Michael Jeffreys

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If you are suffering right now because you feel that there is something that you

want that you don't have, notice that this comes from lack. Instead, what if you
turned it around? What if you asked, "What gifts do I have, right now, that can be
of service to others?" In other words, you go from a desire to get, to a desire to
give. Giving opens the heart, wanting closes it. So when you give, ALL benefit!
Michael Jeffreys

The most precious thing in life is the present moment, the timeless now; for this
timeless now is all there is in life. For anything to be precious in life, it has to exist
in life, and the only thing that exists in life is this timeless moment the now.
Dr. Vijai Shankar

With a closed mind and heart, the light cannot enter.
Shelby Taylor Weaver

Open hearts always recognize each other. Open hearts do not judge the universe.
When you dive into an open heart, you fall into infinity.
Suchi Kumar

Surrender. Let silence have you. And if you find you are still swimming on the
surface of the ocean, let go and sink into the depths of love.
Kar Kirpa Sahib

Being a seeker gives the mind something to do. Realizing there is nothing to seek
and no one to seek it leaves the mind barking at the moon.
Michael Jeffreys

You are not any one single experience, but are the Source for ALL experiences.
Michael Jeffreys

We react to another's actions like they had any choice in the matter. Did YOU have
any choice in the matter?
Michael Jeffreys

Without a need to constantly remain attached to ideas and beliefs, the clarity of
your formless form recognizes the truth of itself -- with nothing to confirm or ever
Matt Kahn

Living is not the story of your life. Living is the process of experiencing right now.
Werner Erhart

Thoughts are not the problem its the thing that goes out and grabs them and
makes them yours thats the problem.
Jac Okeeffe

There is nothing wrong with concepts as long as they are seen for what they are:
the menu; but never the meal. It's when we mistake concepts for reality that we
open the door to suffering.
Michael Jeffreys

It's all God... there is ONLY God. Show me something that is NOT God!?
Jac Okeeffe

Seeing this never to be repeated again moment thru fresh and innocent eyes.
Seeing, feeling, sensing the magic of THIS moment. When you realize that nothing
HAS to be here, you begin to have genuine love for what IS here, expressing itself
exactly as it is. This is the "Awe and Wonder" that Jeff Foster is always pointing at.
And it's right here, right now. Do you see it?
Michael Jeffreys

Surrender is the call from within to fully, absolutely, recognize yourself as freedom
itself. The challenges are huge... they must be, otherwise we would trivialize this
experience. Just as we have trivialized so many experiences of love. The surrender
must be total. Anything less is a form of self-torture in the name of safety. Living
fully as one, as all, is its own safety. The safety is knowing that when this particular
life form is finished, what it has served remains. All you need is to trust the peace
that has been revealed and to be willing to discover it freshly. At the core of each
form of limitation, the boundless, limitless perfection of lasting peace and freedom
is revealed.

Starting in this moment, right here and right now, watch unattachedly as your
mind attempts to take you elsewhere via a thought. It's both an astounding
revelation and yet so obvious you wonder how you could have ever not noticed
Michael Jeffreys

The addiction to drugs, food, alcohol, etc. is nothing compared to the addiction we
humans have to thinking. Sitting quietly in silence is so foreign to most of us that
the mind quickly starts thinking of its "problems" simply because it feels more
"natural." We say we want peace, but because of our conditioning many of us
actually feel more comfortable worrying. Worrying about what? Anything, the
mind is not picky.
Michael Jeffreys

Notice that Awareness actually in fact is the greatest thing we could ever know,
because without it we wouldnt be able to know anything. Notice that it actually in
fact is greater than any other experience we could possibly have because without
it we wouldnt be able to be aware of any experience.
Ben Gilberti

Why is silence the greatest teacher? Because real truth never speaks. What would
be the point? Truth simply is and so does not need to be reminded of this. On the
other hand, illusion cannot be convinced for it doesn't actually exist except as a
thought, belief or concept. Notice to argue with this you have to make sounds...
that should be a clue.
Michael Jeffreys

When you are willing to stop looking for something in thought, you find everything
in silence.

No one awakens... Life sees it was never bound.
Michael Jeffreys

Recognize, you ARE Home. Not, you are at home you ARE Home. Not, you have
come home you ARE Home. You are that which IS Home.

