CVS User Guide CVS User Guide: Page 1 of 27

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CVS User Guide

CVS User Guide

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1 Introduction ................................
2 Importing a Module into the Repositor
3 Checkout , Add Files throug
4 Creation of Branch ................................
5 Creation/Deletion of Tag ................................
6 Checkout/Check in through J
7 Reference ................................

Table of Contents
mporting a Module into the Repository ................................................................
gh WinCvs tool................................
Checkout/Check in through J-Developer tool ................................................................

.......................................... 3
.......................................................... 5
........................... 14
................................................. 16
.............................................. 19
.......................................... 27

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1. Introduction
The Concurrent Versions System (CVS), also known as the Concurrent Versioning System, is a client
server free software revision control system
system keeps track of all work and all changes in a set of files, and allows several developers (potentially
widely separated in space and time) to collaborate
WinCVS is a win32 client interface to t
Before starting into use of CVS we should be familiar with the below terminology.
CVS stores a complete copy of all the files and directories that are under version control in the
Working Directory: Normally, you never access any of the files in the repository directly. Instead, you
use CVS commands to get your own copy of the files into a working directory, and then work on that
local copy.
Remote Repository: When the CVS repository is accessed remotel
a remote repository. Using CVS in this manner is known as the client/server operation. The machine that
mounts the CVS repository is known as the server, and you will run CVS from another machine, known
as the client, which mounts your working directory.
Module: Module is a directory hierarchy. A software project normally exists as a single module in the
Import: Normally refers to the process of creating a new module in the repository by sending an entire
directory structure. Note that the directory structure on the client is not under version control after
importing the module. Importing the module has simply added this module into the repository. You
need to check out the module in order to obtain the CV
Checkout: Normally used to describe the first retrieval of an entire module from the repository.
Update: Get other users modifications from the repository. Updates the local copy only.
Header: Current version of the module
Tag/Branch: A symbolic name given to a set of files at a specific time of development.

The Concurrent Versions System (CVS), also known as the Concurrent Versioning System, is a client
server free software revision control system in the field of software development. A version control
system keeps track of all work and all changes in a set of files, and allows several developers (potentially
widely separated in space and time) to collaborate.
WinCVS is a win32 client interface to the CVS version control system.
Before starting into use of CVS we should be familiar with the below terminology.
CVS stores a complete copy of all the files and directories that are under version control in the
rmally, you never access any of the files in the repository directly. Instead, you
use CVS commands to get your own copy of the files into a working directory, and then work on that
When the CVS repository is accessed remotely from a different machine, it is called
a remote repository. Using CVS in this manner is known as the client/server operation. The machine that
mounts the CVS repository is known as the server, and you will run CVS from another machine, known
t, which mounts your working directory.
Module is a directory hierarchy. A software project normally exists as a single module in the
Normally refers to the process of creating a new module in the repository by sending an entire
directory structure. Note that the directory structure on the client is not under version control after
importing the module. Importing the module has simply added this module into the repository. You
need to check out the module in order to obtain the CVS controlled code.
Normally used to describe the first retrieval of an entire module from the repository.
Get other users modifications from the repository. Updates the local copy only.
A symbolic name given to a set of files at a specific time of development.

The Concurrent Versions System (CVS), also known as the Concurrent Versioning System, is a client-
in the field of software development. A version control
system keeps track of all work and all changes in a set of files, and allows several developers (potentially
CVS stores a complete copy of all the files and directories that are under version control in the
rmally, you never access any of the files in the repository directly. Instead, you
use CVS commands to get your own copy of the files into a working directory, and then work on that
y from a different machine, it is called
a remote repository. Using CVS in this manner is known as the client/server operation. The machine that
mounts the CVS repository is known as the server, and you will run CVS from another machine, known
Module is a directory hierarchy. A software project normally exists as a single module in the
Normally refers to the process of creating a new module in the repository by sending an entire
directory structure. Note that the directory structure on the client is not under version control after
importing the module. Importing the module has simply added this module into the repository. You
Normally used to describe the first retrieval of an entire module from the repository.
Get other users modifications from the repository. Updates the local copy only.

