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En Sk 1000 : En Sk Kullanlan 1000 Kelime

zel Dersin Gerek Adresi

Online ngilizce


about hakknda What was she talking about?

accident n kaza a car accident

activity n etkinlik Activities on offer include cycling, swimming, and tennis.

actor n aktr Who's your favourite actor?

address n adres What's your address?

afternoon n leden sonra I played tennis on Saturday afternoon.

against karsna I put the bike against the wall.

age n ya The show is for people of all ages.

air n hava He went outside to get some fresh air (=clean, cool air).

alone adj yanlz She lives alone.

always adv her zaman I always walk to work.

American adj Amerikan Ive got an American car.

angry adj sinirli He's really angry with me for upsetting Sophie.

animal n hayvan I'm not sure of the name of that animal over there in that cage.

answer n cevap I asked him if he was going but I didn't hear his answer.

n apartman dairesi There are many apartment buildings in New York.

apple n elma Do you want an apple?

April n Nisan My birthday is in April.

area n

This area is intended for recreation

arm n kol She held the tiny baby in her arms.

armchair n koltuk Our cat likes sleeping on the armchair.


etrafnda They sat around the table.

arrive v varmak I arrived at the station.

art n sanat It would be difficult to live without art.

ask v sormak I asked him about his hobbies.


-de We met at the station.

attraction n etkinlik a tourist attraction

August n Austos My birthday is in August.

aunt n hala My aunt lives in London.

Australian adj Avustrulyal This is an Australian soap opera.

autumn n sonbahar I'm starting a new job in the autumn.

baby n bebek She put her baby into its crib.

back n arka, srt I turned my back on that outrageous man.

bad adj kt bad weather

bag n anta I was carrying three bags of shopping.

ball n top a tennis ball

balloon n balon I have to get some balloons for the children's party.

banana n muz Do you want a banana?

band n grup a jazz band

bank n banka Most banks are reluctant to lend money to new businesses.

base n s He works at the base on the other side of town.

basketball n basketbol I like playing basketball.

bat n yarasa If you look up there you can see a bat flying between the trees.

bath n banyo I have a bath every night.

bathroom n banyo Wheres the bathroom?

be v olmak I'm Maria.

be v olmak There are three of us.

be v olmak She is in the kitchen.

be v olmak It's a good idea.

beach n plaj We lay on the beach all day.

bear n ay The bear is a dangerous but playful animal.

beautiful adj gzel a beautiful woman

become v olmak They became great friends.

bed n yatak What time did you go to bed last night?

bedroom n yatak odas Weve got 5 bedrooms in our house.

begin v balamak She began to cry.


arkasnda Close the door behind you.

Belgian adj Belika This is Belgian cheese.

Belgium n Belika Hes from Belgium.

bell n zil He rang the bell to signal the end of class.

best friend n en iyi arkada Gemma was my best friend at school.

better adj daha iyi He got a better job in the States.


arasnda The town lies halfway between Florence and Rome.

bicycle n bisiklet Can you ride a bicycle?

big adj byk I come from a big family.

bigger adj daha byk Their house is bigger than ours.

bike n bisiklet Can you ride a bike?

biology n Biyoloji My favourite subject is Biology.

bird n ku Do you know the name of that bird on that branch?

birthday n doum gn Her birthday is on March the eighteenth.

black adj siyah a black jacket

blonde adj sarn Shes got blonde hair.

blood n kan Look at the blood on the floor! What's happened?

blue adj mavi a dark blue jacket

board n tahta an ironing board

boat n kayk a fishing/sailing boat

body n vcut He left the body at the side of the road.

bone n kemik I found a prehistoric bone in the desert.

book n kitap I've just read a really good book.

bookshop n kitabevi My mother has a bookshop in Cambridge.

bored adj sklm I'm bored with doing homework.

boring adj skc a boring job

bottom adj dibinde You will find the coin at the bottom of the lake.

boyfriend n erkek arkada Have you got a boyfriend?

box n kutu I put the extra clothes into that box.

branch n dal There is a bird on that branch.

Brazil n Brezilya My brother lives in Brazil.

Brazilian adj Brezilya My sisters husband is Brazilian.

bread n ekmek a slice of bread

break v krmak They had to break a window to get in.

breakfast n kahvalt She had breakfast in bed this morning.

bring v getirmek Did you bring an umbrella with you?

Britain n Britanya Shes from Britain.

British adj ngiliz Shes British.

brother n erkek karde I have a younger brother.

brown adj kahverengi a brown leather bag

building n bina an office building

burger n kfte burger and fries

bus n otobs a school bus

busy adj megul Mum is busy in the kitchen.

buy v satn almak I went to the shop to buy some milk.

caf n kafe Do you want to go to the caf after school?

call v armak Call me tomorrow.

camel n deve We went camel riding on holiday.

camp n kamp The camp is near the river.

can v -ebilmek Can you drive?

