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Executive Summary
There is currently no milkshake industry in the
Philippines. Milkshake is usually found as a part
of the menu in ice cream
parlors, coffee shops,
places and restaurants So far, there is
no one brand that is recognized as a
specialisl", rather several establishments are
known to offer them. Hence, these establishments
cannot concentrate on rmproving the quality and
taste of their milkshakes because they are merely
sub-products to their entire line of beverages or
foods. Hence, cust0mers' needs are unfulfilled
With this in mind, this untapped opportunity
gives the brand, Purple Cow, a prospective niche
to overhaul the Philippine milkshake industry'
Catering to Filipinos aged 13-29 from the A, B
and C+ socio-eccnomic
classes, who are primarily
students and young workers with a fun-loving
attitude and a desir'e for indulgence, comfort and
treating oneself, Purple Cow rs proud to introduce
The BEAL milkshake
- the authentic, most natural
great-tasting milkshake that people are lookrng for
with no ice, sugar,
powder or artificial additives As
c0nsumers today are becoming more sophisticated
in taste, craving for variety in therr food and drink,
and lookinq for convenience in their lives, Purple
Cow responds to their needs with a full take-away
milkshake stall offerinq a wide variety of flavors-
ranging from the classic chocolate, strawberry and
vanilla to the exotic cheese and cookies and cream'
lnnovative limited-edition flavors are produced and
sold during certain seasons of the year, such as
Christmas and Valentine's Day Using only premium
ingredrents such as high-grade ice cream with high
butterfat content,
pasteurized ful l-cream carabao's
milk and high-grade whipping cream, Purple Cow
creates a milkshake with a distinctly unique taste
sold at affordable
prices. Purple Cow serves an
authentic milkshake experience-that old natural
milkshake that everybody loves served in the way
that it should be Purple Cow aspires to establish
a distinctly endearing brand name for itself and
to be known for a differentiated
product highly
valued by consumers. Purple Cow aspires to set a
quality for milkshakes being offered
in the market When one says
should think
Cow" instead of the varied
answers found today Purple Cow wishes to fill in
the gap than when people crave for a milkshake,
Ateneo Student Business Review
i'diAfi{.fi :llri'rrl
Purpte Cow seeks
to provide
every customer with
unique, g reat-tasting
suited to the Fitipino taste, bringing
the fun and comfort of drinking to
everyone on the go. This is Purpte
Cow... the real mitkshake,
they can't go wrong with the product, with Purple
Cow With these plans, this company plans to
bring about the start of the Philippine milkshake
industry. ln the ong-run, Purple Cow aspires to at
least double the revenues of the preceding years
and sustain, if not be able to increase, its market
share presence. Purple Cow aims to set up in school
fairs and bazaars for the beginning short-term time
frame with the objective of launching its own stalls
inside malls, cinema areas, schools and offices in
the future Through these plans, Purple Cow seeks
to provide every customer with unique, great-tasting
beverages suited to the Filipino taste, bringing the
fun and comfort of drinking to everyone on the go.
This is Purple Cow.. the real milkshake.
ll. Product Concept
A. What is a Mitkshake?
Milkshake is a sweet and cold beverage that
is made from milk, ice cream or iced milk and
sweet flavorings such as fruit syrup 0r chocolate
syrup. lt is usually served in a tall glass with a
straw and whipped cTeam as a topping. Popular
milkshake flavors include vanilla, chocolate and
strawberry. ln 1885, the term milkshake was first
used in print. lt was an alcoholic whiskey drink
that has been described as a sturdy, healthfui
eggn0g type of drink with eggs and whiskey served
as a tonic as well as a treat By 1 900, the term
milkshake referred to
drinks" made
with chocolate, strawberry, or vanilla syrups and
this was the kind of milkshake people were asking,
often with ice cream The history of the electric
blender malted milk drinks and milkshakes are all
interconnected Before the widespread availabili.,
of electric blenders, milkshake-type drinks were
more like eggn0g, or they were hand-shaken
mixtures of crushed ice, milk, sugar and flavorings
Milkshake is usually found as a part of the menu rr
ice cream parlors, coffee shops, fast-food places
and restaurants. Currently, the Philippines has no
milkshake industry.
