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100 Reasons why you

should convert to Islam

Sister Uzma 2017

(In the Name of Allah the Most Merciful, the Especially Merciful).

100 reasons why you should revert (convert) to Islam

1. The Quraan is the only revelation from God still in the original form it
was revealed in.
2. All previous sins no matter how big are forgiven when you express the
testimony of faith the shahada, the first pillar of Islam, (this is what a
person says when they want sincerely to become a Muslim).
3. In Islam there are no old-age homes. The elderly are respected and their
relatives are obliged to take care of them. This will earn much reward for
them in this life and the hereafter.
4. Women are treated justly and not oppressed.
5. Islam prescribes no cruelty to animals.
6. Islam encourages the preservation of the environment.
7. Everyone is treated kindly and justly no matter who they are.
8. Islam is a simple and easy religion based on your capabilities. For
example, the five daily prayers are obligatory. However, if travelling you
can shorten them and even combine them. If ill you do not even have to
stand up and pray. There is a concept of do it as best as you can which
underlies all the obligations. In dire necessity even the obligations are
9. There is no racism in Islam. See in Hajj (the pilgrimage), Muslims of
different colours stand side by side and pray together.
10.No-one is better than another by birth. Greatness is established by how
God-fearing/conscious you are and only the Lord knows this reality.
Everyone in Islam is treated the same. For example, in the prayer you can
see that the head of a person comes very close to the feet of the person in
front in the prostration. The person in front may even have a much lesser
salary than the one behind yet they all pray together.

Islamic monotheism

11. Belief in one God means that a person only submits to Him, not money,
fashion, or their desires etc. Therefore it is liberating.
12.Belief in Allah means you now know the reason why you were created
the purpose of life. That is to worship only Allah. This does not mean
praying all day and every day. It means that a person obeys Allah and is
constantly God-conscious thus making everything they do an act of
worship. (In Islam worship is defined as anything that Allah commands
and is pleased with). By doing this the person earns Allahs pleasure, stays
away from sin and gets the reward of paradise in the hereafter.
13.Belief in one God is logical and rational. Why worship fashion, a stone, a
person, money, when they can worship the One who created them, the
universe and everything around them. Only He is deserving of worship
why should anyone belittle themselves by worshipping less than that.
14.Worship of one God means that a person will be responding to the call of
all the prophets sent by God (Allah) from Adam to Muhammad (peace be
upon them), that is to worship Allah.
15.Belief in Allah means we do not worship His creation. No one has divine
qualities except Allah.
16.Islam rejects all models of a god worthy of worship that do not conform to
the definition of such a God provided by chapter 112 of the Quraan
which states:

Say, He is Allah, [who is] Uniquely One, Allah, the Eternal Refuge. He
neither begets nor is born, Nor is there to Him any equivalent. 112:1-4

Only Allah fits this definition. Thus, only He is worthy of worship.

17.Muslims can prove there is a Creator.
18.There are no superstitions in Islam.
19.In Islam there is no need for intercessors. You can call out to Allah
without having to go through a hierarchy of people.
20.In Islam Allah is so forgiving no matter how great the sin He will forgive
the Muslim if their repentance is sincere.

Muhammad (peace be upon him)

21.Muhammad (peace be upon him) was well known by the Arabs to be

highly honest so why would he lie about his Prophethood.
22.Muhammad (peace be upon him) was well known for his trustworthiness
even his enemies left their valuables with him.
23.Muhammad (peace be upon him) was described as the Mercy to
mankind in the Quraan. This is evident when we see that he conquered
Makkah in peace and everyone who had shown hostility to him and his
followers was forgiven. As a result huge amounts of people converted to
24.Muhammad (peace be upon him) had the noblest of characteristics. Thus
when a Muslim truly follows the example of Muhammad (peace be upon
him) people find that they are the best of people.
25.Muhammad (peace be upon him) was always just even with his enemies.
26.Muhammad (peace be upon him) was not rich and he had a very modest
living after the revelation descended upon him.
27.Many of the prophecies of the final prophet Muhammad (peace be upon
him) have been fulfilled. Those that are left are mainly associated with the
signs of the Day of judgement.
28.Muhammad (peace be upon him) was the most generous of people. He
never refused anyone who asked him for something even if he needed it
29.Muhammad (peace be upon him) had miracles in the thousands. His
greatest miracle is the Quraan, which can be proven to be the word of
30.The Prophet Muhammad (peace be upon him) was unlettered (could not
read or write) yet he recited the Quraan which linguistically is a

