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Essentials of Counselling
1. Explain the meaning of guidance. Distinguish between guidance and counselling.
2. Describe the goal of group counselling.
3. What are the principles of counselling?
4. What is the process of counselling? Differentiate between counselling and psychotherapy.
. Describe the role of a counsellor in Egan!s model of counselling.
". Describe the nature of effecti#e therapy and describe the #arious therapeutic techni$ues common in
%. What is ethical dilemma? Describe situations where ethical dilemma may arise in the course of
&. 'hoose two contrasting theoretical approaches to counselling and pro#ide an in(depth re#iew of each.
). *elect theories and approaches that you see as compatible with one another and useful in counselling
practice. +ro#ide an o#er#iew of the theories and approaches and e#aluate their appropriateness in
meeting the needs of indi#iduals with problems.
1,.-ou ha#e been as.ed to prepare a document about the counselling profession for a career day for
undergraduate social sciences ma/ors who are considering graduate school in counselling. +ro#ide a
description of counselling and its deli#ery. -ou should include the underlying history of counselling and
the general approaches to counselling that are currently in use. -our response should include a broad
o#er#iew of assessment approaches0 counselling theories and inter#entions.
11. *uppose you ha#e been counselling with a child in a single parent family where the child will soon be
lea#ing to spend the school holiday with the noncustodial parent. -ou belie#e the noncustodial parent
needs some information about the counselling0 since the child has been #ery anxious and fre$uently ha#e
nightmares. What action should you ta.e in order to inform the noncustodial parent? 1ssume the
custodial parent opposes informing the noncustodial parent((what are you options if you belie#e the
information is #ital? *uppose the child!s nightmares relate to the custodial parent!s dating partner2what
ethical guidelines are rele#ant in deciding whether to share this information with the noncustodial parent?
12.-our counselling wor. should be guided in part by an e#ol#ing theory or combination of theories. Describe
that theory and indicate how it would assist you in with the client group you anticipate
with((both in the indi#idual counselling setting and in the educational institutional setting where you will
function. 3nclude in your discussion what assumptions you ma.e about people0 how change occurs0 and
at least two techni$ues which are consistent with your theoretical orientation.
13.3dentify the .ey concepts of the #arious theories of psychotherapy and describe the #iews of each theory
on how people ac$uire psychological disturbances.
14.Describe the following techni$ues as used in counselling
a4 5herapist interpretation
b4 *ystematic desensiti6ation
c4 7ole plays
d4 *elf(instruction training
1.Write a short note on8
a4 9eha#iour modification
b4 +sychoanalytic therapy
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Ethical Dilemmas and the AA Ethical !inci"les of s#chologists and Code of Conduct
9y Dr. 5homas +hD0 19++0 19+;
;ote8 dilemmas <1 through <13 largely address school(based issues while those that follow more li.ely
address pri#ate practice issues. 5he number in brac.ets denotes the code rele#ant to the issue raised
1. -ou practise in a rural area. -ou begin to wor. with a child who displays signs of depression. -ou soon
learn the child is gay and experienced prolonged sexual and physical abuse by a now deceased father.
-ou ha#e little to no training in with those who are gay or ha#e been abused sexually. :ther
psychologists within your area also are inexperienced in these areas. What may you do? =2.,14
2. -ou learn that a niece of a colleague you are dating is depressed and has threatened suicide. -ou
pre#iously met and tal.ed with the girl at family social gatherings. *he you. -our colleague as.s you
to see her0 .nowing she will not see another >shrin.?. What are your ethical responsibilities? =3.,@ 1,."4
3. a4. -ou meet with a new adolescent. -ou belie#e informed consent may need to be discussed at some
time. When is informed consent needed? When should it be discussed? What do you need to do to
ensure the consent is understood? Aow can you pro#e it occurred? =3.1,4
b.4 1fter meeting with the new adolescent student0 you also belie#e issues pertaining to confidentiality
may need to be discussed at some point. When should confidentiality be discussed and what issues
should be discussed? =4.,24
c4. 5he parents of the adolescent later lodge an ethical complaint against you. 3n preparing your defence0
you feel the need to discuss information the student re#ealed to you in confidence but are ad#ised that
re#ealing confidential information may result in another ethics complaint or e#en a ci#il suit. What should
you do? =4., =b4 34
4. 1 mother0 angry toward you as a result of your report0 calls to re$uest you release all test materials0
including therapy notes0 ac$uired during an appraisal =e.g.0 cogniti#e abilities0 temperament0 personality0
psychopathology0 adapti#e beha#iour4 and subse$uent counselling sessions of her 14 year old son
together with all test materials0 including manuals and interpretati#e guides you used.
