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Con la tecnologa de Traductor

Aldon Rail Car Stops and Bumping Posts
Car Stops and Bumping Posts for Freight Cars
We have three levels of car stopping products based on frequency of use and the length of the
train that will mae contact with the stop!
Car Stops and Bumping Posts are for use on flat trac only at a slow speed "#$% mph&!
Car Stops are not equal in stopping capacity to a Bumping Post! 'imit use of car stops to lightly
travelled side tracs( where one to two cars ma)imum are being moved!
Provide ample space between car stops and ob*ect to be protected!
+se a signalman to guide locomotive engineer as cars approach stop or post! Repeated impacts
will weaen stops and posts!
Car stops are sold in single units but should always be used in pairs!

End-of- Track Stop
For car storage tracs and lightly used loading tracs!
Car Separation
Avoid contact between rail car being moved and nearby
pared rail cars! Provide ample distance between stops and
Backup for Chocks
Provide additional stopping protection if wheel
chocs,brae can-t hold car steady!
Chocking on Grades #. ma)!slope/
0nstall one stop on each rail! 1.
1ase car up against stops $ no impact! 2.
Apply brae and choc rear wheels 3.
For multiple cars use multiple pairs of stops "# pair per car&! 4.
Provide adequate means to stop car movement when car
stops are removed!
Aldon Railcar Wheel Stops, Skids & Bumping Posts
1 de 4 29/09/2014 15:29
Stops are bolted through web of rail! Stops fold
outward when not needed! 'oc casting grips
head of rail and can be padloced to prevent
unauthori2ed use of stops! 0f load is too great(
bolts can shear!
34#5$46$R Right 7and
Wt! 83
34#5$46$' 'eft 7and
Wt! 83
#$9 cars! $ 'ight$duty side trac!
Wedge holds bolted$together car stop to
rail! Stop stands #6 inches above rail! Can
be used as choc as well as stopping
device! :ighten bolts periodically and
re$hammer wedge if loosened!
34#5$4% Weight #4; lbs!
+ses the cushioning capacity of the tie and
a wheel$bump feature to lift the wheel
slightly off the rail to absorb momentum!
Recommended for spur tracs where more
protection is needed than a conventional
car stop can provide!
34#5$45 Weight #;% lbs!
#$% cars! $ <ore frequently used side trac!
:o increase awareness of car stops and
bumping posts( install a 93=) 93=) !44>=
blan red aluminum sign appro)imately #4
feet behind the stops or post "to clear car
Customer provides 3=) 3= wooden post!
?3##6$33 Weight/ 3 lbs!
Part @o! 3##5$4> $ 'ight :raffic!
Weight >44 lbs!
Part @o! 3##5$48 $ 7eavy :raffic
Weight #(964 lbs!
Customer can install middle rails for
trac strength! 'eave % to 3 ties
worth of rail length behind post!
Cast$steel rail sids "or =sates=& can be used
as wheel chocs or as car$stopping devices for
slowly moving freight cars! Sids are also a
low$profile choc for idling locomotives!
As a Wheel Choc "for flat trac only&/ Place
sid on each rail a few feet in front of stopped
car! Slowly roll car forward so wheels can
mount sids! Apply car braes! Choc other end
of car on flat trac!
As a Car$Stopper "for flat trac only&/ Place
sids on each rail( one sid a few yards away
from the other! 'et car roll forward at % to 3
mph ma)imum speed! Wheels will mount sids
and resulting friction of sid under wheel load
brings car to a gradual stop! @ote that a sid
can be noced off railA be sure to have a derail
installed further down the trac( *ust in case!
Replace sids when tongues become deformed!
Sid tongue must lie dead flat on the rail to be
heavier rail!
For heavy railroad service $ particularly for hump yard
tracs where trains are being formed! Features deep
=pocet--to capture car wheel! 7igh bac eeps wheel
from *umping over!
34#5$#9 Weight 39 lbs!
<odel S$>5/ For stopping cars and as a wheel choc!
Features a =pocet= center to capture wheel!
34#5$## Weight %4 lbs!
e)posed rail
<odel S$5#/ For light to average weight cars( as car
stopper and wheel choc!
34#5$#4 Weight #8 lbs!
e)posed rail
<odel S$;> A light$weight sid( useful as a wheel
choc on industrial sidings( and to alert engineer when
pushing a string of cars into a dead$end siding!
34#5$48 Weight #% lbs!
:amper$proof choc for freight cars( or idling
locomotives on flat trac! 'ow clearance "3 in! above
top of rail&! 'ip on one side of sid is removed for
seating on flush rail! Roll car onto sid and apply
brae! Choc other end of car with a conventional
wheel choc! Sids are furnished as either =left rail=
or =right rail= as viewed from the handle end of the
=Right Rail= Sid is pictured at left!
3= high ) #>= long! Weight #% lbs!
Aldon Railcar Wheel Stops, Skids & Bumping Posts
2 de 4 29/09/2014 15:29
Aldon Railcar Wheel Stops, Skids & Bumping Posts
3 de 4 29/09/2014 15:29

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Aldon Railcar Wheel Stops, Skids & Bumping Posts
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