Unseen Hazards From Nanotechnology To Nanotoxicity - Food & Water Europe

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Unseen Hazards

from Nanotechnology to Nanotoxicity

defending our essential resources

About Food & Water Europe
Food & Water Europe is a non-profit organization working with grassroots organizations around the world to create
an economically and environmentally viable future. Through research, public and policymaker education, media and
lobbying, we advocate policies that guarantee safe, wholesome food produced in a humane and sustainable manner
and public, rather than private, control of water resources including oceans, rivers and groundwater. For more
information, visit www.foodandwatereurope.org.

Food & Water Europe

Rue d’Edimbourg, 26
1050 Bruxelles

Copyright © December 2009 by Food & Water Watch. All rights reserved. This report can be viewed or downloaded
at www.foodandwatereurope.org.
Unseen Hazards
From Nanotechnology to Nanotoxicity
Executive Summary..............................................................................................................................................................iv

Nano Size................................................................................................................................................................................1

Unseen Hazards.....................................................................................................................................................................2

Occupational Safety...............................................................................................................................................................3

The Environment...................................................................................................................................................................4

A Nanoparticle of Prevention Is Worth a Pound of Cure.....................................................................................................5


US and EU Regulations.........................................................................................................................................................7

Regulation: Food.....................................................................................................................................................8

Regulation: Cosmetics..............................................................................................................................................8

International Working Groups.............................................................................................................................................9

Nanotechnology and the Food Supply...................................................................................................................................9

Nanotechnology and Energy................................................................................................................................................11

Nanotechnology and Water.................................................................................................................................................12


Appendix: Nanosilver...........................................................................................................................................................14

Unseen Hazards: From Nanotechnology to Nanotoxicity

Executive Summary
Nanotechnology—engineering extremely small particles at the molecular level to create materials with new behaviors
and chemical properties—is a powerful new scientific pursuit, one with the potential to produce the next electricity or
combustion engine—the next thing to change everything.

Predicted to be two-thirds of a trillion-euro industry by 2015,1 nanotechnology can already be found in hundreds of
consumer products, including items related to food, like fertilizers,2 kitchenware and tea.3 Meanwhile, governments
and corporations are plowing billions of euros into research and development of nanoparticles, hoping to one day cure
cancers and remedy the many inconveniences of the modern world.

Unfortunately, the enormous potential of nanotechnology to quell the world’s problems may be offset by its potential
to cause harm. There is legitimate concern that the nano-sized particles employed in this new technology will have
seriously damaging effects on the health of humans and the environment. Dozens of studies from the emerging field of
nanotoxicity have already demonstrated hazards associated with nanoparticles.

The very young field of nanotoxicity has already linked some nanoparticles to:

• Damage to DNA4,5
• Disruption of cellular function6 and production of reactive oxygen species7
• Asbestos-like pathogencity8
• Neurologic problems (such as seizures)9
• Organ damage, including significant lesions on the liver and kidneys10
• Destruction of beneficial bacteria in wastewater treatment systems11
• Stunted root growth in corn, soybeans, carrots, cucumber and cabbage12
• Gill damage, respiratory problems and oxidative stress in fish13

On the nano-scale, particles of materials like silver and carbon exhibit qualitatively different behavior from larger-
sized particles, behavior that that makes scientists salivate and regulators tremble. Even in the United States, which
leads the world in nanotechnology research and development, regulators acknowledge the potential hazards of
nanotechnology, saying, “The same special properties that make nanoscale materials useful are also properties that
may cause some nanoscale materials to pose potential risks to humans and the environment...”14

However, American regulators have provided little in the way of oversight over the flood of nanotechnology
products entering the US market. As with genetically modified crops, the United States is embracing the promise
of nanotechnology, massively funding research and development and allowing the widespread proliferation of
nanomaterials into the public sphere with little thought for their potential hazards.

Nano-products are sold widely in Europe as well, and thus far the EU has failed to enact a robust regulatory approach.
Worse, consumer protections may take a back seat in the nanotechnology debate, as leaders seek to avoid what some
view as the mistakes made with biotechnology—failing to financially capitalize on genetically modified crops because
of consumer concerns over safety. While acknowledging the need for public protections, the European Commission’s
current 5-year nanotechnology action plan also states, “Europe must avoid a repeat of the European ‘paradox’ witnessed
for other technologies and transform its world-class R&D [research and development] in N&N [nanosciences and
nanotechnologies] into useful wealth-generating products in line with the actions for growth and jobs…”15

Such wealth generation, however, could lead to costly long-term problems to human health and the environment
if nanomaterials enter the market place without proper risk assessment and regulation. The legacy of unregulated
chemical and technological commercialization is, in some regards, one of man-made disasters. The track record of
asbestos, DDT, PCBs and radiation—substances that were heralded as the technological breakthroughs that would
change everything—should serve as a warning that we cannot continue to neglect the potential hazards associated with
nanotechnology simply because it is the next big thing.

Food & Water Europe

Though nanotechnology is showing enormous promise in fields like medicine, a great deal of development thus far
relates to consumer products that offer little benefit to society given the potential costs associated with their potential
toxicity. Slightly stronger, slightly lighter tennis rackets and bicycles make a small difference to sports enthusiasts, but
the carbon nanotubes employed in their manufacturing might ultimately make a big difference to the health of humans
and the environment. One American insurance company, the Continental Western Insurance Group, reportedly went
so far as to announce that it would no longer insure against injury caused by carbon nanotubes,16 which have been
linked to “asbestos like pathogenicity.”17 This announcement was removed from its Web site shortly after its posting.

Given consumers’ increasing exposure to nanotechnology in grocery stores, around the dinner table and at their places
of work—sometimes unknowingly—there is a clear need for legislators and regulators to put consumer protections in
place now.

Food & Water Europe supports the “no-data, no-market” approach of the European Parliament’s environment
committee, which includes market withdrawal of consumer products containing nanotechnology until reliable and
independent safety assessments can be made.

Food & Water Europe recommends that the EU apply the “precautionary principle” as its foundation for conducting
risk-assessment of nanotechnology in consumer products. As such, Food and Water Europe calls for a moratorium
on the commercialization of all nano products until their safety can be demonstrated. In particular, Food & Water
Europe rejects the idea of nano-foods because their potential risks to consumers greatly outweigh their purported

Legislators should foster a robust, public debate about nanotechnology and authorize a dramatic increase in funding
for research into the toxic effects of nanoparticles.

Legislators should also work to scale back the widespread proliferation of consumer products containing
nanotechnologies until a robust regulatory program is in place. In the interim, it is essential that regulators require all
consumer products containing nanotechnology to be labeled.

Food & Water Europe urges the European Commission to take the following actions:

The Health and Consumer Protection Directorate General (SANCO) of the European Commission must require
manufacturers using nanotechnology to register their products in a database that is publicly available on the SANCO
Web site.

The code of conduct for nanotechnology research that the European Commission adopted in 2008 as voluntary should
become mandatory. The aim of the code was to make nano research activities comprehensible to the public, performed
in a transparent manner, accountable, safe and sustainable and not threatening to the environment.18 This code is not
effective if countries and manufacturers can opt out.

