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End of Quimester 2 Summary Tables

Complete the following table summarizing the activities you have completed this
quimester. Tick which category each activity contained. One activity may
involve more than one category or indeed all three (CAS).

Activity C A S
of total
Teaching English Lessons in Tumbaco X 80
Yoga Lessons X 45
Singing Lessons X 45
Total hours this term:

Complete the following table summarizing your progress towards achieving the 8
learning outcomes. Explain in what way the activity helped you achieve the
learning outcome.
Learning Outcome Activities
Increased awareness of your own
strengths and areas for growth
Yoga helped me realize that my
physical health and development are
definitely areas for growth. Teaching
English taught me that doing the actual
teaching is one of my strengths, but
planning lessons is something I could
have done better.
Undertaken new challenges
For me, singing was a challenge. I had
never done it before, and loosening up
my voice and my body in order to be
louder and reach higher notes took me a
couple of weeks.
Planned and initiated activities
Each week, we had to plan the English
lesson we would teach, and prepare any
handouts or worksheets we would need.
Prior to this, when we started, we
decided on a loose syllabus we would
follow for the children.
Worked collaboratively with others
I took part in the English lessons
collaboratively with two classmates.
Often we would plan lessons together,
teach them together, and even go to and
from the school together to bring and
take any materials we would need.
Shown perseverance and commitment
in your activities
I feel that I persevered the most with the
singing lessons, as they were the most
challenging for me. Yoga took a lot of
perseverance due to the physical
demands it imposed on me.
Engaged with issues of global
Teaching English, as English is the most
widely spoken language in the world
and having learnt some of it may help
the children in their futures.
Considered the ethical implications of
your actions
As a teacher, we were put in positions of
great power and responsibility over the
children. We faced one decision whose
consequences we had to deal with on
the spot, and this increased our
awareness of the careful thinking that
goes into dealing with children as
Developed new skills
I increased my flexibility and overall
physical strength with the yoga lessons.
I also learnt many breathing techniques
that I have been using before tests to
calm down and collect my thoughts. The
singing lessons greatly increased my
self-esteem as well as patience.

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