Key Issues in Studying Parallel Manipulators 2011

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Proceedings of the 2011 International Conference on

Advanced Mechatronic Systems, Zhengzhou, China, August 11-13, 2011

Key issues in studying parallel manipulators
Jianzheng Zhang
, Hongnian Yu2, Feng Gao
and Xianchao Zhao
I State Key Laboratory of Mechanical System and Vibration, Shanghai Jiao Tong University, Shanghai, China. 200240.
2 Computing, Engineering and Technology, Staffordshire University, Stafford, ST 18 ODO, UK
*Coresponding author
Abstract: This paper reviews several key issues on the
trends and open research problems of parallel
manipulators. The research of a parallel manipulator
structure is an essential question. It includes two research
issues: design of a novel parallel robot mechanism and
performance indexes. This paper reviews the methods on
the two aspects and presents the research directions. The
paper discusses the fnctions and roles of the kinematics
and dynamics in parallel manipulators. Especially, the
methods of developing dynamics are categorized and
summarized. The paper also proposes a method to set up
the control system, including the hardware and sofware,
and evaluates the importance of a sensor with
multi-information. The paper introduces two main new
applications of parallel manipulators: as heavy-duty
equipment and a micro-operation device, and highlights
several questions to be solved.
Keywords: parallel manipulators; perforance index;
kinematics; dynamics; control system; applications.
1. Introduction
As the science and technology of robotics originated
with the spirit of developing mechanical systems which
would carry out tasks nonnally ascribed to human beings,
open-loop serial chains is used as robot manipulators
quite naturally. Like the human ann, such robot
manipulators have the advantage of large workspaces and
dexterous maneuverability[I-2]. However their load
capacity is rather poor due to the cantilever structure.
Consequently, the links become bulky on the one hand,
while on the other hand they tend to bend under heavy
load and vibrate at high speed. Serial manipulators
have an alterative to conventional serial manipulators.
Based on enlightenments fom biological world: (1) the
bodies of load-carying animals are more stably supported
on multiple in-parallel legs compared to the biped human,
(2) human beings also use both the arms in cooperation to
handle heavy loads and (3) for precise work like writing,
three fngers actuated in parallel are used[3], closed-loop
parallel manipulators are invented and developed. Since
its proposal by Gough and Whitehall [4] in 1962 and
popularization by Stewart [5] in 1965, a parallel
manipulator has been used in many applications such as
tyre test machines [4], early-stage aircraf simulators[5],
large spherical radio telescopes[6] and, more recently, in
micro manipulators[7]. However, with the constant
growth in development and application of parallel
manipulators, several new issues have emerged in
different research felds.
Tn this paper we review several key issues on the trends
and open research problems of parallel manipulators. Tn
Section 2, several issues of a parallel manipulator
structure are discussed fom the two aspects, design of a
novel parallel robot mechanism and perfonnance indexes.
Tn section 3, the roles of kinematics and dynamics for
parallel manipulators are presented and the methods of
building dynamics are classifed. Section 4 addresses the
control aspect of a parallel manipulator, including the
control system, and sensors with multi-infonnation.
Several new applications of parallel manipulators are
discusses in section 5. Finally, the conclusions are given
in section 6.
2. Design ofparalleJ robots
possess a large workspace, their precision positioning Tn the design of parallel robots, innovation of the new
capability IS poor under heavy-load and high speed types of robotic mechanisms fom applications is one of
environments. the most important activities, because the mechanisms
Therefore, for applications where high load carymg detennine the performance characteristics of the robots.
capacity, good dynamic perfonnance and precIse Here, there are the two issues: design of the novel parallel
positioning are of paramount importance, it is desirable to robot mechanisms and perfonnance indexes, which can
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infuence the characteristics of a parallel manipulator.
2.1 Design of the novel parallel robot mechanisms
Although many researchers[8-16] have paid attention
to the design of the parallel robot mechanisms, and
proposed several types of parallel mechanisms, for
instance, 2- and 3-DOF planar parallel
mechanisms[1l-13], Delta robots with 3 translational
degrees of feedom[16], 3-DOF spherical robots[14-15]
and 6-00F parallel mechanisms[8, 10], the several types
of parallel mechanisms are missing, such as 2-, 3-, 4- and
5-DOF parallel robot mechanisms with desired
end-effector motions. The reason for this is that an
effcient and general theory is not available for type
synthesis of parallel mechanisms being given the number
and types of degrees of feedom.
