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International Journal of Advances in Engineering Sciences Vol.

1, Issue 3, July, 2011


F E Analysis of SCF, Deflection in Isotropic and Orthotropic
Rectangular Plates with a Circular Hole near the Edge of the
Plate Under Transverse Loading
Research Center, Department of Mechanical Engineering, SDM Collage of Engineering & Technology, Dhavalagiri,
Dharwad, Karnataka, 580002, INDIA

Research Center, Department of Mechanical Engineering, SDM Collage of Engineering & Technology, Dhavalagiri,
Dharwad, Karnataka, 580002, INDIA

Research Center, Department of Mechanical Engineering, SDM Collage of Engineering & Technology, Dhavalagiri,
Dharwad, Karnataka, 580002, INDIA

The study of stress concentration factor ( S C F ) for the
rectangular plate with eccentric circular hole under transverse
load is analyzed by numerically with the help of Finite
Element Method. The material used for the plate is isotropic
and orthotropic in nature, from this analysis author found that
the variation in the SCF to a/c ratio (a/c ratio, where a is
radius of circle and c is distance between longer edge of the
plate to center of the circle) in the rang of 0.01 to 0.9. In this
paper four boundary condition are applied and SCF was
calculated. The results are shown in graphically and also
discussed variation of SCF with the position of the hole. The
finite element formulation is carried out by using the software
ANSYS. The deflection behavior of a rectangular plate under
transverse load is also presented in this paper.

Key words: Stress Concentration Factor; Finite Element
Analysis; Eccentric Circular Hole; Deflection; Transverse
1. Introduction:
The stress concentration factor is very important in all
structural problem especially in aerospace structures
where discontinuities will appear in the element
subjected to different types of load, The researchers are
worked on structure with hole problems and analysis is
carried out with help Finite element method and it is
important now a days in industries, therefore the effect
of stress concentration factor (SCF) on plate with hole
and different shapes of component, fillet notches are
presented by Petersons [1] ,The abrupt changes of
geometric in the component under static loading for the
isotropic materials was studied and it is useful in the
design of machine component. The stress and stress
formulation was studied by Roarks formulas [2] and
Savin [3]. The SCF for different materials like
composite materials are also presented [4]. The
analytical method of solution is used for an irregular
shaped hole in an orthotropic laminate [5, 6] and special
types of cutouts are also presented, an analytical
investigation is used to study the stress analysis of
plates with different central cutout [7] So all these work
is done for 2D analysis and The three-dimensional
stress concentration factor is found to be a function of
the thickness to root radius ratio and the aspect ratio
(short to long axial length) of the elliptic hole under
tensile loading is presented [8] . The stress
concentration factor for different types of loading
condition like torsion, bending, axial and dynamic
loading is presented for notched plates [9]. The elastic
stress fields of a finite thickness plate containing a
circular hole subjected to out- of-plane bending is
found that the stress concentration factors of the finite
thickness plate are different except at the notch root of
the free surface even if the plate is in elasticity state
[10] the continuation of this Analysis of Stress
Concentration and Deflection in Isotropic and
Orthotropic Rectangular Plates with Central Circular
Hole under Transverse Static Loading is presented by
Dr. Nitin for 2D analysis [11] in their work with use of
Finite element method.

There is a ample of scope to further study of
plate with eccentric circular hole under transverse
loading condition for the different types of materials
isotropic, orthotropic and interest of this work is the
analysis of the plate and effect of a/c ratio on SCF for
the value of x and y and xy are found through this
analysis was presented with respect to the different
boundary conditions, under these boundary condition
for the plate under transverse load the effect of
deflection Uz with respect to a/c ratio is also
presented in this work. The whole work is done with
the use of finite element analysis ANSYS Software.
2. Statement of the problems:
In this work the author taken a rectangular plate of
200mm x100mm and 1mm thickness, modeled in ansys
International Journal of Advances in Engineering Sciences Vol.1, Issue 3, July, 2011

1. All edges are fixed 2. All edges are supported
3. Short edges are fixed,
longer edges are supported
4. Longer edges are fixed,
Short edges are supported

UX = 0 UZ=0

UX = 0 UZ=0
UX = 0 UZ=0





UX= 0 UZ=0






Figure.5 different types of boundary

























and the position of circular hole in a plate with
eccentric and very with a/c ration as shown in figure.1.
Where a is radius of circular hole and c is the distance
between center of the hole and longer edge of the plate.
The load is applied on the surface of the plate in
transverse direction with magnitude of 0.02 N.
Different types of boundary condition are imposed is
shown in figure 2,3 and figure.4. In this plate there are
three types of materials systems are used for the
analysis of isotropic, orthotropic -1 and orthotropic 2 .