Canada n Kanada My sister lives in Canada.

capital n bakent Paris is the capital of France.

captain n kaptan He told me about his new school.

car n araba She goes to work by car.

card n kart Do you play cards?

care n bakm She received excellent care at the hospital.

careful adj dikkatli Be careful, Michael - that knife's sharp.

carefully adv dikkatlice I drive very carefully.

carrot n havu I like carrots.

cartoon n izgi film Mickey Mouse and other famous cartoon characters

case n kutu, sandk You will find the bottle of wine in that case over there.

cassette n kaset a video cassette

castle n kale Warwick Castle

cat n kedi We had a cat when I was a child.

catch v yakalamak Try to catch the ball.

cause n (bir eyin) neden(i) I'm sure his lack of understanding was the cause of his failure.

cell n hcre The cell is one of nature's wonders.

century n yzyl Last century was at times horrific and at times marvelous.

CD n CD I was listening to my new CD.

chair n sandalye Here, have a chair.

chance n ans If you just give him a chance you will see how capable he really is.

change v deimek She's changed a lot in the last few years.

character n karakter Her character can be very frustrating at times.

chat show n sohbet program I like watching chat shows.

cheap adj ucuz a cheap flight/restaurant

check v kontrol etmek Have you checked your facts?

cheese n peynir a cheese sandwich

chef n ef My brother is a chef.

chemist n eczac My dad is a chemist.

chicken n tavuk a chicken sandwich

children n ocuklar Does she have any children?

chief n ef Just a moment, I need to speak to the chief.

China n in Shes from China.

Chinese adj in I like Chinese food.

chips n patatez kzartmas fish and chips

chocolate n ikolata a bar of chocolate

Christmas n Noel Merry Christmas!

cinema n sinema Shall we go to the cinema?

circle n daire Draw a circle on a piece of paper and write your ideas in it.

city n ehir the city of Boston

city centre n ehir merkezi My mum works in the city centre.

class n snf He came to class late.

classical adj klasik I don't often listen to classical music.

clean adj temizlemek clean clothes

clean v temiz I spent the morning cleaning the house.

climb v trmanmak Slowly we climbed the hill.

clock n masa/duvar saati We need a new clock for the livingroom.

close v kapatmak Jane closed the window.

closer adj daha yakn Children, sit a little closer.

clothes n giysiler She was wearing her sisters clothes.

cloudy adj bulutlu a cloudy day

club n kulp Im in the school hockey club.

coast n ky Let's go to the coast for the weekend.

coat n kaban a winter coat

coffee n kahve Do you want a cup of coffee?

cola n kola Do you like cola?

cold adj souk Its very cold today.

collar n yaka a shirt collar

collection n koleksiyon a private art collection

colony n koloni/smrge The British established the colony in 1876.

colour TV n renkli TV We haven't got a colour TV.

colourful adj renkli a colourful painting

column n stun, kolon I read his latest column in the New York Times.

come v gelmek Come here.

comedy n komedi The film is described as a romantic comedy.

comfortable adj rahat comfortable shoes

company n irket He's worked for that company for over five years.

compare v karlatrmak The teachers are always comparing me with my sister.

competition n yarma to enter a competition

completely adv tamamen The two sisters are completely different from each other.

computer n bilgisayar We've put all our records on computer.

n bilgisayar oyunu He's always playing computer games.

concert n konser a pop concert

conditions n koullar People are living in very bad conditions.

consonont n nsz That is a consonant that you don't have in your language.

continent n kta She lives on a different continent.

cook v piirmek Who's cooking this evening?

cooker n ocak an electric cooker

copy n kopya Can you give me a copy of that report?

corn n msr This corn is so sweet! Where did you get it?

corner n ke the corner of the table

correct adj doru Check that you have the correct information.

cost n maliyet You can buy a used car at a low cost.

costume n kostm actors in costume

cotton n pamuk Cotton is used to make many different types of clothes.

count v saymak She began to count the students to make sure everyone was there.

country n lke He lives in a big country.

countryside n krsal blge The countryside there is beautiful.

course n kurs I'm taking a computer course at the local college.

cousin n kuzen We're a big family so I have a lot of cousins.

cover n kapak The cover of this week's issue is really shocking.

cow n inek He has a cow that he milks every day.

crop n hububat This year's crop was excellent.

crowd n kalabalk That crowd went wild at his last statement.

cry v alamak I could see that she'd been crying.

cup n fincan a cup of tea

curly adj kvrck curly hair

current n aknt The current is really strong in that river.

cut v kesmek He cuts the wood in the forrest.

cycle v bisiklet srmek I cycle to school everyday.

cycling n bisiklet binmek I like cycling.

dad n baba My dad and I have the same curly brown hair.

dance n dans etmek My favourite dance is the tango.

dance v dans She's dancing with Steven.

dancing n dans etmek I love dancing.

danger n tehlike the dangers of rock climbing

dangerous adj tehlikeli It's dangerous to ride a motorcycle without a helmet.

dark adj karanlk It doesn't get dark until 9 o'clock in the evening.

daughter n kz ocuk I have a daughter of six.

day n gn I saw her the day before yesterday.

dead adj l She's been dead for 20 years now.

deal n anlama I made a deal with Smith's.

