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Proceedings oI International ConIerence on Computing Sciences


ISBN: 978-93-5107-172-3
A review on Iacial Ieature extraction technique
Geetika Singh
and Indu Chhabra

Junior Research Fellow (INSPIRE), Department of Computer Science and Applications, Panjab University, Chandigarh 160014
Chairperson and Associate Professor, Department of Computer Science and Applications, Panjab University, Chandigarh 160014.
Over the past Iew decades, Iace recognition has been an active research area as one oI the most interesting applications oI
pattern recognition and image analysis, with countless application possibilities in various domains. It has been Iound to be
suitable Ior authentication, Iorensic applications, security, surveillance systems, credit card veriIication and human computer
interaction. Feature extraction and its interpretation are the crucial Iactors that eventually govern the recognition accuracy.
This paper is an extensive review oI the important two-dimensional visual Iace recognition Ieature extraction techniques
proposed in the literature during the past Iour decades. The main objective is to present a comprehensive review Iocusing on
the characteristics oI the Iacial Ieature extraction techniques along with their perIormance analysis and a comparative
assessment through various perIormance parameters such as invariance to illumination, pose or expression variations, image
orientation and rotation, sensitivity to noise, computational cost, searching time, ease oI implementation and levels oI
accuracy achieved. Geometry-based methods have proved to be robust but are not much accurate. Appearance-based methods
have been Iound as the best perIormers but involve high computational cost. Template-based methods have easy
implementation but suIIer Irom computational complexity. PerIormance oI color-based methods is aIIected with highlights
and shadows. Neural Network and Fuzzy Logic-based methods are resistant to noise but not much successIul on low-
resolution images. Moments-based methods are insensitive to noise and other variations and have shown promising results.
The technique to be employed thereIore needs to be selected on the basis oI the required overall perIormance in regular
conditions, ease oI implementation and robustness.
2013 Elsevier Science. All rights reserved.
Keywords: Face Recognition, Facial Feature Extraction, Geometry-based, Appearance-based, Template-based, Color-based, Neural Network
and Fuzzy Logic-based, Moments-based.
1. Introduction
Face is our identity, which makes us unique. It helps us communicate with the world and diIIerentiates us
Irom the others. Ability oI humans to recognize Iaces is remarkable. Despite large variations in the viewing
conditions, aging or expressions, we are able to identiIy the Iaces uniquely. Automation oI this Iace recognition
task can prove to be interesting and challenging. It can provide valuable insights into the incredible identiIying
ability oI the human brain, and also has multiple practical applications in various domains. Over the past Iew
decades, Iace recognition has drawn considerable interest and attracted researchers Irom several disciplines. This
biometric technique has been Iound to be suitable Ior authentication, Iorensic applications, security, surveillance
systems, credit card veriIication and human computer interaction. It has proved to be one oI the most promising
techniques Ior recognizing individuals, as unlike other human identiIication methods such as Iingerprint or iris
recognition, it does not require any cooperation on the behalI oI individuals. It can be applied not only Ior user
veriIication and identiIication but also to determine the demographic characteristics oI a Iace, such as age and
gender, and to recognize emotions Irom Iacial expressions.
Corresponding author. Geetika Singh, e-mail: geetikasingh.09gmail.com.
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Geetika Singh and Indu Chhabra