“No matter how sophisticated knowledge is,
it will always be subject to some degree of
ignorance. To be alert to—and humble about—
the potential gaps in those bodies of knowledge
that are included in our decision-making is
fundamental. Surprise is inevitable. Just as one
basis for scientific research is the anticipation
of positive surprises—‘discoveries’—so it will
always yield the corresponding prospect of
negative surprises. By their nature, complex,
cumulative, synergistic or indirect effects in
particular have traditionally been inadequately
addressed in regulatory appraisal.”
– The European Environment Agency, from the 2001 report,
“Late Lessons from Early Warnings: The Precautionary
Principle 1896-2000”

O ne nanometer is one-billionth of a meter, or about 1/50,000th the width of

a strand of hair. Sub-microscopically small, nanoparticles exhibit unique
properties that are different from even slightly larger sized particles. They express
quantum mechanical phenomena and can go places that other particles cannot—
some research suggests they are small enough to pass through your skin and even
through the tight mesh of cells that comprise the blood-brain barrier.

What makes nanoparticles so unique is not simply their fortunately, regulators in many countries are attempting
small size, but their large surface area relative to their to address nanoparticles with rules designed for chemi-
small size. Like finely ground coffee beans, which have cals or food. These rules can be clumsy in their applica-
a different, more effective interaction with hot water tion to nanotechnology, rooted in metrics related to type
than whole coffee beans, nanoparticles have much more of material instead of size, geometry or behavior. When
surface area than larger particles, which can make them an agency views a nano-sized particle of carbon the same
highly reactive. way it regulates a piece of coal—or nanosilver the way it
regulates silver dollar coins—it ignores the complexities
As the U.S.-based International Center for Technology and potential hazards surrounding nanoparticles.
Assessment notes, “Carbon (like graphite in pencil lead)
is relatively soft; but carbon in the form of carbon nano- Under this weak regulatory regime there has been an
tubes (nano-scale cylinders made of carbon atoms) is a unchecked proliferation of products containing nanotech-
hundred times stronger than steel. An aluminum soda nologies into the commercial marketplace. One survey
can does not burn; however, aluminum nanoparticles found that more than 800 consumer nano-products had
explode when used as rocket fuel catalysts.”19 entered the consumer market place internationally as of
last year,20 with as many as 20 new items entering every
As scientists continue to show that the properties and month.21 In a 2008 report, the environmental group
behaviors nanoparticles exhibit are different from larger- Friends of the Earth found more than 100 food and agri-
sized particles, there is an evident need for different regu- cultural products containing nanoparticles.22
lations to address nanoparticles’ potential hazards. Un-
Unseen Hazards: From Nanotechnology to Nanotoxicity

For a snapshot of nanotechnology in the food system, In many ways, titanium dioxide exemplifies the need for
consider the following: regulations specific to the nanoscale. At larger particle
sizes, titanium dioxide is considered inert and benign
At the farm, fertilizers and pesticides containing and is used in many food products. Many sunblocks have
nanoparticles of clay and other materials are touted historically used titanium dioxide in larger particle sizes,
for their slow-release mechanisms and potency.23 too—particularly memorable are the white noses of so
many lifeguards in decades past.
Food itself can contain nanoparticles, such as cured
meats and sausages,24 nano-tea,25 and the wide va- However, at particle sizes below 300 nanometers, nano-
riety of nutritional supplements containing nanosil- sized titanium dioxide particles have been shown to dam-
ver. Research and development is underway to use age DNA,32 disrupt cellular function,33 produce reactive
nanotechnology in myriad aspects of food process- oxygen species,34 and cause organ damage.35 While skin
ing.26 products containing nanoparticles of titanium diox-
ide continue to be sold widely, researchers continue to
In the kitchen, we prepare food using kitchenware find links to toxicity.36 As recently as November 2009,
and cutting boards that employ anti-microbial researchers issued a study that included a warning that
nanosilver technology,27 and store food in refrigera- individuals working with titanium dioxide nanoparticles
tors also coated with nanosilver.28 might be at an elevated risk for cancer and genetic disor-
ders because of high exposure levels; the researchers also
When we package food to put in the refrigerator or discouraged the use of spray-on sunscreens containing
take with us to work, a large number of food con- the nano-material, saying it could collect in the lungs and
tainers and wrappings are incorporating nanotech- cause problems if inhaled.37 The apparent uncertainty
nologies into their manufacture,29 even though there surrounding the safe handling of titianium dioxide in the
is a threat that nanoparticles could actually migrate nano-form—both in the laboratory and through consumer
from the packaging into the food itself. products—highlights the need for regulatory action on

Unseen Hazards Nano-sized copper particles have also been linked to

Human exposure to nanoparticles, whether incidental or unique hazards. Mice exposed to nano-sized copper
intentional, could have grave and lasting consequences, particles exhibited “gravely toxicological effects and
and scientists are just beginning to understand the real- heavy injuries” to internal organs while those exposed to
world consequences of nanotechnology’s widespread micro-sized copper particles—which are also very small
dispersion into the public sphere. particles, but still 1000 times larger than nano-copper—
were relatively unharmed.38 Nano-copper can be found in
New research into nanoparticles of titanium dioxide— a variety of commercially available cosmetics and also in
widely used in sunscreens, including Burt’s Beeswax at least one nutritional supplement.39
“chemical free” variety30—shows that though the nano-
sized material helps protect your skin from harmful UV In May 2008 the journal Nature Nanotechnology pub-
radiation, it may cause cell damage through the produc- lished a highly publicized study that linked carbon nano-
tion of free-radicals.31 tubes to health problems similar to those produced from
asbestos exposure.40 Nanotubes, which are carbon atoms
arranged on the nano-scale in the shape of tubes, are re-
vered for their enormous strength and used in the manu-
facturing of things like tennis rackets. Some nanotubes
also happen to be similar in shape and size to asbestos
particles, which have been proven to cause mesothelioma,
cancer of the lung lining.41

Disturbingly, the Nature Nanotechnology study showed

that nanotubes exhibit “asbestos-like pathogenicity” in
mice whose abdomens were injected with carbon nano-
tubes.42 One of the study’s authors noted that much more
research needs to be done before a link can be established
between carbon nanotubes and mesothelioma,43 a chal-
lenge that researchers have taken up with compelling
preliminary findings.44 One group’s research, still in
progress, has shown “inflammation in the lungs of the
mice, and fibrosis in their lungs, which persisted follow-
ing exposure.”45

Food & Water Europe

[Researchers] have reported that in molecular dy-

namic computer simulations C60 fullerenes [a type
of carbon nanoparticle] bind to double and single-
stranded DNA and note that these simulations sug-
gest that C60 may negatively impact the structure,
stability, and biological functions of DNA.

The widespread engineering and commercialization of

nanotechnology, which is predicted to be worth hundreds
of billions of euros by 2015,48 means that the potential
hazards of nanoparticles may soon become a facet of ev-
eryday life. Nanoparticles could have a hazardous effect
in the home where nano-products are used, in the facto-
ries where the products are manufactured, and elsewhere
in the environment, such as in the landfills and waterways
where nanoparticles will likely accumulate.