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1 Repository

1 Module 2 Module

Tags Branches

Topics that are covered in the document
a. Importing a Module into the Repository
b. Checkout, Add files & directories, Commit,
c. Creation of Branch
d. Creation/Deletion of Tag
e. Checkout/Check in through J

2 Repository
2 Module
are covered in the document
Importing a Module into the Repository
Checkout, Add files & directories, Commit, View changes
Checkout/Check in through J-Developer tool

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2. Importing a Module into the Repository
Getting project files (a module) under version control is called importing.
a module in to the repository. Importing a module needs to be done just once for any project. That
means that you can have the project leader of your group, import all the files into CVS.
First change the location to the module to which you want to import and then
Module option from wincvs tool then
clicking OK it will be redirected to Import
module which you are importing in to the CVS
displayed. Provide your Vendor Tag & Release Tag as required. We mentioned vendor tag as APPS and
Release Tag as from Version One (V1).
Repository Name.

Importing a Module into the Repository
Getting project files (a module) under version control is called importing. This will explain how to import
Importing a module needs to be done just once for any project. That
means that you can have the project leader of your group, import all the files into CVS.
dule to which you want to import and then Choose
wincvs tool then a prompt will be shown specifying all type of documents. After
will be redirected to Import Settings options. Here Repository Path is the n
module which you are importing in to the CVS. By default the module name which is imported will
. Provide your Vendor Tag & Release Tag as required. We mentioned vendor tag as APPS and
Release Tag as from Version One (V1). CVSROOT is the complete path of the CVS including the

This will explain how to import
Importing a module needs to be done just once for any project. That
means that you can have the project leader of your group, import all the files into CVS.
Remote -> Import
all type of documents. After
Settings options. Here Repository Path is the name of the
y default the module name which is imported will be
. Provide your Vendor Tag & Release Tag as required. We mentioned vendor tag as APPS and
is the complete path of the CVS including the

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3. Checkout, Add files & directories,
Checking out a module from the repository gives you a local copy of the directory hierarchy that makes
up the module.

1. Choose Remote -> Checkout Module from the menu

dd files & directories, Commit, View changes through
Checking out a module from the repository gives you a local copy of the directory hierarchy that makes
Checkout Module from the menu

through WinCvs
Checking out a module from the repository gives you a local copy of the directory hierarchy that makes

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2. In the dialog box that pops up, specify the name of the
will be the same name that the group leader specified while importing the module to the
repository), the local folder where you want to check out the module to
(this will be the same path that

In the dialog box that pops up, specify the name of the module that you want to check out (this
will be the same name that the group leader specified while importing the module to the
the local folder where you want to check out the module to, and the CVS root path
(this will be the same path that the group leader specified while creating the repository)

module that you want to check out (this
will be the same name that the group leader specified while importing the module to the
, and the CVS root path
the group leader specified while creating the repository)

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3. Select the Update options tab and select By revision/tag/branch if need to check out the code of
specific tag or branch.
4. Press the Ok button

3. Select the Update options tab and select By revision/tag/branch if need to check out the code of

3. Select the Update options tab and select By revision/tag/branch if need to check out the code of

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Adding files & directories
When you create new files that you want to include in the repository, you must tell CVS to handle the
files. If the directory containing the files is not under CVS control, you will have to add it before adding
the files.
1. Select the directory, file or files that
2. Choose Modify -> Add or Modify
3. As the files are only marked for addition, you have to commit them to enter them in the
Committing changes
All changes you make in the file that you have checked out are
make those changes available to others who access that file in the repository, you need to commit your
changes to the repository by checking it in.

1. Select the directory, file or files that you want to commit.
2. Choose Modify -> Commit from the menu.

create new files that you want to include in the repository, you must tell CVS to handle the
files. If the directory containing the files is not under CVS control, you will have to add it before adding
Select the directory, file or files that you want to add.
Add or Modify -> Add binary from the menu.
As the files are only marked for addition, you have to commit them to enter them in the
All changes you make in the file that you have checked out are only to your local copy. If you want to
make those changes available to others who access that file in the repository, you need to commit your
changes to the repository by checking it in.
Select the directory, file or files that you want to commit.
Commit from the menu.

create new files that you want to include in the repository, you must tell CVS to handle the
files. If the directory containing the files is not under CVS control, you will have to add it before adding

