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Industrial Relations

Code: J0202HR07
Semester: IV

General Awareness and need for Labour Laws.
Familiarity of the various Labour Acts.

Students will be given an opportunity to
To understand the need for Good Industrial Relations.
To adopt good techniques to have healthy Industrial Environment.
To settle Industrial Disputes amicably.

Content of Course

Topic I
Definition, Objectives, Scope in the context of Changing Socio Economic
Political and Legal Changes, Labour problems, Impact of Industrialization, Different approaches
to study of Industrial Relations.

Topic II
Industrial Dispute and Their Settlement
Definition, Causes Consequences, Resolution of Industrial Disputes using Adjudicatory and
voluntary methods, Mechanism (Conciliation, Mediation and Arbitration) Grievance Redressal
Mechanism, Industrial Relations and Productivity, Principles of Natural Justice. Workers
Participation in management, Industrial Dispute Act 1947

Topic III
Standing Orders and Grievance Procedure
Object and Evolution of Standing Orders, Grievances and Procedure, Indiscipline/Misconduct,
Disciplinary Action, procedure for Punishment. The Industrial Employment (Standing Orders)
Act 1946.

Topic IV
Trade Unions
Definitions, Need for Trade Union, Approaches Of trade Unionism Structure and types of trade
Union. Registration and Amalgamation of Trade Union. Role and Function of Strong and
successful trade Unions, Rise and Growth of Trade Union movement in India, Role Of outsiders
in trade union in India, Changing role and Withering away and the problems of trade union in
todays context. The Maharashtra Recognition and Prevention of Unfair Labour Practices Act
1971, The Trade Union Act 1926.

Topic V
Strikes and lockout
Forms of Strikes, Wage for the period of strike, strike and Punishment, Layoff retrenchment and
closure, Strike and Punishment, Strike and execution of good conduct bond, Lockouts - Legality
of Lockouts, Consequences Of Illegal Strike and Lockout, Layoff, retrenchment and closure.
Industrial Dispute Act 1947

Topic VI
Collective Bargaining
Meaning, process and theories of common, Perlman, Hoxie, Tannenbaum

Teaching Methodology
Lectures, tutorial and Field Work.

Reference Material


1. Labour Welfare ,Trade Unionism and Industrial Relations Punekar ,Deokar ,Sankaran
2. Managing Human Resources Industrial Relations in India R.S.Dwivedi
3. Dynamics of Industrial Relations - Mamoria
4. Introduction to Labour and Industrial Law Dr.Avtar Singh

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