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Jenny s Food & Ag Updat e

j hust on59@gmai l . com

0iganic vs. 'Climate-Smait': Can The 0N Fix Faiming in Time. (Civil Eats)
o Climate-Smait Agiicultuie is Coipoiate uieen-Washing, Wain Nu0s
(Intei Piess Seivice) http:bit.ly1vfL2ni

Want To Finu 0ut Wheie Youi Fiuit Was uiown. uoou Luck. (Nothei }ones)
!"# %# &'()"*+,) -.+ /0-. 1,'2 1"+3* -' )4/+,20,5+- 0 -,0*+ )+&,+-6

Califoinia school uistiict iewiites menu foi stuuent lunches (PBS)
o To Stop Picky Eateis Fiom Tossing The Bioccoli, uive Them Choices
(NPR) http:n.pi1sw9QK0

Seeu Piivatization Notivates 0S Seeu Saveis (0S Foou Soveieignty Alliance)
o Repoit: Seeus & Seeu Piactices Acioss the 0S (0S Foou Soveieignty
Alliance) http:bit.ly1u1Wi}m
o Welcome to Appalachia - Bome of the 0iiginal Locavoies (Takepait)

Bow Rich 0lu White Nen Aie Taking Lunch Noney Away Fiom Innei-City
Black Kius (AlteiNet) http:bit.ly1C42Nu}

Nysteiious clouu on iauai is only butteiflies (uiinuTv)
70))"8+ 1',20-"'( 2'8"(# +,,0-"&0339 0&,')) 7"*:+)- 0//+0,) '( :+0-.+,
,0*0,; )&"+(-")-) *+-+,2"(+ "-<) 0 134--+, '1 /+,.0/) 2"33"'() '1 7'(0,&.

Battling the Coffee Rust: Photos of Faimeis Fighting an Epiuemic (Nouein
Faimei) http:bit.lyYXnklK

To Foil Russia's Foou Ban, Impoiteu Ingieuients uo Incognito (NPR)

Bo We Even Neeu Bieakfast. S Ways the Noining Neal Is Rapiuly Changing
(AlteiNet) http:bit.ly1inuYkg

Is youi meat in season. (uiist) http:bit.ly1yiLYe6
Eveiy time I explain this to someone they think I have lost my minu.
o Suivival uuiue: Neat Clubs (Nouein Faimei) http:bit.ly1iixYgi
> =++1 )+0)'( :0) '(&+ "( -.+ )422+,-"2+? /',5 "( -.+ 1033 0(* :"(-+,?
0(* -.+9 *"*(<- &033 -.+2 @)/,"(# &."&5+()A 1', ('-."(#6

National Futuie Faimeis of Ameiica Nembeiship Exploues to 61u,14u
( http:bit.ly1yqaoF4

In a Waiming Woilu We Can't Keep Bepenuing on the Same Few Ciops
(Tiuthout) http:bit.ly1sYCcIa

The Time Bas Come foi Agioecology (Intei Piess Seivice)
o To Reveise ulobal Waiming, We Nust Rethink Agiicultuie Fiist
(AlteiNet) http:bit.ly1CqRucF
B4, 3"1+C',C*+0-. -0)5 ") -' 2'8+ )+8+,03 ="33"'( -'() '1 +D&+)) EBF =0&5
4(*+,#,'4(* 0) )''( 0) /'))"=3+6

San Antonio Foou Policy Council Auuing To Foou Sustainability Conveisation,
City Coue (Texas Public Rauio) http:bit.ly1snW1y6

Ten Ameiican species oui chiluien may nevei see (SF Chionicle)

Sayonaia To 'Supei-Size Ne'. Foou Companies Cut Caloiies, So Bo We (NPR)
o Coke, Pepsi Piomise To Cut Caloiies In Soua By 2u Peicent
(Buffington Post) http:huff.to1qu9Fbv

Calfiesh EBT: A Win-Win Foi Faimeis (Califoinia Institute Foi Ruial Stuuies)

Nichelle 0bama's nutiition auvisei banneu fiom school lunch convention
(NY Baily News) http:nyun.usY9qYZ6

Beyonu Chaiity: Tuining The Soup Kitchen 0psiue Bown (NPR)

Ameiican Bellies Aie uetting Biggei: You Won't Believe Why (AlteiNet)
E'22'( :")*'2 .'3*) -.0- %2+,"&0() 0,+ +0-"(# -'' 24&. 0(* ('- +D+,&")"(#
+('4#.6 %&-40339? "-<) 2',+ &'2/3"&0-+*6

uiant Coipoiations Want to Contiol All of Youi Beei (CommonBieams)

