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WL 11

202 Sunaborl Biru

5-39, 2-chome Izue Hesaka
Higashi-ku, Hiroshima 730
June 1, 1981
Dear Friends in Jesus,
I have been back in Hiroshima now almost two months. Boxes I
mailed long before I left are arriving in a slow trickle. Unpacking
isn't much of a problemit's just where to put them afterward!
My last few months in the States was a real whirlwind of
activity. Mom and Dad and I had a delightful trip to Florida;
enjoyed Christmas with brother Ralph and family; star of the show
was great-grand-baby Krystal, 2 mo. oldnow I am officially a
great aunt.A visit with Aunt Margie in Ft. Meyers was followed
by a quick swing-around to Ft. Lauderdale to see the Takeyamas,
friends from Cincinnati days. We went across Florida on Alligator
Alleybut do you think we saw any alligators? Nope, nary a one.
Speaking engagements in Jan. and Feb. included Southport
Heights (Indpls), Alpine, Dillsboro, Moores Hill. A week in
Cincinnati was shared with friends at Western Hills and the
leadership of Fellowship Christian, plus the privilege of
speaking for campus fellowships at the U. of Cincinnati and
Northern Kentucky University. I hope you'll pray with me for
these vital campus ministries. I was especially glad to be
able to show my slides at the church at Pleasant Ridge, where 1
grew up, and at Rising Sun, which has given me so much love and
support. It was good to be back in that part of the country
again, to renew old friendships and make new ones.
The middle of February, Mom and Dad and I made it through the
snow toFt. Wayne, Ind, and I went on to visit with friends in
Detroit. It was there I learned of the sudden death of my brother
Ralph. He had been sick only two weeks; was hospitalized on
Feb. 13th, diagnosed as having acute leukemia, and went to be with
Jesus the next day. It was really a shock he was only 41, and
had seemed quite healthy at Christmas timebut we were amazed
and thankful for the many provisions God had made. Life will be
more difficult for Florence and the 4 boys still at home, but
God is good, and Ralph is well and happy now.
On Monday, Feb. 23rd, I was scheduled to fly to Joplin, MO.
The night preceding, I kept an all-night work and prayer vigil.
The theme of the evening was, "I Want to be Ready." At 6 AM
Monday morning, still hovering over boxes and bags, I rescheduled
my flight and trundled off to bed singing, "Where have all the
hours gone?" Oh, when will I ever learn?!
The remaining days of the Preaching and Teaching Convention
were tremendous, followed by fellowship on Sunday at Villa Heights
and then a week of guest-lecturing at Ozark Bible College. The
trek to the West Coast was brightened by stops in Tucson,Ariz.
with A1 and Suzanne Melroy, Camarillo, CA with the Cawelti families,
and a grand week with Barricklow relatives in the Bay area.
Dallas Meserve chauffeured me to the airport after two sunny days
in San Jose, and I was on my way to Tokyo. S/achiko was there to
meet me at the airport at 7 AM. She thought it was bright and
early; I wasn't sure by then about anything except I was sure
glad to see her! After one night with the Turners, another with
Sachiko's family, and a look at Mark and Lynn Pratt's campus house
in progress, we headed on home to Hiroshima. What a relief to
unpack those suitcases without worrying how to get everything
back in the next time!
It's certainly good to be back in Hiroshima, but there have
been lots of changes. KIMITAKA AND REIKO MIYAMOTO, our first
Christian couple, were transferred to the Nagoya area. Kimitaka's
job with Pfizer there is much better; he had quit once in Hiroshima
due to pressure to use dishonest sales practices. He has found one
other Christian in the production plant, and they are starting
a Bible study, but the closest New Testament church is an hour's
drive away. Ptea6e pfiay the. l^^ijamoto6,
The week after I got back, we had a farewell pary for
MRS. YAGI,whose husband was transferred to northern Japan.
Mrs. Yagi was not able to be baptized because of her husband's
objections, but was faithful in Bible class, came often to worship,
arranged flowers for the meeting hall, and helpad out^with
Sunday School activities. I really miss her vivaciousness, and
her readiness to do anything that needed to be done. Her three
daughters were all members of Bible classes, too, so pea.4e pA.a.y
that the. Vagt^ Mtll continue, to Aead the. Bible, and 6e.e.k God*6 (/oill.
Not all the changes have been sad ones. KAZUKO NISHIMURA,
an English teacher who has been studying with us for 2 years, was
baptized at Christmas time. Pea4e pKay j{oA hch. QKOiJOth a6 a
ChA.i4tian, MARI ARIKI, who accepted Jesus through the work of
the Lee Jones family, graduated from Osaka Bible Seminary and
came back to Hiroshima to work. She now teaches Sunday School and
often plays the organ. Thank God j(oA hcA. help, and pA.ay ^OA. hcA.