Fig. 1. Geometrical Size of the Plate.
2.1. Materials Property for the analysis
The analysis of the plate is carried out with different
types of materials systems isotropic material,
Orthotropic-1 and Orthotropic-2 materials. The elastic
property for these materials systems as shown in the
table .1 [11]
Table 1. The materials properties of different materials are tabulated.
Properties Isotropic

39 GPa

39 GPa

235 GPa


8.6 GPa

137 GPa


8.6 GPa

137 GPa


3.8 GPa

47 GPa


3.8 GPa

47 GPa


3.8 GPa

47 GPa










3. Finite Element Modeling and Analysis
The geometric and F E model is carried out using
Ansys by taking element edge length equal to 1 mm for
finer mesh The element used in this analysis is shell 99.
The F E model for the plate with a hole as shown in
figure.4. The similar work is carried out by some
authors with different geometry and showed the results.
The boundary condition used for the plate analysis is
showed in figure. 5.

The position of the circular hole is varies with
a/c ratio and is started at the center of the plate and end
with the edge of the plate. The results found that
variation of SCF with respect to to x , y and xy was

Figure. 4. Meshing of the Finite element modal near the hole

Results and Discussion:
4.1 The effect of SCF on the position of circular
eccentric hole in the plate with Isotropic material
under different boundary condition are discussed as
International Journal of Advances in Engineering Sciences Vol.1, Issue 3, July, 2011

i) For the boundary condition 1, SCF for x is
more at a/c ratio 0.3 and linearly diereses
towards the a/c ratio of 0.8 with y < x and it
reduces to words the a/c ration of 0.8 and xy
is almost less in this case.
ii) For the boundary condition 2, SCF for x and
for y is almost constant and SCF xy is
linearly increased from a/c ratio 0.2 to 0.8.
iii) For the boundary condition 3, SCF for x is
constant and for y , xy is maximum at a/c
ratio 0.2 and reduce towards the a/c value 0.8.
iv) For the boundary condition 4, the value of
SCF for x and y is almost minimum and
constant where as xy is maximum at a/c 0.2
and minimum at 0.4 and again linearly
increase towards 0.8.

Figure 6. The effect of Stress concentration factor with a/c ratio for
isotropic materials, for different types of boundary conditions.

4.2 Effect of (Uz/Uz*) on the position of circular
eccentric hole in the plate for Isotropic material
under different boundary condition are presented in
figure 7. For the boundary condition 1, (Uz/Uz* )
is maximum at a/c ratio 0.2 and linearly reduces
towards a/c ratio of 0.8 . For the boundary
condition 2, (Uz/Uz*) is more at a/c ratio 0.2 and
suddenly reduce towards a/c ratio of 0.4 and
linearly increased towards 0.8. For the boundary
condition 3, (Uz/Uz* ) is more at a/c ratio 0.2 and
linearly reduce towards a/c ratio of 0.8 . For the
boundary condition 4, (Uz/Uz* ) is more at a/c
ratio 0.2 and suddenly reduce towards a/c ratio of
0.4 and linearly increased towards 0.8 .

Figure 7. The Deflection Uz/Uz* factor with a/c ratio for Isotropic
materials, for different types of boundary conditions.
International Journal of Advances in Engineering Sciences Vol.1, Issue 3, July, 2011

3 Effect of SCF on the position of circular eccentric
hole in the plate for orthotropic 1 material under
different boundary condition are discussed as follows
a) For the boundary condition 1 , SCF for x is
slightly increased at a/c ratio 0.4 and reduce
towards a/c ratio of 0.6 and rapidly increased
at 0.8 for y is increased up to 0.4 and
constant towards 0.8 and xy is constant up to
0.2 slightly increased at 0.4 almost constant .
b) For the boundary condition 2, SCF for x is
slightly decreasing and it is varying up to 0.8.
y and xy is linearly increased from a/c ratio
0.2 to 0.8.
c) For the boundary condition 3, SCF for x is
behaved as flexible first decreased at0.2 and
increased as0.4 and decreased at 0.6 and again
increased at0.8and for y rapidly increased
at0.2 and constant up to 0.8 , xy is linearly
increased up to 0.4 and constant up to 0.8.
d) For the boundary condition 4, The value of
SCF for x , xy and y is slightly reduces at
0.2 and linearly increased up to 0.8.

Figure 8. The effect of Stress concentration factor with a/c ratio for
Orthotropic -1 material, for different types of boundary conditions

4.4 Effect of (Uz/Uz* ) on the position of circular
eccentric hole in the plate for orthotropic 1
material under different boundary condition are
discussed. For the boundary condition 1 , (Uz/Uz*
) is reduced at a/c ratio 0.2 and linearly increased
towards a/c ratio of 0.8 afterwards it is constant.
For the boundary condition 2 , (Uz/Uz* ) is
reduced more at a/c ratio 0.2 as compared to B C
1and linearly increased towards a/c ratio of 0.4
and constant towards 0.8.For the boundary
condition 3 , (Uz/Uz* ) is non linear between a/c
ratio 0.2 to a/c ratio of 0.8 afterwards it is
constant. Similarly for the boundary condition 4,
(Uz/Uz* ) is reduced at a/c ratio of 0.2 and linearly
increased towards the a/c ratio of 0.4 afterwards it
is constant.

