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ENTREPRENEURS 6/22/2014 @ 11:03AM 564,604 views
EmpIoyees WIo SLuy n
CompunIes onger TIun Two
Yeurs GeL PuId o% ess
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TIe worsL kepL secreL Is LIuL empIoyees ure mukIng Iess on uveruge every
yeur. TIere ure mIIIIons oI reusons Ior LIIs, buL we`re goIng Lo Iocus on one
LIuL we cun conLroI. SLuyIng empIoyed uL LIe sume compuny Ior over Lwo yeurs on
uveruge Is goIng Lo muke you eurn Iess over your IIIeLIme by ubouL o% or more.
Keep In mInd LIuL o% Is u conservuLIve number uL LIe IowesL end oI LIe
specLrum. TIIs Is ussumIng LIuL your cureer Is onIy goIng Lo IusL 1o yeurs.
TIe Ionger you work, LIe greuLer LIe dIIIerence wIII become over your
Argoments Ior Chunging Jobs
TIe uveruge ruIse un empIoyee cun expecL In zo1q Is %. Even LIe mosL
underperIormIng empIoyee cun expecL u 1.% ruIse. TIe besL perIormers cun
Iope Ior u q.% ruIse. BuL, LIe InIIuLIon ruLe Is currenLIy z.1% cuIcuIuLed
bused on LIe Consumer PrIce ndex pubIIsIed by LIe Bureuu oI ubor
SLuLIsLIcs. TIIs meuns LIuL your ruIse Is ucLuuIIy Iess LIun 1%. TIIs Is
probubIy soberIng enougI Lo muke you reucI Ior u drInk.
n zo1q, LIe uveruge empIoyee Is goIng Lo eurn Iess LIun u 1% ruIse und LIere
Is very IILLIe LIuL we cun do Lo cIunge munugemenL`s decIsIon. BuL, we cun
decIde wIeLIer we wunL Lo sLuy uL u compuny LIuL Is goIng Lo gIve us u ruIse
Ior Iess LIun 1%. TIe uveruge ruIse un empIoyee receIves Ior IeuvIng Is
beLween u 1o% Lo zo% Increuse In suIury. ObvIousIy, LIere ure exLreme cuses
wIere peopIe receIve upwurds oI o%, buL LIIs depends on eucI person`s
IndIvIduuI cIrcumsLunces und IndusLrIes.
Cameron KengContributor
I do c lot oj tcxes cnd eten more business.
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Assumes our ccreer uill lcst :o ecrs. An ct rcise cnd c consertctite :o rcise per trcnsition.
WIy ure peopIe wIo jump sIIp rewurded, wIen IoyuI empIoyees ure punIsIed
Ior LIeIr dedIcuLIon? TIe unswer Is sImpIe. RecessIons uIIow busInesses Lo
Ireeze LIeIr puyroII und decreuse suIurIes oI LIe newIy IIred bused on murkeL
Lrends. TIese reucLIons Lo LIe recessIon ure undersLundubIe, buL LIe probIem
Is LIuL LIese reucLIons were meunL Lo be Lemporury. nsLeud LIey Iuve
become LIe norm In LIe murkeLpIuce. More ImporLunLIy, we Iuve uII
become used Lo IeurIng ubouL % ruIses und we`ve uccepLed IL us LIe new
JoIn HoIIon, Iormer edILor oI, remembers wIen % wus
consIdered un uveruge unnuuI puy Increuse. TIe umounL oI Ieur LIe medIu
creuLed surroundIng LIe recessIon und ILs IengLI Ius gIven compunIes LIe
perIecL excuse Lo sIrInk puyroII und Iower empIoyee suIury expecLuLIons In LIe
TIe worId Is desperuLe Ior skIIIed Iubor und compunIes uround LIe gIobe ure
sLurvIng Ior LuIenL. CompunIes cun LouL LecInoIogy repIucIng Iubor, buL IL Is
onIy exucerbuLIng LIe gIobuI sIorLuge oI Iumun cupILuI und skIIIed workers.
TIIs meuns LIuL we us empIoyees ure posILIoned beLLer LIun ever Lo Ieveruge
our ubIIILIes Ior Increused puy.
