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Quarterly Newsletter Volume 5 September 2014
Emmaus House
Cap Haitien, Haiti
The Christans surrounding me one Sunday morning during my visit last
month were singing Ancient Words in Creole. It brought me to tears.
Looking around at the youth of Emmaus House, I had been witnessing
the changes that have taken place in their hearts and their lives over
the last year.
Last winter, I initated a plan for our youth to serve on a medical mis-
sion trip this summer. We began planning when our youth were stll
prety selfsh, ungrateful, and irresponsible. Honestly, I was a bit un-
easy about it. They needed to be dependable, selfess and hard work-
ing to pull this of and very few of our youth displayed these character-
istcs at the tme. They would need to take initatve, translate, hand
out and explain medicine, comfort others, teach the Bible, help lead
those who needed to know where to go. They would work six long
days in the heat of Hait, and not get paid. They would do it to learn to
serve their community and their country. They would do it to learn
compassion, to be more like Jesus and learn the joy of serving others.
It was asking a lot of our immature young people and I knew it.
The day of the frst clinic, I headed over to Emmaus House early to
make sure everyone was out of bed, dressed, attudes were pleasant,
and ready to get to work. To my surprise, every one of them had their
smiling faces up, dressed and ready to go. The entre week, every one
of our young people worked hard, followed through on their responsi-
bilites, displayed a heart of compassion, and found a joy in serving
others. Our very own Willey took initatve to plan a clinic in the area of
Cap Haiten where he was born. He had the idea, contacted the lead-
ers, arranged the locaton, and made it happen.
The following are some of the words I heard from our youth while I was
there in August:
We are so happy to be able to give back to this program that has giv-
en us so much.
We are never going to be able to help all these people. Cant we stay
another hour? With a heavy heart looking at the crowd at one of the
I cant believe I was so selfsh. Im so sorry that I ever acted so un-
A year ago they were fearful for their future, they now trust more that
God will provide.
A year ago, they were lazy and resistant to daily chores, now a strong
work ethic is developing.
A year ago, they were irresponsible, without a great deal of thought for
their future, now they are setng realistc goals and feeling the weight
and responsibility and confdence to provide for themselves.
A year ago, they had litle thought about leadership in the church. Now
they are able to teach others.
By far, the biggest catalyst for change I hear the youth talk about is
their housefather, Jonathan. His daily teaching of Gods word and
training them to teach the bible has transformed their hearts. The
ancient words of our God do have the power to change all of us. And
these words are changing the lives of our young people at Emmaus
Every donor wants to know that their sacrifce of giving is making a
diference. Its difcult at tmes to measure and report progress with
these young people. I could tell you that your donatons have paid for
thousands of meals, a safe place to live, medical care, and educaton.
And they have. But the real diference being made by your generosity
is something more difcult to measure. It is the piercing of the heart
from these Ancient Words that is changing them, and quite honestly,
changing me as well.
Tanya Pirtle - Secretary on the Board for Emmaus House. She can be reached at
Page 2
Meet Merly, the newest member of our Emmaus House family. Sis-
ter to Manno, one of our boys, Merly moved to the house on her
Merly is beginning her final year of school this September. Consist-
ently one of the top students in her class, Merly is very committed
to her studies. Her favorite subjects include Biology, Chemistry, and
Over the past few months we have been more than impressed
with Merly. A natural leader her cheerful attitude, strong work
ethic, willingness to learn new skills, and commitment to her future
has inspired everyone in the house. She often volunteers to lead
during devotionals, has quickly become an expert in the kitchen, and
has flourished with the Emmaus Works program.
Next year, Merly is applying to a university in southern Haiti to be-
come a rehab technician (physical therapist). The school will be
choosing one female student for the program and Merly is hoping to
be considered.
Shortly after learning about physical therapy, Merly had the opportunity to visit a home for children with vari-
ous physical and mental disabilities. As she walked around the room greeting the immobile kids in their cribs she
looked at me and said, I want to cry, but I cannot. If I want to be able to help kids like this one-day I
need to learn to be strong. I can help these kids. If I start when they are babies, maybe some of them could
learn to walk. Yes, I can help them. She spent the remainder of our visit stretching the childrens legs, feeding
them, and holding their hands.
Without a doubt, Merly has a bright future ahead of her. Nicholas D. Kristof & Sheryl WuDunn in their book
Half the Sky say that women are the solution in the developing world. Educating and empowering a woman can
lead to family, social, and economic changes from the ground up. Merly is one of these women. Her potential to
contribute to the development of Haiti and the local church is undeniable. Her spirit is contagious and it is exciting
to think of how many young, Haitian women she can inspire.
Once orphaned and left to be raised in an orphanage rather than a family, most in her culture would consider
Merlys potential to lack much promise. Despite her past, however, Merly has risen above the stereotypes of her
society. Her faith in God is her strength and her desire to help others is her motivation.
Please join us in praying for Merly. Please pray for blessings over her application, for her gift as a young leader
to continue to develop, and for God to use her and her talents to influence and help so many in Haiti.

If you are interested in full or partal sponsorship of one of our youth please contact Jillian at Page 3
Sponsorship is a valuable tool for our youth, however, as you might guess, Emmaus House also provides housing,
utilities, fuel, directors and mentors to provide guidance, etc. required to provide a safe, comfortable living environ-
ment. Currently we are also seeking ongoing support to meet those needs so we can keep the individual youth
sponsorship levels at a reasonable level. Please help us reach out to individual donors and/or take this cause to
your congregation so this important work can continue.
By Jillian Kittrell
Page 4 Thank you to Harris Research, Inc for printng this newsleter at cost!
Make a Donaton

Recurring payments
Now available!
-AMAZON WISHLIST: We keep an up-to-date Amazon Wishlist you can access through
our website that includes specific items we are in need of. Please look at the shipping in-
structions located on our website.
-CHOSEN MARATHON: Tanya Pirtle is organizing a team to run the half marathon in
Salt Lake City, UT to raise funds and awareness for Emmaus House on Sept 27, 2014..
Register today to run with Team Emmaus House Haiti.. E-mail
for details. or on Facebook > Chosen SLC Marathon
Emmaus House
Contact Info:

Go to our website for
shipping instructons.
*Behavioral Management Program set in place
to encourage work ethic, respect, and spiritual
Thank you to David Owen with All-America Classics for fundraising for Emmaus House in the Farmington,
NM area through silent auctons for sports memorabilia at local businesses like: Redbrick Pizza, St. Clair
Winery & Bistro, Applebee's, Texas Roadhouse, Outback Steakhouse, Holiday Inn Express, Quality Inn,
Courtyard by Marriot, Bufalo Wild Wings, K-Bob's Steak House, Comfort Inn, La Quinta Inn, and El Senor
Restaurant. We greatly appreciate your eforts!

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