The Quraan

31.The Quraan over fourteen hundred years ago talks about civilisations that
have only recently been discovered to have existed, for example the
civilisation of Iram.
32.The entire Quraan the last revelation by Allah has been memorised by
hundreds of thousands of Muslims. There is no other book religious or
otherwise that has been memorised on such a large scale.
33.The Quraan is still in its original form. It is recited the same way today as
it was recited over fourteen hundred years ago.
34.Quraan was written down during its revelation and not afterwards.
35.The Quraan contains no contradictions. If other than Allah had written it
there would be many contradictions in it.
36.The Quraan cannot be imitated.
37. The Quraan is easy to recite a child who of four who can barely speak
English can recite the Quraan perfectly.
38.The Quraan is a book full of scientific facts which were not known at the
time of its revelation (i.e. over 1400 years ago). The remaining scientific
facts are still to be discovered.
39.Many scientists have accepted Islam because of the science found in the
40.When the Quraan is recited correctly it sounds so beautiful and amazing
even if you do not understand what is said.

The prayer

41.The five daily prayers relax and relieve the mind, body and spirit. For
example, if a person is busy throughout the day, they are going to feel
much more exhausted than a person who has had a complete break a
couple of times a day. You can appreciate this more when you put it in to
42.The five daily prayers require that the person praying be clean. This
means if they are not clean they get to put water and their face and
completely freshen up to pray.
43.The wording of the prayer means a person gets to ask their Lord for
guidance at least seventeen times a day (in the smallest prayer done before
sunrise a person asks for guidance twice).
44.Ideally the prayer should be done in the mosque so then a person can free
himself from his busy environment and relax in prayer in the mosque.
Hence he is much more productive when he returns.
45.The prayer duration is very small considering what impact it has on a
person. Therefore it is very practical. The minimum time required to pray
all the prayers in the whole day is about 20-25 minutes. Yet it is enough to
refresh a person and enable them to concentrate better.
46.Prayer relieves a person from the shackles of life and enables them to
actualise that only Allah is worthy of worship and they only bow down to
Him and no-one else.
47.Prayer helps a person to develop self-discipline as many people find
getting up to pray before sunrise difficult. If a person can overcome the
desire to sleep they can overcome many desires and thus be in control of
them and not vice versa.
48.Prayer prevents a person from sinning. By being conscious of their Lord
at least five times a day will stop them from being tempted to sin and thus
displeasing their Lord, (this is if the prayer is done sincerely and not
49.In prayer a person is conversing with their Lord and thus it enables them
to feel closer to Him.
50.As the obligatory prayers are prayed in congregation it encourages a spirit
of unity and brotherhood between fellow Muslims.


51.Muslims have to pay 2.5% of their annual savings each year to the poor
and needy. Charity is highly encouraged. Thus preventing miserliness and
52.The zakat is payable to people in dept.
53.The zakat is also payable to the wayfarer enough to complete his journey.
54.Islam highly encourages the feeding of the poor in particular the orphans.
Taking care of orphans is a highly recommended act.
55.In Islam family ties are very important. Helping family members in need
is rewarded more than helping non-family members.

Fasting the month of Ramadaan

56.Fasting is a shield from sin.

57.Fasting allows us to appreciate what we have and be content.
58.Fasting allows a person to be more considerate of the poor and needy.
59.Fasting helps a person control their desires.
60.Fasting helps a person become more God-conscious.
61.Fasting detoxes the body from impurities.
62.There is a night in the Islamic calendar called the night of power. Deeds
carried out during that night are equivalent to that person doing those
deeds over 80 years.
63.On the Day of the breaking of the fast (the day after the last day of
Ramadaan) commonly referred to as Eid ul-Fitr, Muslims must give food
to the poor. Hence the poor have plenty to eat on Eid and may get enough
to last a whole year.
64.There are two days in the Islamic calendar which if a person fasts on that
day their previous years sins are forgiven. These days are the day of
asshuurah (10th of Muhaarram the 1st month of the Islamic calendar) and
the Day of Arafat (9th Dhul-Hijjah the last month of the Islamic
calendar). If a person fasts on the day of Arafat they also get the sins of
the coming year wiped out.
The Hajj Islamic pilgrimage