1.1. Face Recognition Process
The entire Iace recognition process is divided into Iace detection, alignment, Ieature extraction and
classiIication. Figure 1 depicts the basic Iace recognition process. Face detection Iocuses on segmentation oI the
Iace areas Irom the input image. The segmented Iace images are then subject to Iace alignment Ior normalizing
Iaces with respect to geometrical and photometrical properties. The Ieature extraction step extracts the relevant
inIormation (Ieatures) Irom the normalized Iaces. The extracted Iacial Ieatures are then matched against each Iace
class (several images and their extracted Ieatures) stored in the database Ior the Iinal classiIication oI the image.
Various approaches Ior Iace recognition process have been reported in the literature. Zhao et al. has classiIied
these into holistic, geometry-based and hybrid techniques |1|. Holistic techniques consider the whole Iace region
(holistic representation oI the Iace) as an input to the Iace recognition system. These recognition approaches can
be realized through statistical or artiIicial intelligence (AI) means |2|. Statistical methods perIorm the recognition
by correlating and comparing the input test image and the Iace images stored in the database. Some oI the
methods utilizing this approach are Principal Component Analysis, Independent Component Analysis and Linear
Discriminant Analysis. AI approaches recognize Iaces utilizing tools such as neural networks and machine
learning techniques. Geometry-based techniques extract the local Ieatures oI the Iace such as eyes, nose and
mouth, and use their local statistics as the input to the classiIier. These were the Iirst to be investigated Ior the
Iace recognition research. This category includes some oI the important methods such as pure geometry methods
|3||4||5| and elastic bunch graph matching |6|. Hybrid techniques employ both the global and the local
approaches to achieve Iace recognition and thus, have been motivated by the human perception system |1|.
Fig 1. The Face Recognition Process
2. Feature Extraction for Face Recognition
Automatic Iacial Ieature extraction is a necessary and one oI the most important steps in Iace recognition. Face
images are highly dimensional raw data and thus, it becomes necessary to extract only the important and
signiIicant inIormation so as to reduce the computational complexity. Research projects the eIIiciency oI Iace
recognition approaches in controlled environments. But real world scenarios are diIIerent and there are a number
oI associated challenges that eIIectively need to be addressed such as illumination, pose, expression and emotion
variations, presence or absence oI structural components such as beard, mustaches or glasses and variability
among these components, image orientation, aging and occlusion. Hence, much attention is given to Iace Ieature
extraction process as it has a signiIicant impact on the perIormance oI the recognition system and greatly aIIects
the eIIiciency oI the classiIier.
The goal oI the Ieature extraction stage is the precise representation oI the Iace data such that only the
important inIormation is highlighted. These Ieatures have to possess good discrimination capability Ior eIIective
Iace recognition, and should minimize the within class variations and maximize the between class variations. But,
it is very important to consider what types oI Ieatures are to be used. Features can be classiIied as holistic Ieatures
and local Ieatures. Holistic Ieatures represent the Iace image by one vector oI high dimensionality that contains
the pixel values and hence, some dimensionality reduction techniques, such as Principal Component Analysis, are
required to project the Iace data to a low dimensional space but with the preservation oI the major data variations.
Local Ieatures describe only the local parts oI the Iace image and are concatenated to Iorm one global Ieature
vector. These techniques, such as Gabor Iiltering, Discrete Cosine TransIorm, Local Binary Pattern Histogram,
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A review on facial feature extraction technique