A. Externat Analysis
1. Mitkshake lndustry
There is no current milkshake industry in the
Philippines since this product is to be found as par:
of a menu item in ice cream parlors, coffee shops,
and family type restaurants So far, there is no one
brand that is recognized as a milkshake-expert,
rather several establishments are
known to
offer them. Purple Cow taps into thrs opportunity
of a prospective niche to overhaul the Philippine
milkshake industry. For the purpose to be aware
of the current related market of the product, the
information to be used will be gathered from
similar and substitute products, common trends anc
consumer preferences.
2, Coffee, Frappes, Fruit Shakes, and
There is a growing market for consumption of
coffee, frappes, fruit shakes, and even milkshakes
In 2005, retail sales of coffee increased by 6% in
volume and more than 13% in value over 2004.
However, product offerings of non-coffee based
such as frappes and fruit shakes are not far
behind.2 Frappes are actually milkshakes, which are
blended with coffee and creme. Most coffee shops
serve milk-based products to date - such as Seattle's
Java Kulas and Starbucks Frappuccinos. These
show that there is indeed a market for mrlkshakes
that could be utilized further. 0bserving other non-
coffee shops, there are some stalls also offering
milkshakes, such as NYFD Premiere (a
snack bar), D0
ice cream parlor), and family type restaurants.
Fruit shakes, a likely indirect competitor, also have
been a popular on-the-go drink being purchased
in malls, schools and bazaars. These products are
clinging on to the take away trends. ln addition, the
fruit juice
business has an average growth of roughly
1 5% in the past three years
Ateneo student tur'1";;;#u':*
3. Take away trend
Market research shows that 100% home
has been stronger in the
since 2005. This was mainly due to the
significant improvement in outlets' growth, as well
as higher transaction volume growth. The outlets
catered to the busy working population,
and the increasing number of working Filipinos in
urban areas with more hectic lifestyles worked in
favour of 100% HDTA.4 With the busy lifestyles of
Filipinos in mind, it poses a great 0pportunity f0r the
product to thrive in the city. The expansion of caf6s,
bars, and coffee shop outlets is a common site.
This was coupled with the increasing patronage
of caf6s/bars as a form of winding down from
increasingly stressful lifestyles, especially in the
cities.s There also has been a proliferation of
malls in which these areas allow for consumers to
go malling where eating on the go has relatively
been more necessary, than mere convenience.6 ln
addition, stalls and kiosks has been recognized as a
growing sector where malling for consumers makes
these stalls more sought after. They are easily
accessible and are impulse buying establishments.
Most kiosks also cling to the trend of foodstuffs
being offered as movie partners and located in food
court belt.i These facts become opportunities for
us since milkshakes are a great movie partner and
can definitely benefit with the take away trend in
the city.
4. Variety and Convenience-Seeking
Behavior of Consumers
It has been noted in the Consumer Foodservice
market research of Euromonitor lnternational
that tastes of the Filipino are becoming n
sophisticated and adventurous because of
globalization. Consumers are looking into different
kinds of foods beyond the usual Hence, the group
can caprtalize on this variety-seeking behavior
by offering more than the usual milkshake
flavors. Today, consumers are adhering to global
preferences. Milkshakes-a perceived American
creation-willbank on this opportunity, and the
group's concern that consumers cannot identify with
the product would not be taxing. 0uoting f rom the
Tastes of the Fitipino are becoming
more sophisticated and adventurous
because of
Ateneo Student Business Review
F,4,*,R.fl i'i ll'r it. irl
s0urce, as the c0untry took part in the emergence of globa '-,
new and international flavors entered, and gave a new tv, :-
to the customary tastes.B ln addition t0 the trend of increas
visibility and accessibility of take-away beverages, busy 1::' .
the city are turning to convenience when purchasing their ':
and drinks.
I I l. Competition Analysis
A. Direct Competitors
Purple Cow classifies as its direct competitors those
establishments that consider milkshakes as one of their ma'-
product lines. While these establishments do not solely offe
milkshakes to the general public, their milkshakes are one o= .-
main products they offer. The company f urther limits its dire:.
competitors t0 those who offer these products for take-out ra.'
than dine in. Having satisfied these criteria, Purple Cow has --
determined six players in the industry as its dtrect competitor.
These are Haagen Dazs, Dairy 0ueen, McDonald's, Seattle's B:
Cold Rock and Better Than lce Cream. The table below shovi's .
different prices along with their corresponding sizes, and var
of milkshake flavors for these direct competitors.