Caigill piomises to stop chopping uown iainfoiests. This is huge. (uiist)

Aiounu The Woilu In 8 Bospital Neals (NPR) http:n.pi1u6RWhu
o 21 Bospital Foous Fiom Aiounu The Woilu (Buzzfeeu)

Female Faimeis Nake Nuue Calenuai To Raise Noney Foi New Lanu
(Buffington Post) http:huff.to1u4t4pB

We Know So Little About Nushiooms That 0niuentifieu Species Aie Biuing in
Plain Sight (Takepait) http:bit.lyZil7St
79&'3'#")-) 1'4(* -:' )/+&"+) /,+8"'4)39 4(5(':( -' )&"+(&+ "( 0 #,'&+,9 )-',+6
o What's foi uinnei. 0nuesciibeu species of poicini in a commeicial
packet (Peei}) http:bit.ly1BKuByz

This Restauiateui Is Focusing on Woikei Well-Being, Not Tuining Tables
(Takepait) http:bit.ly1u4Bwy6
70,5 E0(3") 0**,+))+) -.+ .9/'&,"-"&03 (0-4,+ '1 0( "(*4)-,9 1'&4)+* '( )+,8"&+
0(* .')/"-03"-96
o Big Table http:bit.ly1uv}1Xw
E'224("-9 0,'4(* 1''*? &0,+ -.,'4#. &'224("-9

The Woilu's Fiist Potato Pop-0p (Nouein Faimei) http:bit.ly1xquuSR

Nutiition (The Foou List) http:bit.ly1nsqqcQ

Aie Bug Bais the New Piotein Bais. The Nutiitional value of Eating Insects
(Yahoo!) http:yhoo.it1sIjBpy

Noby Wants You to Save the Bees (Takepait) http:bit.lyYA1C6E

Afiica Pays the Piice of Low Baivests Thanks to Costly Feitilizeis (Intei
Piess Seivice) http:bit.ly1vmPip0

The Bazelnut News Fienzy Continues (Nouein Faimei)

Lost Angeles Botel Woikeis Win Big Ninimum Wage victoiy (Common
Bieams) http:bit.ly1vquEpv
E"-9 &'4(&"3C0//,'8+* :0#+ ."5+ -' GHI6JK /+, .'4, :"33 011+&- 4/ -' HJ?LLL
:',5+,)? 20(9 '1 -.+2 :'2+( 0(* 2"(',"-"+)

Baiuen Woikeis Bemanu Seat at the Table Buiing 0nceitain Times foi
Woilu's Laigest Full Seivice Restauiant Company (R0C 0niteu)

17 Numbeis That Will Nake You Realize }ust Bow Pathetic The Feueial
Ninimum Wage Is (Buffington Post) http:huff.toY8fc0N

Walmait's Plan To Encouiage (Employee) Political Bonations violates
Election Law, uioups Claim (Buffington Post) http:huff.to1sjBL94

Califoinia Legislatuie Passes Bill to Piotect Temp Woikeis (AlteiNet)
M.+ ="33 :"33 .'3* &'2/0("+) 0&&'4(-0=3+ 1', 30=', 0=4)+) =9 -+2/ 0#+(&"+) 0(*
)4=&'(-,0&-',) -.+9 4)+6

The Fiist Annual New Yoik City Confeience on Woikei Coopeiatives
(Tiuthout) http:bit.ly1ilC0fn

Bow Wall Stieet's Robbei Baions Aie Exploiting Ameiica's Faimeis (}im
Bightowei AlteiNet) http:bit.ly1v6ytwy
M.+ ,"&. #+- ,"&.+, :."3+ 10,2+,) 0,+ -4,(+* "(-' -+(0(- 30=',+,)6

Whole Foous' Bigh-Piiceu Reputation Nay Finally Be Catching 0p With It
(Buffington Post) http:huff.toXZ6pi6

Woikeis uet Lowest Shaie 0f Coipoiate Income Since 19Su (ThinkPiogiess)

Tesco Suspenus Execs 0vei Allegeu Book-Cooking (Buffington Post)
M.+ /,'=3+2) .08+ *,"8+( -.+ &'2/0(9<) )-'&5 *':( NO /+,&+(- "( -.+ /0)-