As the files are only marked for addition, you have to commit them to enter them in the
only to your local copy. If you want to
make those changes available to others who access that file in the repository, you need to commit your

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3. In the Commit Settings dialog box, enter a log message to describe what changes you made and
press Ok.
4. If the commit was successful, you will see the following message in the output:
cvs commit -m "no message" readme.tx
Checking in readme.txt;
/usr/local/cvsroot/Group1/readme.txt,v <
new revision: 1.3; previous revision: 1.2
*****CVS exited normally with code 0*****
Viewing changes
WinCvs can be used for viewing diff
file with any revision of the same file in the repository. It also lets
the repository. The output consists of lines starting with < or >
removed or added respectively, to go from your revision to the one you compare against
1. Choose Modify->Commit from the menu.

In the Commit Settings dialog box, enter a log message to describe what changes you made and
If the commit was successful, you will see the following message in the output:
m "no message" readme.txt (in directory C:\Group1\)
/usr/local/cvsroot/Group1/readme.txt,v <-- readme.txt
new revision: 1.3; previous revision: 1.2
*****CVS exited normally with code 0*****
be used for viewing differences of files and directories. We can compare our local copy of a
file with any revision of the same file in the repository. It also lets us compare different revisions within
the repository. The output consists of lines starting with < or >, symbolizing lines that should be
removed or added respectively, to go from your revision to the one you compare against
>Commit from the menu.

In the Commit Settings dialog box, enter a log message to describe what changes you made and
If the commit was successful, you will see the following message in the output:
our local copy of a
compare different revisions within
, symbolizing lines that should be
removed or added respectively, to go from your revision to the one you compare against.

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2. In the command line setting dialog box, enter the below command to find the difference
between two tags and click Ok:
cvs diff -N -c -r SC_7_0_Tag

In the command line setting dialog box, enter the below command to find the difference
between two tags and click Ok:
r SC_7_0_Tag -r SC_7_1_Tag

In the command line setting dialog box, enter the below command to find the difference

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NOTE: Diff command to find the differences within code between two dates:
cvs diff -N -c -D 2013
3. The complete difference will be displayed

Diff command to find the differences within code between two dates:
D 2013-07-03 -D 2013-07-04
complete difference will be displayed in the output.

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4. Creation of Branch
Branching, in revision control and software configuration management, is the duplication of an object
under revision control (such as a source code file, or a directory tree) so that modifications can happen
in parallel along both branches.
Branch can be created either on Header Code of the module Repository or we can create on top of
already existing Branch or Tag.
For this first we have to change the location to the module on which we want to create a Branch and
then choose Remote -> Create a Branch
displayed where we will specify the Branch Name which we want to create. CVS Root is the complete
path of the CVS including the Repository name.
If we want to create the Branch on an existing Branch or Tag then click RTag Options tab and specify
Rev/tag/branch information if not required then simply click on OK

Branching, in revision control and software configuration management, is the duplication of an object
under revision control (such as a source code file, or a directory tree) so that modifications can happen
Branch can be created either on Header Code of the module Repository or we can create on top of
For this first we have to change the location to the module on which we want to create a Branch and
a Branch option in wincvs tool then RTag settings information will be
d where we will specify the Branch Name which we want to create. CVS Root is the complete
path of the CVS including the Repository name.
on an existing Branch or Tag then click RTag Options tab and specify
if not required then simply click on OK.

Branching, in revision control and software configuration management, is the duplication of an object
under revision control (such as a source code file, or a directory tree) so that modifications can happen
Branch can be created either on Header Code of the module Repository or we can create on top of an
For this first we have to change the location to the module on which we want to create a Branch and
settings information will be
d where we will specify the Branch Name which we want to create. CVS Root is the complete
on an existing Branch or Tag then click RTag Options tab and specify

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5. Creation/Deletion of Tag
A tag can be used to mark a specific revision of a single file or a specific set of revisions of a group of
filesin essence, naming the string. The tag then gives you a convenient way to retrieve that revision or
matched set of revisions.
Tag can be created either on Header Code of the module Repository or we can create on top of an
already existing Branch or Tag.
Go to Remote -> Create a Tag by module
be displayed where we will specify the
If we want to create the Tag on an existing Branch or Tag then click RTag Options tab and specify
Rev/tag/branch information if not required then simply click on OK.

