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nLA2000 2

A,8 & C
!"# %" %&'() *"+& ,&'-")
WaLch !"#$# & and choose Lhe correcL answer:
1. Plccup has goL...
A) A copybook 8) A bag C) A haL
2. Plccup ls looklng for...
A) A knlfe 8) A cup C) A dragon
3. 1he dragon ls...
A) Pappy 8) Angry C) Sad
4. 1he dragon can'L...
A) Walk 8) lly C) !ump

WaLch !"#$# ' and say wheLher Lhe followlng senLences are 18uL or lALSL
3. Plccup has goL shleld.
6. 1he dragon hasn'L goL any LeeLh.
7. 1he dragon doesn'L llke flsh.
8. 1he dragon sleeps llke a baL.
9. 1he dragon can'L draw.

CompleLe wlLh Lhe parLs of Lhe dragon:

nLA2000 2
A,8 & C
!"# %" %&'() *"+& ,&'-")
WaLch !"#$# 6. 8ead and compleLe Lhe followlng senLences:
1. 1ooLhless doesn'L llke ................
2. 1he flsh are ln a .........................
3. When hlccup helps 1ooLhless he can ..........
4. 1he Pldeous Zlppleback has goL Lwo ...........
3. 1he klds ln uragon 1ralnlng have goL buckeLs wlLh ...........................
WaLch !"#$# 7 and Llck (!) Lhe correcL sLaLemenLs:
6. 1he Pldeous Zlppleback has goL a blg horn on lLs snouL.
7. 1ooLhless and hlccup fly LogeLher.
8. 1ooLhless loves grass.
9. 1he Cronckle has goL blg wlngs.
10. 1ooLhless falls asleep when Plccup scraLches hls back.
11. 1he 1errlble 1error ls a small dragon.
12. lL has goL yellow eyes.
13. AsLrld has goL a knlfe.
14. AsLrld ls susplclous of Plccup.

nLA2000 2
A,8 & C
!"# %" %&'() *"+& ,&'-")
8ead, colour and wrlLe Lhe names under Lhe plcLures:
1he 3.88)95. 3.8828 ls a small dragon. lL has goL blg yellow eyes and lL ls brlghL green.
1he */00.8 has goL many horns on lLs head. lL has goL yellow eyes. lL ls blue.
1he +82*:;5. ls a medlum slze dragon. lL has goL small wlngs and blg LeeLh. lL has goL yellow eyes
and purple splkes.
1he -)0.2<, =)>>5.9/:; ls a blg dragon. lL has goL Lwo heads. lL ls green and has goL yellow eyes.
-)::<> ls a vlklng. Pe has goL brown halr and green eyes.
1),-5.+, ls nexL Lo AsLrld. Pe has goL blond halr and grey eyes.
,*2352<3 ls beLween Plccup and Lhe Lwlns. Pe has goL black halr and llghL blue eyes.
/,38)0 ls nexL Lo Plccup. She's blond. She's goL blue eyes.
8<11*<3 and 3<11*<3 are Lwlns. 8uffnuL ls a glrl and 1uffnuL ls a boy. 1hey are blond. 8uffnuL ls on
1uffnuL's back.


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