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The sum total of what one knows is negligible, finally what is important is, and

one should pursue knowledge’.

I am an Software Engineer and the desire for incessant pursuit of knowledge guides me
to the University of Bonn in order to acquire an MS in Computer Science.

My Academic Background:
I completed my graduation in 2006 in maths, physic, chemistry as at that time my
collage do not have computer science course so I chosen those subjects. Chemistry
and Physics have both helped to improve my analytical and evaluative skills. Within
maths I have been lucky enough to have a teacher who was very interested in computer
science. He has been especially helpful, lending me books such as Escher, Bach: an
Eternal Golden Braid. This has given me an insight into the richness that is computer

Over the past two years, I have developed an interest in the areas of Compiler
Construction, Artificial Intelligence, Web Based Technologies and Database
Management System. The Compiler Construction lab sessions last semester required
the design of a compiler for C programs that were restricted to for loops, Switch case
statements and simple input and output. The work involved in this, as well as the
courses, Formal Systems and Automata and Compiler Construction, has leaded me to
appreciate the intricacies involved in this field. However, for my MSC degree, I remain
open to other topics as well.

My Experience: Since 2007 I have been working as informatics developer with Sandione
Company. My designation is software engineer. In the past 2 years of my corporate life
I have been through several different situations of which I had gained some valuable
lessons of life. These include how to balance tasks effectively, how critical teamwork
can be and how to delegate tasks to get the job done quickly and efficiently. Working
with different teams in different projects, helped me to make myself a mature human.
And managing the team, make sure that all the deliveries are on time, handling all these
challenges had become part of my life.

My Extra-Curricular Activities:
I enjoyed taking part in sports, singing, debate etc. I always was at the forefront in
organizing different events in school as well as the colleges. One person’s life
influences the lives of an unbelievable number of people, one of the most important
lessons I learned, being the Head of the Organizing Body at senior secondary level
(11th and 12th standard). It taught me that the basis for good work is self-reliance and
very importantly, time management.
Not all of my entire two years were devoid of shortcomings. I learned to accept both
criticism and praise with a positive frame of mind. My work involved organizing various
events, that brought with them the opportunity to work and interact with various kinds of
people. This was a distinctively
Gratifying experience for me, which I feel would stand in good stead in the future,
especially in lieu of any teaching experience. I was School Pupil Leader in school
because of which I understood the greatness of Leadership I was also a class
representative for most of the time in my school days. As playing cricket is my hobby I
played at club level and at inter-college level, but couldn’t continue for higher level.

My Research Interests:
I am very much impressed by Neural Networks, expert Systems, and Virtual Reality so I
want to design such software because of which a Master of Surgery student can
practice a surgery or study a human body on the computer or on the big screen itself i.e.
this thing doesn’t need a dead body or a live patient. All the things would be like real
thing i.e. movement of hands, respond from virtual patient, his body parts and all the
other aspects that are involved in the surgery process. Similarly the body parts of the
virtual patient will be the same as human body parts. In this way a student can get a
whole idea of the human body and when he is fully trained he can operate a real body.

My Career Plans:
After ten years I envision myself as engaged in a career of active research. I also get
immense pleasure from teaching. I enjoy interacting with people and this leads me to
believe that sharing with them the knowledge that I gain though my research would be a
very rewarding experience. My dream is to become a subject matter expert in
Why University of Bonn?
Pursuing graduate studies focusing on research from an institute of International
standing as yours is my long and cherished dream. Going through your brochure and
web pages, I feel that the program offered by your University fulfils my needs and
interests. Your University can provide me an opportunity to pursue my aims in life and
prove my potential. I am confident that I have the potential and preparation to be a
graduate at your university and would encourage you to give my application a thoughtful
consideration. I look forward to joining the University of Bonn.

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