Saaransh September

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Greetings fellow adventurers!

After a whirlwind of exams and submissions and

presentations and more exams, we experienced a brief
lull in activity. But the blink-and-miss week-long vaca-
tion is already fading fast in our memories, and we are
back in the eye of the storm. For the PGP1s, the gam-
ut of emotions upon completion of Term 1 ranged
from ecstatic to traumatic. The honeymoon period (I
doubt we can call it that) left a bittersweet aftertaste.
Guess who else completed his honeymoon period in
office? Thats right, our PM. We look at what policies
our new government set in motion during its first 100
days in power. Modis bonhomie with the Japanese PM
was widely publicized. Modi went to the extent of
banging drums in front of the media while declaring his
love for Japan. But we look at how China received
those overt displays of affection, and why it considers
Japan a threat. Closer home, we see NREGA being
revised, and closer still, how our alma-mater, IIM Ban-
galore, leads a change to usher in transparency in real
estate markets.
As it stands, the overall sentiment seems positive; but
the days of lip service are behind us, and the difficult
task of implementing all that was promised, lies ahead.
Im talking about that Corporate Finance assignment.
What were you thinking?


Positive diplomatic start to mending relations with
China; visits to Bhutan and Japan to improve bilat-
eral ties.
Undertook initiatives to check price rise, following
which Wholesale Price Index touched 6.01%; es-
tablished price rise monitoring cells.
100% FDI in Railways, for modernization of infra-
structure and high-speed trains.
Synergy between Aadhar Project and National
Population Register (NPR).
Plans to integrate Indira Gandhi National Old Age
Pension Scheme (IGNOAPS), Aam Aadmi Bima
Yojana (AABY), and Rashtriya Swasthya Bima
Yojana (RSBY) under one network, which will be
looked after by Ministry of Labour and Employ-
Increase in FDI limit in Insurance sector from 26%
to 49%
Areas like Clean Ganga, Girl Child Education,
Clean India, Skilled India, Digital India and Job Cre-
ation, included in public portal for governance:

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BharathMy India, My Pride
September 2014 Issue
News that matters.
IIM-B to launch a realty portal to assess property values
In an effort to usher in transparency in the real estate market, the Indian Institute of Management,
Bangalore, will launch a crowdsourcing portal, to create benchmarks
for property values by collecting data directly from buyers and validating the information using
standard scientific practices.
As much of the information made available to buyers comes from either builders or middlemen
with vested interests, the IIM-B initiative will help make an objective assessment of property val-
Read more
MNREGA may be restricted only to
backward, tribal districts
The government on Monday indicated that it may
restrict the rural job scheme MNREGA only to
tribal and backward districts of the country.
MNREGA is not required in areas where per
capita income is high, higher growth rate and
higher agricultural growth rate... it is required
only in tribal sector and poor areas, Rural De-
velopment Minister Nitin Gadkari said
Launched in 2005, MNREGA has been an im-
portant source of income for millions of rural
households - on an average 25 per cent of the
rural households seeks employment under the
Act, annually.
Read more

China to invest big in India
Cash-rich China is looking to outwit rival Japan by pledging to invest billions of dollars in India's
railway, manufacturing and infrastructure projects during President Xi Jinping's maiden visit to
the country this week.
With growing Outbound Direct Investment (ODI) which last year crossed $90 billion, China's
investments in India, which so far remained a paltry $400 million, mostly in Gujarat, are now
expected to surpass Japan.
China's foreign exchange reserves, the largest in the world, reached a record $3.95 trillion in
March and it plans to invest around $500 billion overseas in the next five years, a large share
of which is expected to find India's way. Read more

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