65.In the Hajj all men have to wear the same things. So even if a person is a
king or a labourer, they will look the same, do the same actions as each
other and even stand next to each other.
66.The Hajj is the greatest example of unity. Every year at least two million
Muslims gather together to do exactly the same rituals.
67.Hajj is the ultimate spiritual journey which starts by going around the
Kaaba (the huge black cube a house of Allah) which imitates the Angels,
proceeded later by an afternoon of self-reflection and supplication ending
by a symbolic stoning of the devil mans greatest enemy.
68.In Hajj the Prophet Abraham (peace be upon him) is honoured.

Other Prophets and Revelations

69.The bible testifies to the arrival of a prophet named Ahmed (one of the
prophet Muhammads (peace be upon him) names Ahmed is a derivative
of Muhammad.
70.In Islam Muslims believe in the arrival of Jesus in the last days.
71.Muslims have the teachings of the final Prophet sent by Allah and thus
know the information about the Last Hour and the anti-Christ. Muslims
have a detailed description on how to recognise and deal with the anti-
72.Islam was the religion of Adam, Noah, Abraham, Moses and Jesus (peace
be upon them) they submitted themselves to the will of Allah i.e. did
what they were commanded by Allah.
73.Muslims can prove that Islam is the truth and the religion sent by God
Allah to mankind.

74.Islam honours women. Mary (the mother of Jesus Christ) is considered to

be the best of all women. There is even a chapter in the Quraan entitled
Mariam (Mary).
75.Included in the rites of Hajj there is a repetition of the actions of a woman.
The mother of Prophet Ishmael.
76.Women do not have to work in Islam. They have to be provided for by
relatives or the state. Any money she does have is hers to do with as she
77.Islam gave women fair rights over fourteen hundred years ago. Only in
the last fifty years has the situation in the west improved for women.
78.In Islam women and men are treated equally in almost all cases. There are
some cases where women are given more rights for example in the case
of a mother in respect to her children.

The society

79.Islamic banking involves not taking interest.

80.Islamic banking does not ask for the money back if the person taking the
loan does not have the money to give it back.
81.The Islamic banking system ensures that no-one is jobless.
82.The Islamic banking system ensures that no-one is homeless.
83.In Islam no deception is allowed especially in trading. This was the law
fourteen hundred years ago. Trading standard laws in Britain are a recent
84.Child benefit was introduced by Muslims
85.Free education was introduced by Muslims
86.Free healthcare was introduced by Muslims
87.Muslims have made great advances in science and technology. At least
1001 inventions are used by us today.
88.Islam is a religion that allows all the things that are beneficial for a person
and prohibits things that are harmful for a person. These things are
decided by the One who created man and thus knows these things.
89.Islam over fourteen hundred years ago highly encouraged the freeing of
90.Islam encourages people not to be wasteful.
91.In Islam all children are born pure and sin-free.
92.No-one in Islam bears the sins of another.
93.Islam is a clean religion. Muslims should have a bath at least once a week.
94.Islam is easy to understand. An average Muslim no matter how much he
lacks in education he can still understand the pillars of Islam.
95.Islam gives practical and easy methods on how to live your entire life
96.Human rights were established in Islam fourteen hundred years ago.
97.Non-Muslims have rights over Muslims in Islam
98.Muslims have to visit each other when they are sick.
99. Muslims are not allowed to turn down invitations unless it is to
something prohibited.
100. Islam encourages unity and affection. Whenever two Muslims meet
they must say peace be on you (assalaamalaikum).

I invite all the readers to have an open mind and learn Islam from the
authentic sources. May Allah/God bless us all.

Further information

The Quraan English translation by Sahih International;

Sahih Al Bukhari and Sahih Muslim these two are unanimously the
most authentic sources of the teachings of Muhammad (peace be upon

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