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Bacolod City
High School Department
Social Studies Area
Elimination Round
NAME: _____________________________________________ YEAR/SEC: __________ SCORE: ________
10 Qe!tion! "or 1 point each
______ 1# $he "amo! %i!h in &acolo% Cit' characteri(e% )' a prime chic*en ct!+ marinate% in nati,e her)!
an% !pice!+ !*e-ere% in a )am)oo !tic*!+ then )a!te% -ith achete+ an% grille%#
A! Chic*en A%o)o &# Chic*en Crr' C# .it!on Mano* D! C"ic#e$ I$asal
______ /# &acolo% Cit' i! one o" the highl' 0r)ani(e% Citie! in the 1hilippine!# $he -or% &acolo% i! came
"rom -hat Hiliga'non -or%2
A# Ba#olod &# &a*ol C# &o*lo% D# &*i%
______ 3# $he Hiliga'non -or%+ 4&a*olo%5 mean! -hat2
A# 1lain &# Sto$e"ill C# 1latea D# .an% near the Sea!hore
______ 6# $hi! i! a *in% o" -ine that came "rom the !ap o" cocont "lo-er#
A# Tu%a &# &a!i C# Sio*tong D# &alo*
______ 7# One o" the cele)ration! in &acolo% Cit' i! the 8ea!t o" San Se)a!tian# 9hen %o -e cele)rate the
8ea!t o" San Se)a!tian2
A# &a$uar' () &# Octo)er /0 C# Octo)er 1: D# ;anar' 1:
______ <# =t i! a m!co,a%o>"ille% nlea,ene%# =t i! ma%e )' "illing %ogh -ith a mi?tre o" m!co,a%o an%
glco!e !'rp# $he "ille% %ogh i! then "lattene% -ith a rolling pin+ !prin*le% -ith !e!ame !ee%! an%
)a*e% on a gri%%le#
A# Hopia &# *ia'a C# 0*o'>*o' D# &an%i
______ @# $hi! i! a t'pe o" nre"ine% )ro-n !gar -ith a !trong mola!!e! "la,or# =t i! technicall' con!i%ere% a
Non>centri"gal cane !gar#
A# Musco+ado &# Re"ine% Sgar C# Ra- Sgar D# &ro-n Sgar
______ A# &acolo% Cit' i! "amo! "or !e,eral lan%mar*!# 9hat prominent lan% mar* %))e% a! the 49hite
A# T"e *eo,les House C# &acolo% 1)lic Cemeter'
&# Negro! Occi%ental Capitol &il%ing D# &acolo% Ol% Cit' Hall
______ :# Negro! Occi%ental Mlti>1rpo!e Acti,it' Center i! locate% in Aginal%o Street near the 1ro,incial
Capitol &il%ing# 9hat i! the other name o" Negro! Occi%ental Mlti>1rpo!e Acti,it' Center2
A# 1acBiao C'm &# Donairre C'm C# O$'o# -'. D# Aginal%o C'm
______ 10# 1anaa% 8e!ti,al i! an annal "e!ti,al o" Negro! Occi%ental# 9here %i% the "ir!t 1anaa% 8e!ti,al
-a! hel%2
A# 1anaa% 1ar* an% Sta%im C# &acolo% Cit' 1)lic 1la(a
&# *ro+i$cial Ca,itol La/oo$ D# 1aglam Sport Comple?
7 Qe!tion! "or / point each
______ 1# &acolo% Cit' i! a highl' r)ani(e% cit' in Negro! Occi%ental# 9here i! the "ir!t !ettlement o"
&acolo% Cit' locate% )e"ore2
A# Br/' -ra$ada &# &rg'# AliDi! C# Do-nto-n D# .i)erta%
______ /# Ca(e)o i! one o" the prominent lan%mar*! in &acolo% 1)lic 1la(a )eca!e o" the name! -ritten
along the !i%e! o" the roo"# 9ho!e name! -ere -ritten along the !i%e! o" the roo" o" the Ca(e)o2
A# Classical Music Co.,osers C# 1hilippine National Heroe!
&# Renai!!ance 1ainter! D# 1re!i%ent! o" the 1hilippine!