though generate one global vector Ior the Iace image but are considered local since they concatenate the local
inIormation obtained Irom the diIIerent parts oI the image.
Figure 2 explains the basic approach Iollowed Ior the holistic and the local Ieature extraction. Holistic Ieature
extraction techniques have been most widely used in the literature. However, local Ieatures have proved to be
more robust to the variations in pose, lighting, orientation and expressions.
Fig 2. (a) Local Ieatures approach (b) Holistic Ieatures approach (Face image taken Irom the ORL database)
3. Review of Facial Feature Extraction
Although literature (I deleted thorough) surveys on Iace recognition already exist, but a detailed review that
Iocuses on the Iacial Ieature extraction techniques and their comparisons is much required. The main objective oI
this paper is to provide a comprehensive review oI the important Iacial Ieature extraction techniques that have
been proposed till date Ior the two-dimensional visual Iace recognition, and discuss their relative merits and
demerits. Based on the studies available, the approaches involved in Iacial Ieature extraction can be classiIied as
Geometry-based, Appearance-based, Template-based, Color-based, Neural Network and Fuzzy Logic-based and
Moments-based techniques.
3.1. Geometry-based
These methods rely on localizing some geometric points such as eyes or nose and extracting inIormation Irom
them (Figure 3). They compute the geometrical relationships among the Ieature points and the relative sizes oI
the major Iace components such as width oI the eyes or eyebrow thickness to Iorm a Ieature vector representing
the Iace image, which can then be used to perIorm recognition.
Earlier attempts Ior Ieature extraction were mostly geometry-based, with the Iirst one being proposed by
Bledose (1960`s). In such methods, Ieature extraction was completely manual in a way that a human operator
located the Ieature points and entered their positions into the computer. One oI the signiIicant attempts that
marked the automation oI geometry-based Iacial Ieature extraction was by Kanade in 1973, who utilized simple
image processing methods to extract 16 Iacial parameters such as ratios oI distances, areas or angles |3|. Their
Iace recognition system achieved 75 recognition rate. The database used was oI 20 people with two images Ior
each person, one used as the model and the other as the test image. Brunelli et al. automatically extracted a set oI
geometrical Ieatures Irom the Iace image such as nose width and length, mouth position and chin shape. 35
Ieatures were extracted that Iormed a 35-dimensional vector |7|. Bayes classiIier was used Ior recognition and
with a database oI 188 Iace images oI 47 persons, 90 recognition rate was obtained. Cox et al. proposed a
mixture distance approach where each Iace was represented by 30 manually extracted distances that projected
95 recognition rate on a database oI 685 individuals |4|. Manjunath et al. used gabor wavelet transIorm to
localize 35-50 Ieature points Ior each Iace image. One oI the most recent techniques is Elastic Bunch Graph
Matching proposed by Wiskott et al. |6|. This approach selects a set oI Iacial points, represents each point as a
node oI a Iully connected graph and labels them with the Gabor Iilters` responses applied to a window around the
point |2|. Each arc is labeled with the distance between the corresponding Iace points. A set oI such graphs
combined to a stack like structure Iorms the Iace bunch graph. Graphs Ior new Iace images can be generated
using the Iace bunch graph.
Geometry-based techniques are suitable Ior large databases, provide a high speed matching capability and a
compact Iacial representation and are even robust to variations in pose, size, head orientation, rotation and
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Geetika Singh and Indu Chhabra

