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Air pollution: Air Pollution. Based on 0-50 contributions for Albania, Algeria, Argentina and 86 more countries and
over 100 contributions for Australia, Canada, China and 9 more countries and 50-100 contributions for Brazil,
Bulgaria, Greece and 12 more countries. The surveys were conducted by from January, 2011 to
February, 2014. See this sample survey for the United States, respondents were asked "How satisfied are you
with the quality of air in this city?". The higher the value, the more survey respondents believe it is high in their
Air quality: Air quality. Based on 0-50 contributions for Albania, Algeria, Argentina and 86 more countries and over
100 contributions for Australia, Canada, China and 9 more countries and 50-100 contributions for Brazil, Bulgaria,
Greece and 12 more countries. The surveys were conducted by from January, 2011 to February,
2014. See this sample survey for the United States, respondents were asked "How satisfied are you with the
quality of air in this city?". The higher the value, the more survey respondents believe it is high in their country.
Clean water: Water Quality. Based on 0-50 contributions for Albania, Algeria, Argentina and 86 more countries
and over 100 contributions for Australia, Canada, China and 9 more countries and 50-100 contributions for Brazil,
Bulgaria, Greece and 12 more countries. The surveys were conducted by from January, 2011 to
February, 2014. See this sample survey for the United States, respondents were asked "Are you concerned with
the water pollution in this city?". The higher the value, the more survey respondents believe it is high in their
Clean, tidy cities: Clean and Tidy. Based on 0-50 contributions for Albania, Algeria, Argentina and 86 more
countries and over 100 contributions for Australia, Canada, China and 9 more countries and 50-100 contributions
for Brazil, Bulgaria, Greece and 12 more countries. The surveys were conducted by from January,
2011 to February, 2014. See this sample survey for the United States, respondents were asked "Do you find city
clean and tidy?". The higher the value, the more survey respondents believe it is high in their country.
Dirty, untidy cities: Dirty and Untidy. Based on 0-50 contributions for Albania, Algeria, Argentina and 86 more
countries and over 100 contributions for Australia, Canada, China and 9 more countries and 50-100 contributions
for Brazil, Bulgaria, Greece and 12 more countries. The surveys were conducted by from January,
2011 to February, 2014. See this sample survey for the United States, respondents were asked "Do you find city
clean and tidy?". The higher the value, the more survey respondents believe it is high in their country.
Drinking water pollution: Drinking Water Pollution and Inaccessibility. Based on 0-50 contributions for Albania,
Algeria, Argentina and 86 more countries and over 100 contributions for Australia, Canada, China and 9 more
countries and 50-100 contributions for Brazil, Bulgaria, Greece and 12 more countries. The surveys were
conducted by from January, 2011 to February, 2014. See this sample survey for the United States,
respondents were asked "How do you find quality and the accessibility of drinking water?". The higher the value,
the more survey respondents believe it is high in their country.
Drinking water quality: Drinking Water Quality and Accessibility. Based on 0-50 contributions for Albania, Algeria,
Argentina and 86 more countries and over 100 contributions for Australia, Canada, China and 9 more countries
and 50-100 contributions for Brazil, Bulgaria, Greece and 12 more countries. The surveys were conducted by from January, 2011 to February, 2014. See this sample survey for the United States, respondents
were asked "How do you find quality and the accessibility of drinking water?". The higher the value, the more
survey respondents believe it is high in their country.
Free of noise and light pollution: Quiet and No Problem with Night Lights. Based on 0-50 contributions for Albania,
Algeria, Argentina and 86 more countries and over 100 contributions for Australia, Canada, China and 9 more
countries and 50-100 contributions for Brazil, Bulgaria, Greece and 12 more countries. The surveys were
conducted by from January, 2011 to February, 2014. See thissample survey for the United States,
respondents were asked "How concerned are you with noise pollution and light during the night in this city?". The
higher the value, the more survey respondents believe it is high in their country.
Noise and light pollution: Noise and Light Pollution. Based on 0-50 contributions for Albania, Algeria, Argentina
and 86 more countries and over 100 contributions for Australia, Canada, China and 9 more countries and 50-100
contributions for Brazil, Bulgaria, Greece and 12 more countries. The surveys were conducted by
from January, 2011 to February, 2014. See this sample survey for the United States, respondents were asked
"How concerned are you with noise pollution and light during the night in this city?". The higher the value, the
more survey respondents believe it is high in their country.
Pollution index: Pollution Index is an estimation of the overall pollution in the city. The biggest weight is given to
air pollution, than to water pollution/accessibility, two main pollution factors. Small weight is given to other
pollution types.
Urban comfort > Low pollution: Comfortable to Spend Time in the City. Based on 0-50 contributions for Albania,
Algeria, Argentina and 86 more countries and over 100 contributions for Australia, Canada, China and 9 more
countries and 50-100 contributions for Brazil, Bulgaria, Greece and 12 more countries. The surveys were
conducted by from January, 2011 to February, 2014. See this sample survey for the United States,
respondents were asked "Are you feeling comfortable to spend time in the city because of the pollution?". The
higher the value, the more survey respondents believe it is high in their country.
Urban discomfort from pollution: Dissatisfaction to Spend Time in the City. Based on 0-50 contributions for
Albania, Algeria, Argentina and 86 more countries and over 100 contributions for Australia, Canada, China and 9
more countries and 50-100 contributions for Brazil, Bulgaria, Greece and 12 more countries. The surveys were
conducted by from January, 2011 to February, 2014. See thissample survey for the United States,
respondents were asked "Are you feeling comfortable to spend time in the city because of the pollution?". The
higher the value, the more survey respondents believe it is high in their country.
Waste management dissatisfaction: Dissatisfaction with Garbage Disposal. Based on 0-50 contributions for
Albania, Algeria, Argentina and 86 more countries and over 100 contributions for Australia, Canada, China and 9
more countries and 50-100 contributions for Brazil, Bulgaria, Greece and 12 more countries. The surveys were
conducted by from January, 2011 to February, 2014. See thissample survey for the United States,
respondents were asked "How satisfied are you with a garbage disposal in the city?". The higher the value, the
more survey respondents believe it is high in their country.
Waste management satisfaction: Garbage Disposal Satisfaction. Based on 0-50 contributions for Albania, Algeria,
Argentina and 86 more countries and over 100 contributions for Australia, Canada, China and 9 more countries
and 50-100 contributions for Brazil, Bulgaria, Greece and 12 more countries. The surveys were conducted by from January, 2011 to February, 2014. See this sample survey for the United States, respondents
were asked "How satisfied are you with a garbage disposal in the city?". The higher the value, the more survey
respondents believe it is high in their country.
Water pollution: Water Pollution. Based on 0-50 contributions for Albania, Algeria, Argentina and 86 more
countries and over 100 contributions for Australia, Canada, China and 9 more countries and 50-100 contributions
for Brazil, Bulgaria, Greece and 12 more countries. The surveys were conducted by from January,
2011 to February, 2014. See this sample survey for the United States, respondents were asked "Are you
concerned with the water pollution in this city?". The higher the value, the more survey respondents believe it is
high in their country.
Air pollution 65.88 2014 21st out of 59
Air quality 34.12 2014 39th out of 59
Clean water 28.95 2014 48th out of 59
Clean, tidy cities 39.14 2014 43th out of 59
Dirty, untidy cities 60.86 2014 17th out of 59
Drinking water pollution 46 2014 23th out of 59
Drinking water quality 54 2014 37th out of 59
Free of noise and light pollution 38.33 2014 45th out of 59
Green space and parks dissatisfaction 58.78 2014 13th out of 59
Green space and parks satisfaction 41.22 2014 47th out of 59
Noise and light pollution 61.67 2014 15th out of 59
Pollution index 73.39 2014 16th out of 59
Urban comfort > Low pollution 36.36 2014 47th out of 59
Urban discomfort from pollution 63.64 2014 13th out of 59
Waste management dissatisfaction 60.27 2014 21st out of 59
Waste management satisfaction 39.73 2014 39th out of 59
Water pollution 71.05 2014 12th out of 59

