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MAEERs Maharashtra Institute of Technology

Department of Management Sciences & Research, Pune

Subject Human Resources Management (203) - CBCS Patterns 2014
Multiple Choice Questions (Topic 1 & 2)
1. HRM intends to develop the full --------- of employees
a. Future b. Aptitude c. Potential d. Competence
2. consists of motivation & leadership
a. Direction b. Controlling c. Regulation d. Supervision
3. Organizations are nothing but .
a. People b. Material c. Money d. Machinery
4. Which is the process of deciding how employees do their jobs?
a. Performance appraisal b. Performance Estimation
b. Performance Decision d. Performance Controlling
5. Personnel policies are not easy to .
a. Advertise b. Disclose c. Withhold d. Communicate
6. administration is the process of dividing how much an employee should be paid
a. Compensation b. Performance c. Honorarium d. Incentive
7. Organizing tasks & responsibilities towards having a productive unit of work is called .
a. J ob Architecture b. J ob Scheme c. J ob Design d. J ob Evaluation
8. Which of the following is not a function normally performed by the HR department?
a. Training & development b. Recruitment & Selection c. Employee Relations d.
9. What is the purpose of a business strategy?
a. To focus attention on failing areas of business practice
b. b. to decide on the areas of expansion/retraction
c. c. to create a consistent corporate image
d. to secure and sustain competitive advantage
10. Strategic Human Resource management aims to achieve competitive advantage in the market
a. Price b. Product c. People d. Process
11. .is conducted with external competitors in the same market
a. Generic HR benchmarking
b. Competitive Benchmarking
c. Internal Benchmarking
d. Internal Benchmarking

12. SHRM is a part of the .. plan
a. Human Resource
b. Financial
c. Business
d. Marketing
13. General Motors Company has a strong tradition of ..development
a. Labour b. Skills c. Employee d. Management
14. Effective management requires effective human resource management
a. Strategic b. Financial c. Operations d. Competition
15. J ob analysis is a process of gathering information about the
a. J ob holder b. J ob c. Management d. Organization
16. The process of a job analysis is the preparation of two statements namely
a. J ob Observation & J ob Description
b. b. J ob Specification & J ob Observation
c. J ob Description & J ob Specification
d. J ob Enlargement & J ob Enrichment
17. Which statement about job satisfaction is more correct?
a. It causes performance
b. It can affect turnover
c. It cannot be measured
d. It does not affect absenteeism
18. A person who is motivated by the enjoyment of performing a task is high in.
a. Self-esteem
b. Need for achievement
c. Extrinsic Motivation
d. Intrinsic Motivation
19. When organization gives more tasks to performat the no pay hike is called a ..
a. Enrichment b. rotation c. Enlargement d. Revitalization
20. J ob Security would fall under which of the following needs:
a. Safety b. Social c. Ego d. Self-actualization
21. What is the meaning of HRP?
a. Human Resource Plotting
b. b. Human Resource Planning
c. Humanistic Resource Planning
d. Human Resource power
22. HRP helps .with the other significant plans of the organization
a. To integrate the personal plans
b. To integrate the personnel plans
c. To integrate the promotional plans
d. To integrate the pricing plans
23. The process of developing an applicants pool for job openings in an organization is called:
a. Hiring b. Recruitment c. Selection d. Retention
24. The termprocurement stands for:
a. Recruitment & Selection b. Training & Development c. Pay & Benefits
d. Health & Safety
25. Which of the following terms may be defined as the process to discover sources of manpower to
meet the requirements and to employ effective measures for attracting that manpower in adequate
number to facilitate the selection of an efficient working force?
a. Recruitment b. Hiring c. Developing d. Selection
26. What is being described here?
The process by which employers advertise jobs on the web get bombarded with applications from
thousands of interested jobseekers
a. J etting b. Bombing c. Flooding d. Spamming
27. A good source of hiring technical staff would be
a. Private Search firm b. Vocational School c. Employment exchange
d. Professional Association
28. The purpose of selection is:
a. To reject the most suitable candidate and to select the other candidates
b. To select the most suitable candidate and to reject the other candidates
c. To select the less suitable candidate and to reject the other candidates
d. To reject all candidates those who applied
29. WAB indicates as:
a. Weighted Application Blanks
b. Weighted Application Banks
c. Waited Application Banks
d. Waited Application Blanks
30. In strategic human resource management, HR strategies are generally aligned with:
a. Business Strategy b. Marketing Strategy c. Finance Strategy d. Economic Strategy
31. Integrating HRM into the organization strategic plan is the first step in aligning it with the

