Student Satisfaction Questionnaire For Ielts

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If you have ever been to my office / class, you know that I am committed to helping you
get the most accurate information you need to do IELTS at FES !lease take time to help
me improve the "uality of teaching in my class by completing this survey with careful
thought and a commitment #our written comments will be the most helpful feedback for
making improvements
The source $you% of comments will remain confidential, but your comments will be
compiled into relevant data to achieve e&cellence The "uestions regarding your age and
gender are not meant to identify you personally' instead the data will be combined and
presented into feedback on how student subgroups perceive the "uality of instructions
they receive
Thank you so much for your help I will read your comments carefully, and consider
them seriously to improve the "uality of IELTS teaching for all present and future
students of FES
Farhan (aeem
IELTS Instructor
FES )bbottabad
Student Information*
)ge* $a%++++++ ,- . /0 $b%++++++ /1 2
3ender* $a% ++++++male $b%+++++++ female
!lease use the following number scale to rate the following items If sending back
electronically, place an 4 in the appropriate space*
, 5 strongly disagree
/ 5 slightly disagree
6 5 neutral . ok the way it is
0 5 slightly agree
1 5 strongly agree
7 5 does not apply
8y advisor is +++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++
, Is easy to get in touch with
,++++ /+++++ 6+++++ 0+++++ 1+++++ 79does not apply+++++
:eason / e&plain the rating if rating less than 6
/ Gives me as much o as !itt!e time as I nee" when we meet
,++++ /+++++ 6+++++ 0+++++ 1+++++ 79does not apply+++++
:eason / e&plain the rating if rating less than 6
6 Communicates with me e##ective!y
,++++ /+++++ 6+++++ 0+++++ 1+++++ 79does not apply+++++
:eason / e&plain the rating if rating less than 6
0 $ovi"es encouagement%
,++++ /+++++6+++++0+++++1+++++ 79does not apply+++++
:eason / e&plain the rating if rating less than 6
1 Ta&es a 'esona! inteest in me%
,++++ /+++++ 6+++++ 0+++++ 1+++++ 79does not apply+++++
:eason / e&plain the rating if rating less than 6
7 Is a goo" !istene%
,++++ /+++++ 6+++++ 0+++++ 1+++++ 79does not apply+++++
:eason / e&plain the rating if rating less than 6
; $ovi"es accuate in#omation a(out the couse )IELTS*%
,++++ /+++++ 6+++++ 0+++++ 1+++++ 79does not apply+++++
:eason / e&plain the rating if rating less than 6
- +e!'s me ma&e im'otant "ecisions ega"ing my IELTS e,ams
,++++ /+++++ 6+++++ 0+++++ 1+++++ 79does not apply+++++
:eason / e&plain the rating if rating less than 6
< Shows es'ect an" concen #o me as a stu"ent-
,++++ /+++++ 6+++++ 0+++++ 1+++++ 79does not apply+++++
:eason / e&plain the rating if rating less than 6
,= As a stu"ent0 I ma"e an a''ointment to see my tuto%
#es++++++ (o+++++++
If no, why not>
,, I was egu!a in atten"ing c!asses%
#es++++++ (o+++++++
If no, why not>
,/ I was 'e'ae" #o atten"ing the c!asses
#es++++++ (o+++++++
If no, why not>
,6 C!asses wee he!'#u! an" im'otant to me-
,++++ /+++++ 6+++++ 0+++++ 1+++++ 79does not apply+++++
:eason / e&plain the rating if rating less than 6
1% 2hat ae you instucto3s stongest 'oints4
6% 2hat cou!" you instucto "o to im'ove the 7ua!ity o# his teaching metho"4
8% I# you cou!" change one thing a(out the c!assoom0 what wou!" it (e4

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