*ome of your $uestions may be as follows8
a. Do you need to pro#ide this information?
b. Do you need a written re$uest to release this information?
c. Do you need to pro#ide your notes?
d. Do you need to send the original protocols or is a photocopy sufficient?
e. -ou belie#e the data will be damaging to the child. Bust you send them anyway?
f. Do you need to send the manuals and interpretati#e guides?
g. 3f you send the actual protocols0 are you #iolating copyright protection? =*ee section ) of the

. *cenario8 -ou are the only counsellor in a rural district. -ou recei#e a referral to test a child who
is suspected of autism. 5his is your first experience with children with autism and you ha#e not
recei#ed training to wor. with them. What ethical issues must be addressed for you to engage in this
wor.? =2.,1a0 b0 c0 and d4
". *cenario8 -ou are re$uired to go to a nearby school to pro#ide ser#ices to students following an accident
that occurred at this school. 1lthough you recogni6e this is an emergency that re$uires the attention of
psychologists0 you also .now you ha#e little experience or .nowledge regarding the pro#ision of these
ser#ices0 especially to these students. What ethical issues must be addressed in this scenario? =2.,1=a4
and =b40 2.,24
%. *cenario8 1 child who recently arri#ed from 7ussia and is li#ing with his aunt is referred to you for
counselling. 5he child spea.s only 7ussian. -ou do not .now 7ussian and thus must rely on others for
language translation assistance. 5he child!s aunt is fluent in English and 7ussian. 5hus0 you would li.e to
use her as an interpreter. What ethical issues must be addressed in this scenario? =2.,4
&. *cenario8 -ou ha#e a history of depression. :n(going marital difficulties seem to exacerbate your
depression. -ou belie#e you are coping well. Aowe#er0 you best friend expressed concern about your
depressed mood. What ethical issues should be addressed in this scenario? =2.,"4
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). *cenario8 -our brother and his wife ha#e a child who is not doing well in reading. 5hey as. you to test
him. What ethical issues need to be considered? =3.,4?
1,.*cenario8 -ou recei#e a referral in your pri#ate practice to pro#ide ser#ices to a child from a single father
who wor.s as an exterior and interior painter. Ae informs you that he does not ha#e discretionary money
to pay you and that he will paint your home to pay off his bill. -ou need your home painted. What ethical
issues should be considered in this scenario? =".,4
11. *cenario8 When attending a party0 you see a former adult client to whom you terminated ser#ices three
years ago at a party0 begin dating0 and then establish a sexual relationship. What ethical issues should be
considered in this scenario? =1,.&4 *ee *ome 1dditional 5houghts 7egarding *exual 'onduct of
12.*cenario8 -ou recei#e information that one of your colleagues may be engaged in a sexual relationship
with the father of a child with whom she is 3f true0 this may #iolate the 1+1 code =i.e.0 1,.,"4.
What ethical issues should be considered in this scenario? =1.,40 1.,4
13.13 *cenario8 1n adolescent as.s to see you for counselling =i.e.0 therapy40 complaining of being harassed
and bullied. What are some of the first ethical issues you need to consider? =4.,10 4.,20 1,.,14
14.-ou learn you ha#e a chronic illness that will pre#ent you from continuing your clinical practice and must
close it within wee.s. What issues must you consider? =".,2 =c44
1.1 client with little personal financial resources see.s your ser#ices. Ae has done yard wor. for a li#ing.
-ou li#e on a large wooded lot that re$uires considerable yard wor.. Cnder what conditions0 if any0 can
you barter with this client? =".,4
1".1 faculty member with a history of engaging in sexual relationships with students throughout the
uni#ersity is charged with an ethical #iolation. Ae responds to this charge by indicating the students are
not in his department and he has no e#aluati#e authority o#er them. Aow may the ethics board rule and
why? =%.,%4
1%.5he therapist!s practice typically follows the following regime during the first four sessions8 inter#iew and
rapport building0 assessment of rele#ant characteristics0 discussion and interpretation of test results0 and
the nature and anticipated course of therapy and fees. What changes0 if any0 may be needed in the
regime? =1,.,14
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