. Published Corporate Annual Reports : Contents of Annual Reports - Notes of Accounts - Directors
Reports - Auditors Reports - Management Discussion Analysis
Advanced Financial Accounting : Paper - II
1. Specified Accounting Standards (AS)
(a) AS - 16 Borrowing Costs (b) AS - 17 Segment Reporting
(c) AS - 20 Earnings per share (d) AS - 22 Accounting for taxes on income
2. International Financial Reporting Standards (IFRS)
3. Valuation for Amalgamation, Merger
a) Methods of Goodwill b) Methods of Shares
c) Methods of Business
4. Accounting and Statutory Requirements of Insurance Companies & Co-operative Societies
a) Insurance companies:
Accounting Provision for insurance Act and Insurance;
Regulation and Development Authorities for
1) Life Insurance Business 2) General Insurance Business
Forms and Requirements of Final Accounts for
1) Life Insurance Business 2) General Insurance Business
b) Co-operative Societies
Accounting Provision of Maharashtra State Co-operative Societies Act and Rules
Forms and Requirements of Final Accounts
Recommended books :
1. Introduction to Accountancy by T.S Grewal
2. Advance Accounts by Shukla & Grewal
3. Advance Accountancy by R. L. Gupta and M Radhaswamy
4. Modern Accountancy by Mukherjee and Hanif
5. Financial Accounting by Lesile Chandwichk
6. Financial Accounting for Management by Dr. Dinesh Harsalekar
7. Financial Accounting by P. C. Tulsian
8. Financial Accounting by Gupta and Radhaswamy M
9. Financial Accounting by Monga, J.R.Ahuja, Girish and Shehgal Ashok
Advanced Cost Accounting : Paper - 1
1. Process Costing : Essential characteristics of Process Costing, Comparison of process costing
and job costing, Inter process profits, Work in progress and equivalent production, Practical problems
2. Budgetary Control : Budget and Budgetary control, Zero based budget, Performance budgets,
Functional Budgets Leading to the Preparation of Master Budgets, Capital Expenditure Budget.
Fixed and Flexible Budgets and preparation of different types of budgets.
3. Standard Costing : Standard Costing as an Instrument of Cost Control and Cost Reduction. Fixation
of Standards. Theory and Problems based on Analysis of Variances of Sales, Materials, Labour and
4. Cost Audit : Cost and Efficiency Audit, Cost Audit vis-a-vis Financial audit, special Characteristics,
Scope And Functions of Cost Audits, Organizations For and Circumstances favouring cost audits,
Benefits of Cost audits, Cost audit programme and Procedure, External or Statutory Cost Audit.
Provisions of Cost audit in companies Act and cost Audit (reporting) Rules, Cost Investigation.
Advanced Cost Accounting : Paper - 2
1. Operating Costing : Meaning of operating costing, Determination of per unit cost, Collection of
costing data Practical problems based on costing of hospital, hotel and goods and passenger
2. Marginal Costing and Absorption Costing : Meaning of absorption costing, distinction between
absorption costing and marginal costing/Theory and Problems on Breakeven Analysis. Cost Volume
Profit Analysis, Breakeven Charts. Contribution margin and Various decision making problems.
3. Managerial Decisions : Managerial Decisions through Cost Accounting such as Pricing Accepting
special Offer, Profit ' planning. Make or Buy decision, Determining key-factor, Determining Sales-
mix, Determining optimum Activity Level, Performance Evaluation, Alternatives methods of Production,
Cost reduction & Cost Control.
4. Integrated Accounts : Problems Meaning, Advantages and disadvantages, Distinctive features,
practical problems Non integrated system of accounts, cost control accounts to be prepared, Journal
entries, practical problems
Recommended books :
