Make An E-Book: This Ebook Aims at Providing A Beginner's Guide To PDF Ebook Building

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Make An
This ebook aims
at providing a
beginners guide
to PDF e-book
My Blogger Tricks
Written By:
Hassam Ahmad Awan
Edited By:
Rahmeen Ahmad Khan
Reviewed By:
Mohammad Mustafa Ahmedzai
Make An E-Book

Table of Contents
1-Introduction 5
1.1-Introduction to E- book Marketing 6
1.1.1-Who should make an eBook? 6
1.1.2-Why to make an eBook? 6
2-Planing Phase 7
2.1 Research your targeted market 8
2.1.1-What should you research about? 8
2.1.2- How could this data influence our eBook content? 8
2.1.3- So how to collect this all useful data? 8
3-Building Phase 10
3.1 Creating killer Title/content [Overview] `11
3.1.1- Choosing the Title 11
3.1.2- Enjoy what you write = Killer Content 11
3.1.3- Adding a personnel touch = Authority 11
3.2 Creating killer Title/Content [How To] 12
3.2.1- What program is best suited for an e Book writing? 12
3.2.2- How should you start? 12
3.2.3- Content characteristics? 12
3.2.4- Give it proper clothing 12
3.2.5- Most Important - Summarize 12
3.2.6-Font Selection 13
4-Developing Phase 14
4.1 PDF Formation/3D Cover Model 15

5-Publishing Phase 16
5.1- Building an Auto Responder eBook Delivery System 17
5.1.1 Creating an online e-book form / Customization 17
5.1.2 Applying the form to the Blogger Blog 18
5.1.3 Building Download system with email subscription / Thanks page 18
Make An E-Book

Make An E-Book
1-Introduction to E-Book Marketing
Most of the visitors are interested in building up their own eBooks that could play wonders for them. Yup wonders. We
hardly pay any attention to eBook marketing and how they can take our blog to a much higher level, within days
1. 1-Who should make an eBook?
Well this is important. There is not much that you will get out of this e-
book if you don't really need an eBook. Gaining subscribers through giving
out free eBooks doesn't work for every niche blog. Imagine you have a
news blog where you posts latest technology that arrives to the market.
How you would write an eBook for news and stuff? So, e-Book technique
mostly works for tutorials and guides that either give out a general
overview of something, or provides a compressive guide to targeted
If you have got something that you believe could help others online, you have a great chance of sharing it through an
eBook of your own.
1. 2- Why to make an eBook?
People use eBooks in various ways to grow online. If you have a blog, you would probably know the importance of loyal
subscribers that you get. Subscribers act as a backbone of your blog and would never let your blog die.
Notice how every popular blogger, may it be Darren Rowse from or the Copyblogger guy, got those huge
amount of email subscribers at their disposal. These people are loyal towards what you do online and are always ready
to listen what you get; as they opted in by their will for subscription.
If you follow these popular bloggers, you would know how frequently they arrange give a ways. May it be an exclusive
tutorial, an eBook or a video series. Giving out free eBooks is one of the best ways out there to increase subscriber base.
A single, well written, targeted, eBook can bring you massive amount of subscribers.
Once you have thousands of subscriber lists, you simply have an extra income stream. Just like people earn money by
tweeting products, the same is the case with email marketing. You could mention affiliate links within your emails that
could draw some revenue. Basically it all boils up to the amount of traffic you got. And of course, more traffic means
more subscribers consequently high generation of revenue.
e-Books are extremely easy to share. As being in the popular PDF format, they could be easily passed on to a friend. If
you had the true facts in the eBook, you might become the owner of a viral eBook, that draws a different set of traffic
Imagine if you build up a new blog from zero. If you have a comprehensive subscriber list, you never have to start all
over again with the new blog. You could easily advertise your new blog to your loyal subscribers.
So giving out free eBooks and earning subscribers, could construct a solid future for you blogging career. Thats all for
pumping you to continue reading.
Make An E-Book

Planning Phase
Make An E-Book

2-Research Your Targeted Market
There are a couple of ways through which you can research and get to know your targeted market in a fairly fast way. If
you are blogging from quite a while, then you might not need this part of research, as you would already be familiar with
the kind of audience that you have earned over the years.
2. 1-What should you research about?
Well this is pretty much practical to ask. For making a great eBook, you have to make it sure that your hard work doesn't
go in vain. Your content in the eBook might be best, but that might just not what your readers want.
So providing the right information at time could result in a life saver. You would often get comments like:
Thank you so much. Thats exactly what I wanted. You're a life saver"
Pretty encouraging right? Thats the status we want to achieve with our eBook. So by knowing the age group, level of
literacy, gender, location etc we could better target our market.

