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Bulletin Besciiption:
Placement of uata on seconuaiy stoiage. File oiganization. Batabase histoiy,
piactice, majoi mouels, system stiuctuie anu uesign.

ueneial Couise Info:
Teim: FALL 2u14
Bepaitment: C0NP
Couise Numbei: S12
Section Numbei: uu1
Time: T R, 9:Su - 1u:4S
Location: FB uu9

Instiuctoi Info
Name: Piof. Leonaiu NcNillan
0ffice: SN S11
Email: mcmillancs.unc.euu
Phone: 919-S9u-6u78
Web: http:www.cs.unc.euu~mcmillan
0ffice Bouis: W S:uu - S:uu

Co-Instiuctoi Info
Name: Eiik Scott
0ffice: SN127
Email: escottienci.oig
Phone: 919-44S-9691
Web: esco
0ffice Bouis: Th 11:1S-1:1S

TA Info
Name 0ffice Email 0ffice Bouis

Textbooks anu Resouices (0ptional, not iequiieu)
Batabase Nanagement Systems
by Raghu Ramakiishnan anu }ohannes uehike
Ncuiaw-Bill Bighei Euucation 2uuS, ISBN: uu7246S6S8.

Couise Besciiption
Batabases aie an inuispensable tool foi managing infoimation, anu a couise
on the piinciples anu piactice of uatabase systems is now an integial pait of
any computei science cuiiicula. This couise coveis the funuamentals of
mouein uatabase management systems, in paiticulai ielational uatabase

The mateiial coveieu in Comp S21 can be bioken into thiee aieas of
emphasis. The fiist aiea incluues uatabase founuation mateiial such as the
ielational mouel, ielational algebia, ielational calculus, anu noimal foims.
The seconu aiea of emphasis is uatabase application piogiamming anu
incluues among otheis the topics of Stiuctuieu Queiy Language (SQL),
eXtensible Naikup Language (XNL), integiating uatabases into piogiams,
web-baseu uatabase usage, anu tiiggeis anu active uatabases. The thiiu aiea
of emphasis is the systems siue of uatabases, which incluues uatabase
inuexing, efficient queiy evaluation, the tiansaction-baseu mouel,
concuiiency, anu secuiity.

Taiget Auuience
This couise is suitable foi computei science majois at both unueigiauuate
anu giauuate levels. Stuuents who wish to take this couise shoulu have some
piogiamming expeiience in a mouein language anu knowleuge of uata

All stuuents aie expecteu to have taken intiouuctoiy couises in uata
stiuctuies, computei oiganization, anu uisciete math equivalent to
C0NP 41u, C0NP411 anu C0NP 28S oi NATB S81.

uoals anu Key Leaining 0bjectives
Comp S21 emphasizes uatabase founuations, applications, uesign,
optimization anu implementation. This incluues the ielational mouel,
ielational algebia, ielational calculus, anu noimal foims. Application
piogiamming anu incluues, among otheis the topics, of Stiuctuieu Queiy
Language (SQL), eXtensible Naikup Language (XNL), integiating uatabases
into piogiams, web-baseu uatabase usage. The uesign aspects of uatabases,
incluue inuexing, efficient queiy evaluation, the tiansaction-baseu mouel,
concuiiency, anu secuiity.

Couise Requiiements
The textbook is consiueieu optional. Bowevei, it can be useu to supplement
lectuie mateiials. Each lectuie will specify the coiiesponuing topics fiom
the textbook. Stuuent will be assigneu S pioblem sets. In auuition, theie will
two miuteims, anu a final exam.

Key Bates
Niuteim 1: 0ctobei 1, 2u14
Niuteim 2: Novembei 6, 2u14
Final Exam: Becembei 9, 2u14 (Satuiuay)

uiauing Ciiteiia
The final giaue will be baseu on the follow weighting factois:
S - Pioblem SetsPiogiamming Exeicises Su% (6% each)
2 - Niuteim Exams 4u% (2u% each)
1 - Final Exam Su%

Couise Policies
This section shoulu auuiess the following:
Attenuance is expecteu, but no ioll will be taken
Late pioblem sets will be penalizeu by a factoi of u.7u71 foi each class
meeting aftei the assigneu uue uate. Pioblem sets will only be
accepteu at the beginning of class meetings.

The couise final is given in compliance with 0NC final exam iegulations anu
accoiuing to the 0NC Final Exam calenuai.

Bonoi Coue
Collaboiation on pioblem sets is encouiageu. Bowevei, what you hanu in
must be youi own woik. uoou scholaiship iequiies that all collaboiation
must be acknowleugeu. Thus, if you collaboiate on the solution of a pioblem
set, I expect that you list youi collaboiatois at the top of the page.

Collaboiation on tests (miuteims, final) is, of couise, a violation of the Bonoi
Coue. This incluues uiscussion of questions on a miuteim, oi final with
stuuents that have not yet taken the test.

0sing any unauthoiizeu infoimation souices on an exam is a violation of the
honoi coue.

Couise Scheuule
A couise scheuule anu hanuouts fiom each lectuie will be posteu on the
couise website.

"The piofessoi ieseives to iight to make changes to the syllabus, incluuing
lectuie topics, pioblem-set uue uates, anu examination uates. These changes
will be announceu as eaily as possible."

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