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10/26/13 restrict revoking of TECO in CO02 for some users | SCN 1/5
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11 Replies Latest reply: Feb 6, 2013 12:20 AM by YAZMIN PALAFOX
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restrict revoking of TECO in CO02 for some
This question has been Answered.

I would like to restrict revoking of TECO status in CO02 but only for some users.
I found out some threads explaining this should be possible using BS42 and OPJH. I tried tu use
these transactions but without success.
Does anybody know how to do that using these transactions or maybe another way to do it ?

Thank you in advance for your help
Fred R Sep 14, 2012 3:28 PM
Correct Answer
by Fred R on Sep 19, 2012 8:58 AM
Hi all,

finally I got it !
To do it I did the following (could help someone else):
- BS52 : create an authorization key 002 TECO not allowed and save it
- BS02 : - create a change status profile ZTECO
- Double click on it
- go to menu goto/object types
- select PP/PM orders
- go back in the status profile
- create 2 users status as follow:
- 1 NTEC text1 init status tickled 1 2 1 1 002
- 2 TECO text2 init status not tickled 1 2 1 1
- double click on the first user status
- add new entries
- select Revoke technical completion and set 'no influence' and 'set'
- go back
- double click on the second user status
- add new entries
- select 'Revoke technical completion' and set 'Allowed' and 'No action'
- select 'Technically complete' and set 'no influence' and 'set'
- save
- OPJH: select the concerned orderes type by double clicking on it
- in StatusProfile Header set the status Profile ZTECO.
- save

Change Authorization objects B_USERSTAT and B_USERST_T in the needed authorizations
roles with the followings :

- to permit the TECO revokation :
- ACTVT 01, 06
- BERSL 002

- the oders will not be authorized to revoke TECO.

Thank you all of you for your help.

Hope this could help someone.
10/26/13 restrict revoking of TECO in CO02 for some users | SCN 2/5
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Helpful Answers by Rupesh Brahmankar, Bhaskar Mitra
Re: restrict revoking of TECO in CO02 for some users

Simple way to do it is Deactivating Menu function of Revoke of TECO by Transaction variant from
Transaction SDH0 and assign this Transaction variantto required users.

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Rupesh Brahmankar Sep 14, 2012 3:38 PM (in response to Fred R)
Re: restrict revoking of TECO in CO02 for some users

I saw that possibility. The problem is the number of users working worldwide in my company. It
is not possible to manage it everytime a newuser is created.

Maybe I am wrong...
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Fred R Sep 14, 2012 3:45 PM (in response to Rupesh Brahmankar)
Re: restrict revoking of TECO in CO02 for some users

That's true I agreed so where ever there will be new user who is having access to CO02 you
need to assign this transaction variant that user.
Apart from that please refer below link to do this with user status and authorization for that
user status.

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Rupesh Brahmankar Sep 14, 2012 3:51 PM (in response to Fred R)
Re: restrict revoking of TECO in CO02 for some users
Did you consider using user status to restrict TECO indirectly?

And using the following authorizations to restrict that user status?

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Jeevan Sagar Sep 14, 2012 6:09 PM (in response to Fred R)
Re: restrict revoking of TECO in CO02 for some users

If you want it through status profile then please refer the comment of Rajesh Vittal in below link.

Helpful Answer
Rupesh Brahmankar Sep 14, 2012 3:44 PM (in response to Fred R)
10/26/13 restrict revoking of TECO in CO02 for some users | SCN 3/5
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Re: restrict revoking of TECO in CO02 for some users

I did the customizing in Transaction BS02 as described in the thread, but I've some problems to
change the user status B_USERSTAT. I tried do do some modifications, but I can revoke TECO
status with every user I tested.

How should I setup B_USERSTAT ?
I setup a new status profile ZTECO with 2 status :
1 Revoke TECO not allowed auth. key 001
2 Revoke allowed auth key 002

How to set this in the object B_USERSTAT ?

thank in advance for your help
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Fred R Sep 17, 2012 4:00 PM (in response to Rupesh Brahmankar)
Re: restrict revoking of TECO in CO02 for some users

The authorization object B_USERSTAT (direct change) or the authorization object
B_USERST_T (change through business transaction) are checked
Please include the auth Object B_USERST_T in the user role in pfcg.
add the auth key and status profile in this object and generate the role.
Take help from Basis consultant I hope it will work for you too.
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Rupesh Brahmankar Sep 17, 2012 4:14 PM (in response to Fred R)
Re: restrict revoking of TECO in CO02 for some users

I am not sure whether the issue has been resolved or not since the experts have given
excellent and pertinent advice. Still since I have done this configuration earlier, can't stop
myself in providing my 2 cents:

1. Use t/code BS02 and create a new status say ZPROD with Text and Language Key [I
Know you have done this step]

2. Assign Status say ZCLD(Order Closed for Operation) to Status Profile

3. Assign Object to Status ZCLD. In case of PP-PI make, Process Orders, Incase of
Discrete, make PP/PM Order header

4. Go to Details of Status click on Create Icon. Based on your selection of Object types, the
Business Transaction Entries will appear

5. Forbid the Business Transactions apart from Setting CLSD status (higher status than
TECO). Forbid Revoke Technical Completion and For Technical Complete status, make
this as SET

6. Don't forget to keep Variance Calculation, Settlement account assignment, Set deletion
indicator as allowed (any Business Transaction which comes after TECO should be

7. Assign Authcode (as suggest by Mr Rupesh) to the User Status (use t/code BS52) to
create it

8. Assign this Auth Object B_USERSTAT to specific users to make it work

Hope this helps


Helpful Answer
Bhaskar Mitra Sep 18, 2012 4:28 PM (in response to Fred R)
10/26/13 restrict revoking of TECO in CO02 for some users | SCN 4/5
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Re: restrict revoking of TECO in CO02 for some users
Hi Fred,

Pls check this thread. Hope this is helpful for you
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Ravindra1 Bandal1 Sep 18, 2012 6:49 PM (in response to Fred R)
Re: restrict revoking of TECO in CO02 for some users
Hi all,

finally I got it !
To do it I did the following (could help someone else):
- BS52 : create an authorization key 002 TECO not allowed and save it
- BS02 : - create a change status profile ZTECO
- Double click on it
- go to menu goto/object types
- select PP/PM orders
- go back in the status profile
- create 2 users status as follow:
- 1 NTEC text1 init status tickled 1 2 1 1 002
- 2 TECO text2 init status not tickled 1 2 1 1
- double click on the first user status
- add new entries
- select Revoke technical completion and set 'no influence' and 'set'
- go back
- double click on the second user status
- add new entries
- select 'Revoke technical completion' and set 'Allowed' and 'No action'
- select 'Technically complete' and set 'no influence' and 'set'
- save
- OPJH: select the concerned orderes type by double clicking on it
- in StatusProfile Header set the status Profile ZTECO.
- save

Change Authorization objects B_USERSTAT and B_USERST_T in the needed authorizations roles
with the followings :

- to permit the TECO revokation :
- ACTVT 01, 06
- BERSL 002

- the oders will not be authorized to revoke TECO.

Thank you all of you for your help.

Hope this could help someone.
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Correct Answer
Fred R Sep 19, 2012 8:58 AM (in response to Fred R)
Re: restrict revoking of TECO in CO02 for some users
I did all the steps, but I can not revoke me, and I just did not want to allow users, please help
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YAZMIN PALAFOX Feb 6, 2013 12:20 AM (in response to Fred R)
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10/26/13 restrict revoking of TECO in CO02 for some users | SCN 5/5
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