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Accounting Information Systems, 11e (Bodnar/Hopwood)

Chapter 1 Accounting Information Systems: An Oeriew

1) A system is a collection of related resources designed to help a company achieve specified
Answer: TRU
!iff: 1
"earning #bj.: 1
$) Accounting information systems are designed to gather and utili%e information which may
cost more to provide than it is worth to the user.
Answer: &A"'
!iff: $
"earning #bj.: 1
() The basic goal of accounting information systems is to convert financial data into information.
Answer: TRU
!iff: 1
"earning #bj.: 1
)) *uic+,response systems are essential to the total -uality performance movement in business.
Answer: TRU
!iff: 1
"earning #bj.: )
.) All data processed and information stored in an accounting information system are mandatory
for financial reporting purposes.
Answer: &A"'
!iff: $
"earning #bj.: 1
/) A typical 0R1 contains one common database in which all departments with customer
contact can access and update.
Answer: TRU
!iff: 1
"earning #bj.: (
2) A company can use *R codes to provide a convenient way to direct customers to its 3eb site
by embedding them in advertising4 such as maga%ines or in,store displays.
Answer: TRU
!iff: 1
"earning #bj.: )
0opyright 5 $61( 7earson ducation4 8nc. publishing as 7rentice 9all
:) An e;tended enterprise brings suppliers and customers together in order to meet customer
demand while minimi%ing supplier costs.
Answer: &A"'
!iff: 1
"earning #bj.: )
<) 7rocurement and firm infrastructure are e;amples of primary business processes.
Answer: &A"'
!iff: (
"earning #bj.: 1
16) =ood documentation means that records should be maintained by all parties involved in a
Answer: TRU
!iff: 1
"earning #bj.: 1
11) 'ome organi%ations that use computers to process transactional data must have an
information system function.
Answer: &A"'
!iff: $
"earning #bj.: $
1$) The operations function allows speciali%ation in areas such as operating systems and
software and communications technology.
Answer: &A"'
!iff: (
"earning #bj.: $
1() 0loud computing describes the increasing trend for data processing capabilities to be
provided as a service via the 8nternet.
Answer: TRU
!iff: 1
"earning #bj.: )
1)) 1ost batch processing environments are >8T environments.
Answer: &A"'
!iff: $
"earning #bj.: (
1.) ?@R" is a language that facilitates the e;change of financial statements over the 8nternet.
Answer: TRU
!iff: $
"earning #bj.: )
0opyright 5 $61( 7earson ducation4 8nc. publishing as 7rentice 9all
1/) ;ternal users of accounting information include stoc+holders4 investors4 creditors4
government agencies4 customers and vendors4 competitors4 labor unions4 and the public at large.
Answer: TRU
!iff: 1
"earning #bj.: 1
12) A decision support system A!'') is tailored to the strategic information needs of top,level
Answer: &A"'
!iff: 1
"earning #bj.: (
1:) The A8' benefits of information technology include automation4 information organi%ation4
and communication.
Answer: TRU
!iff: 1
"earning #bj.: (
1<) A8' application architecture currently focuses on automating the traditional accounting cycle.
Answer: &A"'
!iff: $
"earning #bj.: (
$6) 1R7 and 1R7 88 software was created to aid in 'upply 0hain 1anagement A'01).
Answer: TRU
!iff: $
"earning #bj.: (
$1) 8n 081 systems4 computers control management,designed parts of the manufacturing
Answer: &A"'
!iff: $
"earning #bj.: (
$$) &le;ible manufacturing systems can be reprogrammed to produce entirely different products.
Answer: TRU
!iff: 1
"earning #bj.: )
$() The process management approach aids in the management and improvement of a companyBs
processes in order to increase customer satisfaction while ignoring the companyBs cost structure.
Answer: &A"'
!iff: $
"earning #bj.: )
0opyright 5 $61( 7earson ducation4 8nc. publishing as 7rentice 9all
$)) R7s should reduce data duplication4 increase communication between functional areas4 and
reduce complications of software updates.
Answer: TRU
!iff: $
"earning #bj.: (
$.) R7s can either be industry,specific or based around Cbest practicesC of various si%ed
Answer: TRU
!iff: 1
"earning #bj.: (
$/) R7s are ine;pensive and relatively easy to implement.
Answer: &A"'
!iff: 1
"earning #bj.: (
$2) R7 88 adds an nterprise Application 'uite AA') to aid in the communication between
functional areas.
Answer: &A"'
!iff: $
"earning #bj.: (
$:) @usiness processes are always triggered by some economic event4 and all have clearly
defined starting and ending points.
Answer: TRU
!iff: $
"earning #bj.: 1
$<) A +ey characteristic and benefit of business processes is that they are always limited to one
functional area of the information system.
Answer: &A"'
!iff: $
"earning #bj.: 1
(6) Analy%ing a companyBs value chain aids in the identification of a companyBs competitive
Answer: TRU
!iff: $
"earning #bj.: 1
(1) #perational transaction cycles have traditionally grouped activities of a business into si;
common operational processes.
Answer: &A"'
!iff: $
"earning #bj.: 1
0opyright 5 $61( 7earson ducation4 8nc. publishing as 7rentice 9all
($) Transactions are used by auditors to verify account balances and internal controls.
Answer: TRU
!iff: $
"earning #bj.: 1
(() The internal audit function and the accounting functions should not be segregated in order to
increase a companyBs internal control.
