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O classes 9868205713,7827897829,8512065859

Work and energy
TIME:-1H 45 Min. MARKS:- 65
1). What is commercial unit of energy? (1)
2). Define the term work? (2)
3). When is work done negative and when is work done positive? (2)
4). What is work done:- (2)
A. When the displacement of the body is along the direction of the force.
B. When the displacement of the body perpendicular the direction of force.
On a stationary body.
5). Name and Define S.I unit of work. (2)
6). Define the term energy? (2)
7). Define Kinetic Energy? (2)
8). Define Potential Energy? (2)
9). What is elastic Potential Energy? (2)
10).What is power? (2)
11). Define 1 watt power? (2)
12). A battery lights a bulb. Describe the energy changes involved in the process. (2)
13). The P.E. of a freely falling object decreases progressively. Does the violate the law of
conservation of energy? Why? (2)
14). A certain household has consumed 250 units of energy during a month? How much energy is
this in joules? (2)
15).What is the work done by the force of gravity on a satellite moving around the earth? Justify
your answer. (2)
16). A body of mass 50kg. runs up a staircase of 45 steps in 9sec. If the height of each step is
15cm. P=?(g =10m/s
17). Define 1kwh. Expressed it in joules? (3)
18). What is the work to be done to increase the velocity of car from 30 km/hr to 60 km/hr if the
mass of the car is 1500 kg? (3)
19). A porter lifts a luggage of 15 kg from the ground and puts it on her head 2m above the
ground. Calculate work done by her on the luggage? g=10m/s
20). An electric heater is rated 1500w. How much energy does it use in 10hours? (3)
21). Calculate the Work required to be done to stop car of mass 1500kg. moving at a velocity of
6km/hr. (3)
22). Find the energy in kwh in 10hours by the 4 device of power of 500w each. (3)
23). The K.E of an object of mass M moving with A velocity of 5 m/s is 25 j. what will be its K.E
when its velocity is doubled? What will be its K.E when its velocity is increased 3 times? (5)
25). 2 girls each of weight 400N climbs up a rope through a height of 8m. We name one of the
girls as A and the other as B. Girl A takes 20sec. while B takes 50sec. to accomplish this task.
What is the power expended by each girl? (5)
26). Illustrate the law of conservation of energy by discussing the energy changes which occur
when we draw a pendulum bob to one side allow it to oscillate why does the bob eventually comes
to rest What happens to its energy eventually?
Is it a violation of the law of conservation of energy? (5)

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