1. Lecture on costing by Swaminathan published by S.Chand & Co.
2. Practical costing by Khanna Pandey and Ahuja published by S.Chand & Co.
3. Cost Accounting by C S Rayudu published by Tata McGraw Hills
4. Cost Accounting by Jawaharlal published by Tata McGraw Hills
5. Theory and problems of Cost and Management accounting by M Y Khan and P K Jain
6. Cost Accounting by Ravi M Kishore published by Taxmann Ltd,
7. Cost Accounting by N K Prasad
8. Cost Accounting-Theory and Practice by B K Bhar
9. Cost Accounting- Theory and Practice by M N Arora published by
10. Practical Costing by PC Tulsian published by Vikas Publishing house
11. Cost Accounting- Text and problems by MC Shukla, T S Grewai and M P Gupta, S.Chand
12. Cost Accounting- Problems and solutions by V K Saxena C D Vashist published by S.Chand
13. Cost Accounting by S P Jain and K L Narang published by Kalyani
14. Cost Accounting- Principles and practice by M N Arora published by Vikas
I. Nature of Scientific Inquiry - Scientific Methods - Induction Deduction - Hypotnesis and Theory and
their Interpretation Nature and Scope of Social - Research Need for Multi-Disciplinary Inter-Disciplinary.
II. Planning of Research-Selection of a problem for Research Sample sixo
III. Research Design-Important Aspects of Research Design.
IV. Methods of Data Collection-Sources of data-use of secondary data-Methods of collecting primary
data-observation Interviews- Questionnaires and schedules.
V. Processing and Analysis of Data : Processing Operations Types of Analysis - Presentation and
Interpretation of Data - Editing, Classification and Tabluation - Interpretation.
VI. Preparation of a Report - Types of Report - Research Report - Format Principles of Writing Reports -
Documentation - Footnotes and Bibilography.
VII. Quantative Tools Measures of Central Tendency - Dispersion Measures of Correlation - Simple and
Multiple Correlation Testing of Hypothesis Test based on top, Z and Chi square-Time series Analysis
- Trend Measurement - Moving Averages.
Recommended books :
1. Foundations of Social Research and Econometric Techniques, Srivastiva, S. C.
2. Statistical Analysis with Business and Economics Applications, Chou, Ya Lun
3. Business Research Methods, Clover, Vernon T and Balsely, Howard L
4. Business Research Methods, Emary C. Willima
5. Research Methods in Economics and Business, Sharma H. D. & Mukherji S. P.
6. Research Methods in Economics and Business , Gerber R. and Verdoom, P. J.
7. Research and Methodology in Accounting and Financial Management, Courtis J. K.(ed.)
8. Statistics for Management and Economics (2nd Edition), 1932. Reinmuth J. E.
9. Methodology of Research in Social Science, Krishnaswami O.R.
M. Com Part - II
Semester III & IV
Research Methodology in Commerce
Business Management
Paper 3 : Organisational Behaviour
Paper 4 : International Marketing
Paper 5 : Entrepreneurship Management
Advanced Accounting
Paper 3 : Advanced Fianancial Management
Paper 4 : Advanced Auditing
Paper 5 : Direct and Indirect Tax
Business Management : Paper - 3
1. Introduction to Organizational Behavior
(a) Definition of organizational & behavior
(b) Historical Development of OB
(c) Human Relations Movement
(d) Impact of technology on organizational behavior
2. Organizational Design
(a) Key factors in organizational design
(b) Types of organizational design
(c) Need and significance of a sound organizational design
(d) Organizational Structures - traditional and contemporary structures
3. Organizational Culture
(a) Meaning and dimensions
(b) Role of founders values and vision in creating and sustaining culture.
(c) Types of organizational cultures
(d) Impact of culture on image and performance of the organization.
4. Organizational Communication -Tool and Techniques
(a) Johari Window (b) Transactional Analysis
(c) Lateral Thinking (d) Brain Storming
(c) Delphi Technique
(f) Power of grapevine and other informal communication techniques.
5. Groups and Teams
(a) Group Dynamics - Groups versus teams (b) Nature and types of groups and teams
(c) Five stages of group/team development (d) Determinants of group behavior
(e) Typical teams in organizations
6. Leadership
(a) Leadership as a concept and its essence
(b) Leaders versus managers
(c) Blake and Moutons Managerial Grid
(d) Hersey and Blanchards situational leadership
(e) Transactional versus Transformational leadership
(f) Women as leaders
(g) Leasdership in entrepreneurial and family business organizations
7. Foundations of Individual Behavior
(a) Factors affecting individual behavior - personal, environmental and organizational
(b) Nature and Determinants of Personality
(c) Personality Traits - Big Five, Locus of Control, Self Esteem, Type A/ Type B
Personality, Risk Taking, Machiavellianism, Self Monitoring
(d) Personality and OB
8. Motivation
(a) Power and purpose of motivation
(b) Theories of motivation - Lockes goal setting theory, Vrooms expectancy theory. Porter and
Lawlers model, Adams equity theory, McClellands theory of needs.