Answer: &A"'
!iff: $
"earning #bj.: 1
()) The director of internal auditing should report directly to the controller of the company.
Answer: &A"'
!iff: $
"earning #bj.: 1
(.) The treasurer is responsible for the budgeting and ta; planning aspects of a business.
Answer: &A"'
!iff: $
"earning #bj.: 1
(/) The essence of cloud computing is that data storage is maintained by the end,user.
Answer: &A"'
!iff: 1
"earning #bj.: )
(2) A steering committee consists of high,level members of user functions such as
manufacturing and mar+eting4 as well as the head of the information system function and several
of his or her staff.
Answer: TRU
!iff: $
"earning #bj.: $
(:) An information center is a support facility for end users in an organi%ation.
Answer: TRU
!iff: 1
"earning #bj.: $
(<) !@1' is the hands,on use of computers by end users.
Answer: &A"'
!iff: $
"earning #bj.: )
)6) *uic+ Response code is a three,dimensional bar code.
Answer: &A"'
!iff: 1
"earning #bj.: )
0opyright 5 $61( 7earson ducation4 8nc. publishing as 7rentice 9all
)1) !8 is a +ey component to -uic+,response technology systems.
Answer: TRU
!iff: $
"earning #bj.: )
)$) The philosophy that one should do the right thing the first time is better +nown as T*1 or
Answer: TRU
!iff: $
"earning #bj.: )
)() R&8! tags are used for trac+ing objects within a -uic+,response system.
Answer: TRU
!iff: 1
"earning #bj.: )
))) #nly active R&8! tags transmit signals containing digital information to receivers.
Answer: &A"'
!iff: 1
"earning #bj.: )
).) "ean manufacturing focuses on eliminating waste from the entire value chain.
Answer: &A"'
!iff: 1
"earning #bj.: )
)/) A just,in,time manufacturing system is one form of lean manufacturing.
Answer: TRU
!iff: 1
"earning #bj.: )
)2) 1icrosoft sponsors the 3eb Trust
seal of approval to certain 3eb sites that meet their
security and integrity criteria.
Answer: &A"'
!iff: $
"earning #bj.: )
):) lectronic data interchange A!8) is the direct computer,to,end,user e;change of business
documents via a communications networ+.
Answer: &A"'
!iff: 1
"earning #bj.: )
)<) AD'8 ?.1$ is a public !8 standard.
Answer: TRU
!iff: (
"earning #bj.: )
0opyright 5 $61( 7earson ducation4 8nc. publishing as 7rentice 9all
.6) The '0 re-uires that all companies must file their financial reports electronically using
Answer: &A"'
!iff: $
"earning #bj.: )
.1) &ed3ire is a retail &T system used for telephone wire transfers and payments.
Answer: &A"'
!iff: $
"earning #bj.: )
.$) ,waste refers to dollars spent on unsuccessful implementations and technologies.
Answer: &A"'
!iff: $
"earning #bj.: )
.() =reen 8T states system design should include a plan for recycling and reusing system
Answer: TRU
!iff: 1
"earning #bj.: )
.)) A systems development project consists of EEEEEEEE general phases.
Answer: three
!iff: 1
"earning #bj.: (
..) The purpose of the EEEEEEEE approach is to assist in the orderly development of effective
Answer: systems
!iff: $
"earning #bj.: (
./) 1any companies prefer business process EEEEEEEE because they find it more cost,effective
than designing their own system from the ground up.
Answer: blueprinting
!iff: $
"earning #bj.: 1
.2) A philosophy of EEEEEEEE design fosters a set of attitudes and an approach to systems
development that consciously considers the organi%ational conte;t.
Answer: user,oriented
!iff: $
"earning #bj.: (
0opyright 5 $61( 7earson ducation4 8nc. publishing as 7rentice 9all
.:) 1iddle management uses EEEEEEEE information in an organi%ation.
Answer: tactical
!iff: $
"earning #bj.: $
.<) The source for most information used by lower,level managers is largely EEEEEEEE.
Answer: internal
!iff: $
"earning #bj.: $
/6) There are EEEEEEEE major categories of information systems within an organi%ation.
Answer: seven
!iff: $
"earning #bj.: $
/1) AAn) EEEEEEEE information system is tailored to the strategic information needs of top,level
Answer: e;ecutive
!iff: 1
"earning #bj.: )
/$) AAn) EEEEEEEE EEEEEEEE EEEEEEEE system manages all contact with customers.
Answer: customer relation management
!iff: 1
"earning #bj.: (
/() AAn) EEEEEEEE EEEEEEEE EEEEEEEE system encompasses the planning and management of
all activities involved in sourcing4 procurement4 conversion4 and logistics management activities.
Answer: supply chain management
!iff: 1
"earning #bj.: (
/)) A group of loosely connected companies that wor+ together to ma;imi%e the value of their
economic outputs is aAn) EEEEEEEE EEEEEEEE.
Answer: e;tended enterprise
!iff: $
"earning #bj.: (
/.) The 8T benefits for A8's are EEEEEEEE4 EEEEEEEE4 and EEEEEEEE.
Answer: automation4 information organi%ation4 and communication
!iff: $
"earning #bj.: (
0opyright 5 $61( 7earson ducation4 8nc. publishing as 7rentice 9all
//) Application EEEEEEEE involves the process of ensuring the suite of organi%ationBs
applications wor+ together in order to meet organi%ational goals and objectives.