Tn the past several years, Feng Gao and his team have
done fndamental researches on the theory for innovation
and invention of new types of 2-, 3-, 4- and 5-DOF
parallel mechanisms[17-19]. Based on several types of
composite joints and kinds of sub-chains (limbs) with
specifc degrees of feedom as shown in fgure I, a new
principle for design of structures of parallel robotic
mechanisms is presented for design of parallel robotic
mechanisms with specifc kinematic characteristics. The
principle can be represented as following. Tn a parallel
mechanism, if the parallel mechanism has specifc
degrees of feedom ($), limbs I, 2, ... , n by which the
upper platform (moving end-effector) is connected with
the lower platform (fxed fame) have to satisf the
following condition:
$ = $1 n $2 ... n $n (1)
where $
denotes the degree of feedom of limb j. $
the special Plicke coordinates and can be written
where v/vx
) expresses the translation of the
outut link of limb j, and O/O
) denotes
the rotation of the output link of limb j with respect to
three Euler's angles a, f and y. The special Plicke
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taken as 1 or O. Fori, it means that limb j has that degree
of feedom; for 0, it means that limb j has no that degree
of feedom. From Eq. (2), we obtain 2-, 3-, 4-, 5- and
6-DOF limbs with specifc kinematic characteristics and
several new types of 2-, 3-,4- and 5-DOF parallel robotic
mechanisms can be developed according to Eq. (I).
Figure I. The limbs with composite stucture
This principle is effcient and general for synthesis of
parallel mechanisms being given the number and types of
degrees of feedom. Several novel parallel robotic
mechanisms can be developed according to this principle.
2.2 Performance index
Performance index is one of the key issues in designing
a new parallel robotic mechanism. Many researches have
been done and some meaningfl results are obtained in
the resent twenty years. Tn designing, it is unavoidable to
take the relevant performance indexes into account,
including structure symmetry and isotropy[20-22],
bearing capacity[23-24], stiffess[25-28],
precision[29-30], singularity[31], redundancy[32-34] and
workspace[35-36], etc. These studies indicate most of
performance indexes of a parallel manipulator involve its
Jacobian matrix.
Because the performance of the robot is gradual and
continual in its solution space, the robot will have a better
performance in its global workspace if it is decoupling or
isotropous under a certain position and orientation.
Therefore, decoupling and isotropous are two important
performance indexes.
To a parallel manipulator, there is always the mapping
between the inputs and the outputs as following
y = Ax (3)
where A denotes the m Xn Jacobian matrix, Y denotes
m-dimension input vector and x denotes n-dimension
input vector. Eqs. (3)-(6) can be rewritten as

Y =
J )
= A
The decoupling theorems can be obtained as
Theorem I: if AFAI = B
is a diagonal matrix which
satisfes Eq. (11), Y F is decoupled
Theorem 2: if A
AJ = B
is a diagonal matrix which
satisfes Eq. (12), Y
is decoupled
Theorem 3: if AA
= B is a diagonal matrix which
satisfes Eq. (IS), i.e. Eqs. (II), (12),(13) and (14) as
well, Y is decoupled, meanwhile Y F and Yr are orthogonal
to each other.
= diag(
22 ... bJii)
The isotropous theorems can be obtained as following:
Theorem 4: if AFAI is a diagonal matrix (Eq. (16))
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where the diagonal elements are equal, YF is isotropous
Theorem 5: if Ar A is a diagonal matrix (Eq. (17))
where the diagonal elements are equal, Y
is isotropous
Theorem 6: if AA
= B is a diagonal matrix (Eq. (20))
where the diagonal elements are equal, that also satisfes
Eqs. (13), (14), (16) and (17),y is isotropous.
Generally speaking, a decoupled parallel robot not only
simplifes the control system and enhances payload, but
also possesses excellent kinematic perforance, which
will strengthen its operability. The decoupled and
isotropous parallel robotic mechanisms are appropriate
for the manipulator whose workspace is small, such as
micro-operation manipulator and multi-dimension force
Others performance indexes are also important to
different parallel manipulators in different applications.
And, with some novel complex mechanisms being
invented, several new problems emerge in the research
area of performance indexes, which is an interesting and
open research area.
3. kinematics and dynamics
3.1 Kinematics
Kinematics of parallel manipulators involves two
aspects, the inverse kinematics (TK), the forward
kinematics (FK).