Where did we get the impression that THIS shouldnt be happening?
Michael Jeffreys

If Life has no interest in the past, why should you?
Michael Jeffreys

Silence is telling you everything you need to be happy... but you keep interrupting.
Michael Jeffreys

All this mental running around trying to fix this or that, to become enlightened, to
know the truth, to be realized is for WHO exactly? Other than a thought, what else
do you see in the world that would even care about such a thing?
Michael Jeffreys

The truth you believe and cling to makes you unavailable to hear anything new.
Pema Chodron

Take 5 seconds just to be quiet. Everything that disappeared in those 5 seconds for
you, thats whats not real. So when you are not thinking, everything that
disappears thats whats not real. For most people, thats about 99% of their
whole experience of life their whole world.

If it doesn't exist when you are sitting in silence, then it doesn't actually exist.

If everything is energy, how could energy be "wrong"?
Michael Jeffreys
It was at this point in my life that I began to realize my mind was nothing but a
projection machine. More often than not, what I was thinking had no basis in
Kenny Johnson

I couldnt imagine how others could seemingly spend their entire lives without
wondering why they were or what this universe was that they supposedly found
themselves in. How did this happen, how did I happen, and why was I aware?
What was awareness?
J.C. Amberchele

Ego consciousness appears as a necessary step on the road to egoless awakening,
for how could ultimate absence be seen here if there were no presence imagined
there? And after all, ego consciousness is not a mistake, for who is there separate
to dream it up? Who other than What You Arethe Totalitydreams anything up
J.C. Amberchele

Since everything is already the supreme Buddha nature, where are you going to
find it?

Truth, as such, is inwardly discerned, self-evident and in no need of outer defense.
In fact, the only thing that ever truly needs defending are partial conceptual
positions held relative to the truth, and those who unwittingly identify with them.
Richard Hay

Silence is our true teacher because it speaks the language of our soul.
Michael Jeffreys

Have you ever noticed that only a thought can be unhappy with a thought?
Bentinho Massaro

The minute I think I can speak for someone else as if I know what it is like to be
him\her is the minute I cut myself off from the vibrancy of my own ignorance, and
the wonder of the mystery that is another human being.
Benjamin Smythe

When you teach a child that a bird is named bird, the child will never see the bird

You don't have to think in order to be okay. We're not doing the thinking; we're
being thought. There's nothing to know, so you don't have to pretend that you
know anything.
Byron Katie

What you are doesn't age.
Michael Jeffreys

You are even perceiving the perceiver.

Dont hold on to any self-image, because self-image is from the past.

I once was a person standing in space, and now Im the space where a person
Matt Kahn

Give up the search for something to happen and fall in love, fall intimately in love
with the gift of presence in 'what is.'
Tony Parsons

You are already perfect. You don't have to listen to anything that doubts that.
Inadequacy is just a thought."
Bentinho Massaro

There is no 'you'... there is only Life disguised as everything.
Michael Jeffreys

True Freedom is the loss of everything.
Jeff Foster

Since everything is constantly changing, which of these 'changes' do you want to
call 'the truth'?
Michael Jeffreys

The moment your attention is on the timeless 'now', you realize silence and sound;
the moment your attention is on purpose, reasoning and meanings, you believe
the mind.
Dr. Vijai Shankar

Truth doesn't need to be sought because it isn't lost. Truth is everywhere at all
times; never absent, never distant.
Jed McKenna

And what could man control when he is unable to control his own birth, the
starting point of his life? And what could man control when he is unable to control
his own death, the ending point of his life? When man is unable to control the
beginning point and the ending point, how could he control the in-between,
illusory story?
Dr. Vijai Shankar

Nothing that can be known has existence in itself. It depends on a knower. The
knower is consciousness.
Jean Klein

It is not possible for life to meet the mind and the mind to meet life, for life is a
timeless and thoughtless state, whereas the mind is time-orientated and thought -
Dr. Vijai Shankar

Unhappiness may have umpteen reasons, Real Happiness has none!
Nitin Ram

A meditative mind is at ease because it's not trying to acquire anything.

Now' is just what is happening--minus everything you think.

I can only project what I think is happening. When I stop projecting, all that is left
is Wow!
Benjamin Smythe

This moment. Without any story. The storyless now. What is your direct
experience of this moment when you drop ALL stories? Life without the
commentator in the head. Pure Being resting in complete (complete meaning
whole, lacking nothing) silence.
Michael Jeffreys

The primary concept is the I am, out of it are created all other concepts.
Nisargadatta Maharaj
What your ego considers mine, becomes your false identity in the dream. Your
ego obscures and hides your true identity, and pretends to be you.
Sampo Kaasila

Spiritual awakening is about waking up from your ego. It is not about awakening
the ego.
Sampo Kaasila

You can only operate from self-interest as long as you think you have a self. When
you realize that you are not really a self, then operating from self-interest just
simply doesnt make any sense anymore.