December n Aralk My birthday is in December.

degree n derece, rtbe He will soon receive his degree.

delicious adj lezzetli This soup is absolutely delicious.

design n tasarm Her design won the best project of the year award.

desk n alma masas He was sitting at his desk.

dessert n tatl I don't want any dessert, Im full.

destroy v yok etmek So many buildings were destroyed in the war.

n tehlike Im reading a detective novel at the moment.

dictionary n szlk Look that up in the dictionary if you don't understand.

die v lmek At least 3,000 people have died in the earthquake.

different adj farkl Jo's very different from her sister, isn't she?

difficult adj zor Japanese is a difficult language to learn.

dining room n yemek odas We have a large table in our dining room.

dinner n akam yemei Come round for dinner?

dinosaur n dinozor Tyrannosaurus Rex was the largest dinosaur.

directions n talimatlar We stopped to ask for directions.

dirty adj kirli dirty clothes/dishes

dishwasher n bulak makinesi Weve got a new dishwasher.

division n blm I work in the sales division.

do v yapmak Go upstairs and do your homework.

doctor n doktor I have to go to the doctor's for a check-up.

documentary n belgesel I like watching documentaries.

dog n kpek Let's take the dog for a walk.

door n kap Please shut the door behind you.

double adj duble, ift double five


altnda The kids ran down the hill to the gate.

draw v izmek She drew a picture of a tree.

dream n rya a bad dream

dress n kyafet She was wearing a short, black dress.

drink v imek He was drinking a glass of milk.

drink n iecek a hot/cold drink

drive v srmek She's learning to drive.

drop v drmek He dropped the bag and all the apples fell out.


srasnda Emma's usually at home during the day.

duck n rdek Do you see that cute duck swimming over there?

DVD player n DVD oynatc Have you got a DVD player?

11inci (onbirinci)

8th (eighth) 8nci (sekizinci)

ear n kulak She whispered something in his ear.

early adj erken She gets up very early.

earn v kazanmak She earns about 40,000 a year.

earth n toprak He moved about two tons of earth this weekend.

easy adj kolay The exam was easy.

east n dou The east will always be different from the west.

eat v yemek You should eat more slowly.

edge n kenar Be careful! Don't get too close to the edge!

effect n etki We still don't know the long term effect his actions will have.

egg n yumurta a boiled/fried egg

electricity n elektrik The electricity has been turned off.

email n e-posta You can contact me by email.

empty adj bo an empty house

end v bitmek What time does the concert end?

enemy n dman His enemy Jed attacked him.

engine n motor

England n ngiltere My sister lives in England.

English adj ngiliz Im English.

enjoy v elenmek I hope you enjoy your meal.

enough adj yeterli

enter v girmek

equal adj eit

escape v kamak The two killers escaped from prison last night.

especially adv zellikle

Europe n Avrupa I went to Europe on holiday.

even dz, dzgn

evening n gece Are you doing anything this evening?

event n olay

every day /
week / month
/ year
her gn / hafta / ay
/ yl
We go to Spain every year.


herkes I've received a reply from everyone now.

exact adj tam

exam n snav to fail/pass an exam

example n rnek

excellent adj mkemmel That was an excellent meal.

excited adj heyecanl The children are getting really excited about the party.

exciting adj heyecan verici an exciting football match

excuse (me) v (beni) affet Please excuse my appearance, I've been painting.

exercise n egzersiz Swimming is my favourite form of exercise.

expensive adj pahal The hotel was very expensive.

experince n deneyim

experiment n deney

eye n gz Sara has black hair and brown eyes.

1st (first) 1inci (birinci) Ken was the first person to arrive.

4th (fourth) 4nc (drdnc)

5th (fifth) 5inci (beinci)

face n yz I can't wait to see her face when she opens the present.

fact n gerek, olgu

fair adj ak renkli She has fair hair.

fall v dmek Huge drops of rain were falling from the sky.

family n aile

famous adj nl She's a famous actress.

fantastic adj olaanst He looks fantastic in that suit.

far adj uzak

farm n iftlik he works on a pig farm.

fashionable adj moda fashionable clothes

fast adj hzl fast cars

fast food
n hazr yiyecek
Lets go to that fast food place after school.

fat adj iman

father n baba My father is French.

favourite adj gzde What's your favourite colour?

fear n korku

February n ubat My birthday is in February.

feed v beslemek

feel v hissetmek I felt a sharp pain in my side.

feet n ayaklar

few adj az

field n tarla, alan

fight v kavga etmek Two men were arrested for fighting outside a bar.

figure n biim, ekil

fill v doldurmak

film n film a cowboy film

film star n film yldz All the big film stars were there.

final adj son the final paragraph

find v bulmak I can't find my glasses and I've looked everywhere.

fine adj gzel "How are you?"
"I'm fine thanks. And you?"

finger n parmak Ive cut my finger.

finish v bitirmek I've finished my homework.

fire n ate

first name n ilk ad Ms Jackson - what's your first name?

fish n balk fish and chips

fit adj uygun

flag n bayrak the French flag

flat n apartman dairesi a large block of flats

flight n uu The flight to Chicago took 4 hours.

floor n yer, zemin

flow v akmak

flower n iek

fly v umak

follow v takip etmek

food n yiyecek His favourite food is pizza.

foot n ayak Ive hurt my foot.

football n futbol a game of football

football team n futbol takm What football team do you support?

footballer n futbolcu He's a famous footballer.

force n g, kuvvet

forest n orman pine forest

forget v unutmak I've forgotten his name.

form n biim, ekil

forward adv ileri

fraction n blm, kesir

free adj zgr Have you got any free time this evening?

free adj zgr a free society

French adj Fransz French bread

fresh adj taze You should eat more fresh fruit and vegetables.