2. 2- How could this data influence our eBook content?
By knowing the level of literacy of your audience, you could choose the vocabulary that you would pour in your eBook.
Using simple language works the best, by the way. Knowing the gender of your audience, makes you better equipped
while adjusting those little jokes around.
Say you get most of you traffic from US. You could mention the country in your eBook in some regards that would drive
a personnel touch to the eBook. So thats how different set of data could help your make a better eBook that earns a
better demand in the market.
2. 3- So how to collect this all useful data?
Well there are couple of great tools is that can assist you collecting this data. I would recommend Google Analytics. Get
to know the keywords that draws you most of the traffic at your blog. This would help you know that why people search
you online. Say you get most of the traffic from a keyword 'How to wash your dog'.
Now, in the eBook that you would make on dogs, you should concentrate more over dog washing techniques and not on
dog food. That is just a rough idea.
Make An E-Book

The demographics can also be studied through Google Analytics. There are other great tools for the purpose like, Market
Samurai or Keyword Elite 2.0 but they are not free. Market Samurai costs 90$, but has build up a reputation over the
Once you gather all of this useful information, you could start Building your first ever eBook. The information would help
you set the name of your eBook and the use of keywords in the content. We will be talking about them in later sections
of this book.

Building Phase
Make An E-Book
Make An E-Book

3.1-Creating Killer Title and Content
Creating killer Title and Content is the back bone of any eBook. Formerly we went through some techniques that could
help us better build our content and choose the eBook title wisely.
3. 1. 1- Choosing the Title
The title technique goes just like normal blog post technique. Titles having figures, personnel touch, high profile
keywords works the best. As an example, notice my post title: 6 Reasons Why Blogger Over shines WordPress
This heading is attractive to the eyes. The post was on the hot topic; also the 6 point figure made it more compelling to
read. Recently I read an eBook by blogtyrant which also had a compelling heading that goes like: Capture 120% More
Email Subscribers Overnight"
So the point is that simple. Always decide the title of an eBook beforehand i.e. before making the content. That would
allow you to stick to the main theme of the eBook. People often like to read lists, as they save time and convey the entire
content in a nutshell.
They would always like to have points in mind regarding any particular topic, instead of reading a whole bunch of
content that would confuse them at the end.
3. 1. 2- Enjoy what you write = Killer Content
Creating killer content could be extremely easy and a fun job, but only when our mind is ahead of our typing speed.
Generic content formation rules apply to eBooks too. As with eBook, you aim to provide some information, in your own
style that you know about.
You cant write 100 words on something that you don't know much about. So first of all, make sure that are you
knowledgeable enough, on the topic that you aim to write on. Sometimes, having knowledge is not enough. Enjoying
what you write is another plus for creating killer content.
You might want to continue with the same topic of eBook, and publish new parts in the future. So having interest in
whatever you do is the key. Besides this, adding colorful relevant pictures, bullet points, facts and figures, wise
paragraphing results in a generation of quality content.
3. 1. 3- Adding a personnel touch = Authority
This part of the content would determine the amount of success that your eBook would grab. Even though you might be
having knowledge that you would write about, it is extremely important to have some personal opinion/experience to it.
Imagine you yourself have never even touched 100k Alexa mark and plan to build an eBook something like, 10 Golden
Rules To Achieve <5k Alexa rank. Even though the idea seems cool and many people would like to know the magic
points, the first thing they would do is to proceed by checking your rank.
As a result, it would add no authority to the topic. Only if you knew the golden rules, you could have achieved that
yourself. And authority and expert stature is what you want to achieve with your eBook. There are tons of them already
floating out there online, so there's should be something unique about the content.
So that now we got an overview of how we should plan our e-Book's Content, we will now see how we could bring it to
practical grounds. What programs we can use to start building content, formatting techniques, aesthetics and stuff.
Question: What do you think makes up a killer content?
3.2- Creating Killer Title and Content
How To?
3. 2. 1- What program is best suited for an e Book writing?
It is simple. Use Microsoft Word (that is free) for writing content for you eBook. The latest version has many useful tools
that you could use for formatting your content. Its widely used for this purpose today due to its ability to convert .doc
files directly to PDF files, that we want our eBook to be in.
Write out your basic backbone content first. No need to add pictures and stuff. Just build text content. Once that done,
you could decorate it with relevant pictures. As this is what I do with the blog post. I work out the post content, and then
finally make it wear some nice clothes.
3. 2. 2- How should you start?
This is often the biggest hindrance one could face while writing any content. But I believe its very easy when you know
something to write upon. If you have to summarize your last Christmas or your birthday, you wont take a minute to start
writing what you experienced.
That is that your mind should be a head of your fingers typing. Say if you need to build an overview, you could surely
start with it. It is often a good practice by first making out the table of contents (though you could workout minor
changes later if needed) which would direct you towards your end goal with the eBook.
Don't make it formal. Use simple language and present the content like you're talking to your buddy. I take my posts as a
conversation between you and me. It then gets easy to then put things together.
3. 2. 3- Content characteristics?
It would be a good move to use more than one type of headers. It better helps in withdrawing the attention of the
reader and helps out separate the sub parts of the content too.
Use more and more bullet points, numeric numbering etc. Make sure each paragraph is not more than 4-5 lines. It helps
to hover over the content easily. Also convey your message in a mixture of long and short sentences. It really works. (See
what I did there?)
3. 2. 4- Give it a proper clothing
Clothing is must, right? Find out some cool relevant pictures for the content. Try to assign a picture for every heading
you got there. It really makes the content lively. It is one of those forces that urges reader continue reading.
3. 2. 5- Most Important - Summarize:
Make An E-Book