The one who observes change, can he change? Only the changeless can see the
Nisargadatta Maharaj

When you worry you are saying to god/the universe/life, "I don't trust you."
Michael Jeffreys

Feelings are a rotten indicator of what's true.

Don't let the past steal your present.
Cherralea Morgen

A thought is an opinion about another thought.
Michael Jeffreys

Enquiry doesn't lead one to the truth. Enquiry leads to dissolving of the one who is
seeking the truth
Tarun Sardana

One is pure awareness and the mind owes its existence to this awareness. When a
seeker sees the mind and thoughts arising from the mind separate from himself,
he knows that he has nothing to do with the mind. The mind does not bother him
any more. He does not spend his time and effort in silencing the mind. He just
remains as pure awareness, watching it all happen in this awareness.
Tarun Sardana

Isnt it wonderful to find that we were never born and will never die?
Tarun Sardana

Furthermore, the more you have the more you want, and you are stuck in a state
of "wanting-ness," and there is no lasting satisfaction in this circular cycle. Being in
a state of "wanting-ness" creates suffering. Bear in mind, having cravings or a
desire for anything that belongs in the physical world is not a source of happiness;
instead these cravings are a source of unhappiness. It is not the lack of something
that is behind your unhappiness; instead your craving is the root cause behind your
Sampo Kaasila

Non-acceptance of change causes suffering.
Sampo Kaasila

Interpretations strain the mind because it tries to fit the dead past into the live
Dr. Vijai Shankar

The root of ALL suffering is desire.

The peace you are looking for is not outside you... it's what is looking out your
Michael Jeffreys

When the mind is not perceived, it doesnt exist.
Francis Lucille

A thought can NEVER become enlightened. The only difference will be trading one
thought that says, " I am not enlightened" for another thought that says, "I am
enlightened." When enlightenment has actually occurred, there will be no thought
present to claim it. Oh, the irony!
Michael Jeffreys

While I don't normally make predictions, I predict that one day the idea that you
are NOT your BODY will be so obvious and commonplace, that people will look
back and think, "You mean there was a time when people actually thought they
were their bodies!?" with the same tone of incredulousness that we currently use
when we say, "You mean there was a time when people actually thought the
world was flat!?
Michael Jeffreys

I've noticed that when something "bad" happens to someone we like, we call it
"unfortunate." But when it happens to someone we don't like, we call it "karma."
Michael Jeffreys

The dream is so convincing that it's not until after you wake up that you realize just
how asleep you were.
Michael Jeffreys

Who looks outside, dreams; who looks inside, awakes.
Carl Jung

Your body = your space suit. That's why being racist makes no sense, as you are
believing the color of someone's space suit is somehow inferior to the color of
Michael Jeffreys

Neither the voice in your head nor the one hearing it is YOU.
Michael Jeffreys

Appearances/Manifestations come and go. You/Awareness have NEVER moved.
Michael Jeffreys

Be more interested in your inner-state in any given situation than what is
happening in the outer situation. What is my inner-state at THIS moment is always
primary. Dealing with external situations, the outcome of this situation or that
situation or this person agrees with me or does not agree with me all these are
secondary things.
Eckhart Tolle

Be totally vulnerable and Realize that you cannot be harmed.
Bentinho Massaro

Everything is God. It's ALL God. There is nothing but God! Yet, the moment you go
looking for God, you cannot find. Why? Because the very search itself begins with a
false premise: That God isn't where I am. How is that possible if ALL is God?
Michael Jeffreys

No thought can encapsulate the vastness of the totality. Reality is a unified whole,
but thought cuts it up into fragments. Every thought implies a perspective, and
every perspective, by its very nature, implies limitation, which ultimately means
that it is not true, at least not absolutely. Only the whole is true, but the whole
cannot be spoken or thought.
Eckhart Tolle

When you know yourself to be an "I", Awareness appears illusory. When you know
yourself as Awareness, the "I" appears illusory.
Michael Jeffreys
It's okay to ask for what you want. The answer will either be 'yes' or 'no'. If anyone
gives you shit for asking, know that this response is caused by the fear of giving,
which means the desire to give exists in the person you asked. This is a beautiful
thing to uncover, this frustrated generosity. Compassion can meet it with open
Benjamin Smythe

Due to the mind's dualistic world, as soon as I label something "good," I have
simultaneously created the label "bad" for future use.
Michael Jeffreys

Thoughts are like sunglasses; they dont alter your view until you put them on.
Michael Jeffreys

What is THIS moment like when I experience it without a story? Without checking
with mind about what anything means or doesn't mean? Without going into past
or future? Without trying to understand or get anything? What is the storyless
NOW like? Only one way to find out...
Michael Jeffreys

If we could see the miracle of a single flower clearly, our whole life would change.