Answer: architecture
!iff: $
"earning #bj.: (
/2) EEEEEEEE software assists management in managing inventories and scheduling production.
Answer: 1R7
!iff: 1
"earning #bj.: (
/:) 8n EEEEEEEE EEEEEEEE EEEEEEEE4 computers ta+e control of the entire production process
A081) but also can be reprogrammed so the same processes can produce entirely different
Answer: fle;ible manufacturing systems
!iff: $
"earning #bj.: (
/<) The EEEEEEEE management approach involves the application of +nowledge4 s+ills4 tools4
techni-ues and systems to manage and improve organi%ational processes to better meet
customersB needs and ma;imi%e profitability.
Answer: process
!iff: $
"earning #bj.: (
26) The 8'# <661 is aAn) EEEEEEEE,management standard published by the 8nternational
'tandards #rgani%ation.
Answer: -uality
!iff: $
"earning #bj.: (
21) EEEEEEEE EEEEEEEE EEEEEEEE combines functional information systems in a single software
pac+age and a single database.
Answer: nterprise resource planning
!iff: 1
"earning #bj.: (
2$) R7 88 adds collaborative EEEEEEEE to R7.
Answer: commerce
!iff: $
"earning #bj.: (
0opyright 5 $61( 7earson ducation4 8nc. publishing as 7rentice 9all
2() nterprise EEEEEEEE suite uses a group of individual pac+ages that wor+ with each other on
a 3eb browser as opposed to one large R7 software pac+age.
Answer: application
!iff: $
"earning #bj.: (
2)) The lin+ing of applications in a suite is facilitated through aAn) EEEEEEEE EEEEEEEE
Answer: service oriented architecture
!iff: $
"earning #bj.: (
2.) A business process is an interrelated set of tas+s that involve data4 EEEEEEEE units4 and a
logical time se-uence.
Answer: organi%ational
!iff: (
"earning #bj.: 1
2/) A simple way of viewing the companyBs activities in a manner suited to analy%ing its
competitive advantages is +nown as the EEEEEEEE EEEEEEEE.
Answer: value chain
!iff: 1
"earning #bj.: 1
22) The controller is the e;ecutive in charge of EEEEEEEE activities of the organi%ation4 while the
treasurer supervises the EEEEEEEE activities.
Answer: accountingF financial
!iff: 1
"earning #bj.: 1
2:) vents related to the ac-uisition of goods and services from other entities and the settlement
of related obligations are in the EEEEEEEE cycleF events related to the transformation of resources
into goods and services are in the EEEEEEEE cycle.
Answer: e;penditureF production
!iff: 1
"earning #bj.: 1
2<) A common violation of the EEEEEEEE principle is the delegation of both accounting and
financial responsibilities to the same individual or department.
Answer: segregation
!iff: $
"earning #bj.: 1
0opyright 5 $61( 7earson ducation4 8nc. publishing as 7rentice 9all
:6) The EEEEEEEE is the head of the information systems function in an organi%ation.
Answer: 08#
chief information officer
!iff: $
"earning #bj.: $
:1) AAn) EEEEEEEE committee is an advisory group who can influence the policies4 budget4 and
planning of information services within an organi%ation.
Answer: steering
!iff: $
"earning #bj.: $
:$) Radio fre-uency identification tags AR&8!) can be either EEEEEEEE4 EEEEEEEE4 or EEEEEEEE.
Answer: active4 passive4 or semi,passive
!iff: (
"earning #bj.: )
:() The main focus of EEEEEEEE manufacturing is eliminating waste and improving production
Answer: lean
!iff: 1
"earning #bj.: (
:)) The three major categories of waste under the original Toyota 7roduction 'ystem AT7') are
Answer: muda4 muri4 and mura
!iff: (
"earning #bj.: )
:.) =reen 8T is concerned with reducing EEEEEEEE through recycling and reusing electronic
products rather than discarding these products.
Answer: e,waste
!iff: 1
"earning #bj.: )
:/) A just,in,time A>8T) environment is characteri%ed by activities occurring in aAn) EEEEEEEE
EEEEEEEE environment.
Answer: continuous flow
!iff: 1
"earning #bj.: (
:2) AAn) EEEEEEEE EEEEEEEE EEEEEEEE is a type of information system that supports nonroutine
needs for information4 while EEEEEEEE systems support routine4 nonrecurring information needs.
Answer: decision support systemF !7
!iff: $
"earning #bj.: (
0opyright 5 $61( 7earson ducation4 8nc. publishing as 7rentice 9all
::) EEEEEEEE is an automated clearing house system used for the clearing of urodollar
payments between U.'. and non,U.'. financial institutions.
Answer: 0987'
!iff: (
"earning #bj.: )
:<) The term that best describes an information system that is tailored to the strategic
information needs of top,level management is aAn)
A) accounting information system.
@) e;pert system.
0) e;ecutive information system.
!) !7 system.
Answer: 0
!iff: 1
"earning #bj.: )
<6) EEEEEEEE are the only physical items that are absolutely re-uired for a user of cloud
A) A data storage unit and an 8nternet connection
@) A 3eb browser and a R&8! card
0) A *R reader and an 8nternet connection
!) A 3eb browser and an 8nternet connection
Answer: !