illumination. However, the currently available techniques are not much accurate, and thus compromise the
perIormance oI the recognition system. These also require considerable computing time. In addition, arbitrary
decision on which Ieatures are to be considered as important is required. The resulting Ieature set may lack
discrimination capability and no subsequent processing will be able to accommodate Ior that.
3.2. Appearance-based
Appearance based methods extract the appearance changes oI the Iace. These have proved to be the most
popular and the most dominant among all the Iacial Ieature extraction techniques, and have gained the utmost
attention Irom the researchers. Holistic appearance based techniques are essentially the dimensionality reduction
methods that map the training Iace images to a low dimensional space and hence, the Iace space comprising the
Ieature vectors has a low dimensionality than the image space represented by the number oI pixels in the image.
These have been categorized into linear and non-linear approaches. Linear methods transIorm data Irom high
dimensional subspace into low dimensional subspace by linear mapping but they Iail to work on the non-linear
data structures Ior which non-linear methods have proved to be beneIicial. Non-linear methods have also been
Iound to be more eIIicient in dealing with the images involving variations in illumination. Principal Component
Analysis (PCA), also termed as the EigenIace approach (Figure 3), Linear Discriminant Analysis (LDA) and
Independent Component Analysis (ICA) are the most well-known linear techniques |8||9||10| and Kernel
Principle Component Analysis (KPCA) and Kernel Fisher Discriminant (KFD) are two oI the popular techniques
in the non-linear category that have shown a great potential |11||12|. Literature also suggests combining the two
categories Ior optimized perIormance.
These methods have been Iound as the best perIormers in Iacial Ieature extraction as they keep only the
important inIormation oI the Iace image, reject redundant inIormation and reIlect the Iace`s global structure but
their perIormance depends on the proper localization oI the Iace and they also involve high computational costs.
These methods consider each pixel as important and do not Iocus on some limited points oI interest and hence,
may prove to be computationally expensive. Though, they are easy to implement, provide better recognition
results than their geometry-based counterparts but are sensitive to variations in pose, scale, expressions and
This category also includes some oI the important local such as Gabor wavelets and Local Binary Pattern
Histogram (LBP) Ieatures. Gabor wavelets were initially used Ior iris recognition and were Iirst applied Ior Iace
recognition by Lades et al. |13|. These provide with a high perIormance but, are both time and memory intensive.
The initial LBP operator was utilized Ior texture description |14| and has recently been used to cater the Iacial
Ieature extraction problem |15|. The basic LBP operator labels the image pixels by thresholding the 33
neighborhood with the center value and considering the result as a binary number. The histogram oI these labels
can be used as the image descriptor. This operator has also been extended to use neighborhoods oI diIIerent sizes.
For the LBP Ieature extraction, the Iace image is divided into smaller regions Irom which the LBP histograms are
extracted and Iinally concatenated to a single Ieature histogram that can be used as the Iace descriptor. LBP
Ieatures are tolerant against illumination variations, possess good discrimination capability and are
computationally simpler.
3.3. Template-based
In the traditional template-based technique Ior Iacial Ieature extraction, an artiIicial template Ior a Ieature, say
eye, was matched with the sub-regions oI an input test image and the region that best matched the template was
extracted as the Ieature. An artiIicial template Ior a Ieature was generated by averaging the intensities oI the
rectangular regions containing that Ieature in the images oI the Iace database. This approach Ior Iacial Ieature
extraction was utilized by Baron in the early 80`s |16|. The main problem with this approach was its Iailure when
it was applied to an image that was diIIerent Irom those used to generate the artiIicial templates. In 1992, a
technique Ior detecting and describing the Iacial Ieatures using deIormable templates was proposed by Yuille et
al. |17|. The Ieature, an eye Ior example, was described by a parameterized template. An energy Iunction was
deIined which related the edges, peaks and valleys in the image intensity to the corresponding parameter values
oI the template. The template dynamically interacted with the input test image with the main objective to
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A review on facial feature extraction technique