There is no greater than love with no object. For then you yourself, have become
love, itself.
Jelaluddin Rumi

How do you know "being fully awakened" does not look exactly like THIS moment?
Michael Jeffreys

It's the trying to get rid of a thought or change it that reinforces the belief in it.
Michael Jeffreys

Do you see that EVERYTHING in the Universe is simply doing its dance, i.e.,
expressing itself the ONLY way it can... and this is happening in every moment.
Seeing this clearly brings instant relaxation and peace. Why? Because if
EVERYTHING is doing the only dance it can, what is there to worry about?
Michael Jeffreys

True happiness is caused by nothing. True happiness is causeless. Has it ever
occurred to you that if something causes your happiness, you will become
possessive of that thing. You will become anxious, lest you lose it. If you ask the
mystic why he or she is happy, the answer will be, why not?
Anthony De Mello

Nothing has ever upset you. No one has ever hurt you.
Anthony De Mello

Understand your darkness and it will vanish; then you will know what light is.
Understand your nightmare for what it is and it will stop; then you will wake up to
reality. Understand your false beliefs and they will drop; then you will know the
taste of happiness.
Anthony De Mello

Most cultures understand happiness to mean, You get what you want so you are
happy! But thats not happiness. Thats a thrill thats getting what you want. But
Thrills, fun and pleasure are NOT happiness. What are they? Theyre thrills, theyre
fun, theyre pleasure they are not happiness. Happiness is a state of non-
Anthony De Mello

The only tragedy there is in the world is ignorance. And all evil comes from there.
The only tragedy there is in the world is unwakefulness and unawareness. And
from there comes fear and from fear comes everything else.
Anthony De Mello

All conflict comes from attachment.
Anthony De Mello

You can't 'figure your way out' of the conceptual prison that your mind has
created. The mind cannot 'see' outside the mind. Freedom can come only when
you leave the entire conceptual framework behind.
Ed Muzika

I am fundamentally unknowable to myself.
Benjamin Smythe

When mind and heart come together, mind serves Consciousness instead of
serving itself.
David Icke

The words shared don't matter as much as the vibration they come from.
Elina St-Onge

What you usually call your happiness is actually your chain: Your job, your home,
your possessions...
Anthony De Mello

You are the Love the dream appears in.
Michael Jeffreys

Where else would God's Love Be than right here, now?
Michael Jeffreys

To seek security outside to fill the void of insecurity inside is like trying to cure a
wound by putting dirt on it. It only redoubles our insecurity because everything
that is outside is already insecure!
Satinder Dhiman

Your true meaning cannot be grasped or captured by words. You can never be
equated with any words, because you are prior to words.
Nisargadatta Maharaj

If you can forget it or remember it, it is not you therefore discard it. If you can
experience it, it is not you therefore discard it. If you can know it, it is not you
therefore discard it. If you can be it, it is not you therefore discard it.
Nisargadatta Maharaj

What do you understand by the word dream? Is not the dream something like a
drama, a play?...To one who really understands what has been said here, a dream
is no different from what is seen in the waking state: both are plays of
consciousness... We call one thing the waking state, another thing the dream, but
in essence both are events happening in the consciousness and essentially they are
not different.
Nisargadatta Maharaj

When we think, "I just want peace of mind above all else," we overlook the fact
that the very first word in the sentence is an 'I' that is trying to get something for
itself. It's desire is noble, but it's still a desire for the mind made self-image. True
peace can only exist in the 'I's absence. The peace's loving stillness has been
obscured by the 'I's very presence!
Michael Jeffreys

The imagined sense of being a separate I is the source of all problems. Because
the I as a thought is really very intangible, all types of other ideas get wrapped
around it, in order to give it some semblance of solidity. All the self-definitions,
identities and apparent conditioning hinge on the unexamined sense of I.
John Wheeler

Be still. it takes no effort to be still; it is utterly simple. When your mind is still, you
have no name, you have no past, you have no relationships, you have no country,
you have no spiritual attainment, you have no lack of spiritual attainment. There is
just the presence of beingness with itself.

'I' is a word, it does not think, feel, do anything. Just a word preceding other
words. Investigate this until it's clear.
Ilona Markedeternal
Evil is the absence of Love.
Gina Lake

The idea that anything is meant to be taken personally is just that, an idea.
Michael Jeffreys

Are you still thinking, looking, living, as from an imaginary phenomenal centre? As
long as you do that you can never recognise your freedom.
Wei Wu Wei

A sense of "I" gets created whether you take credit for a good thing or a bad thing.
Forget the "I" and forget the credit or blame... just BE the raw naked experience
and see what happens.
Michael Jeffreys

Everything is passing enjoy its momentariness.

