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Miss Young of Alderbroo
be!"#e $%e &rs$ Te"!%ing
Assis$"n$ in $%e %is$or' of $%e
s!%ool $o be "("rded $%e )*es$
TA E+er, "("rd- +o$ed b' $%e
The award, which was
introduced for the frst time this
year, was presented during a school
assembly after students were so
impressed with Miss Youngs lessons
that they insisted she needed some
form of recognition.
Jane Smith, in Year 11, said
!"#e ne#er had a teacher li$e Miss
Young. Shes one in a million.%
Students ha#e praised her for
her humour, humility, and tendency
to ma$e a bit of a fool of herself
"n response to the award, Miss
Young has told the paper that she is
&o#erwhelmed, and that she will be
gi#ing a than$ you speech during an
assembly later this wee$.
1. 'rite a speech by Miss Young
than$ing the students for the
award based on the information
gi#en. ()alf a page long*
+ear Mum and +ad,
"#e been ha#ing the time of my life here in ,ondon- " cant belie#e "ll be coming home soon. "#e
been to all the usual tourist spots, li$e ,eicester S.uare and the Tate art gallery/ they were #ery
crowded though- My fa#ourite part of the holiday so far has been going to some of the caf0s
around Soho near my hotel. They are really bohemian and cool, which suits me #ery well, dont
you agree1 "ll see you soon / "#e got to dash, were o2 to see 'ic$ed on the 'est 3nd- So
,ots of lo#e,Miss Young.
5. 'rite a tourist lea6et for ,ondon based on the
information gi#en in the letter. ()alf a side long*
551b 7a$er Street
The )ills
Jupiter, 789 111
+ear Mr )ar#ester,
:s you should $now, my bac$
garden is situated on the edge
of your feld, with a line of
fences separating them. "n the
recent harsh weather, one of
the fence panels has come
loose and is hanging on by
mere splinters. " am sure you
will agree that this fence
needs replacing.
:fter loo$ing o#er the
documents from when my
wife and " purchased this
house three years ago, it has
come to our attention that
this line of fences that bac$
your feld belong to you.
Therefore, its up$eep is your
responsibility. " am certain
that this matter will be dealt
with swiftly and with .uality.
'e gi#e our than$s in
Yours sincerely,
;ainbow <arm
The )ills
Jupiter, 789 111
+ear Mr )oward,
" must admit " was astonished to recei#e your letter. " had, in
fact, noticed that there was some damage to the fence that
you so $indly wrote to me about, but " can assure you that
the damage was not caused by inclement weather, but by
your dog.
" ha#e witnessed on more than one occasion a Masti2
of large si=e scratching and >umping at the fence. " can be
certain of this because my own dog, a 'est )ighland Terrier,
has often met your pet at the fence to peer through the gaps
that your dog has made. My dog could not ha#e possibly
>umped so high as to ma$e these gaps, and the weather
recently has not been so terrible as to cause so much
" than$ you for your neighbourly concern, but " am
afraid that " cannot pay to repair the damage? it was caused
on your side of the fence, and so the responsibility falls to
you. " than$s you in ad#ance.
@. Misters )oward and )ar#ester cannot agree on who should pay to
repair the fence. The disagreement becomes public, and a local
newspaper co#ers the story.
'rite an article based on the abo#e letters entitled, &Your Side of the
<ence. "nclude
A :n o#er#iew of the situation A Buotes from both parties

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