!iff: 1
"earning #bj.: )
<1) 3hich of the following is not a common transaction processing cycle found in business
A) ;penditure cycle
@) Accounting cycle
0) 7roduction cycle
!) Revenue cycle
Answer: @
!iff: $
"earning #bj.: 1
<$) 3hich of the following transaction processing cycles concerns events related to the
distribution of goods and services to other organi%ations and the collection of related paymentsG
A) 7roduction
@) ;penditure
0) &inancial reporting
!) Revenue
Answer: !
!iff: 1
"earning #bj.: 1
0opyright 5 $61( 7earson ducation4 8nc. publishing as 7rentice 9all
<() The transaction processing cycle that is concerned with the events related to the
transformation of resources into goods and services is
A) production.
@) revenue.
0) financial reporting.
!) e;penditure.
Answer: A
!iff: 1
"earning #bj.: 1
<)) A system that manages all contacts with customers is a EEEEEEEE system.
A) customer value chain
@) customer relation management
0) customer supply chain management
!) customer re-uirements planning
Answer: @
!iff: 1
"earning #bj.: 1
<.) AAn) EEEEEEEE is a group of loosely connected companies that wor+ together to ma;imi%e
the value of their economic outputs.
A) e;tended enterprise
@) enterprise resource planners
0) enterprise suite
!) value chain consortium
Answer: A
!iff: $
"earning #bj.: 1
</) AAn) EEEEEEEE system encompasses the planning and management of all activities involved
in sourcing4 procurement4 conversion4 and logistics management activities.
A) 0R1
@) '01
0) !'
!) '
Answer: @
!iff: $
"earning #bj.: (
<2) The fundamental benefits of information technology for A8's include the following e!cept
A) communication.
@) information organi%ation.
0) systems development.
!) automation.
Answer: 0
!iff: 1
"earning #bj.: 1
0opyright 5 $61( 7earson ducation4 8nc. publishing as 7rentice 9all
<:) EEEEEEEE involves the process of ensuring the suite of organi%ationBs applications wor+
together as a composite application according to the goals and objectives of the organi%ation.
A) Applications re-uirements planning
@) nterprise application structure
0) nterprise resource planning
!) Applications architecture
Answer: !
!iff: $
"earning #bj.: (
<<) 1aterial re-uirements planning software assists management in managing
A) inventories.
@) overhead.
0) scheduling production.
!) both inventories and scheduling production.
Answer: !
!iff: $
"earning #bj.: (
166) The international -uality,management standard credited for promoting the process
management approach is the
A) 'i; 'igma.
@) 8'A,<..
0) 8'# <661.
!) 8'A,H$I.
Answer: 0
!iff: $
"earning #bj.: (
161) 3hich systems permit the reprogramming of computers to produce entirely different
products in the same manufacturing facility with the same e-uipmentG
A) 1R7 and 1R7 88
@) 081s and &1's
0) 's and &1's
!) R7s and 1R7s
Answer: @
!iff: $
"earning #bj.: (
0opyright 5 $61( 7earson ducation4 8nc. publishing as 7rentice 9all
16$) A complete systems solution involving one software pac+age and one database is referred to
A) R7.
@) 1R7.
0) '01.
!) !''.
Answer: A
!iff: 1
"earning #bj.: (
16() The following are benefits of an R7 e!cept for the ability
A) to eliminate data duplication and redundancy.
@) to standardi%e data formats.
0) to easily share data from various departments.
!) to easily customi%e software to meet company needs.
Answer: !
!iff: 1
"earning #bj.: (
16)) =roups of organi%ations wor+ing together to create new products4 new process methods4
andJor human capital intelligence is referred to as aAn)
A) R7.
@) e,commerce.
0) collaborative commerce.
!) application consortium.
Answer: 0
!iff: $
"earning #bj.: (
16.) A group of individual software applications designed to run in 3eb browsers and facilitated
through a service oriented architecture A'#A) is referred to as aAn)
A) R7 88.
@) application architecture.
0) value chain application suite.
!) enterprise application suite.
Answer: !
!iff: $
"earning #bj.: (
0opyright 5 $61( 7earson ducation4 8nc. publishing as 7rentice 9all
16/) 3hat language facilitates business,to,business commerce through the e;tended value chain4
which includes both manufacturers and their suppliersG
A) K01"
@) ?@R"
0) 9T1"
!) 0#@#"
Answer: A
!iff: (
"earning #bj.: 1
162) The staff position which would generally report to the treasurer rather than to the controller
A) budgeting.
@) accounts payable.
0) credit manager.
!) cost accounting.
Answer: 0
!iff: 1
"earning #bj.: 1
16:) The high,level e;ecutive who supervises accounting functions such as budgeting4 billing4
and payroll is +nown as the
A) treasurer.
@) controller.
0) chief information officer.
!) chief internal auditor.
Answer: @
!iff: $
"earning #bj.: 1
16<) The three general phases of systems development projects and the order in which they occur
A) systems design4 systems implementation4 and systems analysis.
@) systems design4 systems implementation4 and systems auditing.
0) systems design4 systems analysis4 and systems programming.
!) systems analysis4 systems design4 and systems implementation.
Answer: !
!iff: $
"earning #bj.: (
0opyright 5 $61( 7earson ducation4 8nc. publishing as 7rentice 9all
116) *uic+ Response reader application can typically EEEEEEEE.
