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1. Should voters be given a NOTA (None Of The Above) choice?

Points to remember before you participate in this discussion:
Assume, you one of the member of a real group discussion.
Take the initiative to participate and contribute your thoughts.
Express your positive attitude towards providing the solution.
Few points in favor of NOTA:
Here the ongoing discussions going about NOTA and I'm in the favor of it since it gives people of India
the right to use their choice.

1. It provides an option to reject all the candidates. So, it works as an alarm to parties while
proposing a candidate.

2. It prevents illegal casting of votes by someone in place of the person who didn't come up to vote.

3. It provides security and thus, protection to the person opting for NOTA as in the earlier method for
rejecting all the candidates, the voter had to fill a paper ballot form.

Few points opposing NOTA:

1. It costs the election commission and government a lot to conduct re-elections. But it again is a
good point as it saves the corrupt politicians to come into government And thus prevent scams and
black money trading.


Everyone here is talking about re-elections if the NOTA comes more than 50%. Is it true?

I am asking this because our former election commissioner S Y Quraishi once said -

"Even if there are 99 NOTA votes out of a total of 100, and candidate X gets just one vote, X is the
winner, having obtained the only valid vote. The rest will be treated as invalid or 'no votes'".

As per the above words, there are no possibilities for re-election.

2. Consider a case of when there is not a provision of NOTA- four candidates are stood in elections and
none of them you find appropriate for the seat then what options do you have.

Option 1: Either you give your vote to a candidate who is having least bad reputation.

Option 2: Either you give your vote to a candidate on the basis of caste so that at least you will always
be benefited (seriously think this point its true).

Option 3: You don't have to vote.

Which options do you think represents best and largest democratic country in the world?

NOTA just give you an another option through which you can be benefited by it in lot of ways.


#if there is many cheated or corrupted politicians stand and you find none of them appropriate simple
do NOTA it will encourage the free mind voters of India especially youth.

2. Love Marriages Vs Arranged Marriages
1. From my side I prefer love marriages because here two persons makes a very sensible
decision after spending great times with each other before marrying each other and it gives
them a very unimaginary happiness unlike arranged marriages.
2. First I will tell you about arranged marriage in arranged marriage the boy and the girl are met
due to their parents. The girl leaves everything to just make her parents happy but she does
not know about the boys character even an inch so they both tries to understand each other
taking many years hoping to find love for them in each other mostly the boy finds love in
these years but not in her partner but in her other new girlfriend. Which leads their
relationship into a divorce case.

But in love marriage the couple already understands each other and love each other they both
know each other very well before marriage when they were boyfriend and girlfriend so without
wasting many years to understand each other they just live happily and confidently love
marriage also helps a couple to solve their problems together they think about each other not
about just themselves.
Arranged Marriages
In my opinion arrange marriage is better than love marriage. Parents are the most lovable source that
god has gifted us. They brought up their children despite of having so many socio-economic
difficulties. They fulfill our every demand and never complain for anything. If any obstacles arises in
married life they will help us to overcome it. They have an idea that what is right and what is wrong
for their child.

No one cares us more than our parents. Marriage is not only the bonding between two souls but also
the bonding between two families. They know the bitter taste of life more than us. So Arrange
marriage is better than love marriage.

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