______ 3# $hi! i! a prominent !clptre at the ea!tern !i%e o" Capitol .agoon -here the Hiliga'non name o"
thi! mean! 4en%ea,or5 or 4$he Strggle5 an% thi! i! a !clptre )' E%ar%o S# Ca!trillo e?ecte% in
A! 9oman an% the 9ater &""alo C# Man an% the 9ater &""alo
B! 1aghima*a! D# *a/"i.ud1os
______ 6# $he Sta# Clara S)%i,i!ion chapel "eatre! a niBe mral mo!aic mea!ring a : "t# ? /1 "t# collage
o" :7+000 piece! o" !hell! o" ,ario! !i(e!+ !ha%e! an% color!# $hi! mo!aic "eatre the image o"2
A! =n"ant ;e!! &# San Se)a!tian C# Sta# Clara D# Bara$/a' sa$/ 0ir/e$
______ 7# $hi! cro-n>!hape% chrch "eatre! Station! o" the Cro!! %one )' &acolo%E! top arti!t!# =t al!o
"eatre! an altar !clptre F$he Ri!en Chri!tF %one )' a national Arti!t+ Solomon Sapri%#
A# Sa$ A$to$io A%ad C"urc" C# San Se)a!tian Cathe%ral
&# Qeen o" 1eace 1ari!h D# .pit 1ari!h Chrch
7 Qe!tion! "or 3 point each
______ 1# $hi! -a! the ance!tral ho!e o" the "ir!t appointe% 1re!i%ente Mnicipal o" &acolo% Cit'#
A# Di(on>Ramo! M!em C# Ance!tral Ho!e o" Dr# Soriano
&# Maria$o Ra.os A$cestral House D# $he Rin! o" Don Mariano .ac!on Ance!tral Ho!e
______ /# A chrch )ilt in 1A@< pon the initiati,e o" 8r# Maricio 8errero+ a Recollect "riar# =t i! one o" the
centr' >ol% chrche! "on% in Negro! Occi%ental an% it i! ma%e o" coral !tone! "rom Cimara!#
A# .pit 1ari!h Chrch C# Re%emptori!t Chrch
&# Sa$ Se%astia$ Cat"edral D# 1alacio Epi!copal
______ 3# Ol%er than the San Se)a!tian Cathe%ral )' appro?imatel' 70 'ear!+ the &i!hopE! 1alace -a! )ilt
)' 8r# ;lian Con(aga )t -a! e,entall' "ini!h onl' in the 1A:0E!# Dring an% a"ter the re,oltion o"
1A:A+ the 1alacio !er,e% a! re"ge "or the Spani!h militar' an% ci,ic o""icial!#
A! Re%emptori!t Chrch C# *alacio E,isco,al
B! .pit 1ari!h Chrch D# San Se)a!tian Cathe%ral
______ 6# M!em in &acolo% cit' %))e% a! the 4Sgar M!em5#
A# Ne/ros Museu. C# Di(on>Ramo! M!em
&# M!em Negren!e De .a Salle D# Ance!tral Ho!e o" Dr# Soriano
______ 7# AAA Chinato-n SBare i! one o" the mall! in &acolo% Cit' an% crrentl' e?pan%ing to it! ne-
con!trcte% !ite at the !i%e o" National 8oo% Athorit'# 1re,io!l' -hat prominent hi!torical !ite
!tan%! on the !ite -here the AAA Chinato-n SBare con!trcting it! e?ten!ion mall2
A# 2ort Sa$ &ua$ C# 1alacio Epi!copal
&# Ance!tral Ho!e o" Dr# Soriano D# Chine!e $emple
1 point each
______ 1# =n &acolo% 1)lic 1la(a one o" it! niBe characteri!tic! i! it! ga(e)o an% "ontain!# Ho- man'
"ontain! are there in &acolo% 1)lic 1la(a2
A# / &# 3 C# 4 D# <
______ /# 9hat *in% o" tree %i% 1re!i%ent Manel .# Qe(on plante% in the &acolo% 1)lic 1la(a plante% on
Octo)er 1:+ 1:3A %ring the inagaration o" &acolo% Cit' a! chartere% cit' -here he -a! a!!i!te%
)' Ma'or A"lre%o Monteli)ano Sr#+ "ir!t ma'or o" &acolo% Cit'2
A# Narra &# Mola,e C# Ti$dalo D# &alete
______ 3# &acolo% Cit' Doine% the Centennial Cele)ration o" or National Hero la!t Decem)er 30+ 1::< )'
ptting a Centennial 1ar*# 9here i! thi! par* locate%2
A# 2ro$t o5 Ri6al Ele.e$tar' Sc"ool C# Si%e o" &acolo% Cit' 1)lic 1la(a
&# Ea!t Si%e o" Capitol .agoon D# Center o" Ri(al Street

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