Friday n Cuma Its my birthday on Friday.

fridge n buzdolab Is there any milk in the fridge?

friend n arkada I had dinner with a few friends.


-den Did you walk all the way from Bond Street?

front n n Please use the door at the front.

fruit n meyve dried/fresh fruit

full adj dolu

fun adj elence There are lots of fun things to do here.

funny adj komik a funny story

game show n oyun yarmas I like watching game shows.

garden n bahe the front/back garden

gather v toplanmak

general adj genel

gentle adj nazik

Germany n Almanya My brother lives in Germany.

get v almak Where did you get that ice cream?

get up v uyanmak What time does he usually get up?

girl n kz We have three children - a boy and two girls.

girlfriend n kz arkada Have you met Steve's new girlfriend?

give v vermek I gave her a bike for her birthday.

glad adj memnun

glass n cam broken glass

glasses n gzlk She was wearing glasses.

go v gitmek I'd love to go to America.

go for a walk v yrye kmak I thought we might go for a walk by the river.

go shopping v alverie kmak I usually go shopping on Saturday.

v yzmeye gitmek I go swimming once a week (=one time every week).

go to bed

yataa gitmek I usually go to bed at 9.30pm.

go to school

okula gitmek I usually go to school at 8.30am.

go to the

sinemaya gitmek Do you want to go to the cinema tomorrow?

go to work

ie gitmek I go to work by train.

gold n altn

good adj iyi I'm reading a really good book.

good-looking adj iyi grnml a good-looking woman

government n hkmet The government has cut taxes.

grandfather n dede My grandfather is 83.

grandmother n byk anne My grandmother is 84.

grandparent n byk ebeveyn My grandparents live in our village.

grape n zm a bunch of grapes

grass n im to mow/cut the grass

great adj harika We had a great time.

green adj yeil The traffic lights turned green.

grey adj gri grey clouds

grocery n bakkal I went to the grocery on the way home from work.

ground n yer, zemin

group n grup She was with a group of friends.

grow v yetimek

guess v tahmin etmek

guide v rehberlik etmek

guitar n gitar an electric guitar

gun n silah The British police do not have guns.

gymnastics n jimnastik I do gymnastics at school.

hair n sa a girl with long, fair hair

half adj yarm

hall n koridor I left my coat and umbrella in the hall.

hamburger n hamburger a hamburger and fries

hand n el I had my hands in my pockets.

happen v olmak Accidents can happen to anyone.

happy adj mutlu I'm glad you've finally found someone who makes you happy.

hard adj sert The seats were really hard.

hard adj zor I've had a hard day.

hard adj zor The exam was really hard.

hat n apka a cowboy hat

hate v nefret etmek They've hated each other since they were kids.

have v sahip olmak Laura has a beautiful house.

have a

du almak I have a bath every night.

have a coffee

kahve imek Let's have a coffee?

have a
v iyi vakit geirmek We had a great time at the party.

have an ice

dondurma yemek Let's have an ice cream?

breakfast /
lunch /

yemek yemek /
kahvalt yapmak
What time do you have dinner?

have got v sahip olmak Have you got a car?

head n kafa

hear v duymak I could hear his voice in the distance.

heart n kalp My heart was beating fast.

heavy adj ar

help v yardm etmek

high street n ana cadde There are lots of clothes shops on the high street.

hill n tepe

history n tarih American history

hit v vurmak

hobby n hobi Do you have any hobbies?

hole n delik There's a hole in the roof.

holiday n tatil the school holidays

home n ev We sold our home in London and moved to Scotland.

homework n ev devi Have you done your homework yet?

honey n bal I like honey on my toast.

hope v ummak I hope that the bus won't be late.

horse n at There were some horses in the field.

hospital n hastane He was in hospital for two weeks.

hot adj scak a hot drink

hotel n otel We spent our honeymoon in a luxury hotel.

hour n saat The store is open 24 hours a day.

house n ev We went to my aunt's house for dinner.

How (many)

Ne kadar (fazla) How big is the house?

How (old)

Ka (yanda) How old is he?

huge adj byk

human n insan

hundred n yz

hungry adj a I'm hungry. What's for dinner?

hunt v avlanmak

hurry v acele etmek

I know.

Biliyorum. "She's so rude sometimes."
"I know."

ice cream n dondurma vanilla ice cream

iceberg n buzda The Titanic hit an iceberg.

idea n fikir What a good idea!

ill adj hasta He was in bed, ill.

imagine v hayal etmek

important adj nemli My family is very important to me.


iinde a shop in South London

include v dahil etmek

industry n sanayi

in front of

nnde He was sitting in front of me.

insect n bcek


iinde I've never been inside their house.

instant n an

instrument n aygt

intelligent adj akll She is a highly intelligent young woman.

interest n ilgi

interesting adj ilgi ekici It's a very interesting film.

interview n mlakat I'm going for an interview tomorrow for a job that I really want.


iine I went into the hotel.


iine Get into bed!

invent v icat etmek

Irish adj rlandal Irish music/culture

iron n demir

island n ada the Hawaiian Islands

Italian adj talyan Italian wine

Italy n talya My sister lives in Italy.

jacket n ceket a leather jacket

jam n reel strawberry jam

January n Ocak My birthday is in January.

