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Chem 200: Short and Easy Test 2

Tuesday Dec 3
, 2013
Atomic Structure, Lewis Structure, MOTheory, Chemistry in the Atmos!here,
"#o$a# %armin&, and Mo#ecu#es o' Li'e
(m!ortant: )#ease circ#e your recitation section you are re&istered in:
1: Wed 8:00 am; 2: Wed 9:00 am; 5: Fri 8:00 am;
)#ease !rint:
*ami#y +ame as used in the A,- record:
*irst +ame as used in the A,- record:
Two re#e.ant ener&y e/!ressions
1. Schrodin&er0s ener&y o' an e#ectron $ound to a nuc#eus char&e 1 is:
10 / 2312

E 4in 563
2. )#anc70s energy of a photon is: E = h,
nm6 in 4
4564nm6 10 / 230

= =

1 42096 The $ound e#ectronic states o' )o#ye#ectrons atoms
"i.en: the ioni:ation ener&y o' one atom o' hydro&en, he#ium and #ithium is:
(E: ; < 2312 / 10
5 ;e < 33=> / 10
5 Li < 032? / 10
@ou want to e/!#ain the ori&in o' the &i.en .a#ues at the most 'undamenta# #e.e# $ased on the
Auantum nature o' the e#ectronic structure o' the atom3
1A "i.e the 'undamenta# Auantum e/!#anation o' why ioni:ation o' atomic he#ium is much
harder than the ioni:ation o' atomic hydro&en3
4Don0t say $ecause ;e is on the ri&ht hand side o' the !eriodic ta$#e or it is a +o$#e &as63
1- "i.e the 'undamenta# Auantum e/!#anation o' why ioni:ation o' atomic #ithium is easier
than ioni:ation o' atomic hydro&en3
1C %hich o' the a$o.e three atoms wi## ha.e the sma##est si:e and which wi## ha.e the #ar&estB
"i.e your reasonin& $ased on 'undamenta#s $rie'#y3
2 420 !ts6 MOTheory 'or Mo#ecu#ar O/y&en
2A Construct an MOener&y #e.e# dia&ram 'or O23
)#ease sim!#i'y the !ro$#em $y i&norin& the 41s6
and 42s6
atomic or$ita#s and e#ectrons o' each
o/y&en3 (n other words, $ui#d your ener&y #e.e# dia&ram $ased on the .a#ence 2!/, 2!y and 2!:
atomic or$ita#s and e#ectrons3
2- "i.e nice drawin&s o' the MOs and s!eci'y i' they are o' the or


2C Accordin& to your ener&y #e.e# dia&ram, which wou#d $e easier to ioni:e, atomic o/y&en or
mo#ecu#ar o/y&enB Does this ma7e sense to youB
3 420 !ts6 Lewis structure and mo#ecu#ar &eometry
This is a$out the Aua#ity and #o&ic o' how you answer3
3A %ater is 7nown to ha.e a $ent &eometry whereas CO2 is 7nown to $e #inear3 "i.e c#ean
Lewis structures 'or these two mo#ecu#es and use them to rationa#i:e the o$ser.ed &eometries3
3- O:one 4O36 is 7nown to ha.e a $ent &eometry whereas +2O 4++O6 is 7nown to $e #inear3
"i.e c#ean Lewis structures 'or these two mo#ecu#es and use them to rationa#i:e the o$ser.ed
3C Some mo#ecu#es ha.e si/ atoms connected to a centra# atom, #i7e the C)*8D

ion 'or e/am!#e3

The &eometry o' such mo#ecu#es is octahedra#3
"i.e the 'rame 'or the octahedra# &eometry, and e/!#ain why the &eometry is ca##ed octahedra#
a#thou&h it is $ased on si/ stic7s 4note octa means 263
> 41E !ts6: Chemistry in the atmos!here
;ydro&en $urnin& in the sun is a nuc#ear reaction that &enerates #ot o' heat and #ot o' !ower'u#
&ammarays3 The heat ma7es the sun &#ow3

>A "amma rays donFt reach the sur'ace o' the earth3 ;ow come 4use one short sentence with
the 7ey word6
>- Accordin& to the &i.en s!ectrum, mo#ecu#ar o/y&en a$sor$s radiation with wa.e #en&th
shorter than 280 nm3 Add to the &i.en s!ectrum the e#ectronic a$sor!tion s!ectrum o' mo#ecu#ar
O:one and write one sentence to c#ari'y what ran&e o' the e#ectroma&netic s!ectrum does o:one
'i#ters out in the atmos!here3
>C Durin& the day the natura# state o' the O:one #ayer in the atmos!here is said to $e in a
dynamic eAui#i$rium3 %hat does this meanB )#ease !resent your answer usin& chemica#
E 41E !ts6: "#o$a# %armin&
EA (nstrument$ased record o' the tem!erature o' the earth$#e 'or the !ast 1E0 or so
years & e.idence 'or a rise o' a!!ro/imate#y one de&ree3
This rise in the tem!erature is rea#3 %hat is the e.idence that su!!orts this statementB E#a$orate
.ery $rie'#y3
E- (t is now acce!ted that &#o$a# warmin& is caused $y increased concentrations o' &reen
house &ases, !articu#ar#y CO23 %ho was the scientist who $ui#t a station 'or CO2 monitorin&B
A!!ro/imate#y when was the station $ui#t, and 4a!!ro/imate#yG6 whereB
EC %hat is the acce!ted mechanism o' how an increase o' &reen &ases in the atmos!here can
#ead to a warmer &#o$eB @ou are e/!ected to !ro.ide Aua#ity answer uti#i:in& #a$e#ed drawin&s3
8 41E !oints6 The !e!tide $ond and its !resentation
Amino acids $ui#d !roteins $y successi.e !e!tide $ond 'ormation3 Show how &#ycine and a#anine
can com$ine $y ma7in& a di!e!tide $ond3
Show how &#ycine, a#anine and .a#ine can com$ine into a di!e!tide 4a mo#ecu#e with two !e!tide
10 !oints are 'or the Aua#ity o' the 'ina# !resentation3 @our drawin&s must &i.e as much correct
&eometrica# in'ormation as !ossi$#e3

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