It can be said that Haagen Dazs is the most expensive sha,r=
since it uses premium ingredients
(their own brand of ice cream
and other imported ingredients. lt is also offers the most diverse
range of choices and flavors for the customer While, Dairy 0uee:
and Seattle's Best offer some variability for their milkshakes
McDonald's rounds up the direct competitors with its inexpensir,e
milkshakes. As Haagen Dazs and McDonald's show opposrte
ends of the spectrum, the company p ans to price its milkshakes
at an affordable price range without sacrificing the quality of the
ingredients. As most of the company's direct competitors cater to
the A, B, and C+ markets, the same market the company plans to
ta rget.
Aft Ateneo Student Business Beview
Praiffi 5h*ke6; 12 er
- F59 !6 or= P69
fir( CouFElcN oa StFsgtb r&l wrahsss
odrs DQ prtrtucrs l,e.g.' (A. 3. Ws C) - Popdadty of DQ Ic C'rctrs
sesftle's B*t
Sdti Trs IcE freffi
(4, B, C+}
- $t*!et ilrche djily (a+r hcis*-
h:oleffi psple md h6tih
I indirect Competitors
establishments do not necessarlly sell milkshakes in
'-. -rroduct
line. Those that sell milkshakes, however, do not
ler them as one of their main products. Bestaurants and
stalls, are considered as indirect competitors as they
with Purple Cow in the share of stomach'of consumers,
as the target market consumes m0re and more of the
r JCts 0f these companies, they have less room to consume our
Coffee Frappe Establishments Coffee Frappe
Jcmpanies include Starbucks, Figaro, and Coffee
lean & Tea Leaf.
They are considered as competitor because they compete
, .h other establishments rn the consumer's share of stomach
,-1 they are also a substitute product for milkshake. However,
are not direct competitors because they do not make or sell
- kshakes They only specialize in coffee-based and powder-
::sed shakes/frappes blended with cream.
2. Mitkshakes Served in Restaurants and Pastry
Pancake House, Shakey's, Conti's, and Mom & Tina's are
ndirect competitors of the business They are considered
competitors since their establishments produce and sell
milkshakes. However, they are indirect competitors because they
do not consider milkshake as part of their main product line
These beverages usually serve only as complements to meals or
pastries, which are their main product lines.
3. Fruit Smoothie Estabtishnnents
Fruit Smoothie Businesses include Big Chill, Fruit Magic,
Fuzion, and Teazers. Fruit smoothie establishments are
competitcrs because they are substitute products to milkshake
and they compete wrth our business in the consumer's share of
stomach. They are considered indirect, however, because they
do not sell milkshakes but smoothies, fruit shakes and other
lV. Business Model
A. Nature of the Business
1. Unique Setting Proposition
Purple Cow is proud to introduce The FEAL milkshake - the
authentic, most natural great-tasting mrlkshake that people
look for wrth no ice, sugar, powder or artificial additives. These
milkshakes come in a wide variety of f lavors-ranging from the
classic chocolate, strawberry and vanilla to the exotic cheese
and cookies and cream. So far, there are no quality milkshakes
served on the go with
the right kind of ingredients, quality,
and great taste. The good tasting ones are usually offered
in sit-down type restaurants. Survey results verify that m0st
people purchase therr mrlkshakes in restaurants or in coffee
shops - which are not that convenient if one is 0n the
those that are served on the go (lrke
McDonald's or NYFD
Premiere), the company believes that they are n0t one's quality
milkshakes. They are merely soft-serve ice cream blended with
some regular mrlk, and sometimes with ice. The company would
like to be known as that which serves an authentic milkshake
experience - that old natural milkshake that everybody loves. In
addition, there is no current top-of-mind quality milkshakes being
offered in the market. When one says
there are
varied answers. As the company's unique sellrng proposition, it
will promote the product as the FEAL milkshake, served
way it's supposed t0 be. The objective here is to frll rn the gap
than when people crave for a milkshake, they can't go wrong with
the product, with Purple Cow. ln order to give this experience, the
company will be using premium ingredients of the finest and best
quality. The brand, Purple Cow, will be a USP in itself as well The
strong brand name will allow the company to be known as the
quality milkshake provider. The Purple Cow brand will be the only
brand to be recognized as having milkshakes as its central and