Inverse kinematics (TK) is one of the basic elements of
any robot controller. It is known that inverse kinematics is
usually straightforward for any parallel robot. There is a
unique solution to the IK (in some cases provided that
physical constraints are taken into account like for the
Delta robot[16]), which means each joint variable may be
computed independently being given the desired pose of
the robot.
The forward kinematics (FK) is to fnd the possible
pose of the platform for the given joint coordinates. It
always is thought that FK is an academic question that
may be usefl only off-line for simulation purposes as a
parallel robot will be position controlled using IK only.
But in the paper[37], it is considered to use in velocity
contol. The FK is a more complex problem than the IK
counterpart for a serial robot. Although this feld has been
recently investigated [38-41], many problems are still
3.2 Dynamics
Dynamics of a parallel manipulator also has two topics
like kinematics, inverse dynamics and forward dynamics
(direct dynamic). The inverse dynamic model is
important for high-performance control algorithms of
parallel robots, and the direct dynamic model is required
for their simulation. Tn our view, studying of parallel
manipulator dynamics should be divided into two felds,
building a dynamic model for a parallel manipulator and
applying dynamics in analysis and control design.
The dynamic modeling of parallel robots presents an
inherent complexity, due to their closed-loop stucture
and kinematic constraints. Generally speaking, There are
four broadly adopted approaches for building dynamic
model of parallel manipulators: Newton-Euler laws, the
principle of virtual work , the Lagrangian formulation and
the Kane's mothed. The advantages and disadvantages of
the use of these four methods for the dynamic analysis of
parallel manipulators will be presented below.
The principle of virtual work , including the
D' Alembert principle of virtual work [ 42] and the
Jourdain's principle of virtual power[43], is an effcient
approach to derive dynamic equations for the inverse
dynamics of the parallel manipulators[44-45]. This
principle produces dynamic equations by relating the
virtual displacement of actuated joints to the virtual
displacement of a generalised end-effector. As the view
expressed in [46-47], the principle of virtual work
exhibits the following two advantages: Firstly, the derived
equations are computationally effcient. Secondly, in the
case of closed-chain, the method leads to the least number
of equations which are just enough for the solutions of
actuator forces and torques. However, for the forward
dynamics, the method of virtual work IS not
straightforward because of the complicated velocity
transform between the joint-space and task-space[48].
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The Kane's method implements the concept of
generalized speeds (quasi-velocity coordinates) as a way
to represent motion and allows one to focus on the motion
aspects of dynamic systems rather than only on the
confguration[ 49-50]. Therefore, it provides a suitable
famework for treating nonholonomic constraints which
were a hurdle in the process of obtaining equations of
motion for dynamic systems in the past. Several
researchers [51-54] present the dynamic Equations of
robotic based on this method. Liu[55] applies the method
for the dynamic analysis of parallel manipulators.
However, the choice of the generalized speeds is crucial
because they signifcantly affect the simplicity of the
resulting equations of motion[56]. The Kane's method
needs special experiences and skills.
The Lagrangian formalism is a very attractive method
for the derivation of manipulator's inverse dynamics,
because it allows the elimination of all reaction forces and
moments at the beginning and provides a well analytical
and orderly structure which is very usefl for control
puroses. Nevertheless due to the numerous constraints
imposed by the closed loops of a parallel manipulator it is
a diffcult task to derive the equations of motion in terms
of a set of independent generalized coordinates[ 1]. To
simplif the problem additional coordinates (for example
joint-space) with a set of Lagrangian multipliers must be
introduced. The application of this principle for general
robots was considered by different researchers [57-60].
The computations of Lagrange multipliers in the inverse
dynamics can be avoided by the method of Nakamura and
Ghodoussi [61], but it involves the so-called virtual
actuations (in lieu of Lagrange multipliers) which have to
be eliminated for developing the closed-form dynamic
equations. So the redundant generalized coordinates
complex the problem and increase the computational
burden by using Lagrangian formulation. Tn practice it is
desirable to defne the motion with regard to the
coordinates of the end-effector, namely task-space.
However, Newton-Euler approach allows to obtain the
straightforward dynamic equations in task-space easily, so
it is extremely suitable for parallel and closed-loop
manipulators. Additionally, thaks to developing
equilibration equations of individual bodies, it is
convenient to consider how the actuation forces and
torques contibute to the end-effector motion.