International Journal of Advances in Engineering Sciences Vol.1, Issue 3, July, 2011

4.5 Effect of SCF on the position of circular eccentric
hole in the plate for orthotropic 2 material under
different boundary condition are discussed as
a) For the boundary condition 1, The variation of
SCF (x , xy and y ) with a/c ratio from 0 to
0.2 is proportionality increasing afterward it is
constant and it is reduced up to 0.4, then it is
maintained up to 0.8.
b) For the boundary condition 2, SCF for x and
for y is almost constant and SCF xy is
behaved as flexible like linearly increased at
a/c ratio 0.2 and decreased at 0.4 and linearly
increased to 0.8.
c) For the boundary condition 3, The value of
SCF for x, xy and y are behaved almost
same like B C 1, that rapidly increased up to
0.2 and suddenly reduced to 0.4 and maintain
constant up to 0.8.
d) For the boundary condition 4, the value of
SCF for x and xy is varying linearly and
increased up to 0.2. also it is decreased at 0.4
an again increased towards 0.6 for y > x and

Figure 10. The effect of Stress concentration factor with a/c ratio for
Orthotropic -2 materials, for different types of boundary conditions

4.5 Effect of (Uz/Uz*) on the position of circular
eccentric hole in the plate for orthotropic 2
material under different boundary condition are
presented. For the boundary condition 1 and
boundary condition 3 (Uz/Uz* ) is rapidly reduced
at a/c ratio 0.2 and suddenly increased towards a/c
ratio of 0.4 and it is constant up to 0.8. For the
boundary condition 2 and 4, (Uz/Uz*) is rapidly
reduced at a/c ratio 0.2 and slightly increased
towards a/c ratio of 0.4 and is constant up to 0.8.

International Journal of Advances in Engineering Sciences Vol.1, Issue 3, July, 2011

Figure 11. The Deflection uz/Uz* factor with a/c ratio for Orthotropic
-2 materials, for different types of boundary conditions.

Table 2. Stresses and Deflection for full Plate

stress X
Stress Y


Isotropic 1 0.002803 0.006123 0.003377 2.85E-04
2 0.003415 0.00497 6.34E-04 7.10E-05
3 0.007151 0.005225 0.002061 2.37E-04
4 0.001516 0.005054 9.85E-04 7.32E-05
Ortho -1 1 0.006489 0.005293 0.003174 0.001203
2 0.007345 0.004542 5.77E-04 3.07E-04
3 0.013725 0.003225 0.001534 7.23E-04
4 0.002366 0.005149 9.27E-04 3.60E-04
Ortho -2 1 0.003783 0.006167 0.002558 8.74E-05
2 0.00474 0.004917 5.39E-04 2.38E-05
3 0.009351 0.00476 0.001697 6.58E-05
4 0.001672 0.005162 7.17E-04 2.54E-05
5. Conclusion:
The behavior of the rectangular plate with eccentrically
circular hole under transverse load for the isotropic and
orthotropic material was presented with a/c ratio and
Uz/Uz*.There are four boundary condition are used in
this work, the value of SCF for x , y and xy and
corresponding deflections under transverse loading is
presented as follows.

a) For Isotropic material SCF for xy is more towards
the edge of the plate and SCF for x and y is
constant in BC (b). In plate (a) x is more and in
plate (c) x is constant and y and xy is more at
the center of the hole. In plate (d) and xy is more
and x and y is constant
b) For Orthotropic-1 materials the SCF in more as
compared with isotropic material, SCF for x is
more up to 5.7 for B C-1 and minimum as B C-2
and for B C-3 . B C-4 is up to 2.7 xy is more in
B C 2 up to 6 and for y it is minimum in case of
B C.
c) For Orthotropic-2 materials SCF for y is
maximum in B C 1,3,4 but it is minimum at B C-2.
SCF for xy is more in case of B C-2 as compared
with other B C. for x is minimum in all case of
Boundary condition under transverse load.
d) The variation of SCF for all stresses with respect to
a/c ratio observed more in orthotropic plates as
compare to isotropic plates for all boundary
e) The deflection of plate under transverse load is
more in case of isotropic material that is at a/ratio
0.2, and later behaved as flexible and deflection is
minimum initially at a/c ratio 0.2 and as constant in
case of Orthotropic material.
Author is thankful to Principal Dr. S Mohan kumar,
SDMCET for providing all type of support and
facilities to carry out this work. And also thankful to
the department of mechanical Engineering to helped me
to do this work.
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