(c) Motivational Techniques - Job design / enlargement / enrichment / rotation
(d) Managing rewards - Job status based rewards, Competency based rewards, performance
based rewards
(e) Empowerment and Self Managed Teams
9. Work Related Attitudes, Values and Perception
(a) Meaning and definitions (b) Factors influencing perception
(c) Social and Person perception (d) When perception fails.
(e) Perception and OB
10. Power and Politics
(a) Power - Dynamics, Sources and Tactics
(b) Politics - Essence. Types of political activities,
(c) Ethics of power and politics
11. Conflicts and Negotiations
(a) Nature of conflict
(b) Functional and Dysfunctional conflict
(c) Conflict resolution and negotiations
(d) Managing conflict during change initiatives.
12. Stress
(a) Meaning and definition
(b) Work stress model
(c) Sources of stress
(d) Stress Management - Individual & Organizational Strategies
(e) Impact of stress on performance.
Recommended books :
(1) Aswathappa, K (2005), Organizational Behaviour: Text, Cases & Games, Himalaya Pub. House.
(2) Robbins, P. Stephen. (1998), Organizational Behavior: Concepts, Controversies, Applications, 8
Prentice-Hall of India Private Limited, New Delhi.
(3) Luthans, F., (2005), Organizational Behaviour, (10
Ed), McGraw Hill.
(4) Greenberg J, W. & Devis, K. (2002), Organizational Behaviour : Human Behaviour at Work (11thEd),
Tata McGraw-Hill.
(6) Hellriedel, D. & Slocum, J.W.(2004), Organizational Behaviour (10
Ed), South Western/Thomson
(7) Sekaran U.(2004), Organisational Behaviour: Text & Cases, (2
Ed), New Delhi, Tata McGraw-Hill.
(8) Nelson, D.L., & Quick, J.C., (2003), Understanding Organizational Behaviour (2
Ed), South Western
/ Thomson Learning.
(9) Moorhead, Gregory and Griffin, W. Ricky (1999), Organizational Behavior: Managing People And
Organizations, 5
Ed. A.I.T.B.S. Publishers & Distributors (Regd.), New Delhi.
(10) Shani, A.B. (Rami), & Lau, J.B., (2005), Behaviour in Organizations: An Experiential Approach. (8
Ed), McGraw Hill.
Business Management : Paper - 4
Module - 1 : Introduction to International Marketing : Meaning, features, reasons for entering interna-
tional markets, trends in international trade, challenges of international marketing, driving and restraining
forces in international marketing, main international marketing decisions, methods of payment in interna-
tional trade, international trade theories, role of MNCs in international marketing, overview of Indias foreign
trade and problems of Indias export sector.
Module - 2 : International Marketing environment : Global economic environment, social and cultural
environment, political, legal and regulatory environment in international market, trade barriers, trade blocs,
WTO(incl new developments at WTO), financial environment (incl. role of IMF, IBRD, IDA, IFC)
Module-3 : International marketing strategy : Market entry strategies, selection of markets, product
decisions, pricing decisions, physical distribution, promotion strategies(incl. advertising and e-marketing)
Module 4 : Procedural and policy framework : Foreign trade policy, export-import procedure, proce-
dure in export financing, procedure in export shipping, bank formalities, export risk insurance, export ben-
efits and incentives. export documentation, service exports, SEZs (benefits and export obligations)
Module-5 : Case Study Analysis
Recommended books :