6tA.cngth to 6tand a6 the only light ioA. ChA.i6t in hen. oHice,>
EISUKE MASUDA, also an Osaka Bible Seminary graduate, is the
minister of a house church not far a/ay. He spoke for the Christmas
evangelistic meeting, and has volunteered to speak for our
worship services twice a month and work with us as a part-time
minister for the next year. ?A.ai6e God, and pA.ay jjoA ouA. woA.k!
I know all of these names mean very little to youbut if you
will write them on your prayer lists, and pray for their needs
every day or every week, God will draw you closer to these precious
people and give them strength through your prayers. I really
encourage you to minister to us in that way.
Please continue to pray for Sachiko and me as we minister
to each other and the community here. Pray that our new, small
church fellowship will gain more and more strength to evangelize.
Pray for me as I continue studying Japanese; my goal is to be able
to do all of my teaching in Japanese by this time next year.
Before I forget, A SPECIAL BIG THANKS to all the churches and
individuals who made my furlough a refreshing and worthwhile
time. I trust those memories will help me to fight against
loneliness and discouragement. God bless you all.
With the Love of Jesus,
R. R. ft, BOX 65 . ^
202 Sunaborl Biru (j[; j -j ^ jggj
n5-39, 2-chome, Izue Hesaka
Hlgashl-ku, Hiroshima 730
September 1, 1981
Dear Ones,
If you have seen the pictures on the other page, you will note that our
pictorial department Is running considerably behind the copy desk, which In Itself
Is rarely up to date. Since the guilty party Insists she Is trying to do better,
we will not publish any of the embarrassing details, but trust that you, the
readers, will look forward with great anticipation to more out-of-date pictures!
June 17; KENTUCKY SONSHINE, a group of H.S, kids from Louisville, Ky.y.imder
the leadership of Rick and Jenna (Lusby) Houp, presented a gospel music program here
In Hesaka. 45 people came to hear them, mostly young people; we were all sorry the
group could only stay one evening.
To prepare for this and other events, Sachiko and I spent 6 hours scrubbing and
waxing the meeting hall floor. At my remark that surely this was giving^us as much
exercise as playing tennis, Sachiko observed that somehow It wasn't quite the same.
June 26: PENNY B06GS, a graduate of Kentucky Christian College, came to stay
with us for a month at the end of a year's Intemeshlp In Japan. She typed addresses,
washed dishes, cleaned, taught English, and filled our apartment with suitcases. Cokes,
music, and fun. Penny's good Japanese and conspicuous height (6 ft.) left quite an
Impression. Penny, come back to Japan soon!
July 20; sunmier "vacation" begins. All our English and Bible classes (except
for Stinday School) follow the Japanese school schedule; we hoped we'd have a little
time to breathe and catch up before starting In again In September, but.....
July 22; Our first trip by car In Japan: Sachiko, Penny, Teruml Fujll and I
took three days going to the All-Japan Christian Convention In Kagoshlma (southern
Kyushu). Highlights were: a brief stop at Hideto Yoshll's new house; an hour at the
pottery town of Arlta (we could have spent a day); an afternoon at Nagasaki (we should
have spent a week); and stops at numerous sites where Catholic Christians, converts
of Francis Xavler, were martyred In the 1600's. 5 days of conventionhalf In Japanese
and half In Englishwere refreshing to the spirit but tiring to the body. We drove
another half a day, and just barely caught the ferry back to Hiroshima.
August 3-5: 14 young people from the Ono church came again to distribute tracts
to all the homes In Hesaka. Heat one day, rain the next; they worked hard and ate
hard. One evening they shared food and fun and the good news of Jesus with 16 of
our Hesaka young people, and already two requests for correspondence courses or
further Information have come from people who received tracts. Please pray that we'll
be able to follow up on all of these opportunities.
August 20-22: 5 teenagers, 2 other adults and I shared In a retreat with the
Ono church. It was a 6-hour drive one way, and by the time I got home at 11:30
Saturday night, every bone In my body was protestingbut It was the first Bible
camp for these kids, and a great experience for us all.
August 24: Began trying to finish up In one week all the leftover chores I thought
I'd have all summer to do. Mama used to say, "Slow but sure wins the race," but I
sure am slow. Special thanks to those who write even though you don't get answers,
and to those who pray and give that we can keep going.
Sachiko Is spending the month of September at home In Tokyoa long-deserved
rest. She wants to make some big decisions about her future life and work, so
please remember her In your prayers.
With love to all of you,
Carolyn B^rlcklow
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