Occupational Safety
In late 2009, researchers published a paper with the first
link between human injury and nanotechnology, docu-
menting evidence that seven workers in a Chinese paint
factory either died or suffered permanent lung damage
after inhaling fumes and smoke that contained nanopar-
ticles.49 It is perhaps no coincidence that this first link
was made to an occupational setting, where high expo-
sure rates may render workers de facto guinea pigs for
the potential toxicity of nanomaterials. Occupational
safety guidelines can minimize exposure, but until more
In 2007, a review of nanotoxicology peer-reviewed publi- is known about the potential hazards of nanomaterials,
cations found that of 38 studies of carbon-based and me- safe-handling practices may be inadequate.
tallic nanoparticles, 24 indicated some negative biological
impact such as cell death, DNA damage, oxidative stress, Highlighting the difficulty in trying to determine safe
increased reactive oxygen species levels, pro-inflammato- exposure limits, a committee of scientists hired by the EU
ry response, and altered immune function.46 noted, “There is no clear opinion on which parameter(s)
should be measured as a most appropriate measure of
This growing body of nanotoxicological evidence is being assessing exposure (mass/number/surface area)…”50
published in peer-reviewed journals and also circulated At the same time, the EU’s European Agency for Safety
among regulatory bodies, which readily acknowledge the and Health at Work (EU-OSHA) has noted that even
potential harms of nanotechnology:47 though data is lacking, there is a need to “develop interim
working practices to reduce workplace exposure.” The
Studies assessing the role of particle size on toxic- agency’s reports goes on to state, “Although the degree of
ity have generally found that ultrafine or nanosize damage is still unknown, there are indications that they
range (<100 nm) particles are more toxic on a mass- can cause toxicity, cardiopulmonary effects, modifica-
based exposure metric when compared to larger tion of protein structures, autoimmune effects, oxidative
particles of identical chemical composition. stress and cancers.”51 EU-OSHA has identified exposure
to nanoparticles as the number one “emerging chemical
Studies examining the pulmonary toxicity of carbon risk” to worker health.52
nanotubes have provided evidence that intentionally
produced nanomaterials can display unique toxicity Regulators of occupational safety in the United States ac-
that cannot be explained by differences in particle knowledge the risks posed to workers, but government in-
size alone. vestment in environmental, health and safety issues related
to nanotechnology in the workplace has been minimal.53
Submicron particles have been shown to penetrate
the stratum corneum of human skin following To be sure, the seven workers in the Chinese factory,
dermal application, suggesting a potential route by two of whom died, should speak volumes to the need for
which the immune system may be affected by dermal stricter regulation of nanomaterials in the workplace, ex-
exposure to nanoparticles. tending from students working in academic laboratories
to laborers in manufacturing of nano-products.

Unseen Hazards: From Nanotechnology to Nanotoxicity

The Environment formulating existing pesticides to contain nano-sized

versions of the active components,60 which could result in
As humans interact with products containing nanotech- other contamination of the land and water. In one study,
nologies—either in the workplace or at home—there is nano-aluminum was shown to stunt root growth in five
the worry that nanoparticles will eventually wash down commercial crops (corn, soybeans, carrots, cucumber and
our drains and into our water systems, creating problems cabbage).61
with water resources, fishing and farmland. The ultimate
fate of nanoparticles once released into the environment The long-term consequences of engineered nanopar-
remains very much unstudied. ticles decomposing in the environment remain unknown.
Many manufacturers claim that they “permanently
One study examining nanosilver—a widely used nanopar- embed” nanoparticles in their products, like plastic
ticle with antibacterial properties that is found in at least bottles made from clay nanoparticles or the ARC Out-
260 consumer products54—showed that the nanomaterial door’s X-System clothing, designed with nanoparticles
could wipe out beneficial bacteria that neutralize am- to eliminate the scent associated with sweat, which can
monia in wastewater treatment systems.55 Scientists also drive off deer during hunting season.62 Generally, how-
found nanosilver to be “extremely toxic,” able to “destroy ever, repeated washings of these types of products or
the benign species of bacteria that are used for wastewa- their eventual disposal into landfills makes it likely that
ter treatment” and halt “the reproduction activity of the nanoparticles will leach out of them.63
good bacteria”56 necessary to break down organic matter
in wastewater. Even as consumer products containing nanomaterials
remain in the marketplace, and will eventually have to be
Other nanoparticles, like single-walled carbon nanotube disposed of, regulators in the US and EU acknowledge the
byproducts in wastewater discharge, have been shown to dearth of information regarding the environmental fate of
cause increased mortality and delayed development of nanoparticles:
small estuarine (coastal marsh-dwelling) crustaceans.57
Research has linked nanocopper with damage to gills “Not enough is known to enable meaningful predictions
and death in zebrafish,58 while titanium dioxide has been on the biodegradation of nanomaterials in the environ-
associated with gill damage, respiratory problems and ment and much further testing and research are needed.”
oxidative stress in rainbow trout.59
“The fundamental properties concerning the environmen-
In addition to polluting waterways, nanoparticles could tal fate of nanomaterials are not well understood as there
also have a negative impact on farmland, which is also are few available studies on the environmental fate of
serving as an unwitting testing ground for nano-sized nanomaterials.”64
innovations. Manufacturers of agrochemicals are re-

Food & Water Europe

A Nanoparticle of Prevention Is The money and especially the time associated with as-
sessing the potential hazards of nanomaterials would
Worth a Pound of Cure unquestionably impede development of nanotechnology.
The controversy surrounding nanotechnology’s poten- But as asbestos demonstrated, the model of promoting
tially harmful impact on society has encouraged many and peddling potentially dangerous innovations into the
stakeholders to question its widespread application in public sector without appropriate consumer and worker
consumer products and invoke what is called the precau- protections in place can be a recipe for disaster. For
tionary principle. The national academy of science in the decades, asbestos provided jobs and what seemed like
United Kingdom, called the Royal Society, noted, “Until wonderful products, generating enormous revenues for
more is known about environmental impacts of nanopar- manufacturers. But courtrooms today are still cleaning
ticles and nanotubes, we recommend that the release up the problems it caused, awarding huge settlements to
of manufactured nanoparticles and nanotubes into the those who unknowingly or unwittingly were exposed to
environment be avoided as far as possible.”65 the harm caused by the wonder material the government
failed to regulate.
A more succinct definition of the precautionary princi-
ple—adopted by the United Nations—reads, “Where there Europe has embraced nanotechnology more cautiously
are threats of serious or irreversible damage, lack of full than the United States, historically investing more finan-
scientific certainty shall not be used as a reason for post- cial resources in assessing the potential negative impact
poning cost-effective measures to prevent environmental of nanotechnology on the environment, health and safety
degradation.”66 (popularly known as EHS issues). A 2006 report from
the US-based Project on Emerging Nanotechnologies
Lloyd’s of London, the insurance firm made famous by its reported that Europe was spending almost twice what
capacity to extend insurance to those that are seemingly the United States was on EHS issues,71 while the United
uninsurable, has identified nanotechnology as a major States historically has invested far more money in re-
“emerging risk.”67 As evidenced by their extensive partici- search and development of nanotechnologies.72,73 To
pation at a health and safety conference on nanotechnol- effectively address EHS issues, however, Europe should
ogy, insurance companies and lawyers are already taking massively ramp up spending on nanotoxicity research
a hard look at the liabilities associated with marketing and implement a moratorium on consumer products. Ac-
nanotechnologies that have unknown, possibly hazard- cording to current budget estimates, the EU is planning
ous impacts on society, which can lead to personal injury on spending around 3.5 billion euros on nanotechnology
lawsuits.68 research and development between 2007 and 2013.74
Meanwhile, the European nanotechnology market, cur-
If ever there were a case to be made for the precautionary rently second in the world, is expected to equal that of
principle, it would seem to be with nanotechnology. A the US market by 2015, amounting to tens or hundreds of
raft of problems face regulation of nanotechnology, how- billions of euros.75
ever, not the least of which is the inexorable push for new
applications of nanotechnology by scientists, businesses
and governments.

Researchers this year released a report that estimated

the time and costs associated with assessing the toxic
“Not enough is known
potential of nanotechnology, concluding that the costs as-
sociated with testing existing nanoparticles in the United
to enable meaningful
States “ranges from $249 million [EUR 164 million] for predictions on the
optimistic assumptions about nanoparticle hazards to
$1.18 billion [EUR 780 million] for a more comprehen- biodegradation of
sive precautionary approach….[and] the time taken to
complete testing is likely to be very high (34-53 years) if nanomaterials in the
all existing nanomaterials are to be thoroughly tested.”69
environment and much
As the authors note, these numbers apply only to inves-
tigating existing nanoparticles—and just those in the
further testing and research
United States—while thousands of new nanoparticles are needed.”
and nanotech innovations flood patent offices around the
world. More than 5500 nanotechnology patents have – The U.S. Environmental
already been claimed in the United States, and 3500
other applications are under consideration.70 Factoring in Protection Agency
nanotechnology development in Europe and elsewhere,
these numbers would be even larger.