Make sure that you give out a keynote at the end. Summarize the entire content at the end of the eBook and tell
readers what they got from the post. Like from this section, you got an idea of what program we could use for an eBook
writing, how to better format our content, clothing etc.
The reader should not be confused at the end. Thats the purpose. Make him know what he had to get from the eBook.
You may do this by adding Objectives/What to learn? in the beginning.
3. 2. 6-Font Selection:
12-13 is really recommended from many successful eBook publishers. Don't use fancy fonts, please. And always use
black color for the content. To summarize, let it be universal and not just create a new theme that would not be
appreciated at all. Though as mentioned before, you could use 2 different decent colors for headings.

Developing Phase
Make An E-Book
Make An E-Book

4.1-Creating PDF and 3D Cover
Having said it all brings us to the most exciting topic i.e. creating eBook 3D covers and finally exporting it into PDF
PDF is the most famous sharing format for eBooks which is widely accepted on Macs and PCs. Many of us use PDF
readers and are pretty comfortable with it. So its always a good idea to be in flow with the masses. So looking forward
to that, we would see how exactly we should export our eBook that would rock the market. :)
4. 1. 1- Why PDF and Not Any Other Format?
As mentioned before, PDF format is universally recognized by PCs and Macs and thus a wise move would be to get
something out that is useful to the wide community. Also, PDF is more consistent and gives much better result in terms
of formatting.
An eBook in .DOC file (Microsoft Document file) would give formatting issues when moved from place to place. Sending
it through email might disturb the picture settings etc. With PDF, once its exported, its kind of final and that is what
everybody would see when they get it.
4. 1. 2- eBook PDF Export Settings
One should really concentrate on the settings that he sets for his eBook. Exporting is one of the most important factors
that we have to consider while we work out our eBook. The default zoom levels are to be considered wisely.
Again there no set rule for the default settings. Normally 100-120% works for many people. View it to test out your final
product. For settings Go to File >> Export As PDF and it would take you to the settings options. Choosing the right zoom
levels would make sure that your final product (images) isn't blurry.
4. 1. 3- eBook Free 3D Cover Creator
There are so many 3D eBook cover creators online but the drawback is that most of them are premium services. There is
a great solution that I have found as an eBook 3D Cover generator and the great part of the story is that they are free.
Though I would recommend making out a great one for yourself (in case you aim to sell your eBook) as there are some
limitations to these tools. There is limited number of templates that you could choose from. But for giving out free, they
are worth using.
It would save a lot of your time as your 3D cover can be few clicks away. Myecovermaker is my choice. The cover on
right is what i made for the sample purpose. Its worth using (when we know that its free). You could upload your own
images too.
So finally export your PDF eBook and make sure its not a huge file. Working around 1MB is good enough. Once your PDF
file and 3D cover is ready, it is time to get to the publishing side.