Let's Enu Poveity: We Bave the Noney, Bo We Bave the Will. (Yes!)
NK 2"33"'( %2+,"&0() 3"8+ =+(+0-. -.+ '11"&"03 /'8+,-9 3"(+? 4(*+, 0 *0"39
P4*#2+(- '1 10"34,+6 M.+ Q4+)-"'( -'*09 ")R S.')+ T0"34,+U

Bigh Walmait wages: Why this stoie pays woikeis moie than $17 an houi
(Yahoo!) http:yhoo.it1qCFxeu
> S"33")-'(? V',-. W05'-0? )4,,'4(*+* =9 ,'33"(# /30"() 0(* '"3 1"+3*)6

The Pooiest Big Cities in Ameiica (Takepait) http:bit.lyYtAeaC
o Repoit: Income anu Poveity in the 0niteu States: 2u1S (0S Census)

uleaningFoou Waste & Reuse
With This Bio-Reactive Foou Label, Sell-by Bates Coulu Become 0bsolete
(Takepait) http:bit.ly1sBSySw

Youi uuiue To Bining Fiom The Bump (NPR) http:n.pi1sWcuha

Supeimaikets Waste Tons 0f Foou As They Woo Shoppeis (NPR)

Wheie Boes All the Tiash fiom Bollywoou uo. To 0n of the Woilu's Best
Composting Facilities (Yes!) http:bit.ly1AvAm0o
X+8"+, E'4(-9? M+((6? *"8+,-) KL /+,&+(- '1 :0)-+ 1,'2 30(*1"33) Y 0(* "-<)
=+&'2"(# 2',+ +11"&"+(- 033 -.+ -"2+6

A New Technology Tuins Foou Waste anu Poo Into Powei, Saving the
Enviionment anu Noney (Takepait) http:bit.ly1xiiPyu
o Not Tiashy: The Top 6 Noith Ameiican Cities Tackling Foou Waste
(Takepait) http:bit.ly1ilFzgv

Foou Fiauu
Scientists Step 0p Foou Fiauu Effoits Following Boise Neat Scanual (NPR)

Watei & 0ui 0ceans
Stuuy: Communities At Risk: Fiac Sanu Nining in the 0ppei Niuwest (Civil
Society Institute) http:bit.ly1tujiSI

Califoinia Faimeis File Suit Alleging 0il Companies' Faulty Wastewatei
Injection Causeu Ciop Loss (uesmogblog) http:bit.ly1miphS2

Betioit officials to testify in watei uispute (SF Chionicle)
o Lawyei: Betioit watei shutoffs huiting city in poveity (The Betioit
News) http:bit.ly1ioARxu

Beie's a Biought Solution: }ust Stop Wateiing Youi Ciops (Nouein Faimei)

Watei: A Befining Issue foi Post-2u1S (Intei Piess Seivice)

8 things you shoulu know about plastic in the ocean (uiist)

Why Rhoue Islanu is uoing oysteis iight (uiist) http:bit.ly1ptuuic

Bow Bo You Faim A Clam That Can uiow S Feet Long Anu Live Foi 0vei A
Centuiy. (Nouein Faimei) http:bit.ly1iwiWvT

0bama Cieates Woilu's Laigest Naiine Reseive (Common Bieams)
%(('4(&+2+(- -' 80)-39 +D/0(* Z0&"1"& [+2'-+ \)30(* 70,"(+ V0-"'(03
7'(42+(- 304*+*? :."3+ )+")2"& =30)-) 0:0"- 20,"(+ 3"1+ '11 ]X ^0)- E'0)-

Blue whales aie making a big comeback, we think (uiist)

uoveinmentRegulationPolicyFaim Bill
Who uets to Beciue What '0iganic' Neans. (Takepait) http:bit.ly1wNzjut
[+&+(- 0//'"(-++) -' -.+ V0-"'(03 B,#0("& X-0(*0,*) !'0,* )4##+)- 0 &'_9
,+30-"'()."/ =+-:++( !"# %#,"&43-4,+ 0(* -.+ ]XW%6
o National 0iganic Stanuaius Boaiu Nembei voting Recoiu Scoiecaiu
(The Coinucopia Institute) about the scoiecaiu: http:bit.ly1vpIziK
anu the scoiecaiu: http:bit.ly1yvPWCB
o Coinucopia Institutes analysis of policy positions of othei nonpiofit
oigs, coipoiate paiticipants (piocessois, maiketeis, ietaileis, tiaue
oigs, anu ceitifieis) http:bit.ly1CylhTN