minimize the energy Iunction by altering its parameter values i.e. deIorming itselI to Iind the best Iit (Figure 3).
The Iinal parameter values could be used as descriptors Ior the Ieature.
An important aspect oI this algorithm involves searching oI the Ieature in the input test image, which adds to
its computational cost and thus, genetic algorithms have also been proposed Ior their eIIicient searching times.
Various techniques based on this approach have been proposed |18||19|. Brunelli et al. used a set oI 4 Ieature
templates, eyes, nose, mouth and the whole Iace. Their approach was based on Baron`s approach. They also
compared the template matching technique with the geometry-based technique and concluded template matching
to be more superior with 100 recognition rate on Irontal Iace images |7|.
This approach is quite robust to the variations in scale, lighting conditions and the tilt and rotation oI head but
requires prior modeling oI the templates representing the Ieatures. Describing the templates is deIinitely a
diIIicult task. In the deIormable template matching technique, it is also possible, though in certain situations, Ior
the energy Iunction to possess a low value with the parameter values still being incorrect. Such situations can
arise iI, Ior example, the mouth template gets started on the eye and deIorms itselI to match the incorrect Ieature.
However, this can be improved by providing the initial position estimates oI the Ieatures as an input to the
deIormable template-matching algorithm. In addition, these techniques are computationally more expensive.
Fig 3. Geometry-based, Template-based and Appearance-based approach
3.4. Color-based
First proposed by Thomas C. Chang et al., this approach utilized the techniques oI color segmentation and
color thresholding to extract the eyes, nostrils and mouth Irom the color images |20|. This approach was the Iirst
attempt on color images with the earlier ones being attempted only on the grayscale images. Color segmentation
involved segmenting and removing the skin color, thus leaving the non-skin-colored areas oI the Iace as the
potential candidates Ior the eyes, hair, nostrils, mouth and the background. With Iurther processing, the hair and
background were removed. With color thresholding, Iacial Ieatures were extracted Irom the input test Iace image.
Chang`s algorithm is robust with respect to the skin color, eye color, hair color and Iacial hair but is quite
sensitive to the highlights and the shadows. Application oI this algorithm to Iacial Ieature extraction is limited
due to the diversity oI ethnical backgrounds |20|. However, the location oI the Ieatures pointed by this algorithm
can be used as the initial position estimates Ior the template-matching algorithm to obtain promising results.
Sobottka et al. perIormed the Iace localization based on skin color; Iacial Ieatures were then extracted Ior the
segmented Iaces by applying morphological operations and minima localization to the intensity images |21|. Hsu
et al. analyzed the chrominance component and established that there are high Cb and low Cr areas around the
eye regions and high Cr and low Cb values around the mouth region. This inIormation was used Ior eyes and
mouth localization |22|. Beigzadeh et al. extended the Hsu`s approach to consider color, luminance as well as
edge properties oI the image. This method was more robust and accurate in eye and mouth localization in Iacial
images with a maximum oI 30 degrees oI lateral rotation |23|. Color-based techniques are easy to implement but
have a limited applicability due to their low accuracy.
3.5. Neural Network and Fuzzy Logic-based
Neural Networks have mostly been proposed in the literature Ior Iace detection and classiIication. However,
these do exist Ior the Iacial Ieature extraction as well. Methods based on ArtiIicial Neural Networks prove to be
useIul to Iind solutions when the algorithmic methods are computationally very expensive or cannot be

(a) A set oI sample Geometrical

Ieature points
(b) DeIormable Template matching
(c) Sample EigenIaces on the ORL
(Face Image taken Irom the ORL database)
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Geetika Singh and Indu Chhabra