A) open a 3eb site
@) display a video
0) display te;t
!) All of these answers are correct.
Answer: !
!iff: 1
"earning #bj.: )
111) 3hen information levels within an organi%ation are viewed as a pyramid4 strategic
information is used primarily by
A) lower,level management.
@) top,level management.
0) middle management.
!) lower,level and middle management.
Answer: @
!iff: $
"earning #bj.: $
11$) &rom an organi%ationBs viewpoint4 a distinction can be drawn between the following two
broad classes of accounting information.
A) 9istorical and future
@) 'trategic and operational
0) 8nternal and e;ternal
!) 1andatory and discretionary
Answer: !
!iff: $
"earning #bj.: $
11() 3hich item listed below is not considered a primary business processG
A) 1ar+eting
@) #utbound sales logistics
0) Technology development
!) 'ervice
Answer: 0
!iff: $
"earning #bj.: 1
11)) 3hich of the following is not an objective of internal control as a processG
A) Reliability of financial reporting
@) Accuracy of accounting information
0) 0ompliance with applicable laws and regulations
!) ffectiveness and efficiency of operations
Answer: @
!iff: 1
"earning #bj.: 1
0opyright 5 $61( 7earson ducation4 8nc. publishing as 7rentice 9all
11.) The preparation of forecasts and analyses used by management in planning and controlling
the operations of the organi%ation is generally aAn)
A) budgeting function.
@) ta; planning function.
0) accounting manager function.
!) treasurer function.
Answer: A
!iff: $
"earning #bj.: 1
11/) The internal audit function within an organi%ation should be considered aAn)
A) activity supervised by the controller.
@) sub function of the treasurer.
0) independent appraisal activity.
!) optional service provided by the firmBs e;ternal auditors.
Answer: 0
!iff: $
"earning #bj.: 1
112) The area of functional speciali%ation which is responsible for the design4 coding4 testing4
and debugging of computer programs is the
A) technical support function.
@) user function.
0) operations function.
!) programming function.
Answer: !
!iff: 1
"earning #bj.: 1
11:) 8nformation retrieval from the organi%ationBs database using the -uery language feature of
!@1' is a common
A) programming function.
@) technical support function.
0) U0 application.
!) ' application.
Answer: 0
!iff: (
"earning #bj.: (
0opyright 5 $61( 7earson ducation4 8nc. publishing as 7rentice 9all
11<) The technological philosophy that emphasi%es Ccustomer satisfactionC to the point of
Ccustomer obsessionC is +nown as
A) T*7.
@) !8.
0) T*1.
!) T*7 and T*1.
Answer: !
!iff: 1
"earning #bj.: )
1$6) 3hich of the following is not a consumer benefit of 3eb commerceG
A) There is no waiting for a salesperson or product information.
@) There is automatic electronic encoding of transaction data.
0) 3eb,based transactions are encrypted providing security.
!) 8ntelligent 3eb,based software can provide answers to complicated -uestions.
Answer: @
!iff: $
"earning #bj.: )
1$1) 3hich of the following is not a benefit of electronic data interchange A!8)G
A) lectronic mail messages are interpreted by humans.
@) !8 eliminates paper.
0) !8 saves time.
!) !8 may allow for &T payments to vendor accounts.
Answer: A
!iff: $
"earning #bj.: )
1$$) 3hich of the statements below is fa"se regarding e;tensible business reporting language
A) 1any e;perts feel that ?@R" will replace !8.
@) ?@R" is in effect a narrower standard than the AD'8 ?.1$ standard for !8.
0) The '0 allows use of the ?@R" format.
!) ?@R" facilitates the e;change of business documents over the 8nternet.
Answer: @
!iff: (
"earning #bj.: )
1$() The 0learing 9ouse Automated 7ayment 'ystem is also +nown as
A) &ed3ire.
@) 0987'.
0) 09A7'.
!) &T.
Answer: 0
!iff: 1
"earning #bj.: )
0opyright 5 $61( 7earson ducation4 8nc. publishing as 7rentice 9all
1$)) 3hich of the steps below is not part of the systems approach processG
A) 0reation of alternatives
@) 'tatement of system objectiveAs)
0) 'ystems evaluation
!) All of the answers are steps in the systems approach process.
Answer: !
!iff: 1
"earning #bj.: (
1$.) 3hich of the following is not one of the criteria of the design specification step of the
systems approach to designG
A) Using a team approach in many cases
@) 'ufficient detailed specifications for implementation process
0) 8dentification of system inputs
!) 'trategies for producing system outputs
Answer: A
!iff: (
"earning #bj.: (
1$/) 3hich of the following is not an objective of a design group or project team charged with
creating and implementing a new information systemG
A) 'ecuring funding for a new information system
@) 8dentifying needs to be satisfied by a new system
0) !eveloping technical specifications for a new system
!) 8mplementation of a new system
Answer: A
!iff: $
"earning #bj.: (
1$2) 3hich of the following is not an objective of internal controlG
A) Reliability of financial reporting
@) ffectiveness and efficiency of operations
0) Relevance of financial statements
!) 0ompliance with applicable laws and regulations
Answer: 0
!iff: $
"earning #bj.: 1
1$:) An important -uic+ response technology used to trac+ objects using radio signals is called
A) sonic tagging.
@) radio fre-uency identification.
0) object fre-uency tagging.