Japan n Japonya My uncle lives in Japan.

jazz n caz a jazz band

job n i She got a job as a cleaner.

join v katlmak I've joined the school orchestra.

juice n zsu orange juice

July n Temmuz My birthday is in July.

jump v sramak

June n Haziran My birthday is in June.

kangaroo n kanguru There are kangaroos in the city zoo.

keep v muhafaza etmek

key n anahtar

kill v ldrmek Sunday's bomb killed 19 people.

kilo n kilo I asked for half a kilo of potatoes.

kilometre n kilometre I can swim two kilometres.

kind n eit, tr

kind adj iyi

king n kral

kitchen n mutfak Dad's in the kitchen.

know v bilmek Andrew knows a lot about computers.

lady n bayan There's a young lady here to see you.

lake n gl

lamb n kuzu grilled lamb chops

lamp n lamba I have a lamp next to my bed.

land v inmek We should land in Madrid at 7am.

language n dil The way that children's language develops is fascinating.

laptop n dizst bilgisayar I've got a new laptop.

large adj geni a large number of people

last month /
night / week /
geen ay / gece /
hafta / haftasonu
Did you go out last night?

late adj ge I was late for work this morning.

later adj sonra I arranged it for a later date.

laugh v glmek You never laugh at my jokes.

law n kanun

lay v yaymak, sermek

leader n lider a religious leader

learn v renmek I learned Russian at school.

leave v ayrlmak I leave work at 5 o'clock.

left adj sol

leg n bacak My legs are tired after so much walking.

length n uzunluk

lemonade n limonata Do you want some lemonade?

less adj az The second hotel was less expensive.

lesson n ders She gives French lessons.

letter n mektup I got a letter from Paul this morning.

letterbox n mektup kutusu There's a letterbox at the end of the road.

lettuce n marul Lettuce helps you sleep.

level n seviye

library n ktphane There's a library at the end of my road.

lie v yalan sylemek We lay on the beach most of the day.

life n hayat He had a happy life.

lift v kaldrmak

light adj hafif

light n k

like v holanmak I like playing with my computer.

line n hat, izgi

liquid n sv

list v listelemek

listen v dinlemek What kind of music do you listen to?

little adj kk I have a little bag.

live v yaamak She only lived a few days after the accident.

live v yaamak She lives in France.

living room n oturma odas The TV's in the living-room.

lizard n kertenkele a green lizard

local adj yerel She goes to the local school.

long adj uzun long hair

look after v gzetmek Who is looking after the children?

look at n bakmak Look at the picture on page two.

lose v kaybetmek I've lost my passport.

loud adj grltl

love v sevmek I love pasta.

lovely adj sevimli We had a lovely day together.

low adj alak

luck n ans It was just luck that we got on the same train.

lucky adj ansl You're lucky to have such a nice office to work in.

lunch n le yemei What do you want for lunch?

lunchtime n le yemei vakti When's lunchtime?

luxury adj lks a luxury hotel

machine m makine

magazine n dergi a fashion magazine

magic n sihir Do you believe in magic?

mail v postalamak Could you mail it to me?

main course n ana yemek I chose fish for my main course.

major adj ana, majr

make v yapmak Shall I make some coffee?

man n adam a young man

many adv ok

March n Mart My birthday is in March.

mark n iaret/ not

market n pazar

marriage n evlilik It was a very happy marriage.

marry v evlenmek Will you marry me?

mass n yn

master n usta

match n ma a football match

meterial n materyal

Maths n Matematik Are you good at Maths?

matter n sorun, konu

May n Mays My birthday is in May.

meal n yemek a three-course meal

mean v anlamna gelmek What does this word mean?

measure v lmek

meat n et I don't eat meat.

medicine n ila Have you taken your medicine today?

adj orta-uzunlukta She has medium-length, brown hair.

meet v bulumak,

melody n melodi

member n ye family members

men n adamlar young men

menu n mn a dinner menu

message n mesaj Did you get my message?

metal n metal

method n metot

middle adj ortada

mile n mil

milk n st a carton of milk

million n milyon

mind n us, akl

minute n dakika It'll take you thirty minutes to get to the airport.

miss v zlemek I really miss my friends back in Germany.

mix v kartrmak

n cep telefonu I use a mobile phone a lot for work

model n model He's married to a Brazilian model.

modern adj modern modern society

molecule n molekl

mom n anne My mom phoned last night.

moment n an

Monday n Pazartesi It's my birthday on Monday.

money n para How much money have you got?

monster n canavar I didn't like the monster in that film.

month n ay Next month will be very busy.

moon n ay Wow! Look at the moon.

more adv daha fazla

morning n sabah

most adv en ok

mother n anne My mother lives in Paris.

motion n hareket

mountain n da

mouth n az Close your mouth when you're eating.

move v tanmak

mum n anne I asked my mum but she said no.

museum n mze a museum of modern art

multiply v arpmak (mat.)

mushroom n mantar pasta with wild mushrooms

music n mzik pop/dance music

mystery n sr an unsolved mystery

9th (ninth) 9uncu (dokuzuncu)

name n isim What's your name?

national adj ulusal to threaten national security

natural adj doal natural beauty


yakn Could you come a bit nearer, please?

necessary adj gerekli

neck n boyun

need v ihtiya duymak I need some new shoes.

neighbour n komu

never adv asla I've never even thought about that before.

new adj yeni Are those new trousers?

newsagent n gazete bayii I've got a job at the newsagent.

newspaper n gazete I read about his death in the newspaper.

next to

yannda Her house is next to a pub.

nice adj sevimli They have a very nice house.

night n gece I slept really badly last night.