The Iorbes eBook To Socceed In A Brotul Job Murket
Don`L IeL u roLLen economy spoII your gouIs. Use LIe cureer und money udvIce In The Millennicl Gcme Plcn Lo
geL und sLuy uIeud Ior good.
BeLIuny DevIne, u SenIor HIrIng Munuger In SIIIcon VuIIey, CA wIo Ius
worked wILI nLuIL und oLIer orLune oo compunIes expIuIns, wouId oILen
see resumes LIuL onIy Iud u Iew yeurs uL eucI compuny. Iound LIuL LIe
peopIe wIo Iud swILcIed compunIes usuuIIy communded u IIgIer suIury. TIe
probIem wILI sLuyIng uL u compuny Iorever Is you sLurL wILI u buse suIury und
usuuIIy unnuuI ruIses ure bused on u percenLuge oI your currenL suIury. TIere
Is oILen u IImIL Lo Iow IIgI your munuger cun bump you up sInce IL`s bused on
Page 2 oI 5 Employees Who Stay In Companies Longer Than Two Years Get Paid 50 Less - Forbes
u percenLuge oI your currenL suIury. However, II you move Lo unoLIer
compuny, you sLurL IresI und cun usuuIIy commund u IIgIer buse suIury Lo
IIre you. CompunIes compeLIng Ior LuIenL ure oILen noL uIruId Lo puy more
wIen IIrIng II IL meuns LIey cun IIre LIe besL LuIenL. Sume LIIng uppIIes Ior
LILIes. Some compunIes Iuve u IImIL Lo Iow muny promoLIons LIey uIIow eucI
yeur. Once you ure enLrencIed In u compuny, IL muy become more dIIIIcuIL Lo
be promoLed us you muy be wuILIng In IIne beIInd oLIers wIo sIouId Iuve
been promoLed u yeur ugo buL were noL due Lo LIe IImIL. However, II you uppIy
Lo unoLIer compuny, your skIIIs muy muLcI LIe IIgIer LILIe, und LIuL compuny
wIII IIre you wILI LIe new LILIe. Iuve seen muny coworkers wIo were wuILIng
on u cerLuIn LILIe und IInuIIy receIved IL LIe duy LIey IeIL und were IIred uL u
new compuny.
Even more ImporLunLIy, wIen usked DevIne Ier LIougILs on empIoyees wIo
Iud remuIned In LIe sume compuny Ior perIods Iong pusL LIe Lwo yeur murk,
sIe expIuIned LIuL sIe dId IeeI LIuL some were underpuId or Iud LIe
poLenLIuI Lo eurn more.
JessIcu DerkIs sLurLed Ier cureer eurnIng $8 per Iour ($16,6qo unnuuI suIury)
us LIe YMCA`s murkeLIng munuger. Over 1o yeurs, sIe`s cIunged empIoyers
IIve LImes Lo uILImuLeIy eurn $;z,ooo per yeur uL Ier mosL recenL murkeLIng
posILIon. TIIs Is upproxImuLeIy u qo% Increuse over u 1o yeur cureer.
DerkIs` mosL recenL LrunsILIon resuILed In u o% Increuse Lo Ier suIury.
DerkIs` Is u greuL exumpIe oI Iow ownIng your cureer cun muke u Iuge
dIIIerence In your Income und cureer puLI.
Argoments Aguinst Chunging Jobs
PeopIe ure worrIed LIuL cIungIng jobs Loo oILen wIII reIIecL neguLIveIy on
empIoyee resumes. cun deIInILeIy undersLund LIIs Ieur becuuse everyone Is
uIwuys worrIed ubouL beIng unmurkeLubIe. wIII be LIe IIrsL Lo udmIL LIuL IL Is
possIbIe LIuL cerLuIn empIoyers muy Iook uL u resume wILI muILIpIe
LrunsILIons us u neguLIve und muy even dIsquuIIIy un uppIIcunL bused on LIuL
BuL, LIe ImporLunL quesLIon Is wIeLIer LIe rIsk ouLweIgIs LIe rewurd.