Furthermore, the more evident benefts of this approach
are because the forces of the actuators and the reactions in
the joints are deterined fom the relatively simple
equilibrium equations of the leg and the platform. In view
of these, Dasgupta and Choudhury address the question
of dynamic formulation of the parallel manipulator [62]
and present a general strategy based on the Newton-Euler
approach. Another signifcative contribution is that
Dasgupta and Mruthyunjaya[63-64] solve the dynamic
equations in closed form, and they show the advantage of
its application in the case of parallel robots. The
Newton-Euler method has been recently applied to a few
specifc parallel manipulators[65-66] with signifcant
advantage. So far as the Newton-Euler method's
drawback is concered, the only major diffculty in the
derivation of closed-form dynamic equations is in the
elimination of the joint reactions, as mentioned by Kane
and Levinson[51].
In a word, every method has its advantages and
disadvantages. One can select a suitable method to build
the dynamic model according to his research purpose and
aim. It should be noted that proposing some new and
effective ways to build the dynamic model for parallel
manipulator is a challenging research area.
One of purposes of building dynamic model for
parallel manipulator is applying it for control. But control
of such robots is a difcult task[37]. The reason is that it
takes a long time to solve the inverse dynamics because
of the complexity of the dynamic model, which means it
cannot meet the real-time requirement of the control
system. To apply the dynamic model to the contol system
of parallel manipulators, some approaches to improve the
computational effciency of inverse dynamics have been
presented. These approaches can be approximately
divided into four types by the paper[66]: amending the
modeling method mentioned above, neglecting the
secondary factor of the dynamic model[67-68], parallel
algorithm[69-70] and linearization of the dynamic
model[71-72]. It should be indicated that more effective
methods of simplifing parallel manipulator dynamics are
4. Control
Apart fom the effective kinematics and dynamics,
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effectiveness of contolling a parallel manipulator is also
refected in other two aspects, the control system,
including its hardware and sofware, and the sensors.
4.1 System
With the constant growth in development and
application of parallel robots, the demand for a parallel
robot system with position accuracy, stability, quick
responses and so on is growing. Furthermore, because of
the strong nonlinearity and coupling in the parallel
structure, compatibility and real-time among axes is very
important when the parallel robot is operating. Though
some researchers make progress in practicability [73-76],
they ofen focus on one performance index only and are
not concered with the whole confguration of the control
system and the combination properties of the digital
contol system itself. So the method of establishing an
advanced digital control system for a multi-DOF parallel
robot is one of the most challenging issues in the parallel
robot research feld. Here, we propose a method to build a
digital control system for a multi-DOF parallel
As to the hardware famework of the control system,
the mode of IPC (industry PC) and multi- axis control
board is applied. In view of the system characteristics,
such as large data tansfer between the components,
precise synchronization control and so on, we chose the
development platfor based on the PXlbus. The PXlbus
specifcation defnes a compact modular PC platform for
industrial instrumentation. This development platform has
not only the maximum bandwidth of on-board data buses
but also the lowest transmission delay in the industy. For
a six-axis parallel manipulator, its control system can be
built as shown in fgure 2. The build of the hardware
system can ensure that the parallel robot achieves
accuracy control, real-time control and multi-axis
Sofware of control system of a parallel manipulator
should embody both its user-fiendliness and its
practicability. According to the characteristics of the
hardware components mentioned above and system
fnction of a parallel manipulator, we suggest to divide
the numerical control sofware into three levels, namely
the application sofware level, the core sofware level and
the drive sofware level. There are also many fnctional
modules on each level according to the requirements of
the system. Figure 3 shows the relation of the levels and
Figure 2. The structure of the hardware system and the
relation of the components
Figure 3. The relationship between the levels and
modules of the sofware
4.2 Sensor
Tn order to enhancing the sensory ability of a parallel
robot, the novel sensors with multi-dimension
information, like 6-dimention force/torque sensor and
6-dimention acceleration sensor, are supposed to be
created and applied in parallel manipulator.
Force/torque (F/T) sensors have widely been used In
measuring inertia force [78], monitoring forces of
variable directions and intensity [79] and as a component
of force feedback controller [80]. Feng Gao and his team
present a novel six-component force/torque sensor with
parallel structure[81-82] shown in Figure 4 and give the
method of designing it. And based on the six-component
force/torque sensor, a novel 6-dimensional mouse shown
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I Figure 5 is investigated and applied in virtual
environment to accomplish corresponding motions.

Figure 4 Small size F/T sensor
Figure 5 6-D mouse
Considering the requirement of measuring
6-dimensional acceleration during simulating earthquakes
using earthquake simulator with 6-DOF, a novel
integrative acceleration sensor is being studied at
Shanghai Jiao Tong University.
