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Pick any number : pilih aja nomer berapa

Just shout it out : udah katakan saja

Youve got to speak up, girl : elu harus katakan, girl
I dont see you putting yourself out there : G gak pernah liat !o gaul"keluar rumah
!ets try to get the score up : mari kita tingkatkan nilai itu"nilainya
#he oddest bunch of people Ive seen in my life : jelema aneh nu kakarak aing tempo
Give me five minutes : dagoan aing lima menit deui nyak$$$
%o you just help yourself to anything you need in the &fridge : sok e mun butuh nanaon
mah teangan e na kulkas
I dont kno e'actly ho to say this : nggak tau sebenernya harus ngomong apa
Put a fe stitches in them (di sepatu) : tinggal ditambal aja sepatunya$
*very day of freedom is like an act of faith
Well, I gotta be goin = gw harus pergi ung,...
I cant bear it ==
I didnt think of it that way
Dont scold me = jangan ngebentak/menghardik aku
Turn me loose = lepaskan aku (lagi ditahan/dikeukeupan, agar lepas
I!e no help to gi!e you = gw ga bisa bantu lo
"hat are you afraid of# = apa yang lo takutin sih#
Even if things dont quite work out
Because Hes got a crush on you = karena dia naksir elo
I dont do kidding = Aing teu (reseup) hereuy
ou didnt hear the phone ring !y A" #HA"#E$ %I% &'( ) "o$ I %idnt
&h no* I +ean$ ,ust totally unnecessary = oh nggak$* -aksud gw gak penting ,uga
Ill get it to hi+ = gw !akal kasih ini ke dia
Idiom in daily life ((_(_(_(((_(_(_(_(_(_(_(_(
perfect_chi!a " s!ype

that when we complain, and complain, about our li#es, thing get e#en harder,
you !now, you don$t gain or do anything by %ust clompaning
Where are u from?
i$m not gay for the record
i$m gonna call u %ac!ie chan from now on
&erman is %ust so much easier, as I am already so far along with it
there is nothing left to loo! forward too
frea!ing '() and humid* I$#e had sweat going down the crac! of my ass
all day*
i dont want to be sel+sh because i ha#e needs
in the day, after it rains, the sun comes up*
you know you are gonna be hated for just being who you are, not for
what you do, but just for the fact of saying who and what you are
,-./0,ent0,ent 1 membelo!an"" 2bend the truth3
45dmission of guilt tends to breed public sympathy4 (6onathan 5lter)
5rguably (argyueublee) = bisa dibilang
-mbellish (embeulesh) = membumbui, menambahi, memperindah,
menambah cerita.
'ogwash (hougwosh) = omong !osong
5 7iece of 8a!e 0 -asy tas!
5n arm and a leg 09ery e:pensi#e
,ac! to s;uare one 0 'a#ing to start all o#er again
8rac! me up 0 )o ma!e someone laugh
/e#ils ad#ocate 0 <omeone who argue on the particular issue he doesnt
belie#e it.
/ri#e someone up the wall 0 5nnoying someone #ery much =you really
dri#e me up the wall>
-l#is has left the building 0 )he show is o#er.
-:cuse my ?rench 0 ?orgi#e me for cussing
?eeding ?ren@y 0 5n aggressi#e attac! by a group
&ra#eyard shift 0 Wor!ing hours between AA7B C D5B when most people
are sleeping
'it )he ,oo!s 0 <tudy hard for a testEe:am
Its a small world 0 Fou fre;uently see the same people in diGerent places
Heep your chin up 0 )o remain %oyful in a tough situation
Hnoc! on wood 0 )o a#oid bad luc!
Iet the cat out of the bag 0 Iet the secret out
Bumbo 6umbo 0 <pea!ing nonsense
.ew !id on the bloc! 0 <omeone new in the group
(n the same page 0 7eople agree on something
7ig out 0 )o eat ;uic! and a lot
7ulling your leg 0 )ric!ing someone as a %o!e
Jainchec! 0 5 deal that is decline now but will be accepted later
<a#ed by the bell 0 <a#ed at last possible moment
<capegoat 0 <omeone else who ta!es the blame
)ie the !not 0 )o get married
Four guess is as good as mine 0 I ha#e no idea
.ew 9ocabulary K 7hrase
A. )antamount (ad%) = sama dengan, setara
L. -dict =idect> (noun) = de!rit, ma!lumat, pro!lamasi
M. &ranted = diberi!an, di!arunia!an, di!abul!an
N. in turn forward = pada gilirannya menerus!anEmenyampai!an
O. elaborate (#erbEad%) =ilaboret> = rumit, pan%ang lebar, terperinci,
mengurai!an, mengembang!an,
P. di#erse (ad%) = berbeda, bermacam0macam, ane!a
Q. 8ome about = muncul, munculnya
D. -ntirely =entairely> (ad#) = sepenuhnya, seratus persen, sama se!ali

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