Iormulated. One oI the attempts was by Hines et al. to utilize multi-layer perceptron network to extract the
position oI eyes Irom head and shoulder type oI low resolution images |24|. This attempt had a drawback oI not
being able to locate the eye Ieature iI points similar to the eyes existed in the image. Another attempt was by
Hutchinson et al. to compare the neural network based Ieature extraction techniques with the template matching
techniques |25|. Two methods, one based on multi-layer perceptron and another using a combination oI Kohonen
network and multi-layer perceptron, were proposed. Results Iavored the neural network-based techniques as
compared to the template-based techniques. To overcome the drawbacks oI PCA-based and LDA-based
approaches, a Iuzzy linear mapping technique to perIorm Iacial Ieature extraction with better generalization was
also proposed by Yu et al. |26|. DuIIner et al. proposed a six layer network architecture Ior the Iacial Ieature
detection |27|. Park et al. used Iuzzy observer Ior extracting the Ieatures oI wrinkledness|28|. These group
methods have proved to be Iaster in their operations than the other group methods. They provide with more
accurate and robust results, can process ambiguous or imprecise data and are quite resistant to noise. But, these
have not been Iound successIul especially Ior low-resolution images.
3.6. Moments-based
Moments such as Hu moments, geometric invariant central moments, Legendre moments, Zernike moments,
Pseudo Zernike moments and Krawtchouk moments have been applied to many pattern recognition problems
such as character recognition and palm print veriIication. Their application as a Iacial Ieature extraction technique
has gained importance recently. These are essentially the global Ieature extractors and have proved their
suitability under any geometric transIormation.
Haddadnia et al. and Pang et al. have proposed the usage oI Pseudo Zernike moment Ieatures Ior Iace
recognition |29||30||31|. Foon et al. utilized the Zernike moment Ieatures that provided with a recognition rate oI
94.26 on Essex database |32|. Arnold et al. have also proved Zernike moments to possess good discrimination
capabilities |33|. Sheeba Rani proposed the Krawtchouk moments Ior extracting both the local and the global
Ieatures |34|. The method was tested on the ORL and Yale databases and showed good recognition capability
even in the case oI images corrupted with noise and possessing changes in Iacial expression and tilt. Saradha et
al. compared the Fourier transIorm based and the moment based Ieature extraction methods using LDA as the
classiIier |35|. Their experiment revealed 46.8 oI classiIication accuracy Ior Hu moments, 98.2 Ior Legendre
moments, 98.25 Ior Fourier descriptors and 98.3 Ior Zernike moments on the ORL database. They also
concluded the concatenation oI the Fourier descriptors and the Zernike moment Ieatures to achieve the highest
classiIication accuracy oI up to 99.5 Ior the ORL database.
These approaches are less susceptible to inIormation redundancy, invariant to the variations in size, pose,
scale, illumination, tilt and rotation and are quite insensitive to noise which makes them superior over the existing
methods. When used with the other group methods in the hybrid mode, moment based Ieatures have also
provided with the improved recognition results.
4. Discussion
Table 1 provides the perIormance comparison oI the various Iacial Ieature extraction approaches, including the
various approaches used, the key Ieatures oI each oI these approaches and their relative merits and demerits.
5. Conclusions and the Associated Challenges
Face recognition has been an actively researched area in recent years. Facial Ieature extraction is considered
one oI the most important Iactors Ior achieving higher recognition rates. Several methods Ior Iacial Ieature
extraction have been proposed in the literature including geometry-based, appearance-based, template-based,
color-based, neural network and Iuzzy logic-based and moments-based methods. Each technique has its own
beneIits in terms oI its ease oI implementation, invariance to scale and rotations, insensitivity to noise and
robustness and limitations such as computational cost, searching time and dependencies on Iactors such as
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A review on facial feature extraction technique

illumination. The technique to be employed may be selected on the basis oI the required overall perIormance in
regular conditions but with the required ease oI implementation and robustness.
Table 1. PerIormance comparison oI the Iacial Ieature extraction approaches
Key-features Major Contributions Merits Demerits
Geometry-based Localize some geometric points
such as eyes or nose and extract
inIormation Irom them such as
width oI nose or eyebrow
Result in a compact
representation oI the Ieatures.
Bledose, 1960`s
Kanade, 1973
Manjunath et al., 1992
Brunelli et al., 1993
Cox et al., 1996
Wiskott et al., 1997
Suitable Ior large databases.
Provide high speed matching
Robust to variations in scale,
size and head orientation,
rotation, and illumination.
Not much accuracy.
Considerable computing
Decision on which
Ieatures are to be
considered is required.
Appearance-based Extract appearances changes oI
the Iace.
These can be holistic or local
Holistic methods are essentially
dimensionality reduction
methods and can be linear, non-
linear or hybrid.
Turk et al., 1991
Lades et al., 1993
Belhumeur et al., 1996
Bartlett et al., 2002
Liu et al., 2002
Ahonen et al., 2004
Martin, 2006
Best perIormers.
Reject redundant inIormation.
Easy to implement.
LBP Ieatures are tolerant to
illumination, have good
discrimination capability, and
are computationally simpler.
Holistic ones involve high
computational costs.
Sensitive to variations in
pose, scale, expressions
and illumination.
Template-based An artiIicial template is matched
with the sub regions oI the input
test images and the region that
best matches the template is
extracted as the Ieature.
Requires prior modeling oI the
Baron, 1981
Yuille et al., 1992
Brunelli et al., 1993
Zhang, 1997
Kuo et al., 2005
Robust to variations in scale,
lighting condition and the tilt
and rotation oI head.
More superior to geometry-
based techniques.
Easy to implement.
May not correctly match
the Ieature.
Computationally more
IneIIicient search.
Color-based Uses color segmentation and
color thresholding to extract the
Iacial Ieatures.
Feature points extracted can be
used as initial position estimates
Ior template matching methods.
Chang et al., 1994
Sobottka et al., 1996
Hsu et al., 2002
Beigzadeh et al., 2008
Robust to skin color, eye
color, hair color and Iacial
More robust to lateral
Easy to implement.
Sensitive to the highlights
and the shadows.
Low accuracy.
Closed eyes pose a
Neural Network and
Fuzzy Logic-based
These prove to be useIul when
algorithmic methods are
computationally very expensive
or cannot be Iormulated.
Hines et al., 1989
Hutchinson et al., 1989
Yu et al., 1996
Park et al., 2000
DuIIner et al., 2005
Faster in operation than other
group methods.
More accurate and robust
Can process ambiguous or
imprecise data.
Resistant to noise.
Not much successIul on
low resolution images.
Moments-based Global Ieature extractors.
Most recently applied to Iace
Haddadnia et al., 2003
Foon et al., 2004
Pang et al., 2004, 2006
Saradha et al., 2005
Arnold et al., 2007
Rani et al., 2012
Good discrimination
Less susceptible to
inIormation redundancy.
Improved recognition results.
Insensitive to noise.
Invariant to variations in size,
pose, illuminations, tilt and
Recognition results
depend extensively on the
classiIier used.
Combination technique to
be used in hybrid mode
has to be appropriately
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Geetika Singh and Indu Chhabra