1. International Marketing Phillip R Cateora and John Graham.
2. International Marketing Varshney and Bhattacharya.
3. International Marketing P. K. Vasudev.
4. International Marketing & Export Management-Edwin Duerr, Jesper Strandskov Gerald Albaum
5. International Marketing Rathors.
6. International Marketing management-Subhash Jain
7. International Marketing Francis Cherunilam
8. International Marketing Analysis & Strategy-John Shaw & Sak Onkvisit
9. Global Marketing Management-Warren Keegan.
10. Handbook of Global Marketing-D Lamont
11. Pepsi handbook of Indian Exports-Global Business Press
Business Management : Paper - 5
1. Introduction, importance and significance, Entrepreneurship Development world perspective.
2. Concept of entrepreneurship development, Evolution and growth stages. Theories of
3. Concept of Entrepreneur, Intrapreneur, Entrepreneurship and Manager. Difference between Entrepreneur
and Intrapreneur, Entrepreneur and Entrepreneurship, Entrepreneur and Manager.
4. Attributes and Characteristics of successful entrepreneur. Developing entrepreneurial culture. Qualities
of a successful entrepreneur.
5. Role of Entrepreneur in Indian Economy (Developing economy with reference to self-employment)
6. Successful Entrepreneurs case studies : Dhirubhai Ambani, Aditya Birla Background, growth as an
entrepreneur. Case study on entrepreneurial development in India.
7. Business Planning Process, understanding business life cycle and product life cycle.
8. Environmental Analysis, Search and Scanning Strength and weakness
9. Identifying problems and opportunities Opportunities and Threats
10. Defining Business Idea, Product, location and ownership
11. Stages in starting the new venture
12. Entrepreneurial Models Franchises, BPO, KPO, venture capital funding.
13. Meaning of project, objectives and how to choose a project.
14. Preparing a business plan, marketing plan, financial plan and organization plan
15. Estimating and Financing funds requirement.
16. Schemes offered by various commercial Banks and Financial Institutions
17. Working capital, Meaning, need & significance. Determinants of working capital
D. Role of Central and State Government in promoting Entrepreneurship
18. Introduction to various incentives, subsidies & grants; Promotion of export oriented units; Fiscal and
tax concessions
19. Role of DIC (District Industries Centre) in the Entrepreneurship Development & ED Programmes;
DIC-its functioning and objectives.
20. Entrepreneurship Training and Development. Objectives-contents-methods-execution
21. Problems and difficulties of Entrepreneurs-Marketing Finance, Human Resource- Future of
entrepreneurship in India
22. Women Entrepreneurs in India
Recommended books :
1. Entrepreneurship by Hisrich Robert D/ Peters Micheal New Delhi / Tata McGraw Hill / 2002
2. Entrepreneurial Management by P.N. Sing / J. C. Saboo Dr. P. N. Singh Centre for HRD.
Reference Reading
3. Entrepreneurial Development Role of Financial Institutions by Laxmisha A. S. Jaipur, Mangal
Deep, 2004
4. Entrepreneurial Development by Colombo Plan, New Delhi, Tata McGraw Hill, 1998
5. Cases in International Entrepreneurship by Hisrich R. D., Chicago, Liven, 1997
6. Entrepreneurial Development by Gupta C. B. New Delhi, Somaiya Publication, 1995
7. Entrepreneurship Small Scale Industries by G. S. Batra and R. C. Dangal, Deep & Deep
Publications Pvt.Ltd.
8. Entrepreneurship Development in India by Bishwanath Ghosh
9. Development Banks and Entrepreneurship Promotion in India by P. K. Sharma, Mittal Publications
10. WTO and Entrepreneurship Development by Manas Pandey, Shree Publishers and Distributors
11. Entrepreneurship Development in India by Sami Uddin, Mittal Publication
12. Entrepreneurial Development by Vasant Desai (3 Volumes) Himalayan Pub House
13. VC Problem Solving An Entrepreneurial Skill
14. VC Assessing Entrepreneurial Competence
15. VC Five Success stories of First generation entrepreneur.
Semester III
Advanced Accounting : Paper - 3
1. Scope and objectives of Financial Management : Introduction - Meaning - Importance - Scope
- Objective and Profit v/s Value maximization
2. Time value of money : The Concept - Present Value - Annuity - Techniques of discounting -
Techniques of Compounding
3. Financial Analysis - Application of ratio analysis and Financial decision making
Management Analysis :
Profitability Ratios : Gross Profit Ratio, Operating Profit Ratio, Return on Capital Employed.
