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The teaching administration needs to know and to have

information about what it happens at the educational
institutions, to take the tending measures to the
continuous improvement of learning.
Conceptualization of the word supervision
It is a systemic function of diagnosis and of feedback,
meal iced improvement the educational service and to the
personal development of the supervised.
The term supervision means: Ample vision that is more
than enough your field of activities has to have the
director of an educational institution to assure its
careful vigilance and improvement
According to Hick supervision should be understood like
vocational guidance and help, explained bi competent
people on the subject of education, when and where be
necessary, tending to the perfecting of the total
situation of teaching and learning
Basic show of the one belonging to Supervision is
improving the pupils learning according to Kinball Wiles
If any person in a supervisory position does not
contribute to the most effective learning at the
classroom, his existence in such position is not
What for does it supervise? What are its objectives?
After the fashion of the Ministry Of Education's Manual,
the objectives of the educational supervision are:
Knowing in what measure is being applicable model
learning that the school has proposed to offer itself
to the pupils.
a. Developing the capacities of the teachers for the educational practice, centered
in the student. In consequence the director has to perform two tasks:
Evaluating the pedagogic work at the classroom and
guiding to the teacher in the improvement in the
pedagogic practice.
Identifying the teachers' needs of capacitation.
The rich countries neither poor countries do not exist
according to Peter Drucker, but exists countries very
managed and countries badly managed. This theory fulfills
at the sector education at our country itself and
particularly at our region Puno, the problems is from the
Ministry Of Education, from the Regional Managements, from
the Unities Of Management Local and direction Management
of the Educational Institutions. Concrete case takes place
at Pomaoca Educational Secondary Agroindustrial
Institution of Moho Province that belongs to Puno region.
A good administration in pedagogic step neither in
administrative step does not exist at this educational
institution, the processes of scientific management are
not applied, by no means the supervision on the side of
Educations Regional Management, does not exist
supervision on the side of the Educational Local Unity of
Management Moho neither a great deal less than the
Director of the Educational Institution.
First, the UGEL Moho does not make supervision only the
personnel manager gets to the Educational institution to
see the signatures of the teachers in control of help, as
if the educational end would be the teachers' signature,
he does not supervise the pedagogic advance, he does not
supervise the institution's application of
administration's instruments, he does not supervise the
director's function, he does not supervise the teachers'
Teachers feel bad when they hear people talking of
supervision. Directors feel bad when they are supervise
themselves, directors feel arrogant when they supervised.
Students do not know why the director began to listen to
the kind of the teacher himself all this for lack of
communication, for lack of information, and simply for
Because a teacher that is executing well the facilitation
of learning, will feel better when the supervisor gets to
monitor his work, because as the supervisor is of bigger
experience you have to get over new elements or strategies
to him for the better the method or the procedure in your
learning session.
In order to avoid that bad information, with this paper or
document, we are making a contribution: Orientation,
information, verification, show, duties, what you should
not prepare, etc.
If we go at the mismanagement at the educational field,
our country will continue to be a last country because the
more important power of a country is Education, if only
supervision was executed in administration, the
educational quality would increase its level.
In last decades, system's concepts, structure, process,
control and information technology has integrated into the
educational sciences as developmental eminently pedagogic
others' guidelines; Such argument was based on the results
achieved in other disciplines, like administration and
economy, which have a lot of relation with education and
system, a general definition on the educational system is
that one that consider it the State as a totality with
cross-linked dependent and complementary elements, person
in charge of conducting the process in a society
intentionally, toward the achievement of intentions that
comes into question, which should make sense to the
economic system and politician in use. In other words
according to as education is judged, it will keep on
determining blends and will have particular
characteristics, guided to the reproduction of the social
models, for what's general one belonging to schematic,
stereotyped, discerned character, etc indispensable to
hold the social order. Within the class-conscious society.
Determined for the DS. No 050-82 ED that approve the
regulations of the system of educational supervision;
which have like preventive purpose the correct technical
pedagogic functioning and white-collar worker of the
Peruvian education; therefore, he should arrive across-
the-board and modes because he is once the teaching,
educational and organizational institutional work was led
directly educational. The mentioned regulations categorize
the supervision like a service once the improvement was
determined of quality and educational efficiency, by means
of advising, the promotion and the evaluation of the
educational process and of your administration, insuring
this way that the service answers to the community's
requirements and interest of the nation
Consider two supervisory types:
General. Attend to the common aspects of the Formal and no
formal Education, for such effect realizes:
Appreciation of the general performance of the
Assessment of the relations of the teaching staff
and of the teacher pupil, as well as of the teacher
in the community.
Auscultating the educational infrastructure and the
needs of resource.
Verification and evaluation of the work schedule
and of the yearly supervisory plan.
Study of the educational situation and the
recommendation of solutions.
Specialized. So much in your form warned like unexpected,
he takes care of the aspects told apart in the modes and
variants of the education of diversified, as well as of
the qualitative educational development of the contentses.
Realize for such effect:
High-class observation to value the different aspect
of the process of teaching-learning and of relations
teaching pupil.
Evaluation of the performance of the pupils.
Technical demonstration of a technical or instruments
class pedagogic.
Individual or group interview with the professors to
exchange experiences, to study problems technical
pedagogic and suggesting recommendations.
Franklin V. Sovero Hinostroza, Monitoring and Supervision, Ediciones San Marcos, Lima, Per 2003.

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