CIrIsLIne MueIIer, PresIdenL oI TecInISeurcI RecruILers, Ius Iud cIIenLs LIuL
wIII noL consIder unyone wIo Ius Iud more LIun LIree jobs In LIe IusL 1o
yeurs, no muLLer LIe reuson. Even so, MueIIer sLIII recommends LIuL un
empIoyee mukes u LrunsILIon every LIree Lo Iour yeurs Ior muxImum suIury
guIns. TIus, LIe quesLIon Is Iess ubouL wIeLIer empIoyees sIouId jump sIIp,
buL Iow Iong LIey sIouId LIey wuIL beIore jumpIng Lo muxImIze LIeIr suIurIes
und ucIIeve LIeIr gouIs.
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Brendun Burke, DIrecLor uL HeudwuLers MB, sLrongIy dIsugrees wILI LIe up-
und-ouL cuILure. He expIuIns LIuL compunIes Lurn over greuL empIoyees
becuuse LIey`re noL orgunIzuLIonuIIy sLrong enougI Lo supporL rupId
deveIopmenL wILIIn LIeIr runks. n muny cuses, LIuL Is u recIpe Ior
dIsconLInuILy In servIce und producL oIIerIngs us weII us dIsIoyuILy In LIe
runks. As sucI, we Luke LIe opposILe upproucI. RuLIer LIun Iorce IoIks ouL
uILer zq monLIs, we Lry Lo reLuIn our junIor und mId-IeveI sLuII und deveIop
LIem wILIIn LIe runks.
Mr. Burke Is ubsoIuLeIy correcL. MosL compunIes ure noL equIpped Lo
rupIdIy promoLe und rewurd LIeIr besL empIoyees Ior u vurIeLy oI reusons
sucI us oIIIce poIILIcs. Everyone LIuL Ius worked In LIe Iubor pooI IuLes oIIIce
poIILIcs, buL undersLunds LIuL IL Is un unuvoIdubIe evII und Is more oILen LIun
noL u mujor obsLucIe Lo rewurdIng LuIenL.
InuIIy, we`ve been LuIkIng ubouL money u IoL. Andrew Buuer, CEO oI Royce
euLIer, expIuIns LIuL jumpIng sIIp cun be sLressIuI. EmpIoyees uIso need
Lo consIder LIeIr quuIILy oI IIIe, menLuI IeuILI, pIysIcuI IeuILI und beLLer
moruI sLundurds. Mr. Buuer Is rIgIL. Money Is ImporLunL, buL IL musL be
buIunced wILI everyLIIng eIse In your IIIe. MoneLury compensuLIon Is onIy one
purL oI your IIIe, und IL sIouId noL dIcLuLe everyLIIng.
JumpIng sIIp Is u rIsk LIuL we uII need Lo weIgI uL u personuI IeveI. n my
cureer, jumpIng sIIp Is someLIIng `ve done uggressIveIy und IrequenLIy. `ve
never Iooked buck und regreLLed my decIsIons becuuse `ve uIwuys IeIL LIuL my
skIIIs deserved more. HIrIng u sIngIe empIoyee wIo Is ubIe Lo perIorm even
1o% more eIIIcIenLIy Is worLI uL IeusL u z% Increuse In suIury. CompunIes
spend u IoL oI money Lo puy recruILers, Iumun resourcIng Lo conducL
buckground cIecks und LIe LIme oI exIsLIng empIoyees Lo IIre und LruIn new
peopIe. L`s uIwuys cIeuper Lo jusL IIre beLLer peopIe und puy LIem more.
L`s u IucL LIuL empIoyees ure underpuId. nsLeud oI IocusIng on LIIngs we
cun`L conLroI IIke LIe economy or munugemenL decIsIons, Iocus on LIe LIIngs
we cun. EmpIoyees cun conLroI LIeIr own suIurIes by uggressIveIy negoLIuLIng
LIeIr opporLunILIes und beIng unuIruId Lo usk Ior more.
CIeurIy, LIere wIII uIwuys be excepLIons Lo LIe ruIe. NoL everyone muy be ubIe
Lo muke LIIs decIsIon ImmedIuLeIy, buL every empIoyee sIouId consIder LIe
opLIon. don`L IuuIL empIoyers und busInesses Ior LIe murkeL becuuse IL`s
LIeIr rIgIL und duLy Lo muxImIze LIeIr proIILs. BuL, us un IndIvIduuI, you`re u CEO
oI one, und you Iuve u duLy Lo muxImIze your proIILs.
AmerIcu's BesL- And WorsL-PuyIng Jobs
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