Wanting something to make you happy is a sure way to be miserable.

Since this moment has never occurred before and will never occur again, how
useful is a thought that was created in a moment that will never be repeated?
Michael Jeffreys

Everything is simply happening. Life is simply unfolding. This includes your
thoughts. You do not create your thoughts; they simply happen. When you were 1
min. old did you create your thoughts? Of course not. Then at what point along the
line were you shown how to make thoughts appear?
Michael Jeffreys

Every second you spend looking for something outside yourself is another second
you spend away from your true self.
Michael Jeffreys

The wound is the place where the Light enters you.
Jelaluddin Rumi

You have absolutely NOTHING to give up, nothing to surrender, nothing to let go
of. You are already the totally free liberated God Self.
Robert Adams

One of the most commonly overlooked spiritual practices is daring to be
completely honest with everyone you encounter. Some may say others cannot
handle their honesty, but true honesty is not a strategy or a weapon of any kind. It
is the willingness to be open and absolutely transparent in sharing how any
moment feels in your heart. It has nothing to do with confrontation, accusation, or
any form of blame. True honesty is the willingness to stand completely exposed,
allowing the world to do what it may, and say what it will, only so you may know
who you are beyond all ideas.
Matt Kahn

There is only, ever, ONE speaker and ONE listener and they are not two.
Michael Jeffreys

If it moves, it's not You. What moves? The body, thoughts, sensations, feelings,
imagination, people, all forms, everything! Remain still in/as what you already are
and have never not been. It's when there is movement away from our Self that is
prior to all movement that we get into trouble. We get swept up in thought and
get lost because we are believing in something that is not stable, temporary. Relax
into the changelessness of your true nature, which has never, ever, not even once!,
moved since you took your first breath.
Michael Jeffreys

One way to see this is if it hits you deeply that "THIS" (all that is) does not HAVE to
be, to exist! What does not have to be or exist? This very moment!!! This ONE right
here right now!! Taste it! Breath it! We somehow miss the very miracle of our
existence and go straight to "how can I improve my current position?" Well, please
back up one step and first realize, feel, that just the fact that you are here is a
living-breathing-farting miracle!!! :) Nothing need be here, and yet it so lovingly is.
This is all done from Love, by Love, for Love.
Michael Jeffreys

Do you hold your beliefs lightly or tightly? When I hold them tightly, I arrogantly
believe everyone should believe as i do. When I hold them lightly, I appreciate
other's perspectives/points
Michael Jeffreys

Everything you "know" is a concept. The idea that you live on "Earth" is a concept.
Does a blade of grass "know" this? Or your cat or dog? Do birds "know" they are
flying thru the sky? Do they even "know" they are birds? Does water "know" it's
water? And even what something "IS" is a concept. Is that a fallen tree branch on
the ground or a log? Is that water running across the ground or a stream?
Concepts, upon concepts, upon concepts. What sees ALL concepts, but remains
Michael Jeffreys

Judging vs Living. If I am judging this moment, I am not living it. If I am living it, I
am not judging it. Judging is head centered, living is heart centered. Judging springs
from doubt and insecurity. Living springs from love and contentment. And each
moment I choose again, as my choice a moment ago is no longer relevant.
Michael Jeffreys

When the heart is open, the present moment is more than enough. When the
heart is closed, it's never enough.
Michael Jeffreys

Wanting... Is something "having" cannot cure.
Joe Fortenberry

Happiness is not a future event.
Joe Fortenberry

The ego is merely a reference point for me. If I dont have the ego I will fall apart, I
wont know who I am. The ego is simply holding me together as a reference point
for communication with each other, a tool thats all.
Dr. Vijai Shankar

Enlightenment is the direct, abiding realization that YOU dont exist. Anything else,
aint it.

There is no "I" in ONE.
Michael Jeffreys

Your duty is to BE and not be this or that.
Ramana Maharshi

The Secret to Peace of mind is to not identify with anything other than your True
Robert Adams

No one has the impression that a plant is in charge of its growing; it's a movement
of nature. Why would you think it's different for us?
Darryl Bailey

Man is yet to understand that an experiencer and an experience are both illusory.
Understand that since everything in life is energy, energy cannot experience itself!
You are all divine as you are. You do not need to have an experience to become
divine. Understand only that the false needs an experience to feel divine. Why
would the real need an experience to feel divine?
Dr. Vijai Shankar

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