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Jones Hill Association

2015 Membership Drive

uear nelghbor,

1he mlsslon of !ones Plll Assoclauon ls Lo bulld communlLy, preserve our nelghbor-
hood's hlsLory, and fosLer a vlbranL fuLure. ln order Lo accompllsh Lhls mlsslon, we hope
you wlll conslder supporung Lhe work of Lhe !ones Plll Assoclauon wlLh your conLrlbu-
uon aL one of Lhree levels:

! $3 - Member: 1he mosL baslc level of supporL for Lhe !ones Plll Assoclauon. 1o voLe
aL !ones Plll Assoclauon meeungs, you musL donaLe aL leasL aL Lhls level.

! $23 - Sponsor: AL Lhls enhanced level of supporL, !ones Plll Assoclauon wlll be able
Lo furLher lLs mlsslon and sponsor addluonal pro[ecLs.

! $73 - aLron: AL Lhls hlghesL level of supporL, !ones Plll Assoclauon can make slgnl-
canL progress Loward Lhe pro[ecLs LhaL wlll help make Lhe nelghborhood vlbranL.

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?our conLrlbuuon Lo !PA wlll furLher our collecuve mlsslon and goals. Some of Lhe
pro[ecLs your conLrlbuuon could supporL lnclude:
" Welcome Lo !ones Plll" slgnage aL key lnLersecuons
" lanLers aL ma[or lnLersecuons wlLhln Lhe nelghborhood
o A resldenL and buslness dlrecLory of your nelghbors and local buslnesses
o Pollday arLy, 140Lh 8lrLhday arLy, and oLher nelghborhood soclal evenLs
" AdvocaLe for lmproved open space
" SupporL for local servlce pro[ecLs (eg. uphams Corner Maln SLreeL)
" updaLed !PA webslLe

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Membership Information Form

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Send Lhls compleLed form and check made payable Lo !"#$% '()) *%%"+(,-"# Lo
SLeve larrell, !PA 1reasurer
19 Wlndermere 8d., no. 2, uorchesLer MA 02123

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!PA has a serles of sLandlng and speclal commluees Lo help furLher our mlsslon. lf you would
llke Lo paruclpaLe ln one of Lhese groups, ldenufy your lnLeresL by checklng Lhe boxes below:

www.[ [!onesPlllAssoc

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! $3 - Member ! $23 - Sponsor ! $73 - aLron ! $____ CLher
! SafeLy/Crlme waLch/SafeLy alerLs ! Cpen space
! 1ramc and parklng ! uorchesLer uay acuvlues (eg. 8lock parLy)
LlecLed omclal llalson
Communlcauons (webslLe, 1wluer,
Wednesday, CcLober 8, 2014
Wednesday, november 12
Wednesday, uecember 10
Wednesday, !anuary 14, 2013
Wednesday, lebruary 11
Wednesday, March 11
Wednesday, Aprll 8
Wednesday, May 13
Wednesday !une 10

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