Efficiency Ratios : Sales to Capital Employed, Sales to Fixed Assets, Profit to Fixed Assets,
Stock Turnover Ratio, Debtors Turnover Ratio, Creditors Turnover Ratio
Liquidity Ratios : Current Ratio, Quick Ratio
Stability Ratio : Capital Gearing Ratio, Interest Coverage Ratio
Investors Analysis : Earning Per Share, P/E Ratio, Dividend Yield
Note : Problems should be on analysis and decision making with/without calculation of ratios.
4. Financial Decision :
Cost of Capital : Introduction, Definition of Cost of Capital, Measurement of Cost of Capital, WACC,
Marginal Cost of Capital
Capital Structure Decisions : Meaning, Choice of Capital Structure. Importance, Optimal capital
Structure, EBIT-EPS Analysis, Cost of Capital, Capital structure and Market Price of Share, Capital
Structure Theories, Dividend Policy - Payout Ratio
Business Risk and Financial Risk : Introduction, Debt v/s Equity Financing, Types of Leverage,
Investment objective / criteria for individuals / Non-business purpose
Recommended Books :
1. Financial Management Prasana Chandra and Ravi Kishor Tata Mc Graw Hill Publishing Co Ltd..
2. Policy Theory and Problems in Financial Management Khan & Jain - Tata Mc Graw Hill Publishing
3. Portfolio Management Prasana Chandra Tata Mc Graw Hill Publishing Co Ltd.
4. Corporate Financial Management A. Besant C Raj - Tata Mc Graw Hill Publishing Co Ltd.
Advanced Accounting : Paper - 4
1 Audit of Ledgers : General Considerations and Scrutiny of Ledgers of Assets, Personal, Revenue
2 Special Considerations in Audits : Government Audit and MiscellaneousAudits
Audit of a sole trader, Audit of a firm, Audit of a small company, Audit of educational institutions, Audit
of Hospital, Audit of Club, Audit of Hotels, Tax Audit, Audit of InsuranceCompany, Audit of Banks
Recommended Books :
1. Contemporary Auditing Kamal Gupta - Tata Mc Graw Hill Publishing Co Ltd.
2. Practical Auditing B. N. Tondon S. Chand & Company
3. Auditing Principles & Practice S. D. Sharma Taxman
4. Auditing Standards D. S. Rawat Taxman
5. Student Guide to Auditing Standards - D. S. Rawat Taxman
Advanced Accounting : Paper - 5
Direct Tax
1. Definitions : S: 2 : Person, Assessee, Income
2. Basis of charge (S: 3 to 9) : Previous Year , Assessment Year , Residential Status, Scope of Total
Income, deemed Income.
3. Exclusions from Total Income (S:10) : Exemptions related to Specific Heads of Income to be covered
with relevant provisions such as Salary, Income from Other Sources, Agricultural Incomes, Sums
received From HUF by member, Share of Profits from Firm, Income from Minor Child & Dividend
4. Heads of Income : (Including relevant items from S:2 and S:10) - Salary (S:15 to 17)
Income from House Property (S:22to 27) - Profits & Gains from Business, Profession and Vocation:
(S:28 to 32 ,35 ,36 ,37,40,40A and 43B ) - Capital Gains - (S:45 to S:50 C) - Income from other
Sources - (S : 56 to 59 )
5. Deduction u/s 80 : 80 C , 80CCF ,80D, 80DD , 80DDB , 80E , 80U.
6. Computation of Income & Tax of individual, firm and company ( Excluding MAT )
7. Advance tax Payments : Sec 208
8. Provision for filing of return of income (Including Forms of Return ) Sec- 139 (1), 139 (5)
1. The Syllabus is restricted to study of particular sections, specifically mentioned rules and notifications
2. All modules / units include Computational problems / Case Study.
3. The Law In force on 1st April immediately preceding the commencement of Academic year will be
applicable for ensuing Examinations.
