Sharada Ritu

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30/9/2014 Sharada Ritu (Winter) | The Ayurvedic Way of Life 1/2
During winter appetite will be more as the outside
temperature is cold-whatever you eat it will get
This is the best time for vata prakriti people. They can
eat fried items and sweet but their blood pressureand
blood sugar must be in normal limit. Kapha prakriti
people have to take care their weight, so reduce fried
items and sweets. Pitta prakriti person can take mixture
of everything but must be careful for blood pressure
and blood sugar. In winter weather is dry, our skin gets
dry. Because of winter even though we are feeling
thirsty, we have to consume water other wise it can
cause dryness and urinary tract infections.
i) At 6o clock make tea with 5 leaves of Tulsi + dry ginger tea powder
ii) At 7o clock fresh juice of Amla mix with carrot. It will increase immunity power.
iii) A) At 8:00 am Methi (fenugreek) or Bathua (Fat-hen / White Goosefoot / Goosefoot) or mixed vegetable or
aloo parathas, sprouted dal parathas are good.
B) Milk shake with apple, add some dried fruits i.e. Almond, dates, Achrot (Walnuts), Kishmish (Raisins) etc.
Soup-vegetable soup, chicken soup, mutton soup.
Vegetable-Leafy vegetables like,-Palak (Spinach), Bathua (Fat-hen / White Goosefoot / Goosefoot), methi
(Fenugreek leaves), sarsoan (Mustard Greens), broccoli, cauliflower. cabbage, mushroom, green peas, etc.
you take as much you can Chicken, mutton, fish all are available during winter. All type of people can have it.
Try to add black pepper, garlic and ginger because it will keep you warm and increase digestion.
Rice-Dont have rice in large quantity because it is heavy and cold in nature.
Roti-Have more roti during winter, can have missi rotis, wheat mix with black gram ,soabean, Bazra and have
roti of it.
i) Tea or coffee
ii) Can have pakodas of spinach, baby corn, green chilly, paneer (cottage cheese) and broccali.
Chicken tikka, cabab, fish tikka, fish finger and chips, these are tasty and good in winter.
Lots of fresh salad likes cabbage, spinach, carrot, raddish, beet root, broccoli etc. When you see it, itself you
will get the temptation to eat. Fruit Salad and non-veg salads are also good.
Soup, Vegetable, chicken, fish, roti and salad.
It is better to have heavy food during break fast and lunch. Dont make habit to sleep immediately after food.
Make habit to take fibrous fruits like orange, papaya, moushmi and banana, apple, pomegranate in
between breakfast and lunch. Because all Fibrous food, fruits and salad help you to digest the food and give
good motion.
During winter you are front to cold and chest-infection. So try to avoid cold water. If you are prone to cold
then avoid ice creams and cold drinks. Have ginger water and geera water to drink.
Sharada Ritu (Winter)
30/9/2014 Sharada Ritu (Winter) | The Ayurvedic Way of Life 2/2
Be careful during, sudden change from hot to cold. Keep you warm by wearing cloths. Protect your head and
ears. Wear woolen soaks. To improve resistance power of body you can have Dasamularishtam-30 ml after
lunch and dinner.
Chywanprasham-1 teaspoon (5gm) after breakfast or dinner. It contains lot of vitamins and keeps you warm.
Alcohol-30ml is advisable. It clears channels of the body.

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