!) fre-uency waves identification.
Answer: @
!iff: $
"earning #bj.: )
0opyright 5 $61( 7earson ducation4 8nc. publishing as 7rentice 9all
1$<) R&8! tags include all of the following e!cept
A) active tags.
@) passive tags.
0) inactive tags.
!) semi,passive tags.
Answer: 0
!iff: $
"earning #bj.: )
1(6) 3hich of the following is not associated with lean manufacturingG
A) 0R1
@) Toyota 7roduction 'ystem
0) liminating waste
!) >8T
Answer: A
!iff: $
"earning #bj.: (
1(1) The following are !8 standards e!cept
A) AD'8 ?.1$.
@) A'$.
0) e@?1".
!) 8'#,<..
Answer: !
!iff: $
"earning #bj.: (
1($) =reen 8T is concerned with
A) reducing e,waste by reusing and or refurbishing 8T products.
@) using less fuel in the creation of 8T systems.
0) designing more efficient systems in order to reduce necessary storage re-uirements.
!) =reen 8T is concerned with all of the above.
Answer: A
!iff: $
"earning #bj.: )
1(() The e;change of business documents such as purchase orders and invoices in an electronic
format between the computers of separate organi%ations is +nown as
A) e,mail.
@) electronic data interchange.
0) computer,integrated information system.
!) electronic document e;change.
Answer: @
!iff: 1
"earning #bj.: (
0opyright 5 $61( 7earson ducation4 8nc. publishing as 7rentice 9all
1()) 3hich of the following speciali%ed information systems would be the most useful in
providing information for routine decisionsG
A) !ecision support system
@) ;pert system
0) ;ecutive information system
!) Accounting information system
Answer: !
!iff: $
"earning #bj.: $
1(.) 3hich of the following is not an e;ample of good internal controlG
A) 9aving ade-uate records
@) @eing sure that everyone clearly understands his or her own responsibilities
0) 1a+ing sure that each department is responsible for +eeping its own accounting records
!) 9aving periodic physical chec+s Aor counts) of the inventory
Answer: 0
!iff: $
"earning #bj.: 1
1(/) 3hich officer4 department4 or division within an organi%ation is responsible for monitoring
the other departments to ensure that the organi%ationBs policies and procedures are being carried
A) 8nternal auditing
@) Kice 7resident for Administration
0) 0hief 8nformation #fficer
!) A steering committee
Answer: A
!iff: $
"earning #bj.: 1
1(2) 3hich of the following is used to ensure a high degree of user involvement in the control of
an information systems departmentG
A) 1aintenance programmers
@) #perations manager
0) Technical support committee
!) 'teering committee
Answer: !
!iff: $
"earning #bj.: 1
0opyright 5 $61( 7earson ducation4 8nc. publishing as 7rentice 9all
1(:) 3hich of the following is not a merchant benefit of 3eb commerceG
A) 0ost savings through automated ordering
@) 3orldwide availability of the companyBs products
0) Do waiting in line for a salesperson or to obtain product information
!) "ow overhead
Answer: 0
!iff: 1
"earning #bj.: )
1(<) A company +nown for its use of blueprints in systems design for clients is
A) 'A1.
@) 'A7.
0) 'A'.
!) 'AR.
Answer: @
!iff: 1
"earning #bj.: )
1)6) 3hen should the actual users of a system be involved when a new system is being
A) As soon as the new system is implemented
@) After all une;pected bugs and glitches have been found and corrected
0) #nly after all employees have been thoroughly trained to use the new system
!) Throughout the design of the new system
Answer: !
!iff: $
"earning #bj.: $
1)1) 3hich of the following information characteristics pertains to the situation when a lower,
level manager receives a well,defined4 narrowly focused report4 while a top,level manager
receives a report covering more general topicsG
A) "evel of aggregation
@) Time hori%on
0) 'cope
!) Re-uired accuracy
Answer: 0
!iff: (
"earning #bj.: $
0opyright 5 $61( 7earson ducation4 8nc. publishing as 7rentice 9all
1)$) 3hen a management report is discretionary rather than mandatory4 the primary
consideration should be
A) that there are benefits to be obtained by producing the report.
@) that the benefits obtained by producing the report e;ceed the cost of its production.
0) to minimi%e the cost of producing the report while maintaining minimum standards of
!) to minimi%e the cost of producing the report while maintaining minimum standards of
reliability and accuracy.
Answer: @
!iff: (
"earning #bj.: 1
1)() 3hich of the following groups would not be considered e;ternal users of the companyBs
A) &actory supervisors
@) 0reditors
0) 8nvestors
!) "abor unions
Answer: A
!iff: $
"earning #bj.: 1
1))) 8nternal users of reports from a companyBs information system might include all of the
following e!cept its
A) chief e;ecutive officer.
@) stoc+holders.
0) payroll department.
!) lower,level managers.
Answer: @
!iff: $
"earning #bj.: 1
1).) A report prepared e;clusively for use by this group is almost always mandatory.
A) The companyBs labor union
@) The 8nternal Revenue 'ervice
0) The companyBs main ban+
!) The companyBs main supplier of its raw materials
Answer: @
!iff: $
"earning #bj.: 1
0opyright 5 $61( 7earson ducation4 8nc. publishing as 7rentice 9all
1)/) 8n the systems approach to administering a systems project4 which of the following phases
should be performed firstG
A) 0reating alternatives
@) Analy%ing the system
0) 8mplementing the system
!) 'tating the systemBs objectives
Answer: !