Semester IV
Advanced Accounting : Paper - 3
1 Types of Financing : Introduction
Needs of Finance and Sources: Long Term, Medium Term, Short Term
Long Term Sources of Finance : Owners Capital / Equity Capital, Preference share capital, Retained
Earning, Debentures or Bonds, Loans from Financial Institutions / Banks
Short Term Sources of Finance : Trade Credit, Accrued Expenses and Deferred Income, Advances
From Customers, Commercial Papers, Bank Advances: Loans, O/D, Clean O/Ds, Cash Credit,
Advances against goods, Bills Purchased, Discounted, Advances against documents of title of goods,
Advances against supply of bills, Term Loans, Inter Corporate Deposits, Certificate of Deposits,
Public Deposits
2 Investment Decisions : Introduction, Purpose of Capital Budgeting, Capital Budgeting Process,
Types of Capital Investment Decisions, Project Cash Flows and Net profit Approval, Basic Principle
of Measuring Project Cash Flows, Increment principle, Long Term Funds Principle, Exclusion of
Financial Cost, Principle, Post Tax Principle, Probability technique for measurement of cash flow,
Capital Budgeting Techniques (Only Time adjusted / discounted cash flows), Net present value, PI,
IRR, Discounted pay back, Capital Rationing
(Note: Problems on computation of cash flow, ranking of projects on various techniques, selection
and analysis with / without capital rationing. Comparison of IRR with Required rate of return i.e. cut
off rate, IRR and mutually exclusive projects with unequal lives, multiple IRR)
3 Management of Working Capital : Meanings, Concepts and policies of working capital, Management
of working capital, Issues in working capital, Estimating working capital needs (only Theory), Operating
or working capital cycle (only Theory)
Cash Management : Management of Inventory, Management of Receivables, Financing of Working
Advanced Accounting : Paper - 4
1 The Company Audit : General consideration in a company audit; Special requirements of company
audit; Audit report: Basic Elements of the Auditor's Report, Format of Audit Report (Including -Companies
(Auditor's Report) Order, 2003)
2 New Standards on Auditing (SAs)
SA 200 (Revised) Overall Objectives of the Independent Auditor and the
Conduct of an Audit in Accordance with Standards on Auditing
SA 200 A Objective and scope of audit of Financial Statement
SA 210 (Revised) Agreeing the Terms of Audit Engagements
SA 220 (Revised) Quality Control for an Audit of Financial Statements
SA 230 (Revised) Audit Documentation
SA 240 (Revised) The Auditor's Responsibilities Relating to Fraud in an Audit of Financial
SA 300 Planning and Audit of Financial Audit
SA 500 Audit Evidence
SA 501 Audit Evidence - Specific Considerations for Selected Items
SA 505 (Revised) External Confirmations
SA 510 (Revised) Initial Audit Engagements - Opening Balances
SA 520 Analytical Procedures
SA 610 (Revised) Using the Work of Internal Auditors
Indirect Taxes
Advanced Accounting : Paper - 5
1 Service Tax
1.1 Basic Terms : Terms- Service, Activity, Consideration, Person, Declared Services
Applicability of Service Tax, Registration under Service Tax law (Sec 69), Registration Procedure,
General Exemptions from Service Tax in certain cases, Threshold Exemption, Service Tax
Returns and Penalty for late filing, Payment of service tax and rate of service tax, Penal
consequences for delay and default in service tax payments, Books and records maintained
by the assessee, Time limit for issue of an invoice, Negative List (Sec 66 D Specifies services
which are not taxable)
1.2 Services Specifically Excluded : Transfer of title in goods or immovable property, Transfer
delivery or supply of any goods which is deemed sale, Transactions on money or actionable
claims, Provision of service by employee to employer, Services provided by MP, MLA, etc;
Duties preferred by persons who hold posts in pursuance of provision of constitution e.g.
Central Vigilance Committee; Duties performed as a chairperson or member or director in
body established by central, state Govt or local authority.