No problem.

Sorun deil. "Can you take me to the station?"
"Sure, no problem."

noise n grlt I could hear a hissing noise.

noisy adj grltc A crowd of noisy protesters gathered in the square.

non-stop adj aralksz non-stop flights from Britain to the West Indies

noon n len

normally adv normal olarak Normally I'm home by this time.

north n kuzey The stadium is to the north of the city.

Norway n Norve My brother lives in Norway.

nose n burun a big/broken nose

notebook n not defteri I take my notebook to meetings.

notice n duyuru

noun n isim

now adv imdi

November n Kasm My birthday is in November.

number n numara, say

nurse n hemire She's a nurse at the local hospital.

object n nesne

observe v gzlemek

occur v meydana gelmek

ocean n okyanus

October n Ekim My birthday is in October.


-in I like the colour of her hair.

Of course

Elbette "Can I borrow your pen?"
"Of course."

offer v sunmak

often adv sk sk I often see her there.

oil n ya

old adj eski an old man

adj eski moda old-fashioned clothes

n Olimpiyat Oyunlar Kelly Holmes won 2 gold medals at the Olympic games.


stnde I put the book on that shelf.

once a day /
week / month
/ year
gnde / hafta /
ayda / ylda bir kere
I go swimming once a week (=one time every week).

onion n soan onion soup

only adv sadece


stne I stepped onto the platform.

open v amak Could you open the window?

operate v iletmek


karsnda on the opposite page

orange adj turuncu a deep orange sunset

orange n portakal orange juice

order v smarlamak "Would you like to order?"
"Yes, I'll have soup please."

organisation n organizasyon a voluntary organisation

organise v organize etmek She was busy organising the wedding.

organised adj organize Susan's very organised.

original adj orijinal

other adv dier


dar He dropped the bag and all the apples fell out.


dnda He was standing outside the caf.


kendi It was my own idea.

owner n sahip car owners

oxygen n oksijen Hydrogen and oxygen make water.

page n sayfa The article is on page 36.

paradise n cennet a tropical paradise

parcel n paket There's a parcel for you.

parent n ebeveyn Her parents live in Oxford.

park n park We went for a walk in the park.

park v park etmek I parked the car near the old bridge.

part time adj yar zamanl a part-time job

party n parti a birthday party

party v parti yapmak They were out partying till five o'clock in the morning.

pay v demek Helen paid for the tickets.

PE (physical
n BE (beden eitimi) We do PE on Thursdays.

pen n dolmakalem Could I use your pen?

pencil n kalem It was written in pencil.

people n insanlar Our company employs over 400 people.

perhaps adv belki Perhaps I'll go to the gym after work.

person n kii You're the only person I know here.

phone n telefon Who's on the phone?

photograph n fotoraf He took a lovely photograph of the children.

piano n piyano I can play the piano.

piece of
n kat paras Have you got a piece of paper I can have?

pink adj pembe pretty, pink flowers

pizza n pizza Italian pizza

plane n uak What time does her plane get in (=arrive)?

play v oynamak Do you play football?

play sports

spor yapmak Do you play any sports?

play the

piyano almak Can you play the piano?

player n oyuncu tennis players

pocket n cep My wallet was in my coat pocket.

Poland n Polonya My brother lives in Poland.

police n polis A 30-year-old man is being interviewed by police.

Polish adj Polonyal My teacher is Polish.

popular adj popler Jack' was the most popular boy's name.

population n nfus What's the population of Brazil?

Portugal n Portekiz My sister lives in Portugal.

post office n postane There is post office at the end of my road.

potato n patates boiled/fried potatoes

practical adj pratik practical shoes

practice n pratik We need a bit more practice before the concert.


ngilizce pratii
You can practice English with me.

practise the

piyano pratii
Do you practice the piano everyday?

present n hediye a birthday present

president n bakan the president of the United States

pretty adj gzel Your daughter is very pretty.

prison n hapishane He's spent most of his life in prison.

probably adv muhtemelen I'll probably be home by midnight.

project n proje a research project

public adj kamusal Smoking should be banned in public places.

pull v ekmek If you keep pulling his tail, he'll bite you.

pumpkin n balkaba Halloween pumpkin

purple adj mor purple pansies

push v itmek We pushed the children down the slide.

put v koymak Where have you put the keys?

quickly adv hzlca I quickly shut the door.

quiet adj sessiz Can you be quiet, please? We're trying to work.

quite adv baya, olduka I'm quite tired, but I'm happy to walk a little further.

rabbit n tavan I've got a pet rabbit.

race n yar an running race

radio n radyo a car radio

n tren istasyonu The railway station is at the bottom of the road.

rain v yamur yamak I think its going to rain.

rap n rap a rap artist

read v okumak What was the last book you read?

ready adj hazr Give me a call when you're ready.

real adj gerek He's not real you know, he's just a character in a book.