!iff: $
"earning #bj.: 1
1)2) A way of viewing company activities that brea+s the activities down into components that
can be individually optimi%ed in terms of goals and strategies is +nown as the
A) primary business process.
@) accounting information system.
0) value chain.
!) internal control process.
Answer: 0
!iff: $
"earning #bj.: 1
1):) 'oftware that integrates business processes on a company,wide basis is called
A) enterprise resource planning.
@) e;ecutive information systems.
0) e;pert systems.
!) manufacturing information systems.
Answer: A
!iff: $
"earning #bj.: )
1)<) An accounting information system plays a +ey role in the internal control process4 thereby
helping management with its major responsibility of
A) managing the internal audit function.
@) stewardship.
0) global,level mar+eting.
!) managing the production cycle.
Answer: @
!iff: $
"earning #bj.: 1
1.6) 3hich statement regarding internal control is fa"seG
A) !ocumentation is not a critical component of an internal control system.
@) 8deally4 a tas+ can be divided to ma+e job functions as natural chec+s on each other.
0) A specific person should ideally be responsible for each tas+ or job function.
!) All records should allow cross,referencing from one area of responsibility to another.
Answer: A
!iff: $
"earning #bj.: 1
0opyright 5 $61( 7earson ducation4 8nc. publishing as 7rentice 9all
1.1) An organi%ationBs internal control process consists of how many elementsG
A) 'i;
@) &our
0) &ive
!) 'even
Answer: 0
!iff: $
"earning #bj.: 1
1.$) 3hen viewing a typical organi%ation chart4 the individual responsible for the finances of the
business is the
A) controller.
@) president.
0) vice president.
!) treasurer.
Answer: !
!iff: 1
"earning #bj.: 1
0opyright 5 $61( 7earson ducation4 8nc. publishing as 7rentice 9all
1.() 7resented below is a list of terms relating to accounting information systems4 followed by
definitions of those terms.
Re-uired: 1atch the letter ne;t to each definition with the appropriate term. ach answer will be
used only once.
EEEEEEEE 1. 0hief 8nformation #fficer
EEEEEEEE $. Treasurer
EEEEEEEE (. Transaction processing cycle
EEEEEEEE ). Technical support function
EEEEEEEE .. 0omputer,integrated manufacturing
EEEEEEEE /. nd user
EEEEEEEE 2. 0ontroller
EEEEEEEE :. ;pert system
EEEEEEEE <. 'ystems analysis
EEEEEEEE 16. 'egregation of duties
A. A common division or section within the information systems department
@. The individual who supervises accounting functions
0. An e;ample of an internal control
!. 8ndividual who has overall responsibility for the information system function
. The first step in the systems development approach
&. The department which has supervision over cash and credit activities
=. A type of information system which re-uires an inference engine to ma+e a decision for the
9. #ne or more applications systems consisting of logically related transactions
8. An integrated approach to the use of information technology in manufacturing systems
>. A department or section of an organi%ation that uses the organi%ationBs computer data
processing other than the information systems department
Answer: 1. !4 $. &4 (. 94 ). A4 .. 84 /. >4 2. @4 :. =4 <. 4 16. 0
!iff: $
"earning #bj.: 1
0opyright 5 $61( 7earson ducation4 8nc. publishing as 7rentice 9all
1.)) 7resented below is a list of terms relating to accounting information systems4 followed by
definitions of those terms.
Re-uired: 1atch the letter ne;t to each definition with the appropriate term. ach answer will be
used only once.
EEEEEEEE $. Telecommuting
EEEEEEEE ). Total -uality management
EEEEEEEE /. 7rimary business processes
EEEEEEEE 2. Kalue chain
EEEEEEEE :. 3eb Trust
EEEEEEEE 16. ;ecutive information system
A. A way of viewing the companyBs activities in a manner suited to analy%ing competitive
@. Allows employees to wor+ at home and still have direct interaction with the organi%ationBs
information systems
0. An information system tailored to the information needs of top management
!. A synonym for the acronym T*7
. A universal formatting language used for e;changing business documents via the 8nternet
&. The use of electronic technology in the office or wor+place
=. !ata are processed into a decision,ma+ing format for the end user
9. A continuous flow environment that see+s to minimi%e or totally eliminate inventories
8. 8nvolves inbound and outbound logistics4 operations4 mar+eting4 and service
>. 'eal of approval from the A807A certifying that a 3eb site has met certain standards
Answer: 1. 4 $. @4 (. 94 ). !4 .. &4 /. 84 2. A4 :. >4 <. =4 16. 0
!iff: $
"earning #bj.: (
0opyright 5 $61( 7earson ducation4 8nc. publishing as 7rentice 9all
1..) ;plain what is meant by Cinternal control4C and give two e;amples.
Answer: 'uggested answer:
8nternal control consists of the policies and procedures established to provide reasonable
assurance that specific organi%ational objectives will be achieved.
;amples mentioned in the chapter include:
L segregation of duties
L establishment of responsibilities
L ade-uate records
L periodic inventory counts
L providing an internal audit function
!iff: $
"earning #bj.: 1
1./) ;plain the three fundamental benefits of information technology to accounting information
Answer: 'uggested answer:
The studentBs response should e;plain the benefits of automation4 information organi%ation4 and
Automation includes replacing humans with machinesF performing tas+s impossible for humans
without computers such as analy%ing large -uantities of data4 producing complicated reports on
demand4 and moving towards real,time financial reporting.