Creation/Deletion of Tag
A tag can be used to mark a specific revision of a single file or a specific set of revisions of a group of
in essence, naming the string. The tag then gives you a convenient way to retrieve that revision or
Tag can be created either on Header Code of the module Repository or we can create on top of an
a Tag by module option in wincvs tool then create tag settings information will
be displayed where we will specify the New Tag which we are creating under RTag settings
If we want to create the Tag on an existing Branch or Tag then click RTag Options tab and specify
t required then simply click on OK.

A tag can be used to mark a specific revision of a single file or a specific set of revisions of a group of
in essence, naming the string. The tag then gives you a convenient way to retrieve that revision or
Tag can be created either on Header Code of the module Repository or we can create on top of an
settings information will
New Tag which we are creating under RTag settings tab.
If we want to create the Tag on an existing Branch or Tag then click RTag Options tab and specify

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Deleting a Tag is similar to the creation of Tag. Only change is instead of going to Create tag by module
option go to Delete tag option of Remote menu from wincvs tool.

Deleting a Tag is similar to the creation of Tag. Only change is instead of going to Create tag by module
to Delete tag option of Remote menu from wincvs tool.

Deleting a Tag is similar to the creation of Tag. Only change is instead of going to Create tag by module

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6. Checkout/Check in through J

Code Check in/Checkout process can be done
the process through J-Developer tool.
For that first we have to
Create a CVS connection
Checkout the module
Do your changes
Compare the changes with the versioned files
Either checks in the existing file or add the newly created file and then check in.
Below screen shots will explain you how to create the connection in J

Checkout/Check in through J-Developer tool
in/Checkout process can be done by WinCvs or from any IDE. We are now seeing
Developer tool.
reate a CVS connection
Compare the changes with the versioned files
in the existing file or add the newly created file and then check in.
Below screen shots will explain you how to create the connection in J-Developer.

. We are now seeing
in the existing file or add the newly created file and then check in.

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Provide UserName, Host Name, Access Method (ssh2)

Provide UserName, Host Name, Access Method (ssh2) and Repository path

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Test the created CVS connection by providing password.

Test the created CVS connection by providing password.

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Below screen shots will explain h

Below screen shots will explain how to check out a module from the created CVS

CVS connection.

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Provide a Destination folder where you want to place the check out code.
If you want to check out a code from a Tag or Branch then click Use Revision Number or Tag
option and provide a proper Tag or Branch name.

Pending changes can be verified by selecting Pending Changes option from Versioning tab.

Provide a Destination folder where you want to place the check out code.
If you want to check out a code from a Tag or Branch then click Use Revision Number or Tag
proper Tag or Branch name.
Pending changes can be verified by selecting Pending Changes option from Versioning tab.

If you want to check out a code from a Tag or Branch then click Use Revision Number or Tag

Pending changes can be verified by selecting Pending Changes option from Versioning tab.

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Changes will be provided in 3 tabs.
Files which are updated in the current working folder are displayed in Outgoing tab.
Files which are updated remotely and uploaded to CVS are displayed in Incoming tab.
Files which are newly added in the current working folder are displayed in Candidates tab.
Once you add the new file at Candidates
commit the newly added file will be versioned.

current working folder are displayed in Outgoing tab.
Files which are updated remotely and uploaded to CVS are displayed in Incoming tab.
Files which are newly added in the current working folder are displayed in Candidates tab.
Candidates tab then the file will be displayed in Outgoing tab so after
commit the newly added file will be versioned.

Files which are updated remotely and uploaded to CVS are displayed in Incoming tab.
Files which are newly added in the current working folder are displayed in Candidates tab.
tab then the file will be displayed in Outgoing tab so after

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Changes/ History can be verified by clicking History option of a respective file as shown below.

rified by clicking History option of a respective file as shown below.

rified by clicking History option of a respective file as shown below.

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For more details on how to add files & directories
refer the tutorial placed at box:
7. Reference:

how to add files & directories, Checkout, commit, view changes using WinCvs tool,

using WinCvs tool,

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