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Oracle Product Features

Product Review Report

Report Run On: 9/22/2014 5:25 AM
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Oracle Applications Cloud
Global Human Resources Cloud
Fusion HRMS (United Arab Emirates)
Oracle Fusion Human Capital Management for the United Arab Emirates (UAE) supports country-
specific features and functions for UAE. It enables users to follow UAE's business practices and
comply with its statutory requirements.
Introduction of the Unified Law of Insurance Protection Extension [30 : 10-Sep-2014]
The social insurance calculation now references the Insurance Protection Extension (IPE), which is the
law seeking extended social insurance coverage for the GCC State citizens working outside their
countries in any of the Council State Members.
Release: Release 9 Architectural Layer:
Status: Available Type: Industry:

Statutory Reporting: Monthly Contributions Government Sector Report [40 : 10-Sep-2014]
You can now generate the report that an employer needs to submit to the Social Insurance Office at the
end of each month. The report details information about monthly contributions that are to be paid to the
Social Insurance Office from government sector employers and their employees.
Release: Release 9 Architectural Layer:
Status: Available Type: Industry:

Proration [50 : 10-Sep-2014]
Proration has been enabled to meet UAE-specific requirements. Proration applies to actual earnings.
Social insurance deductions will not be affected if Social Insurance is based on a fixed salary amount or
on new hires and terminations.
Release: Release 9 Architectural Layer:
Status: Available Type: Industry:

Retroactive Pay [60 : 10-Sep-2014]
Retroactive pay has been enabled to meet UAE-specific requirements.
Release: Release 9 Architectural Layer:
Status: Available Type: Industry:

Civil Registration Number [70 : 10-Sep-2014]
The Civil Registration Number is updated to take into account the new length of up to 15 digits. If the
Civil Registration Number is 15 digits, a validation has been added to check the correct digits to reflect
the year of birth of the person.
Release: Release 9 Architectural Layer:
Oracle Product Features
Product Review Report
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Status: Available Type: Industry:

Payroll Interface Support [80 : 10-Sep-2014]
The payroll interface now supports UAE-specific requirements.
Release: Release 9 Architectural Layer:
Status: Available Type: Industry:

Global Reports [90 : 10-Sep-2014]
The following global reports have been enabled to meet UAE-specific requirements: Element Results
Payroll Run Results Payroll Activity Statutory Deductions Register
Release: Release 9 Architectural Layer:
Status: Available Type: Industry:

Fusion HRMS (UK)
Oracle Fusion Human Capital Management for the United Kingdom (UK) supports country-specific
features and functions for United Kingdom. It enables users to follow United Kingdom's business
practices and comply with its statutory requirements.
Real Time Information (RTI) Additional Data Capture [100 : 10-Sep-2014]
For Real Time Information processes to function correctly and report the required data to HMRC,
additional data capture has been introduced in the following areas: Tax reporting unit (TRU) details,
including Employer Accounts Office Reference Number (mandatory), Employer Contracted Out Scheme
Number (ECON), Service Company indicator, Corporation Tax Reference, and Self Assessment Unique
Identifier Pay As You Earn (PAYE) calculation component details, including Number of Periods
Covered, Number of Hours Worked, and indicators for One-Off Payment, Payment to Non-Individual,
and Unpaid Absence. New Starter Declaration, Expatriate Notification, and Pensioner Notification
Release: Release 9 Architectural Layer:
Status: Available Type: Industry:

Full Payment Submission (FPS) Process [110 : 10-Sep-2014]
Each time you pay your employees, you run this process to report details of the payments to HRMC.
Release: Release 9 Architectural Layer:
Status: Available Type: Industry:

Employer Payment Summary (EPS) Process [120 : 10-Sep-2014]
If you are entitled to recover statutory payments made to employees, you can run this process at the
end of a tax period to report a reduction in the amount of year-to-date national insurance liability due to
HMRC. You can also use the EPS to inform HMRC that you haven't paid any employees in a pay period
and to report other relevant scheme-related information.
Release: Release 9 Architectural Layer:
Oracle Product Features
Product Review Report
Report Run On: 9/22/2014 5:25 AM
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Status: Available Type: Industry:

National Insurance Number Verification Request (NVREQ) Process [130 : 10-Sep-2014]
You can run this process to request a national insurance number (NINO) or ask for the verification of
one from HMRC. The process creates a file for submission to HMRC.
Release: Release 9 Architectural Layer:
Status: Available Type: Industry:

National Insurance Number Verification Reply (NVREP) Process [140 : 10-Sep-2014]
When HMRC sends you a NVREP, either in response to a NVREQ or as a result of an incorrect or
missing NINO in a FPS submission, you run this process to update the employee record with the verified
Release: Release 9 Architectural Layer:
Status: Available Type: Industry:

Employer Alignment Submission (EAS) Process [150 : 10-Sep-2014]
As part of your migration to RTI, you can run this process to extract data for all employees active in the
current tax year and send it to HMRC for verification and alignment.
Release: Release 9 Architectural Layer:
Status: Available Type: Industry:

RTI Initialization Process [160 : 10-Sep-2014]
If you are migrating to RTI from a different software provider, you must run this process before you can
make any RTI submissions. This process updates your existing employee payroll data, setting the NINO
verification flag to 'Verified before RTI legislation' and changing the old Payroll ID to the new HMRC
Payroll ID.
Release: Release 9 Architectural Layer:
Status: Available Type: Industry:

Court Orders [30 : 10-Sep-2014]
You can now process deductions from an employee's earnings for the following types of court orders:
Attachment of Earnings Order Priority Attachment of Earnings Order Priority Northern Ireland
Attachment of Earnings Order Fines Council Tax Attachment of Earnings Order Deduction from
Earnings Order (Before 2003 and Post 2003 assessment) Attachment of Earnings Order Non-Priority
Attachment of Earnings Order Non-Priority Northern Ireland Earnings Arrestment Conjoined
Arrestment Order Current Maintenance Arrestment between EA & CAO
Release: Release 9 Architectural Layer:
Status: Available Type: Industry:

Student Loans [40 : 10-Sep-2014]
You can now process student loan deductions from an employee's earnings.
Oracle Product Features
Product Review Report
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Release: Release 9 Architectural Layer:
Status: Available Type: Industry:

Pensions Automatic Enrolment [50 : 10-Sep-2014]
Oracle Fusion Global Payroll now supports UK legislative mandates for Pensions Automatic Enrolment.
Use this new functionality to: Define payroll elements for qualifying pension schemes (QPS) Run the
Pensions Automatic Enrolment Assessment process, which assesses worker eligibility and automatically
enrols eligible jobholders Perform pension-related actions on individual employees, such as opting in,
opting out, manually enrolling, and leaving a QPS
Release: Release 9 Architectural Layer:
Status: Available Type: Industry:

Legislative and Budget Changes [60 : 10-Sep-2014]
To maintain legislative compliance for 2014/15, updates have been made to PAYE, National Insurance,
and other statutory thresholds for the UK. This includes updates to the Emergency Tax Code and
amended Tax Code validation.
Release: Release 9 Architectural Layer:
Status: Available Type: Industry:

Global Reports [70 : 10-Sep-2014]
The following global reports have been enabled to meet UK-specific requirements: Payroll Balance
Report Element Result Report
Release: Release 9 Architectural Layer:
Status: Available Type: Industry:

P45 [80 : 10-Sep-2014]
You can run this process to generate P45 forms for employees when their employment ends. The P45
provides a record of the employee's pay and the tax that was deducted in the current tax year.
Release: Release 9 Architectural Layer:
Status: Available Type: Industry:

Start of Year [90 : 10-Sep-2014]
At the start of the tax year, run this process to update tax information for each employee, including: Tax
Code: Updates employees' tax codes from a P9X tax document Tax Basis: Updates all employees with
a Non-cumulative basis to Cumulative Previous Taxable Pay and Previous Tax Paid: Clears these
values for all employees who received a P45 or P6 in the previous tax year
Release: Release 9 Architectural Layer:
Status: Available Type: Industry:

Fusion HRMS (US)
Oracle Fusion Human Capital Management for the United States (US) supports country-specific
Oracle Product Features
Product Review Report
Report Run On: 9/22/2014 5:25 AM
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features and functions for United States. It enables users to follow United States' business practices
and comply with its statutory requirements.
Employee W-2 [100 : 10-Sep-2014]
You can use this new feature to create employee W-2s. A template supporting a four-part horizontal
(4up horizontal) paper format is provided.
Release: Release 9 Architectural Layer:
Status: Available Type: Industry:

W-2 Register [110 : 10-Sep-2014]
The W-2 Register supports pre-print verification and reconciliation of employee W-2s and related
information. The W-2 register includes: Employee Detail report Totals report, sorted by TRU
Employee Exception report
Release: Release 9 Architectural Layer:
Status: Available Type: Industry:

New Hire Electronic Report [120 : 10-Sep-2014]
You can use the New Hire Electronic Report to report to the appropriate state agencies any newly hired
and rehired employees. Support for the following states is available: California, Texas, Florida, Illinois,
Pennsylvania, Ohio, Georgia, North Carolina, New Jersey, Virginia, Washington, Massachusetts,
Arizona, Indiana, Maryland, Wisconsin, Colorado and Nebraska. A standardized file format is provided
that is suitable for submission to other states after some customization.
Release: Release 9 Architectural Layer:
Status: Available Type: Industry:

EEO-1 Establishment Electronic Report [130 : 10-Sep-2014]
You can use the EEO-1 Establishment Electronic Report to report your employment data to the
appropriate federal agency. This is categorized by race/ethnicity, gender, and job category.
Release: Release 9 Architectural Layer:
Status: Available Type: Industry:

VETS-100 and VETS-100A Establishment Electronic Report [140 : 10-Sep-2014]
You can use this new report to report the employment opportunities you provide to various types of
veterans to the appropriate federal agency.
Release: Release 9 Architectural Layer:
Status: Available Type: Industry:

Roth 401 (k) and Roth catch-up [90 : 10-Sep-2014]
This new feature allows employees to save for retirement on an after-tax basis.
Release: Release 9 Architectural Layer:
Status: Available Type: Industry:
Oracle Product Features
Product Review Report
Report Run On: 9/22/2014 5:25 AM
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HCM Common Features
The following HCM common features include enhancements for Release 9:
HCM Extracts
RESTful Services for HCM
HCM Extracts
Use HCM Extracts for archiving, reporting, and as an outbound interfacing tool. The Data Exchange
work area allows you to perform tasks related to inbound and outbound interfaces, which allows
exchange of data between different HR applications. Inbound data exchanges are accomplished
through loaders and outbound data exchanges are accomplished using extracts.
RESTful Services For HCM
For customer-facing web services, Oracle HCM Cloud is moving away from SOAP Services towards
RESTful Web Services and Atom/RSS Feeds. In addition to the architectural and framework
advantages of REST over a SOAP-based approach, REST Services are driven by a use case-based
approach. Instead of creating an employee as a resource and adding the employee's phone number,
E-Mail address, national ID number, and other child objects as child resources, REST services create
a simple flattened employee resource, where the most commonly referenced child objects are
included as attributes on the main employee resource. This enables you to create all child object
records using a single REST service call to create the employee.
This section describes new features that are relevant if you use features such as elements, formulas,
payroll definitions, and database items, even if you don't use Global Payroll.
Payroll Interface
Use payroll interface features to send personal payroll information, such as earnings, deductions, and
other data, to a third-party payroll provider. Payroll coordinators can run the Calculate Gross Earnings
process to calculate periodic values to validate gross earnings calculations before extracting the data.
You can copy and modify predefined HCM extract definitions to meet the requirements of your third-
party payroll provider.
Deliver Extracts Using HCM Connect [10 : 10-Sep-2014]
HCM Connect customers can generate encrypted extracts by specifying delivery options in the extract
definition. Deliver extracts using the HCM Connect delivery option.
Release: Release 9 Architectural Layer:
Status: Available Type: Industry:

More Options for Changed Records in the Global Payroll Interface Report [100 : 10-Sep-2014]
Oracle Product Features
Product Review Report
Report Run On: 9/22/2014 5:25 AM
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When you run the Global Payroll Interface report, you can choose to include all records or only the
records that have changed since the report was last submitted. These options have been further
extended. Now you can also choose to report on all attributes for the changed record or only the
attributes identified as required in the extract definition.
Release: Release 9 Architectural Layer:
Status: Available Type: Industry:

Control Data Group Connections [20 : 10-Sep-2014]
Review automatically generated connections in the Extracts Validate page. Connections are created
automatically if the same database items exist across data groups. This feature enables you to review,
update, and delete data group connections.
Release: Release 9 Architectural Layer:
Status: Available Type: Industry:

Choose Extract Modes [30 : 10-Sep-2014]
Configure the PER_EXT_CHANGES_ONLY lookup with the Changes Only parameter to select different
extract modes when submitting extracts.
Release: Release 9 Architectural Layer:
Status: Available Type: Industry:

Supported Resources [40 : 10-Sep-2014]
Resources supported are employee, employee's assignment, and employee's job roles. These
resources allow the query, creation, and update of an employee or an employee's assignments or job
Release: Release 9 Architectural Layer:
Status: Available Type: Industry:

Atom Feeds [50 : 10-Sep-2014]
Atom and RSS feeds supported for employees are new hire, terminations and assignment updates.
Release: Release 9 Architectural Layer:
Status: Available Type: Industry:

Element Entry Costing [60 : 10-Sep-2014]
You can now enter costing details for all types of element entries, such as earnings, deductions, and
benefits. Costing details entered at the element entry level override costing details entered at other
levels of the cost hierarchy, unless you defined a priority account to cost the element's results. Typically,
you use this feature to charge payroll expenses to a different cost center than a person's home
Release: Release 9 Architectural Layer:
Status: Available Type: Industry:

Payroll Definition: Planned Submission Date [70 : 10-Sep-2014]
Oracle Product Features
Product Review Report
Report Run On: 9/22/2014 5:25 AM
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You can now capture the date you plan to run the Calculate Payroll process or Calculate to Gross
process for each period on the payroll calendar. For example, you can use the Planned Submission
Date field to indicate that you plan to submit the process five days before the period end date. This field
is for informational purposes.
Release: Release 9 Architectural Layer:
Status: Available Type: Industry:

Personal Payment Method Currency [80 : 10-Sep-2014]
On the simplified Manage Payment Methods page, employees can now select the currency of their
payment method. The combination of payment type and currency identifies the organization payment
method used to pay the employee.
Release: Release 9 Architectural Layer:
Status: Available Type: Industry:

Simplified Element Template for Earnings Elements [90 : 10-Sep-2014]
The earnings element template questionnaire has been simplified. The template questions related to
payroll calculation processing of elements in Oracle Fusion Global Payroll have been removed. You'll
notice these changes when you create earnings elements, such as salary and bonus.
Release: Release 9 Architectural Layer:
Status: Available Type: Industry:

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