8nformation organi%ation includes automated transactions plus !A'!s and !@ technology
ma+ing it possible to record4 store4 and organi%e larger amounts of data than would otherwise be
humanly possible.
0ommunication technologies are a +ey component in the development of A8's. 0ommunication
technologies include developing 8nternet,based collaborative platforms4 electronically
coordinating business activities4 and enhancing the effectiveness of e;tended enterprises.
!iff: $
"earning #bj.: )
0opyright 5 $61( 7earson ducation4 8nc. publishing as 7rentice 9all
1.2) =ive four components that may be found in an organi%ationBs -uic+,response system and
briefly describe each component.
Answer: 'uggested answer:
7ossible components of a -uic+,response system are:
L lectronic data interchange A!8): the direct computer,to,computer e;change of business
documents via a communications networ+.
L >ust,in,time A>8T) inventory system: a continuous flow environment that see+s to minimi%e or
totally eliminate inventories.
L 0omputer,integrated manufacturing A081): an integrated approach to the use of information
technology in manufacturing enterprises.
L lectronic funds transfer A&T): payment systems in which processing and communications
are primarily or totally electronic.
'tudents might also mention:
L Universal product code AU70) bar code identification
L 7oint,of,sale A7#') retail terminals
L *uic+,response technology is essential to total -uality managementJperformance systems.
L Radio &re-uency 8dentification AR&8!)
L 3eb commerce4 e,mail communication4 and use of the 8nternet ma+es -uic+,response
technology accessible to both organi%ations and individuals.
!iff: $
"earning #bj.: (
1.:) @riefly describe and distinguish technical support and user support.
Answer: 'uggested answer:
Technical support is one of the five main functions of an information systems department. 8t is
directed toward operating systems and software4 data management and database design4 and
communications technology. The technical support area includes systems programming and
software development using the conceptual system design and user re-uirements as determined
by the analysis function. Technical support coordinates data storage and usage. 0ommunications
technology is concerned with the means by which data are transferred among networ+s.
User support is another of the five main functions of an information systems department. 8t is
dedicated to the needs of end,users. An information center is a support facility in the user support
area. 8t may provide hardware4 software4 and consultation to end,users. 8t assists users in
developing and using their own computer processing applications.
!iff: $
"earning #bj.: $
0opyright 5 $61( 7earson ducation4 8nc. publishing as 7rentice 9all
1.<) !iscuss the internal audit function within an organi%ation.
Answer: 'uggested answer:
The internal audit function in an organi%ation has evolved as a response to the need for and
comple;ity of ade-uate internal control. The internal audit function is charged with monitoring
and assessing compliance with organi%ational policies and procedures.
The internal audit function can only be effective if it is treated as an independent appraisal
activity within the organi%ation. 8t should be placed at an organi%ation level where it can function
independently of other departments and organi%ational functions. 8n many organi%ations the
director of internal auditing is found at the level of vice president. This placement attests to the
importance of internal auditing4 as well as the need for independence from other departments and
functions. The internal audit function must be segregated from the accounting function4 and it
must not have responsibility or authority for any operating activities of the organi%ation.
!iff: $
"earning #bj.: 1
1/6) !iscuss the nature of systems development.
Answer: 'uggested answer:
1ost systems development projects consist of three general phases:
L 'ystems analysis
L 'ystems design
L 'ystems implementation
8n the first phase4 systems analysis involves creating and evaluating solutions to systems
problems. There are three general objectives to systems analysis4 summari%ed below:
L 8mprovement of the -uality of information
L 8mprovement of internal control
L 1inimi%e costs when it is appropriate
3ithin this phase4 trade,offs will most li+ely be made among the objectives when the factors of
economics4 simplicity4 and usefulness are considered to create4 implement4 and maintain a
'ystems design4 as the second phase of systems development4 specifies the details of the solution
selected via the systems analysis process. 8n this phase4 alternative system designs are evaluated
for their effectiveness and efficiency4 using the overall system re-uirements as a benchmar+.
'ystems implementation4 the third phase4 is a process where the revised or newly designed
procedures and methods are placed into operation. This phase includes testing of the system prior
to its implementation4 documentation4 and reviewing the actual system to verify that it is wor+ing
according to design specifications.
!iff: $
"earning #bj.: (
0opyright 5 $61( 7earson ducation4 8nc. publishing as 7rentice 9all
1/1) !escribe an enterprise resource planning system to include the pros and cons of this type of
Answer: 'uggested answer:
R7s provide a complete solution by combining various functional information systems under
one software pac+age and one database. This eliminates data redundancy4 aids a company in
pursuing Cbest practices4C and provides functional areas operating with the same data elements
with the ability to share information seamlessly.
8n an effort to implement an R74 most companies will not pursue Cbest practicesC as defined by
the R7 software4 therefore customi%ation is typical. This dramatically increases costs4 adds to
implementation time4 and increases the chance of failure.
An enterprise application suite may provide a solution for companies not ready to commit to
implementing a complete R7.
!iff: $
"earning #bj.: (
0opyright 5 $61( 7earson ducation4 8nc. publishing as 7rentice 9all

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