Unseen Hazards: From Nanotechnology to Nanotoxicity

While nano- products are popping up everywhere in the assessment of its product safety, a dangerous prospect.
consumer sector, consumers are largely unaware of nano- While regulators generally acknowledge the unique prop-
technology or its potential hazards, which makes the cur- erties that nanoparticles exhibit, they have largely failed
rent weak labeling requirements even more problematic. to craft unique rules to address their potential hazards.
A 2009 poll of Americans found that three-quarters had Following the precautionary principle, nanoparticles
heard little or nothing about nanotechnology.76 A 2005 should be evaluated on a case-by-case basis, and their
poll in Europe suggested large numbers of consumers are proliferation stopped until a full assessment of environ-
unsure about nanotechnology, too, with almost half of mental and health risks has been conducted.
respondents saying they thought nanotechnology would
worsen society or were unsure about nanotechnology’s The precautionary principle is certainly part of the dia-
impact.77 It’s important to note that even if labeling is logue among European regulators and legislators, but
added to products as a consumer protection, this measure so, too, is the push toward capitalizing on the economic
is weakened if consumers do not understand the risks potential of nanotechnology. The debate over nanotech-
surrounding nanotechnology. This suggests the need for nology has clear parallels to the debate over biotechnolo-
public education of consumers on issues of nanotechnol- gy—both are new, untested tools that pose potential risks
ogy or the addition of warning labels on products. to consumers.

In France, the government held a “citizen conference” in The European Commission has taken the stance that
which it invited a group of consumers with little knowl- “current legislation covers in principle the potential
edge of nanotechnology to study and discuss the benefits health, safety and environmental risks in relation to nano-
and risks of nanotechnology.78 However, given that regu- materials,”80 though the European Parliament at points
lations are increasingly carried out at the Commission has challenged this assertion, calling for a more robust
level, such consumer input seems limited in its ability to application of the precautionary principle and manda-
shape the debate and may serve more as a token than a tory labeling of products containing nanomaterials.81 As
meaningful dialogue meant to generate robust consumer regulations go through a long and unsure development
protections. process, however, consumers in Europe remain largely
unprotected from an increasing number of nano- prod-
ucts entering the marketplace.
In 2005, the electronics corporation Samsung announced Despite the growing body of demonstrated risks associ-
its new line of “silver magic” home appliances containing ated with nanotechnology and failure to perform ad-
silver nanoparticles, boasting that “Silver Nano ions can equate risk assessments, the predominant sentiment in
easily penetrate ‘non-membrane cell’ of bacteria or vi- the EU seems to be applying the precautionary principle
ruses and suppress their respiration which in turn inhibit in a half-hearted way, with most proposed regulations
cell growth. On the other hand, Silver Nano is absolutely still very theoretical at this point. Consumers need a true
harmless to the human body.”79 application of the precautionary principle—which says
that a full risk-assessment should be complete before
Because nanotechnology regulations are very weak, decisions are made about the use and proliferation of
consumers are essentially asked to trust a company’s own nanomaterials.

Food & Water Europe

US and EU regulations
Current regulations of nanotechnology both in Europe
and the United States are very weak, rooted in regula-
tory assessments based on the chemical composition of a
material, rather than its size, geometry or function. Both
systems are in a process of adapting these chemical-based
regulations to nanomaterials, but neither system comes
close to enforcing the precautionary principle.

The main regulatory tool addressing nanotechnology in

the United States is the Toxic Substances Control Act
(TSCA), a framework for controlling the sale and use of
new chemical substances that may impact public and/or
environmental health.82 Under TSCA, though, nanopar-
ticles are regulated according to their molecular composi-
tion, not their size.

However, regulators have made some size-specific excep-

tions, for example determining that materials like carbon
nanotubes deserve special regulatory attention.83 TSCA
has been criticized, however, for its “no-data, no-risk”
approach, allowing nanomaterials to proliferate widely in
the public sphere with little to no risk-assessment data.

This contrasts with the European guidelines for nano-

technology, which fall under the Registration, Evaluation,
Authorisation and Restriction of Chemical Substances
(REACH). REACH is intended to take a “no-data, no-
market” approach, theoretically requiring companies to
provide evidence of the safety of their chemicals before
they can enter the marketplace.84

However, due to its own limitations, not all that unlike

American rules, REACH fails to apply a robust precau- nanomaterials remains to be seen, but it will likely pro-
tionary principle. Designed to regulate chemicals pro- vide stricter oversight than American regulations.
duced in quantities of one ton or greater, REACH is broad
regulatory device that does not automatically apply to American regulators have largely demurred from con-
nanomaterials.85 For example, the one-ton threshold of fronting head-on the danger that nanotechnology poses
REACH could simply encourage manufacturers and han- to consumers, preferring to take a wait-and-see approach.
dlers of nanomaterials to limit the scale of their operations Given the potential toxic impact that nanotechnology
rather than perform a thorough risk-assessment. Given could have, European legislations must step up to the
the amount of nanoparticles in a ton, the REACH thresh- plate and take a different course, implementing regula-
old clearly is not well applied to nanotechnology. tions that evaluate nanoparticles on a case-by-case basis
and instituting a regulatory regime that follows the pre-
REACH is also weakened by the exclusions it has allowed, cautionary principle.
giving some materials a pass from its regulatory purview
because they had previously been shown to be safe to A true application of the precautionary principle in Eu-
humans in larger particle sizes. In 2008 the European rope could have a significant effect on American regula-
Commission, removed carbon and graphite from its exclu- tions because American manufacturers will likely want
sionary list, noting that on the nano-scale, these materials to export their nanotechnology abroad. In this way,
have not demonstrated themselves to be risk-free.86 stronger regulations in Europe could force multinational
companies to comply with the EU’s regulatory require-
Members of the European Parliament have attempted to ments and influence the development and commercializa-
push regulations further, calling for mandatory labeling of tion of nanomaterials internationally. 89 The strongest
products containing nanomaterials, and asking the Euro- message that Europe can send is placing a moratorium
pean Commission to regulate nanoparticles more broadly on the use of nanomaterials in consumer products, which
under the “no-data, no-market” principle of REACH.8788 could remove hundreds or maybe thousands of products
The final regulatory power that REACH will have over from the international market.

