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Succeeding with Technology, Third Edition

Database Design
Field design
Numeric field
Contains numbers that can be used in making calculations
Characters or numbers that will not be manipulated
Can be sorted or even used in computations
Logical piece of data
Contains items, such as yes or no
Computed field
Determined from other fields

Succeeding with Technology, Third Edition
Database Design
Record and table design
Record: A collection of related fields
Table: A collection of related records
In any database, you must
Identify the exact fields for each record
Identify the types of records for each table
Tables can be organized in many ways
Succeeding with Technology, Third Edition
Database Design
Succeeding with Technology, Third Edition
Database Design
Input and output interface design
Creating effective interfaces is a powerful design
Designers can create easy-to-understand forms
After data is entered, the database can go
automatically to the next field without requiring
action by the user
Reports (A view of just a portion of a database
records and/or fields) and other outputs can also
be powerful and packed with information
Succeeding with Technology, Third Edition
Database Design
Succeeding with Technology, Third Edition
Using Databases with Other Software
Front-end application
One that directly interacts with people or users
Back-end application
Interacts with other programs or applications
System designers are increasingly using the Web
as the front end to database systems
Succeeding with Technology, Third Edition
Using Databases with Other Software
Succeeding with Technology, Third Edition
Data Analysis
A process that involves evaluating data to
identify problems with the content of a database
Succeeding with Technology, Third Edition
Data Accuracy and Integrity
Data integrity
Data stored in the database is accurate and up to
Garbage in, garbage out (GIGO)
Inaccurate data input results in inaccurate output
Database management systems
Must be programmed to detect and eliminate data

Succeeding with Technology, Third Edition
Creating and Modifying a Database
Outline of the logical and physical structure of the
data and relationships among the data
Data definition language (DDL)
Collection of instructions and commands used to
define and describe data and data relationships
Data dictionary
Detailed description of all data used in the database

Succeeding with Technology, Third Edition
Creating and Modifying a Database
Succeeding with Technology, Third Edition
Creating and Modifying a Database
Typical uses of a data dictionary
Provide a standard definition of terms and data
elements that can be referenced by programmers,
database administrators, and users to maintain data
Assist programmers in designing and writing
Simplify database modification

Succeeding with Technology, Third Edition
Creating and Modifying a Database
The data dictionary helps achieve the advantages
of the database approach by
Reducing data redundancy
Increasing security
Speeding program development
Simplifying modification of data and information
Succeeding with Technology, Third Edition
Updating a Database
Databases are updated by adding, modifying, or
deleting records
Essential to maintain data accuracy and integrity
Front-end applications can be used to enter changes
which are then transferred to the database
Succeeding with Technology, Third Edition
Updating a Database
Succeeding with Technology, Third Edition
Manipulating Data and Generating Reports
Data manipulation language (DML)
Allows users to
Access, modify, and make queries about data contained in
the database
Generate reports
Query by example (QBE)
Makes manipulating databases much easier and
Structured Query Language (SQL)
Standardized data manipulation language (vocabulary
used to manipulate data)

Succeeding with Technology, Third Edition
Manipulating Data and Generating Reports
Succeeding with Technology, Third Edition
Database Backup and Recovery
Database backup
A copy of all or part of the database
help to minimize losing backup data companies are beginning to use
Database recovery
Returning database to original, correct condition if it has crashed or
has been corrupted
Disaster recovery: providing a plan for how to bring systems back
online after an emergency
Redundant array of independent disks (RAID)
Used to store duplicate data on multiple disks
Storage area network (SAN)
Used to connect multiple storage devices on high-speed networks

Succeeding with Technology, Third Edition
Using Database Systems in Organizations
Organizations need to process routine
Routine processing activities
Pay employees
Send out bills to maintain a healthy cash flow
Send out a monthly newsletter
Pay suppliers for parts and raw materials
Information and decision support
Valuable tool to support decision making

Succeeding with Technology, Third Edition
Data Warehouses, Data Marts,
and Data Mining
Data warehouse
Large database that holds important information
from a variety of sources
Usually a subset of multiple databases maintained by
an organization or individual
Data mart
Small data warehouse
Often developed for a specific person or purpose

Succeeding with Technology, Third Edition
Data Warehouses, Data Marts,
and Data Mining
Data mining
Process of extracting information from a data
warehouse or a data mart
Business intelligence
In a business setting, use data mining can help
increase efficiency, reduce costs, or increase profits

Succeeding with Technology, Third Edition
Data Warehouses, Data Marts,
and Data Mining
Succeeding with Technology, Third Edition
Trends Distributed Databases
Distributed database
Also called a virtualized database
Actual data may be spread across several databases at
different locations, allow more users direct access at different
user sites
Master database file: database that records the existence of all other
databases and the location of those database files and records the
initialization information for database
Transaction database file: comprises a unit of work performed within a
DBMS against a database, and treated in a coherent and reliable way
independent of other transactions

Replicated database
Database that holds a duplicate set of frequently used data

Succeeding with Technology, Third Edition
Database Systems, the Internet,
and Networks
Databases are typically used to organize and deliver
Web data and information
Invisible to the user
The Web is the front end
All requests to the database are made through the
Internet access to databases allows collaboration
Security is a concern
According to the text, some security experts believe that
up to 40 percent of Web sites that connect to corporate
databases are susceptible to letting hackers take
complete control of the database
Succeeding with Technology, Third Edition
Trends Distributed Databases
Succeeding with Technology, Third Edition
Database Systems, the Internet,
and Networks
Succeeding with Technology, Third Edition
Visual, Audio, Unstructured,
and Other Database Systems
Organizations are finding needs to store visual and
audio data
Music companies
Store and manipulate sound from studios
Databases can be used to correct pitch errors in singing
Drug companies
Analyze large numbers of visual images
Law enforcement
Database of fingerprints
Unstructured database
Contains data that is difficult to place in traditional systems
Succeeding with Technology, Third Edition
Visual, Audio, Unstructured,
and Other Database Systems
Succeeding with Technology, Third Edition
Database Administration
Database administrator
A skilled and trained computer professional who directs all
activities related to an organizations database, including
providing security from intruders
responsible for
Overall design and coordination of the database
Development and maintenance of schemas
Development and maintenance of the data dictionary
Implementation of the DBMS
System and user documentation
User support and training
Overall operation of the DBMS
Testing and maintaining of the DBMS
Establishing emergency and recovery procedures

Succeeding with Technology, Third Edition
Database Use, Policies, and Security
End-user computing
Development and use of application programs by
noncomputer-systems professionals
End-user computing issues
What data can users read, update, or write in a database?
When can data be transferred from small computer systems
to the mainframe or server? (Uploading)
When can data be transferred from the mainframe or server
to personal computers or smaller systems? (Downloading)
What procedures are needed to guarantee proper database
use and security?
Succeeding with Technology, Third Edition
Organized into a hierarchy
Generalized class of objects for which data is
Database designers
Can use a data model to show relationships among
Object-oriented model
Stores data as objects

Succeeding with Technology, Third Edition
Data Analysis
Uncovers problems with the content of a database
Group of programs used as an interface between a database
and application programs
Entered into the computer via a data definition language
Most organizations use a database system to
Send out bills, pay suppliers
Print paychecks
Perform other routine transaction processing activities

Succeeding with Technology, Third Edition
Distributed database
Data is spread across several databases at different locations
Database systems often work in conjunction with
the Internet and networks
Many organizations need specialized databases
Audio, visual storage
Database administrators
Manage the database
Are responsible for database use, policies, and security

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