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Advances in Natural and Applied Sciences, x(x) Month 2013, Pages: xx

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Advances in Natural and Applied Sciences
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)eceied *+ Noember ,'*&
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Aailable online *- Januar!
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To Cite This Article: Names of authors., Paper title. Adv. in Nat. Appl. Sci., 7(13): x-x, 2013
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x x dx x
x f ) cos( )im ) cos(
) sin(
) (
1$ Methodolog.
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0a/i." J and S" Na@i1." ,'**. A Stud! of (orrelation of Serum <eptin with
0race Elements in 3ater %uBalo 7%ubalus bubalis8. Australian Journal of
%asic and Applied Sciences" &*: ,&*:,&+.
0omos.a" J." S" 6resils.i." N" 5/orgies.i." N" 0omos.a." 2.S. Cureshi and
N.6. %o@inos.a." ,'*&.#eelopment of a spectrophotometric method for
monitoring angiotensin:conerting en@!me in dair! products. 6a. Det J"
&&7*8: *+:*-.

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