Unseen Hazards: From Nanotechnology to Nanotoxicity

Regulation: Food
Regulators over food in the EU have taken limited
measures to address the increasing use of nanotechnol-
ogy. The European Food Safety Authority (EFSA), in
its scientific advisory role to the EU, has acknowledged
that conducting risk assessment of specific nano prod-
ucts is “subject to a high degree of uncertainty” and best
achieved on a case-by-case approach, and also questioned
the adequacy of established toxicological methodologies
to test nanomaterials.90

At the same time, a high-ranking official at the European

Commission’s Health and Consumer Affairs Director-
ate General (DG SANCO), Robert Madelin, recently
expressed a disconcertingly uncritical view of nano-
technology in food. When asked whether supermarket
foods, possibly containing nanotechnology, were safe
for consumers, he did not hesitate to answer that they ucts, including sunscreen, lipsticks, anti-aging creams
were. In the same breath, he scolded consumer groups and lotions.94
and non-government organizations for attacking nano-
technology instead of embracing its purported benefits. In the United States regulators have called cosmetics “one
In his words, “We are pretty confident that the game of the fastest growing areas for application of nanotech-
is worth the prize.”91 Such a cavalier attitude by a top nology.”95 Companies like Barney’s New York are employ-
food safety official does not bode well for consumers in ing nanotechnology in their “self-healing” Bionova cos-
Europe. metics, while Chanel is marketing its “Calming Emulsion”
and “Coco Mademoiselle Fresh Moisture Mix.”96
One promising tool that that the EU may have in its regu-
latory arsenal over nanotechnology is the Novel Foods Weak labeling and registration requirements, however,
Regulation, an existing rule that may be extended to cover mean that consumers have no way to know which produc-
nano-foods. In early 2009, the European Commission ers are using nanomaterials in their products.97 Some
adopted a proposal that would allow the EU to regulate products could falsely advertise the use of nanomateri-
nano- foods under this rule, requiring all foods containing als, while others could remove the reference to avoid a
nanomaterials to submit a safety assessment, go through negative consumer reaction. In a recent study into the
a regulatory approval process and include some consumer presence of nanotechnology in cosmetics, Friends of the
labeling. The European Parliament has endorsed this Earth Australia randomly selected ten different brands
proposal and gone a step further, asking the Commission and found that everyone of them contained nanoparticles.
to include mandatory nanomaterial labels in the list of Only one of them was labeled as such.98
ingredients.92 The final application of Novel Foods Regu-
lation, however, remains to be seen. The United States has attempted to regulate the use of
nanotechnology in cosmetics through a voluntary regis-
In the United States, the regulation of the food supply is tration program, designed to encourage manufacturers to
a far more complex and disjointed affair, in large part be- hand over ingredient information to regulators. In theory,
cause it is shared by at least 12 federal agencies. Though this measure would give regulators the ability to alert
the Food and Drug Administration (FDA) is charged with manufacturers should the agency discover potentially
overseeing 80 percent of the food supply, it lacks the dangerous ingredients. However, as a voluntary regula-
resources to be an effective regulator and has failed to ad- tory device, the registration program offers little incentive
dress the threats that nanotechnology poses to consum- for manufacturers to participate in the program. More
ers. In the agency’s assessment of its own capabilities fundamentally, the voluntary registration fails as a con-
to regulate nanotechnology, the FDA reports that “few sumer protection measure because it does not require the
resources currently exist to assess the risks that would de- manufacturers to demonstrate the safety of their ingredi-
rive to the general population from the wide-scale deploy- ents or disclose all nano-ingredients to the public.
ment of nanotechnology products.”93
Current EU regulation of cosmetics are generally weak,
though new rules are on the way. In March 2009, the Eu-
Regulation: Cosmetics
ropean Parliament agreed to European Commission pro-
Cosmetics touting the benefits of nanotechnology are posals for mandatory disclosure of nanometerials used in
gaining an increasing market share throughout the world, cosmetics , voting in favor of tougher rules on nanotech-
with the European Commission estimating in 2006 that nology use in cosmetics.99 It will be more than three years
nanomaterials are used in five percent of cosmetic prod- before the regulation enters into force, however, leaving it

Food & Water Europe

unclear what consumer protections will balance the flood At the same time, the International Organization of
of nano-cosmetics in the meanwhile. Standardization (ISO) is developing standardized ter-
minology, specifications for reference materials, and
The European Commission has specifically noted safety testing methods for nanotechnology that could be useful
concerns with nano-sized titanium dioxide, commonly for bringing different regulatory regimes on to the same
used in cosmetics,100 but the European cosmetics industry page.104 As an example of this, in 2007, the FDA and regu-
has noted that there are “currently no specific regulatory lators from Canada, Europe and Japan made a consensus
requirements for the use of nanomaterials in cosmetic decision to follow the ISO’s “good manufacturing practic-
products.”101 es” over cosmetics, where nanoparticles are increasingly
being used.105

International Working Groups At a 2009 international conference on health and safety

In an attempt to foster an international understanding issues in nanotechnology,106 a major theme that emerged
of nanotechnology’s potential hazards, the Organization among scientists was the lack of standards surround-
for Economic Cooperative and Development (OECD) has ing the field of nanoscience, particularly as it relates to
created an international “working party” that delegates consistent manufacturing of nanoparticles. Because it
nanotoxicity research of different nanoparticles to differ- is extremely difficult to measure things like the purity of
ent countries.102 a given nanoparticle, it is also difficult for scientists to
study their behaviors and properties—and risks and re-
Scientists and toxicologists from Europe, Japan and the wards. This lack of standardization underlines the many
United States have come together to form a group called unknowns that plague the field of nanoscience, even as
the International Alliance for NanoEHS Harmonization the commercialization of nano-products continues un-
(IANH),103 motivated by the lack of agreement on proce- abated and unregulated.
dures for determining how nanomaterials interact with
biological systems. Their approach is to conduct identi-
cal testing at their various locations—a “round-robin”
Nanotechnology and the Food
method that uses identical batches of nanoparticles—until Supply
they get matching results. While toxicologists make note of the potential threats as-
sociated with human exposure to nanoparticles, the food
industry touts nanotechnology’s potential to make food
safer and healthier. Reports suggest that anywhere from
150 to 1000 nano-foods and nano-food packagings have
been developed.107 These uses include:

• Biosensors constructed from nano-sized proteins and

carbohydrates that could be used in food packaging to
indicate when, for example, meat spoils or is unsafe
to eat.108 (Biosensors could also be used to track food
as it travels around the globe.) 109

• Encapsulation of food ingredients with nanomaterials

that would fight degradation during shipment;110 in
contrast, pesticides could be nanoencapsulated and re-
leased only once they are inside an insect’s stomach111

• Food packaging that prevents gas and moisture losses

and enhances shelf life112

• Improved functionality and potency of food ingre-

dients to reduce amounts required.113 (Food giant
Unilever is reportedly working on a low-fat ice cream
in which fat molecules have been nano-sized.) 114,115

• Controlled-release systems for food nutrients (some-

times referred to as nutraceuticals or functional
foods) that enhance the ability of the body to use the

Unseen Hazards: From Nanotechnology to Nanotoxicity

The European Commission is sponsoring billions of euros ment of nanotechnology is being mishandled by govern-
for research into nanotechnology, including its use in food ment agencies.
and agriculture to “stimulate European competitiveness
across the food chain.”117 Among other endeavors, this Though using nanotechnology in food could have some
European “Food for Life” program intends to research theoretical benefit to consumers, it also serves to increas-
nanotechnology’s ability to improve food quality and ingly process food—using potentially hazardous nanopar-
manufacturing;118 innovate food packaging that can moni- ticles. For decades, food processing has been innovating
tor food quality and safety during transport, storage and at a fever pitch, creating new foods and food products that
processing;119 and introduce “bioactive food constituents” put more distance between consumers and unprocessed,
from plants, animals and microorganisms into food.120 fresh food, like fruits and vegetables. Consumers may well
already be unknowingly buying, using or eating unla-
American regulators responsible for ensuring the safety beled, unregulated products containing nanoparticles.
of the country’s meat and poultry products, meanwhile,
are funneling millions of dollars into similar research, Food packaging in particular is an increasingly popular
investing tens of millions of into the following food ap- destination of nanotechnology, because anti-microbial
plications:121,122 coatings on plastic (containing nanosilver, for example)
purportedly can help fight bacteria. Regulators recognize
• Nanosensors—used in food packaging to detect that chemicals in food packaging (plastics, etc.) can “mi-
pathogens and heavy metals grate” into the food it touches125 but current testing pro-
cedures may not be effective at measuring the migration
• Identity preservation and historical tracking of of nanoparticles from food packaging into food, or the
products—also called “little brother technology,” the unknown health risks associated with that migration.126
goal of these nano-devices is to detect “pesticides,
fertilizers and biological events significant to the final One organization that has taken a stand against the use of
product quality….of agriculture commodities.” nanoparticles in consumer products is the Soil Associa-
tion in the United Kingdom, which certifies as much as
• Smart Treatment of Delivery Systems—to “improve 80 percent of that nation’s organic products.127 In 2008,
digestibility and flavor of food” the group announced it would no longer certify as organic
any product incorporating nanotechnologies, saying,
• Novel Tools—devices used to improve development of “There should be no place for nanoparticles in health
compost systems and gene-therapy in the veterinary and beauty products or food. We are deeply concerned
sciences at the government’s failure to follow scientific advice and
regulate products. There should be an immediate freeze
• Nanomaterials—investigating self-assembly of nano- on the commercial release of nanomaterials until there
materials in biological systems, such as plants and is a sound body of scientific research into all the health
animals impacts. As we saw with GM [genetic modification], the
government is ignoring the initial indications of risk and
• Agro-Environment–nanocatalysts for fuel production giving the benefit of the doubt to commercial interest
rather than the protection of human health.”128
• Education—supporting graduate-level research in