Gerekten mi? "Apparently Joe is leaving."
"Really? Are you sure?"

red adj krmz a red shirt

remember v hatrlamak I can't remember his name.

repeat v tekrarlamak He repeated the number.

restaurant n restoran an Italian restaurant

return v geri dnmek She returned to America in 1954.

rice n pirin rice pudding

rich adj zengin She's the third richest woman in Britain.

riding n binicilik I go riding every Saturday.

right adj doru He only got half the answers right.

river boat n nehir botu I live on a river boat.

road n yol Be careful when you cross the road.

roof n at He climbed onto the roof.

room n oda My room is pink.

run v komak He can run very fast.

running n kou I go running three times a week.

Russia n Rusya My uncle lives in Russia.

2nd (second) 2nci (ikinci) This is my second piece of chocolate cake.

6th (sixth) 6nc (altnc)

7th (seventh) 7nci (yedinci)

sad adj zgn I was very sad when our cat died.

safe adj gvenli a safe driver

salad n salata I made a big salad for lunch.

salt n tuz salt and pepper


ayn Many twins look the same.

sandwich n sandvi a cheese sandwich

Saturday n Cumartesi It's my birthday on Saturday.

save v kurtarmak He was badly injured, but the doctors saved his life.

say v sylemek I couldn't hear what they were saying.

scared adj korkmu I was scared to death. (=very frightened).

scarf n atk a warm scarf

school n okul Which school do you go to?

n okul dersi What's your favourite school subject?

Science n Bilim We have Science on Wednesdays.

sea n deniz I'd like to live by the sea.

seaside n deniz kenar We had a picnic at the seaside.

seat n oturak I've booked three seats for the cinema tonight.

second n saniye It only took a few seconds.

see v grmek Have you seen Jo?

seem v grnmek She seemed happy.

sell v satmak I sold my bike to Claire.

send v gndermek I sent him a letter last week.

separate v ayrmak I separated the class into three groups.

September n Eyll My birthday is in September.

shampoo n ampuan a bottle of shampoo

She's fine.

O iyi. "How's your mum?"
"She's fine thanks."

ship n gemi The Titanic was a large ship.

shoe n ayakkab a pair of shoes

shoot v vurmak He was shot dead in the incident.

shop n dkkan a book shop

n dkkan yardmcs My sister is a shop assistant.

short adj ksa short, brown hair

shout v barmak Don't shout!

show v gstermek Show me!

shower n du He's in the shower.

sight n gr Doctors managed to save his sight.

sign v imzalamak to sign a contract/treaty

signal n sinyal At a signal from their teacher, the children all held up their flags.

silent adj sessiz The building was dark and silent.

similar adj benzer The two houses are remarkably similar.

simple adj basit It's very simple to use.

sing v ark sylemek She sings in the church choir.

singer n arkc a jazz singer

sister n kz karde an older/younger sister

sit v oturmak Please sit down.

ski v kaymak I'd like to go skiing in Switzerland.

skirt n etek I like your skirt.

sleep v uyumak We had to sleep in the car that night.

slow adj yava I'm making slow progress with the painting.

slowly adv yavaa Could you speak more slowly, please?

small adj kk We teach the children in small groups.

smile n glmseme He gave me a big smile and wished me good luck.

snail n smklbcek I don't like snails.

snake n ylan I don't like snakes.

snowboard v snowboard yapmak Can you snowboard?

soccer n futbol Do you want a game of soccer?

sofa n kanepe We've got 2 sofas in our living-room.

soldier n asker toy soldiers

sometimes adv baz zamanlar He does cook sometimes, but not very often.

son n erkek ocuk My son will be three next week.

song n ark What's that song you were singing?

sound v grnmek Your job sounds really interesting.

soup n orba chicken soup

south n gney the south side of the house

Spain n spanya My aunt lives in Spain.

Spanish adj spanyol Spanish olives

speak v konumak She speaks very quietly.

speaker n hoparlr built-in speakers

special adj zel a special friend

spend v harcamak The company has spent 1.9 million on improving its computer network.

spider n rmcek I don't like spiders.

sport n spor winter sports

n spor tesisleri Our school has great sports facilities.

sports hall n spor salonu Our school has a big sports hall.

spring n ilkbahar I'm starting a new course in the spring.

stamp n pul I need to buy a stamp.

star n yldz She interviews all the stars.

start v balamak He started smoking when he was eighteen

starter n ordrv I don't want a starter - I'd rather have dessert.

stay v kalmak The weather was bad so we stayed at home.

steak n biftek steak and chips

steal v almak Burglars broke into the house and stole a computer.

stereo n mzik sistemi a car stereo

stone n ta We collected stones from the beach.

stop v durmak Stop laughing - it's not funny.

storm n frtna a snow/thunder storm

story n hikaye a horror story

straight adj doru a straight road

strange adj garip It's strange that she hasn't called.

strawberry n ilek strawberry jam

street market n semt pazar My brother works on a street market.

student n renci a law student

study v almak I studied biology before going into medicine.

stupid adj salak That's a stupid thing to say.

sudden adj ani a sudden change

suddenly adv aniden I suddenly realised who she was.

sugar n eker coffee with milk and sugar

summer n yaz a long, hot summer

sun n gne The sun rises in the East and sets in the West.

Sunday n Pazar It's my birthday on Sunday.

sunny adj gneli a lovely sunny day

supermarket n spermarket Do you want anything from the supermarket?

surname n soyisim His surname is Walker.

sweater n seter I like your blue sweater.