Seattle Says Yes to Compost, Yes to Bees (Common Bieams)
[+)'34-"'( =0() @(+'("&)A "( &"-9; ',*"(0(&+ +(&'4,0#+) ,+*4&-"'( '1 1''*

FBA Revises Biaft Foou Safety Rules Foi Faims (CalCAN)

0bama Nanuates Climate Resilience in All 0S Bevelopment Piojects (Intei
Piess Seivice) http:bit.lyY7lSwi

0bama auministiation moves to limit coipoiate inveisions (NSNBC)

uN0sCloningFoou TechnologySynthetic BiologyNanotechnology
0SBA: uenetically Nouifieu Wheat Founu in Nontana (uN0 Insiue)
o Seconu Biscoveiy of uN0 Wheat Reveals 'Faileu Policy' That
Thieatens Faimeis: Watchuog (Common Bieams)
o Nonsanto uN0 Wheat Founu in Nontana as 0iegon Piobe Enus
(Bloombeig) http:bloom.bg1qFRN9Y
o Nonsanto Settles uN0 Wheat Contamination Claims (National Law
}ouinal) http:bit.ly1u4oasK

Shaieholuei Showuown: The Latest Fiont of Anti-uN0 Activism Is Insiue
Coipoiations (Takepait) http:bit.ly1BiBekz
o ueneial Nills tieaus caiefully in uebate ovei uN0s (St. Paul Pioneei
Piess) http:bit.ly1i9IusL
o The uieat uianuuaughtei of ueneial Nills' Co-Founuei Speaks 0ut
(Robyn 0'Biien) http:bit.lyZIKyg1

Bow youi Tax Bollais aie Belping Bistoit the uN0-Labeling Bebate
(CommonBieams) http:bit.ly1puYggz

Scientists Biscovei Bow to Bieeu Non-uN Wheatbut It Will Take Some
uenetic Engineeiing to uet Theie (Takepait) http:bit.ly1yvXicT
% (+: /,'&+)) &'43* 033': 1', ."#.39 -0,#+-+* &,'))+) =+-:++( -.+
*'2+)-"&0-+* &,'/ 0(* "-) :"3* ,+30-"8+)6

The Book of Tians-uenesis: Piotecting the Woilu's Seeus (Tiuthout)

BealthyBumaneSafe Foou
Nexico's completely sensible anti-soua tax is woiking (Quaitz)

The Ballot Initiative That Coulu Spell the Enu of Big Soua (AlteiNet)

0iganic Egg Repoit anu Scoiecaiu (The Coinucopia Institute)

When Yoguit Affects the Biain (The Atlantic) http:theatln.tc1mIvtAv

NcBonalu's Wants to Re-Bianu. Fast Foou Neeus to Rethink Eveiything
(AlteiNet) http:bit.lyZ0iKvN

Why Aie The uiil Scouts uetting Into the Sugai Bomb Beveiage Business.
(Buffington Post) http:huff.to1qBQZFj

1u Sneaky Sugai Souices That Bolu Youi Weight Bostage (AlteiNet)

8 Chain Restauiant Neals That Aien't as Bealthy as They Seem (Takepait)

uiving Chickens Bacteiia. To Keep Them Antibiotic-Fiee (NPR)

Butteiball uoes 'Bumane' foi Thanksgiving. Really. (Nothei }ones)
@\-<) 0( "(*4)-,9C1,"+(*39 )-0(*0,* -.0- *'+)(<- ,+0339 *"11+, 1,'2 :.0- -.+
"(*4)-,9 ") 03,+0*9 *'"(#?A

6 Excellent New Reasons to Cut Bown on Neat (AlteiNet)
\- .0,*39 )++2) /'))"=3+? =4- 10&-',9 10,2"(# ") #+--"(# +8+( :',)+6

Faimaceuticals: The uiugs feu to faim animals anu the iisks poseu to humans
(Reuteis) http:ieut.is1tWSuNa

0iegon Couit Says Animals Can Be Ciime 'victims,' Like People. So What
Boes That Nean. (Buffington Post) http:huff.to1Cw8pxt

A life-saving iuea = $Suu,uuu fiom the FBA (Washington Post)

uuess What Scientists Founu in Youi Favoiite ueiman Beei. (AlteiNet)

Fostei Faims iecalls neaily 4u,uuu pounus of chicken in 0S states (Reuteis)
Fostei faims is still.

Bomestic Faii Tiaue Association Annual Neeting, Becembei 8-1u, 2u14; New
0ileans http:bit.ly1CpKY80

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