Specific research that American regulators are funding

includes a nanotechnology device that would help detect
mad cow disease.123 Regulators are also funding research
into bioactive nanoparticles that can be used to flush out
the intestines of live poultry,124 removing bacteria that
commonly cause food-borne illnesses in humans.

The real source of food safety issues like mad cow disease
and poultry-related bacteria, however, is in the industrial
model of meat production, which relies on problematic
feeding practices and confinement methods, and the use
of artificial hormones and antibiotics. These problems
necessitate sweeping changes in the system of food pro-
duction; attempting to treat these food safety problems
with untested nanotechnological interventions, which in
themselves could cause health problems in animals or the
consumers who eat them, demonstrates how the develop-

Food & Water Europe

The Soil Association’s decision helps protect consum- Nanotechnology and Energy
ers of organic food in the United Kingdom, but the vast
majority of consumer food products have no certifying Nanotechnology also may have a potential impact on ag-
body or regulatory agency requiring the labeling of nano- riculture through its application in biofuel production, an
ingredients. It is difficult to know exactly how widely area of increasing interest as scientists continue to explore
nanotechnologies are used in food production, but some more efficient ways of turning cellulosic material (like
of the biggest corporate producers—Kraft, Unilever and wood and corn stalks) into fuel.132 A major stumbling
Nestle—reportedly are all investing in nanotechnology re- block in the development of cellulosic fuels at the moment
search.129 In 2009, the National Organic Standards Board is the great amount of energy needed to break down cel-
in the United States started discussions on nanotechnol- lulose so that it can be converted into alcohol for fuel use.
ogy but has yet to developed a formal policy regarding its
use in food that is certified organic. A number of university researchers and private ventures
are investigating ways that nanotechnology can improve
In 2000, Kraft helped launch an ambitious Nanotek Con- this process, through increasing catalyst efficiency133 and
sortium, bringing a dozen universities and research insti- improving water removal.134 Researchers are attempt-
tutions on board with a goal of manufacturing better food ing to engineer new yeast strains that can help convert
with nanotechnology.130 That consortium has reportedly cellulosic biomass into useable fuel,135 and are investigat-
changed names and leadership since, with Kraft stepping ing using “nanosphere catalysts” to increase biodiesel
away from the organization, possibly in reaction to the production.136 Government agencies are also investing in
growing controversy around the application of nanotech- nanocatalyst research.137
nology to food.131 While the big food producers have an
obvious interest in developing nanotechnologies that Nanotechnology may be used in manufacturing solar
could more effectively and safely process and deliver food cells, too, as researchers envision inventive paints and
to the public, in an unregulated environment consumers sprays that could be easily applied to roofs and act as
cannot expect profit-minded multi-national corporations solar collectors.138
to always have the public’s interest in mind.
In the European Union with its growing emphasis on
energy conservation, such developments are highly antici-
pated. The European Commission boasts that thermoelec-
tric converters could recover heat from internal combus-

Unseen Hazards: From Nanotechnology to Nanotoxicity

tion engines for example would otherwise be wasted.139 underlying issues with water scarcity.148 The European
And it is financing an international nanotechnology Commission also boasts that “In water remediation,
project to investigate new ways of capturing CO2 emis- nanotechnology is showing the way to more effective and
sions from power plants.140 In another show of support for less costly methods.”149
nanotechnology, in 2008, EU building codes allowed the
use of energy-saving, nano-enabled protective coatings.141 These applications, like those to energy, may indeed turn
out to be innovative developments, but given the many
The benefit of these applications, however, is unclear unknowns associated with the fate of nanoparticles in
given the poor understanding of nanoparticles once re- our waterways and given the poor regulatory regime over
leased into the environment. While more efficient energy nanotechnology, it seems premature to embrace these ap-
production and use are worthy research topics, the prom- plications of nanotechnology.
ises of nanotechnology in these endeavors should not su-
persede the possible risks associated with the unchecked
proliferation of nanomaterials in the environment. Conclusion
Consumer products containing nanotechnologies continue
to enter the commercial market,with little consideration of
Nanotechnology and Water potential health or environmental impacts and little or no
Water filtration is another emerging destination of disclosure to consumers. Current revenues from nano-
nanotechnologies.142,143 A recent report by the nonprofit technology, which were predicted to contribute to $166
group Science Development Network found more than a billion (EUR 110 billion) worth of products in 2008,150
half-dozen nanotechnology applications to water filtra- are dwarfed by predictions for 2015, which foresee sales
tion, incorporating nano-silver, carbon nano-tubes and of one trillion dollars (EUR 670 billion).151 J. Clarence
nanoparticles of iron oxide to help clean water of pesti- Davies, a senior advisor to the Project on Emerging
cides, heavy metals or salt.144 Nanotechnologies and a senior fellow at Resources for the
Future in the United States, has predicted that “twenty
A company called Seldon Technologies is marketing years from now, most of the products we use are likely to
consumer-ready nano-filtration products like the Water- have some nanotechnology component.”152
stick,145 a lightweight nano-carbon filter that fits into wa-
ter bottles and retails for $95 (EUR 63).146 And the Ford The unchecked proliferation of nanotechnologies into
Motor Company is testing nano-filtration at its plants in everyday consumer society is a dangerous prospect given
Germany in an effort to eliminate industrial wastewa- the number of studies showing the potential, lasting harm
ter.147 to human and environmental health posed by nanopar-
ticles. With what seems like the inevitable exponential
The European Union has thrown its support behind a growth of nanotechnology’s addition to consumer prod-
variety of nanotech projects related to water including ucts, it is imperative that regulators address its potential
possible applications to water remediation and desali- hazards now. In the current absence of sufficient govern-
nation--converting salt water into fresh water, an energy ment regulation, it is imperative that consumer products
intensive, polluting process that does little to address the containing nanotechnology be labeled.