It should be indicated that the research and application
of 6-dimensional F /T and acceleration sensors is
signifcative to accelerate the research process of parallel
5. Applications
Apart fom using as machine tools and traditional
motion simulators, the application area of a parallel
manipulator is extended widely and widely. The two most
outstanding felds are the heavy-duty equipment and the
micro-operation device.
5.1 Heavy-duty equipment
Recent studies [83-86] indicate that a parallel
manipulator with high stiffess and large payload will be
benefcial for industrial applications in heavy-duty
environments. Many different approaches [87-94] have
been proposed in the past several years to achieve high
stiffess and large payload capabilities. Most of these
approaches are based on two techniques, namely
hydraulic drive with large-scale energy storage [91-92, 95]
and redundant actuation with multi-motors [87, 90, 93-94]
techniques. The huge servo hydraulic cylinder with a
large-scale energy storage has many disadvantages, such
as bulky installation, high manufacturing and
maintenance costs, poor energy efciency, environmental
pollution and so on. Though a mechatronic system driven
by servo motors does not have the disadvantages
mentioned above, there is not a servo motor currently
available that can meet the power demand, like simulating
earthquakes. The high research and development (R&D)
costs and technological barriers are also a hindrance to
the development of high power servo motors. Therefore,
redundant actuation with multi-motors [93, 96] is
becoming an emerging research area.
Generally speaking, redundant actuation m parallel
manipulators can be divided into three categories[89]: 1)
a parallel manipulator with redundant driving passive
joints; 2) additional (redundant) branches to actuate the
device, which is widely used in large-scale industrial
devices, for example, the earthquake simulator developed
by the NIED[95]; 3) a hybrid of the preceding two
categories. For category 1), the redundant driving joints
make the kinematics and dynamics of the parallel
manipulator complicated. For category 2), the interal
force and the over-constrained are unavoidable because of
the out-sync among redundant branches caused by erors.
Especially, when there is a halt or backward motion in
one of redundant branches because of faults or
misoperations, the interal force among redundant
branches increases sharply, which may cause the
equipment damaged. Thus, the research on the redundant
actuation with no-over-constraint capability IS
signifcance to the application of parallel manipulators in
the heavy duty environment.
Shanghai Jiao Tong University have been done many
substantive work [86, 93-94] about a heavy-duty forging
manipulator and a heavy-duty press machine, and
papers[96-97] present a earthquake simulator with
redundant and fault-tolerant actuator unit shown in
Figures 6.
5.2 Micro-operation manipulator
Using as micromanipulator is the other one of the
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important aspects of the manipulator with parallel
mechanism. Flexure hinges and monolithic structures of
micromanipulators achieves the fact that there is no error
accumulation, no backlash, no fiction, and no need for
lubrication, which makes micromanipulators have high
resolution and precision. Several different
micromanipulators[98-99] have been presented by
different institutions with different applications. Yue[lOO]
proposes a 6-00F micromanipulator shown in Figure 7,
which will be used as a device to cut a chromosome.
Some others applications of micromanipulators, like
micro positioning and nano-imprint, are also the focuses
of research.
Figure 6 a earthquake simulator with redundant actuator
Figure 8 6-DOF parallel micromanipulator[lOO]
6. Conclusions
This paper has reviewed and discussed several key
issues on the trends and open research problems of
parallel manipulators. Two essential questions of a
parallel manipulator structure, design of the novel parallel
robot mechanisms and performance indexes have been
discussed. A novel theory of designing several new
mechanisms is given and two performance indexes,
decoupled and isotropous, have been presented. The roles
and fnctions of the kinematics and dynamics of parallel
manipulators have been discussed. Especially, the
methods of building dynamics have been categorized, and
the advantages and the disadvantages of every method
have been su arized. The paper has proposed a method
to set up the control system for a parallel manipulator,
including the hardware and sofware. The importance of a
sensor with multi-information has been pointed out. Two
main new applications, as a heavy-duty equipment and a
micro-operation device, have been introduced, and some
unsolved questions in the two application areas have been
This research is jointly sponsored by the Key Project of
Chinese National Programs for Fundamental Research
and Development (973 program) (Grant No:
2006CB705402); Important National Science &
Technology Specifc Projects (Grant No:
2009ZX04002-061 and BQ020034); the National High
Technology Research and Development Program of
China (863 Program) ( Grant No: 2008A04XK1478950
and B3306B); National Natural Science Foundation of
China (Grant No: BI728B, B1405B, BI354B and
50821003). and the E-link project.
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