Reflection On My Macro Teaching Using Product Approach in Writing

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Reflection on my macro teaching using Product Approach in Writing

I was generally pleased with how my lesson went though Im using a product approach
that is a very traditional way of teaching writing. I carefully arranged the activities to make
sure that my objectives of teaching are achieved. I felt I executed exactly what I had
planned on doing and that time management and interaction with the students were good. I
really make sure that my lesson is truly alligned with my principles of teaching. Since I am
quite good with IT, I used my special skill in teaching using ppt presentation. I believe that
teachers should use a variety of methods and technology to engage the students in this
lesson as they have the chances to practise the various competencies.
The lesson focused on teaching simple present tense for singular and plural. My students
have learned and are very familiar about clothes. Eventhough this class was mainly
facilitated and controlled by the teacher, the students were engaged for the entire class
period. The activation of schema at the beginning of class by having a flash memory game
excited the students. They enjoyed the activity very much as I had already prepared them
with beautiful graphics and a background music. Another sign of their anxiety and
enthusiasm towards the game were the yeah sound and how their eyes focused on the
slides. I praised them and shared the joy with them when they could get the correct names
of the clothes as emphasized by Brown (2007, p. 253) that to have a good rapport with the
students, praising and sharing the joy of the students are encouraged. I am proud to say
that the set induction was a succes to prepare them with what I want to teach them for the
following minutes.
The next phase of teaching was an introduction to the grammar that I intended to teach
them. Since teaching grammar would not be very interesting for my students, I browsed the
internet to get attractive pictures of cartoon characters to start my presentation with
introducing the simple present tense of the words wear and wears. I showed them five
attractive slides of the famous cartoon characters wearing clothes they were very familiar
with and of course the words that I want to introduce to them. Having a cartoon character to
indicate the singular and more than one characters to indicate the pural form really helped
them a lot. The way they responded and shouting to give the answers showed that they
were very much attracted and interested towards the activity. At this part, class control is
very important so as to not disturb other classes. I think I had done a good job here as I
managed to silent them by making them answered individually.
Next, I gave them a task sheet where they had to do it individually. Rearranging the
words to make meaningful statements would be quite a challenging task as I believed in
Krashens Input theory that to test the students understanding is to set a task slightly
higher than their level of proficiency. Since the class was of average students, it really tested
my credibility as a teacher when I had to scaffold them most of the time. A discussion was
made between the teacher and the student where the teacher displayed the slides on
answers. According to Brown , one of the requirements of good teaching is good voice
projection where it is a credit to me as I managed to control the discussion very well . It was
clearly seen during the presentation when they could check the answers easily with me as
my voice empowered them. It is very important as my students are learning English
grammar and they need every advantage they can get.
I feel that I was successful in adhering to my other principles for good language teaching
and providing them with sufficient amount of exposure to the topic. The substitution table
that I asked them to do provided them more opportunities to come out with their ideas to
connect the sentence parts. Most of them succeeded in fulfiling the task given. Another
principle of teaching that I value is conducting my lessons in English to ensure the most
exposure possible to the language. My lesson reflected this value as I never used L1 in the
classroom and made great efforts to give explanations by simplying my English or
rewording what I said when a student did not understand. I also wanted to ensure I was
giving the students time to speak as well as write as onother one of my principles involves
opportunities for output. I expected the task I made for them (substiitution table) would be
done perfectly after I had done the explanation with them.
Singing along with the action was another speciality of mine. This is an advantage for a
teacher as children learn better through songs. They watched sang the song and immitated
the actions. The way they sang and danced clearly indicated that they really enjoy it.
There were a few things that were brought to my attention, however, that I would consider
changing for the next time I teach this lesson. Although I attempted to line my teaching up
with my teaching principles as much as possible, after reading the comments emailed by
Madam Flory, I realized that I could have done a better job at planning the introduction of
grammar. I felt that drilling is less done with the pupils since this is an average class. I
should have asked them to say the sentences individually. This is something that I neglected
to consider during the macro teaching. Explanation on the usage of the words with or without
the letter s should be given briefly to the pupils as this is their first lesson on that particular
topic. After having to see my weakness at this section, the next time I teach them I will make
sure that enough and proper drilling is given to my pupils.
Overall, through the process of preparing, teaching and receiving feedback from Madam
Flory and reflecting on my own teaching and others teaching, I learned the importance of an
ESL teacher as a person who guides students to learn specific skills in their learning
process. I also confirmed the importance of the quality of teaching with which a teacher is
always ready to deal with dynamic learners and classroom variables.
1080 words

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