Food & Water Europe

In collaboration with more than 70 other consumer and their safety can be demonstrated. In particular, Food
environmental groups from around the globe, Food & & Water Europe rejects the idea of nano-foods because
Water Watch and Food & Water Europe support the their potential risks to consumers greatly outweigh their
“Principles for the Oversight of Nanotechnologies and purported benefits.
Nanomaterials.”153 These principles are:
Legislators should foster a robust, public debate about
• A precautionary foundation: Agencies should operate nanotechnology and authorize a dramatic increase in
on the basis of withholding approval for the technol- funding for research into the toxic effects of nanoparticles.
ogy until it has been proven safe.
Legislators should also work to scale back the widespread
• Mandatory nano-specific regulations: Agencies proliferation of consumer products containing nanotech-
should recognize that existing regulatory frameworks nologies until a robust regulatory program is in place. In
are insufficient and must develop effective oversight the interim, it is essential that regulators require all con-
to protect human, animal and environmental health. sumer products containing nanotechnology to be labeled.

• Prevention of exposure to nanomaterials that have Legislators should also increase efforts to engage the
not been proven safe: Current funding levels and public in the discussion on nanotechnology. Surveys
government emphasis on Environmental, Health and suggest that much of the population is not familiar with
Society (EHS) concerns are not sufficient. A major nanotechnology,154 though most people may be interact-
increase in EHS funding is needed to make up for the ing with engineered nanoparticles on a daily basis.
disparity in development funding over EHS over the
past decade. Food & Water Europe urges the European Commission to
take the following specific actions:
• Environmental sustainability: Full lifecycle assess-
ments of nanomaterials are necessary prior to com- • The Health and Consumer Protection Directorate
mercialization. General (SANCO) of the European Commission must
require manufacturers using nanotechnology to
• Transparency: Mechanisms to ensure transparency register their products in a database that is publicly
throughout the regulatory process are essential. This available on the SANCO Web site.
includes labels on consumer goods, access to safety
data, workplace information and public right to know • The code of conduct for nanotechnology research that
measures. the European Commission adopted in 2008 as volun-
tary should become mandatory. The aim of the code
• Public participation: Steps must be taken to include was to make nano research activities comprehensible
and recognize public debate and input to the deci- to the public, performed in a transparent manner,
sion-making process. accountable, safe and sustainable and not threaten-
ing to the environment.155 This code is not effective if
• Inclusion of broader impacts: Ethical and social countries and manufacturers can opt out.
impacts of the technology must be accounted for and
funded at each phase of development and regulation. In 2001 the European Environment Agency put forth a
report titled “Late Lessons from Early Warnings: The
• Manufacturer liability: Companies that make and mar- Precautionary Principle 1896-2000”.156 The team of
ket nano-containing products must be held account- experts commissioned by the agency made the follow-
able for liabilities that result due to their products. ing statement: “No matter how sophisticated knowledge
is, it will always be subject to some degree of ignorance.
In the European Union, the European Commission To be alert to—and humble about—the potential gaps
should heed the call of the European Parliament for more in those bodies of knowledge that are included in our
prudence when it comes to regulating nanotechnology. decision-making is fundamental. Surprise is inevitable.
Food & Water Europe supports the ”no-data, no-market” Just as one basis for scientific research is the anticipa-
approach of the European Parliament’s environment tion of positive surprises—‘discoveries’—so it will always
committee, which includes market withdrawal of con- yield the corresponding prospect of negative surprises. By
sumer products containing nanotechnology until reliable their nature, complex, cumulative, synergistic or indirect
and independent safety assessments can be made. effects in particular have traditionally been inadequately
addressed in regulatory appraisal.”
Food & Water Europe recommends that the EU apply the
“precautionary principle” as its foundation for conducting It is time for regulators to heed this advice and imple-
risk-assessment of nanotechnology in consumer prod- ment a robust regulatory program over nanotechnology.
ucts. As such, Food and Water Europe calls for a morato-
rium on the commercialization of all nano products until

Unseen Hazards: From Nanotechnology to Nanotoxicity

Appendix: Nanosilver
Nanosilver has become a widely used nano-particle in con-
sumer products, found in at least 260 commercially avail-
able items157 and touted for its anti-bacterial properties.

Products containing nanotechnology range from a The big threat of nanosilver

Chinese-made female foam prophylactic called the
Nanometer-silver Cryptomorphic Condom to Sharper Im- is the widespread
age’s Antibacterial Silver Athletic and Lounging Socks to
Remington’s CleanXchange electric razor.158
commercialization of
Nanosilver does indeed demonstrate veritable anti-bacte-
consumer products like
rial properties, but it also has demonstrated links to a host food packaging and clothes
of health problems in humans and environmental damage.
that may expose consumers
A peer-reviewed study showed “…an apparent increase of
mutation frequency caused by silver nanoparticles during unknowingly to nanosilver
DNA replication in vitro [in a laboratory] and in vivo [in
live animals].” Noting the widespread use of nanosilver
and release large amounts
in consumer products like food-storage packaging, the
authors sounded a “call for a review of the long-term bio-
of it into the environment.
hazard issues of silver nanoparticles.”159

Disconcertingly, the life cycle of nanosilver could be as

long as it is potentially hazardous, posing threats to the
health of humans and the environment at every stop. Researchers have noted that “animal studies have shown
As the nanoparticles wash away from nanosilver socks that silver builds up in the tissues of the body” and that
in nanosilver washing machines—or as nanosilver pass “side effects from using colloidal silver products may
through the human digestive system—there is concern include neurologic problems (such as seizures), kidney
that the nanoparticles could have deleterious effects on damage, stomach distress, headaches, fatigue, and skin
waterways and farmland. irritation.”165

Silver nanoparticles have been shown to generate more When consumers take colloidal silver as a supplement,
unique chemicals, known as highly reactive oxygen spe- however, they are at least knowingly ingesting nanosil-
cies, than their larger counterparts160 and silver itself ver. The bigger threat of nanosilver is the widespread
has been classified as a toxicant by American regulators commercialization of consumer products like food pack-
and its use as a pesticide must be labeled with warnings, aging and clothes that may expose consumers unknow-
including: “This pesticide [silver] is toxic to fish and ingly to nanosilver and release large amounts of it into
aquatic invertebrates.”161 Processed sewage from waste- the environment.
water treatment plants (often referred to as sludge) is
used as fertilizer on agricultural lands, and if high levels For example, chemicals in food packaging have been
of silver nanoparticles are present in the sludge, soil shown to “migrate” into food itself,166 so there is concern
quality may suffer. that nanosilver from food packaging could unintentionally
be ingested by humans, potentially having a destructive ef-
One researcher noted, “We found that silver nanopar- fect on health. Reportedly there are between 400 and 500
ticles are extremely toxic. The nanoparticles destroy the food packaging products containing nanomaterials.167
benign species of bacteria that are used for wastewater
treatment. It basically halts the reproduction activity of In 2008, Food & Water Watch signed on as a petitioner
the good bacteria.”162 with the International Center for Technology Assessment
and other environmental and consumer groups, asking
Silver is also being used as a colloidal—suspended silver American regulators to view nanosilver more broadly as
particles of varying sizes, from one to one-thousand a pesticide, which would trigger stricter regulations over
nanometers, in a liquid.163 Colloidal silver is a popular the material. Regulatory agencies in the US currently
nutritional supplement, touted for its ability to cure dis- have taken the stance that nanosilver can only be con-
ease and restore health. A nutritional supplement called sider a pesticide if the product it is contained in adver-
Utopia Silver advertises the “anti-microbial” properties tises its antibacterial properties. Regulators are currently
of colloidal silver, including its ability to inhibit growth of considering public comments made on the petition but as
“one-celled organisms.”164 of September 2009 have not acted on them.