Publishing Phase
Make An E-Book
Make An E-Book

5.1-Building an Auto Responder eBook
Delivery System

Making out a 3D cover image of our eBook can really shoot up downloads as many people feel like getting something of
the real world. Image is better than thousand words, remember? There was no use mentioned in the previous post
regarding our 3D image that we made as that is the part of our today's post. This being the last topic in the eBook
creation, I will try to wrap up the subject, making it a final call of motion.
So now we have written our eBook well, keeping formatting and other decorative issues in mind, exported it as a PDF
with desired settings and finally built its 3D cover. Now what? Its time to make up an email delivery system, whereby we
would see the process creating an opt in form (for email download) on our sidebar, that would help users to download
the eBook once they have provided their email address.
You wont have to bother about sending the eBook to every individual. Okay?
5. 1. 1-Creating an Online eBook Form / Customization
Ok so here we'll be taking help from an auto responder service. The best ones out there (used by top probloggers) are
aWeber or iContact. They have their own pros and cons but we'll not be getting into that one for now.
For the sake of this post, ill be giving out examples of aWeber auto responder service but generally its the same
procedure for iContact too.
Once you get an account at aWeber, you would see your dashboard as shown below. Notice the 5 buttons on the top
(blue buttons). Though i am not considering that you have the account for now, but the post would give out a general
idea of how things work and how you would be following it in the future (if you opt in for an auto responder service)

In the button for Webforms, you get to see many email opt in forms. You wont be needing any coding capabilities while
using the service as the forms are drag and drop enabled. So that's how you would get your email opt in form. Though
you can get any third party email opt in form and later link it to aWeber auto responder.
There would be an option for 'Follow up' messages that you can set for the email delivery system. What this basically
does is that you can set a list of follow up messages with time intervals of your choice. To summarize, follow up
messages are those emails that the subscriber would get (after the set interval) after the opt in. So in our case, we would
set the follow up messages as our download page with 0 time interval. Got the point?
Finally, you would get your HTML code for your opt in form that you can add to your blog through Edit HTML/JavaScript
gadget on Blogger blogs.
5. 1. 2- Building an eBook Download Page
This would be the page that the subscriber would be taken to once he subscribes through the opt in form. The download
page wont be indexed on Google (as you don't want people to find the eBook Download page through Google before
they subscribe ;)
So for Blogger users, you can simply make out a new post naming it 'eBook download page' (or any thing that you like).
WordPress users can make out a new page. This page can also be referred as Thanks page as you would appreciate the
subscriber's move to subscribe. Give out a link to your eBook download.
For that, upload your eBook somewhere online. You may use a free service Free-eBooks . Get the download link and
mention that in the Thanks (download) page that you have created. So now you have your own download page, you
need to make sure that it isn't listed on Google search result so that people would not access that Download page
directly. You need to get them through that email opt in channel.

Remove a Page from Google Search Results?
Add the following code to your 'page' Edit HTML option. (not your blog's!). This way, that particular download page wont
be indexed by search engines.
<meta name="robots" content="noindex,nofollow">
5. 1. 3- Making an Auto Responder Email Delivery Tunnel
Now that you have your download page ready, simply add the download page link in the auto responder email that you
would send to the subscriber once he gives his email address in the opt in form on your sidebar. This responding email
would be set up in your aWeber follow up messages option as mentioned before.
The subscriber would get that email thanking him to subscribe. The download page link would then take him to the
eBook download page where he would get the PDF form.
Thats it! This is basically the entire idea of the auto responder email delivery system that you can create with the help
of any auto-responder service online. Again the best ones out there are aWeber or iContact. Many use Mail Chimp too
but they have hell lot of complains too.
Make An E-Book

I hope this entire eBook series was useful and would motivate you to build your first ever eBook and get started in
attracting more email subscribers.
They say: 'Money is in the list'!
Series by:
Hassam Ahmad Awan.
MBT's Gold Star Guest Author.

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