Literature reports eIIiciency oI the Iace recognition algorithms in controlled environments. However, many
challenges still need to be addressed in real world scenarios, such as illumination, pose, expression and emotion
variations, presence or absence oI structural components such as beard, mustaches or glasses and variability
among these components, image orientation, aging and occlusion. Hence, much oI the Iocus is now shiIting
towards the improvement oI the Iacial Ieature extraction stage, as it can greatly aIIect the classiIication accuracy.
Though a number oI high quality automatic Iacial Ieature extraction algorithms have been proposed, there still
does not exist any technique that can tackle all types oI variations possible in a Iace image, is simple, robust, Iast,
computationally Ieasible, and capable oI achieving the ultimate goal oI designing a system that can match or even
exceed the human capability oI recognizing Iaces.
6. Acknowledgement
Financial assistance Irom the Department oI Science and Technology (DST), Govt. oI India in the Iorm oI
INSPIRE Junior Research Fellowship Ior the Iirst author (JRF) is duly acknowledged.
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15 Elsevier Publications, 2013 15 Elsevier Publications, 2013

Appearance-based, 912

Baron's approach, 11

Color segmentation, 11

Elastic bunch graph matching, 9

Face recognition technology
facial feature extraction, 89
geometry-based techniques, 8
holistic features, 89
hybrid techniques, 8
principal component analysis, 8
process, 8
segmented face images, 8
Facial feature extraction
appearance based methods, 10
color segmentation, 11
elastic bunch graph matching, 9
fuzzy logic-based, 1112
geometry-based techniques, 910
moments, 12
neural network, 1112
performance comparison of, 13
template-based technique, 1011
Fuzzy logic, 1112

Gabor wavelet, 10
Geometry-based facial feature extraction
automation of, 9
Geometry-based techniques, 8

ICA. see Independent component analysis (ICA)
Independent component analysis (ICA), 10

Kernel Fisher Discriminant (KFD), 10
Kernel Principal Component Analysis (KPCA), 10
KFD. see Kernel Fisher Discriminant (KFD)

LBP. see Local binary pattern histogram (LBP)
Linear discriminant analysis (LDA), 10
Local binary pattern histogram (LBP), 10

facial feature extraction, 12

Neural network (NN), 1112

PCA. see Principal Component Analysis (PCA)
Principal Component Analysis (PCA), 10
in face recognition, 8

Segmented face images, 8

Template-based technique
for facial feature extraction, 911

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