CITATION: "Philippines Pollution perceptions Stats", NationMaster. Retrieved from For more than two decades,
the country is still beset with tribulations on the quality of air that circulates despite various efforts of DENR
and other government units as well as private entities to improve the air quality status of highly urbanized
areas specifically within Metro Manila area.

The sources of air pollution within Metro Manila have become a perennial concern not only of the DENR but
also of DOH for the serious respiratory problems it creates among residents. The Department of Health cited
air pollution as one of the three major leading health concerns of the Metropolis.
This Office however believes that the country is making progress in reducing particulate emissions in the air.
Air pollution is generated from two categorical sources (Windows to the universe): Natural and man-made. The
natural processes that affect air quality include volcanic eruptions which produce sulfur, chlorine and ash
particulates. Wildfires produce smoke and carbon monoxide. Cattle and other animals emit methane as part of
their digestive process. Even pine trees emit volatile organic compounds(VOCs).
Many forms of air pollution however, are man-made. Industrial plants, power plants and vehicles with internal
combustion engines produce nitrogen oxides. VOCs, carbon monoxide, carbon dioxide, sulfur dioxide and
particulates. In most urban cities like Metro Manila, motor vehicles are the main source of these pollutants.
Stoves and farmers burning their crop wastes produce carbon monoxide, carbon dioxide as well as particulates.
Other man made sources include aerosol sprays and leaky refrigerators as well as fumes from paint, varnish
and other solvents.
This report, discusses the effects of pollution coming from jeepneys, buses other public utility vehicles and
tricycles as many of these are old models and have inefficient emission systems. They compose the highest
source of pollution in Metro Manila. Other sources in the ladder are: industrial plants, commercial
establishments, refuse burning due to unavailability of adequate landfills, road dust (construction activities)
and open burning.
Air pollution has long been recognized as a potentially lethal form of pollution. (Department of Environmental Science &
Engineering, Guru Jambheshwar University, Hisar, 2001, Haryana, India.)
Philippines tackles air pollution
BMJ : British Medical Journal. Mar 13, 1999; 318(7185)689

Water pollution
Although water resources become scarce in some regions and seasons, the Philippines as a whole has more than
enough surface and groundwater. However, the neglect of a coherent environmental policy led to the actual
situation, in which 58% of the groundwater is contaminated.
The main source of pollution is untreated domestic
and industrial wastewater.
Only one third of Philippine river systems are considered suitable for public water

It is estimated that in 2025, water availability will be marginal in most major cities and in 8 of the 19 major river
Besides severe health concerns, water pollution also leads to problems in
the fishing and tourism industries.
The national government recognized the problem and since 2004 has sought to
introduce sustainable water resources development management (see below).

Only 5% of the total population is connected to a sewer network. The vast majority uses flush toilets connected to
septic tanks. Since sludge treatment and disposal facilities are rare, most effluents are discharged without
According to the Asian Development Bank, the Pasig River is one of the world's most polluted
In March 2008, Manila Water announced that a wastewater treatment plant will be constructed
in Taguig.
The first Philippine constructed wetland serving about 700 households was completed in 2006 in a peri-
urban area of Bayawan City which has been used to resettle families that lived along the coast in informal
settlements and had no access to safe water supply and sanitation facilities.

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