1.3 Point of Taxation : Determination of point of taxation; Point of Taxation for export of services
from 1.4.2012; Special provision for individual, partnership, LLP's
1.4 Valuation of Taxable Services : Value for the purpose of taxable services; Rules for valuation;
The essential ingredients of the rules; Value of similar services; Valuation on the basis of
equivalent monetary value of consideration where value of similar services can not be ascertained;
Inclusion/Exclusion of certain expenditure or cash; Taxable services provided from outside
India; Value of services involved in execution of works contracts; Value of services involved In
supply of food and any other article of human consumption in a restaurant or as outdoor
1.5 Place of Provision of Services : Introduction, Basic Framework, Rule 3- Location of the
Receiver, Rule 5- Location of Immovable Propert, Rule 7- Part performance of a service at
different locations
2 Maharashtra Value Added Tax (MVAT)
2.1 Introduction : Definitions, Sec 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8 (Only theory)
2.2 Registration procedure and rules: Section 16
2.3 Audit Section 22 & 61
2.4 Penalty and Interest
2.5 Set-Off- Refund-Composition scheme
1. The Syllabus is restricted to study of particular sections, specifically mentioned rules and notifications
2. All modules / units include Computational problems / Case Study.
3. The Law In force on 1st April immediately preceding the commencement of Academic
year will be applicable for ensuing Examinations.
Faculty - Degree College
Prof. V. N. Sharma, Hon. Director (Administration and Assessment)
Principal Dr Indu Shahani, D.Litt., Ph.D.,
M.Com.,DHE (HOD)
Dr Rajeshwari R., Ph.D., M. Com., Dip. Ad. Mgmt.
Dr P. Ramchandani, Ph.D., M. Com., B.Ed.
Dr R. Khatri, Ph.D., M. Phil., M. Com., M.F.M.
Prof. J. Sodi, M. Com.
Prof. S. Kalyani, M. Com., D.B.F.
Dr N. Punjabi, Ph.D., M. Com., PGDBA
Dr G. Nair, Ph. D., M. A. (HOD)
Dr J. Bharucha, Ph. D., M. A.
Dr L. R. Bahadur, Ph.D., M. Phil., M. A.
Prof. S. Saleha J., M. Phil, M.A.
Prof. P. Thakkar, C.A., ICWA (HOD)
Prof. J. S. Jotsinghani, F.C.A.
Prof. C. Kadam, F. C. A., Grad CWA
Prof. H. Thakkar, M.Com.
Prof. A. Nandu, M. Com, MBA
Prof. A. Vachhani, M. Com.
Prof. J. Sodi, M. Com
Prof. J. Manglani, MBA, M.Com, LLB, B.Ed.
Prof. A. Sathe, M.Com, ICWA
Prof. R. Annapoornaa, M. Phil.,M.Sc. DCM, (HOD)
Prof. S. Gupta, M.Sc.
Prof. S. Kanchan, M. Sc.
Prof. Vijayalaxmi S., M. Phil, M.Sc, D.C.S.T.
Dr C. Bhattacharjee, Ph. D., M.Sc.,
Prof. R. Tyagi, M.Sc.
Prof. M. Kelkar, M.Phil., M.A., B.Ed. (On leave)
Prof. P. Sawant, M.Phil., M.A.
Prof. P. Chakrabarti, M.Phil, M. A.
Prof. G. Sahu, M.A.
Prof. A. Khushu, L.L.M., DHE
Prof. R. Sidhwa, LL. M.
Prof. H. Thakkar, M. Com. (Co-ordinator)
Prof. Y. A. Gangat, M.Com., MCSC, CCNA, Dip. Elec.
Prof. M. Desai, M.A. , M. Com., PGDEdM
Prof. D. Gokal, M.Com.
Prof. B. Jethani, M. Com.
Prof. T. Razmi, M. Com, M. Phil.
Prof. P. Jain, M. Com, F.C.A.,C.S.
Prof. N. Thanawala, M. A.
Prof. A. Ambulkar, M. M. S.
Prof. A. Toshniwal, C. A.
Dr M. Tikam, Ph.D., M. Lib. Sc.
Mr. Deepak Lulla
Ms. Pratibha Jain
Ms K. Bahl
Dr Indu Shahani, D. Litt., Ph. D., M. Com., DHE, Principal
Dr L. R. Bahadur, Ph. D., M. Phil., M. A., Vice-Principal
Prof. Parag Thakkar, C.A., ICWA, Vice-Principal
Prof. Heena Thakkar, M. Com, Vice-Principal

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