a. Mission b. Vision c. Mission & Objectives d. Goals & objectives
32. Which model of SHRM attracted criticismfor being over-prescriptive and too hypothetical in
a. Resource-based model
b. Matching Model
c. Integrated Systems Model
d. HR Model
33. The termcompetitive advantage stands for:
a. The superior market position of a company in the market vis--vis its competitors
b. The organizational confidence level
c. The expansion of product lines in the market
d. The success factor of the organization
34. Which of the following is not offered in a job analysis?
a. Worker Attributes b. Performance appraisals c. Working conditions
e. J ob Specifications
35. HRM is --------------
a. Employee oriented b. Employer oriented c. Legally oriented d.
customer oriented
36. Which of the following is the area fromwhich applicants can be recruited?
a. Employment Lines b. Employees Association c. Labour Market d.
Labour schemes
37. According to Edwin Flippo, the first & immediate product of job analysis is ----------
a. The job description b. The job design c. The job Production d. the job
38. J ob Characteristics Model is proposed by ----------------------
a. Hockman & Coldham b. Hockman & Oldcham c. Hackman & Oldham
d. Horkman & Oldtham
39. The Integrated SystemModel of Strategic Human Resource Management acknowledges the
existence within the organization of ----------------
a. Multiple cultural & strategic environment b. multiple stakeholders c. multiple
recruitment integrated system d. multiple structural organizations
40. Manpower inventory involves ---------------------------------------
a. The classification of the inventory of workers in an organization in addition to their qualities
b. The classification of characteristics of personnel in an organization, in addition to counting
their number
c. The classification of characteristics of managers qualities in addition to their number
d. The classification of characteristic features of functions for inventory in addition to the total
number of functions
41. Low absenteeism& turnover is the outcome of which of the following core dimensions described
by the J ob Characteristics Model
a. Autonomy b. Feedback c. Task Identity d. Task significance
42. The Integrated systemModel is also known as --------------
a. Harvard Model b. Michigan Model c. Integrated Model d. Warwick System
43. Recruitment ------------------------
a. Follows selection b. precedes selection c. matches selection d. goes
44. High J ob satisfaction is the outcome of which of the following core dimensions described by the
J ob Characteristics Model?
a. Task Identity b. Task significance c. Feedback d. Autonomy
45. One of the external sources of recruitment is ---------------------
a. Retired managers & employees b. dependents of deceased employees c. gate
hiring d. campus hiring
46. Which of the following will influence the method of recruitment and selection used by a
a. The state of the economy.
b. The size of the organization.
c. The type of training programmes used by the company.
d. The possible expansion of UK business in Europe.

47. The first step in the human resource planning process is:
a. preparing a job analysis b. forecasting future human resource needs
c. Assesing future demand d. assessing future supply
48. The first step in a typical job analysis is to examine the overall organization. The next step is:
a. collect data on jobs. b. prepare job description.
c. prepare job specification. d. select jobs to be analyzed.
Answer Key
1. c 2. a 3. a 4. a 5. d
6. a 7. c 8. d 9. d 10. c
11. B 12. c 13 d 14 a 15. b
16. c 17 c 18. d 19. c 20. a
21. b 22. b 23. b 24. a 25. a
26. d 27. b 28. b 29. a 30. a
31. a 32. d 33. a 34. b 35. a
36. c 37. a 38. c 39. b 40. b
41. b 42. b 43. b 44. d 45. d
46. b 47. b 48. d

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