Food & Water Europe

Endnotes 28 Project on Emerging Nanotechnologies. “Consumer Products: An

1 Roco, M.C. “Broader societal issues of nanotechnology.” Journal of inventory of nanotechnology-based consumer products currently
Nanoparticle Research. 2003 at 182. on the market.” Available online at: http://www.nanotechproject.
2 Friends of the Earth. “Out of the laboratory and onto our plates.” org/inventories/consumer/
2008 at 20. 29 Ibid.
3 Project on Emerging NanoNanotechnologies. “Consumer Products: 30 Burt’s Bees Wax. “Frequently Asked Questions; Questions About
An inventory of nanotechnology-based consumer products cur- Our Ingredients: Is nanotechnology used in the manufacturing of
rently on the market.” Available online at: http://www.nanotech- Burt’s Beeswax Products?” Available online at: http://www.burts-
project.org/inventories/consumer/ bees.com/u/root-ingredients-faqs-burt-s-bees.html
4 Donaldson, K. et al. “Free radical activity associated with the 31 Dunford, Rosemary et al. “Chemical oxidation and DNA dam-
surface of particles: a unifying factor in determining biological age catalysed by inorganic sunscreen ingredients.” FEBS Letters.
activity?” Toxicology. Letters. November 1996 at Abstract November 24, 1997 at Results and Discussion.
5 Dunford, Rosemary et al. “Chemical oxidation and DNA dam- 32 Donaldson, K. et. al. “Free radical activity associated with the
age catalysed by inorganic sunscreen ingredients.” FEBS Letters. surface of particles: a unifying factor in determining biological
November 24, 1997 at 89. activity?” Toxicology. Letters. November 1996 at 293-298.
6 Sayes, Christie et al. “Correlating nanoscale titania structure 33 Sayes, Christie et al. “Correlating nanoscale titania structure
with toxicity: A cytotoxicity and inflammatory response study with toxicity: A cytotoxicity and inflammatory response study
with human dermal fibroblasts and human lung epithelial cells.” with human dermal fibroblasts and human lung epithelial cells.”
Toxicoloigical Sciences. April 2006 at Conclusions. Toxicoloigical Sciences. April 2006 at Conclusions.
7 Long, T., et al. “Titanium dioxide (P25) produces reactive oxygen 34 Long, T., et al. “Titanium dioxide (P25) produces reactive oxygen
species in immortalized brain microglia (BV2): Implications for species in immortalized brain microglia (BV2): Implications for
nanoparticle neurotoxicity.” Environmental Science & Technology. nanoparticle neurotoxicity.” Environmental Science & Technology.
June 7, 2006 at Abstract. June 7, 2006 at Abstract.
8 Poland, Craig et al. “Carbon nanotubes introduced into the ab- 35 Wang , J. et al. “Acute toxicity and biodistribution of different
dominal cavity of mice show asbestos-like pathogenicity in a pilot sized titatnium dioxide particles in mice after oral administration.”
study.” Nature Nanotechnology. May 20, 2008. Toxicology Letters. December 2006 at Conclusion.
9 National Institute of Health, National Center for Complementary 36 Food and Drug Administration. “Science and Research,
and Alternative Medicine. “Backgrounder on Colloidal Silver Frequently Asked Questions.” Available online at: http://www.
Products.” Available at http://nccam.nih.gov/health/silver/ and on fda.gov/ScienceResearch/SpecialTopics/Nanotechnology/
file. Accessed August 15, 2009. FrequentlyAskedQuestions/default.htm
10 Wang , J. et al. “Acute toxicity and biodistribution of different 37 Irwin, Kim. “Nanoparticles used in common household items
sized titatnium dioxide particles in mice after oral administration.” cause genetic damage in mice.” UCLA Newsroom. November 18,
Toxicology Letters. December 2006 at Conclusion. 2009.
11 Nanotechnology Business Journal. “Silver Nanoparticles May Be 38 Chen, Zhen, et al. “Acute toxicological effects of copper nanopar-
Killing Beneficial Bacteria In Wastewater Treatment.” May 12, ticles in vivo.” “Toxicology Letters. October 2005 at Conclusion.
2008. 39 Project on Emerging Nanotechnologies. “Consumer Products: An
12 Yang, L.et al. “Particle surface characteristics may play an impor- inventory of nanotechnology-based consumer products currently
tant role in phytotoxicity of alumina nanoparticles.” Toxicology on the market.” Available online at: http://www.nanotechproject.
Letters. March 2005 at 122-132. org/inventories/consumer/ “Consumer Inventory List.”
13 Federicia, Gillian et al. “Toxicity of titanium dioxide nanoparticles 40 Poland, Craig et al. “Carbon nanotubes introduced into the ab-
to rainbow trout (Oncorhynchus mykiss): Gill injury, oxida- dominal cavity of mice show asbestos-like pathogenicity in a pilot
tive stress, and other physiological effects.” Aquatic Toxicology. study.” Nature Nanotechnology. May 20, 2008.
October 30 2007 at Abstract. 41 Ibid.
14 Environmental Protection Agency. “Nanoscale Materials 42 Ibid.
Stewardship Prgoram Interim Report.” January 2009 at 43 International Council on Nanotechnology. “Interview with Prof.
Introduction. Ken Donaldson.” June 2008. Available online at: http://icon.rice.
15 Commission of the European Communities. “Nanosciences and edu/resources.cfm?doc_id=12344
nanotechnologies: An action plan for Europe 2005-2009.” July 6, 44 National Institute of Science and Health Science Blog. “Persistent
2005 at 2. Pulmonary Fibrosis, Migration to the Pleura, and Other
16 Monica, John. “First Commercial Insurance Exclusion for Preliminary New Findings after Subchronic Exposure to Multi-
Nanotechnology.” Nanotechnology Law Report. September 24, Walled Carbon Nanotubes.” Available online at: http://www.cdc.
2008. gov/niosh/blog/nsb031909_mwcnt.html
17 Poland, Craig et al. “Carbon nanotubes introduced into the ab- 45 National Institute of Science and Health Science Blog. “Persistent
dominal cavity of mice show asbestos-like pathogenicity in a pilot Pulmonary Fibrosis, Migration to the Pleura, and Other
study.” Nature Nanotechnology. May 20, 2008 at Abstract. Preliminary New Findings after Subchronic Exposure to Multi-
18 Leigh Phillips, “EU wants code of conduct for nanotech research.” Walled Carbon Nanotubes.” Available online at: http://www.cdc.
EU Observer. February 11, 2008. Available at http://euobserver. gov/niosh/blog/nsb031909_mwcnt.html
com/877/25636 and on file. Accessed November 30, 2009. 46 Hoet, P. and J. Boczkowski. “ What’s new in Nanotoxicology? Brief
19 International Center for Technology Assessment. “Citizen Petition review of the 2007 literature.” Nanotoxicology. 2008 at 1–12.
for Rulemaking to the United States Environmental Protection 47 EPA. “U.S. Environmental Protection Agency Nanotechnology
Agency.” 2008 at 10. White Paper.” 2007 at 54-55.
20 Project on Emerging NanoNanotechnologies. “Consumer Products: 48 United States Department of Agriculture Cooperative State
An inventory of nanotechnology-based consumer products cur- Research, Education, and Extension Service. “Nanotechnology:
rently on the market.” Available online at: http://www.nanotech- Overview.” Available online at: http://www.csrees.usda.gov/
project.org/inventories/consumer/ ProgViewOverview.cfm?prnum=13059
21 Project on Emerging NanoNanotechnologies. “New Nanotech 49 “Lyun, Tan Ee. “Deaths, lung damage linked to nanoparticles in
Products Hitting the Market at the Rate of 3-4 Per Week.” China.” Reuters. August 19, 2009.
Available online at http://www.nanotechprogject.org/news/ar- 50 Scientific Committee on Emerging and Newly Identified Health
chive/6697/ Risks. “The appropriateness of existing methodologies to assess
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