Swedish adj sveli My mother is Swedish.

sweet n tatl Sweets are bad for your teeth.

swim v yzmek I learnt to swim when I was about 5 years old.

swimming n yzmek I usually go swimming on Thursday evenings.

n yzme havuzu We have swimming pool in the garden.

Switzerland n svire My teacher comes from Switzerland.

table n masa the kitchen table

take v almak I always take my umbrella with me.

take a
v fotoraf ekmek I took a lot of pictures on holiday.

talk v konumak The teacher's always telling him to stop talking.

tall adj uzun It's one of the tallest buildings in the city.

taxi n taksi I'll take a taxi to the airport.

tea n ay Would you like a cup of tea or coffee?

teacher n retmen a science teacher

team n takm a football team

teenager n gen It's a magazine for teenagers.

teeth (plural
of tooth)
n diler My Grandma still has all her teeth.

tell v anlatmak He told me about his new school.

temperature n scaklk The room's kept at a temperature of around 20C.

tennis n tenis He's a famous tennis player.

terrible adj korkun a terrible accident

test n test Only two students in the class failed the test.

text n metin a page of text


Teekkrler. Can you pass me the book? Thanks very much.

the news n haberler The news is on TV at 9pm.

think v dnmek I think he's right.

think v dnmek I was just thinking about Jake.


boyunca The River Seine flows through Paris.

thumb n baparmak I hit my thumb with the hammer.

Thursday n Perembe It's my birthday on Thursday.

to be born v domak I was born in Paris.

toast n tost a slice of toast

toilet n tuvalet Can I go to the toilet please?

tomato n domates tomato soup

tomorrow n yarn It's my birthday tomorrow.

tonight n bu gece What are you doing tonight?

tour n tur a tour of Europe

tourist n turist There were a lot of tourists in town today.

town n kasaba It's a small town in the north of England.

trainers n spor ayakkab I can't find my trainers.

transport n ulam I rely on public transport.

travel v seyahat etmek I spent a year travelling around Asia.

trick n hile I wasn't really ill - it was just a trick.

trip n yolculuk a day trip to Paris

trousers n pantolon a pair of trousers

true adj doru a true story

try v denemek I tried to open the window but couldn't.

try on v denemek (elbise) I tried on eight dresses and none of them looked nice.

Tuesday n Sal It's my birthday on Tuesday.

Turkey n Trkiye My brother lives in Turkey.

turkey n hindi Christmas turkey

Turkish adj Trk Turkish dates

turn v dnmek Turn left at the traffic lights.

TV n TV What's on TV tonight?

twice a day /
week / month
/ year
gnde / hafta /
ayda / ylda iki kere
I have to take the tablets twice a day.

typical adj tipik typical German food

UFO n UFO a UFO sighting

uncle n amca My uncle lives in Australia.


altnda The children were sitting under a tree.

unhappy adj zgn an unhappy childhood

university n niversite Cambridge University

use v kullanmak Can I use your pen?

usually adv genelde I usually get home at about six o'clock.

vegetable n sebze What's your favourite vegetable?

verb n fiil We have test tomorrow on English verbs.

video n video I saw both films on video.

village n ky She lives in a small village outside Oxford.

vinegar n sirke The English like vinegar on fish and chips.

violin n keman Can you play the violin?

visit v ziyaret etmek Did you visit St Petersburg while you were in Russia?

volleyball n voleybol I play volleyball.

vote v oy vermek Who did you vote for?

wait v beklemek How long did you wait for a taxi?

waiter n garson Has the waiter taken your order?

walk v yrmek She walks to school.

wallet n czdan I lost my wallet this morning.

want v istemek He wants a new car.

war n sava They've been at war for the past five years.

warm adj lk It's nice and warm in here.

n amar makinesi The washing machine is broken.

watch v izlemek The kids are watching TV.

water n su a drink of water

wavy adj dalgal wavy hair

wear v giymek I wear jeans a lot of the time.

weather n hava bad/good weather

Wednesday n aramba It's my birthday on Wednesday.

weekend n hafta sonu Are you doing anything this weekend?

well adj iyi, salkl I'm not very well.

well adv iyi She ran very well.

wet adj slak We got soaking wet in the rain.


ne/ka What are you doing?


nerede Where do you live?

white adj beyaz a white T-shirt


kim Who told you?


neden Why didn't you call me?

wife n e I've never met William's wife.

win v kazanmak Barcelona won the game 60.

window n pencere Open the window if you're too hot.

winner n kazanan the winners of the World Cup

winter n k We went skiing last winter.

wish v dilemek I wish that I didn't have to go to work.


ile Emma lives with her boyfriend.

woman n kadn a 30-year-old woman

women n kadnlar young women

wonderful adj mkemmel a wonderful idea

work n i I've got to find some work.

work v almak Where do you work?

world n dnya She's travelled all over the world.

worried adj kaygl She's really worried about her son.

worse adj daha kt The exam was worse than I expected.

write v yazmak Write your name at the top of the page.

writer n yazar I want to be a writer when I'm older.

wrong adj yanl the wrong answer

year n yl last year/next year

yellow adj sar a bright yellow tablecloth

Yes, great. Evet, harika. "Do you want to come to my party?"
"Yes, great."

yesterday dn I went to see the doctor yesterday.

afternoon /
evening /
dn leden
I saw Luke yesterday evening.

young adj gen We were very young when we met.
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