primary product that offers on-the-go top quality and great tasting
- l.* *f iee,
" Linitedtmrdres
- H{alii}y iniflSe
J " fut:ersile
Irdirst Com$ditors (Siur-il'
- Rrtrn0rud |0 ilale bfrd
c[stous s*ice
Ateneo Student Business Review u: - ,
4S 5
It4rF:. i i
4. lngredients of Purple Cow's Mitkshakes
Purple Cow will be using top quality rngredients in makinq
milkshakes. lt shall be using premium quality, high butterfat ice
cream in order to achieve that rich, smooth, and creamy taste
that the best milkshakes are known for. The basic ice cream
flavors that they will be using for the milkshakes will be Vanilla,
Chocolate and Strawberrye while its exotic flavors will be Cookies
& Cream and Cheese. According to Mr. Henry Tadena, Manager
of Dairy 0ueen Eastwood, Chocolate is usually the best sellinq
flavor for milkshakes and it corresponds with the preferences
of the respondents, which has 4 chocolate-based flavors in the
top 7.10 The group will be blending high-grade, pasteurized full
cream carabao's milk with the ice cream in order to soften the
ice cream while maintaining its fullthickness and taste Purple
Cow does not use artificial powdered milk. The group will also
blend high-grade whipping cream into the milkshake to solidify
it. The sweetness of the milkshakes will come naturally from
the composite of ingredients that the group will be using. They
will not be using any additronal sweetener and pure taste of the
concoctions. Purple Cow does not add ice into the milkshake
because it dilutes the taste of the milkshake. Basic Flavors As
the flavor of the milkshakes will largely depend on the flavor
of the ice cream used in making rt, the company, as previously
mentioned, has identified six ice cream flavors to serve as
the base flavors of its milkshakes. The process of arriving at
this decision involves two stages: a study on the industry and
a survey. The company first identified key competitors in the
Philippine market and took note of the various flavors they
offet noting that most establ ishments offer three basic flavo-.
chocolate, vanilla and strawberry. Upon conducting interviev,.
with the staff of these companies, it became apparent thai ihE
reason behind these flavors was the high demand of consume
While other establishments like Haagen Dazs offer their
customers other flavors, they claimed that most of their custo-:-:
still go for these
flavors. These findtngs have also
been affirmed from survey results that the company conducted
The survey results, as mentioned previously, showed that the
percentage of the population interviewed strongly prefers the
three classic flavors as,well as Cookies and Cream and Cheese.
ln line with these findrngs, the company has decided to use these
five flavors, namely Vanilla, Chocolate, Strawberry, Cookies ancj
Cream and Cheese as the core flavors of its mouth-watering
milkshakes. Innovative Flavors In line with Purple Cow's core
strategy of innovatlon and differentiation, the company plans to
c0me up with special limited-edition flavors for certain seasons
such as Christmas and Valentine's Day; those that will keep its
customers coming back f or more.
C. Basis for Differentiation
1. Great Tasting Beverages
The company's beverages will always produce great tastel
This is the fundamental principle behind the c0mpany's success
that will drive away competition. Purple Cow's milkshakes are
tastier than others primarily because of the key ingredients
of cream and carabao or water buffalo's milk, the result of
Ateneo Student Business Review
FdtARili-i .:'r )'ii:
,:.:-al beverage experiments
untll the correct
prop0rtions and
were dlscovered
These result to a high level of
thickness and smoothness
and an overall
flavor that is difficult to replicate'
2. Comforting
and Fun Drinks
The company strives to offer
products that are fun and
The milkshakes are the core
product because they
.^ :cdy these
personallties Future
product development
.hese keytaits as well 0ne will notfind drinks like health
and tonics, coffee-based
drinks, sports drinks or energy
in PurPle Cow stalls.
3, Unique and lnnovative
Flavors are what the company continually
innovate to
one step ahead of competitors
Hence' the firm offers
- kshake flavors beyond the traditional chocolate'
vanilla and
that are served by the competitors
Purple Cow's
'avors are varied-from
the typical to unique ones like avocado'
:-eese, macapuno,
blueberry cheesecake'
almond and chips and
The firm also listens to customer
preferences in
.^e development
of new flavors The firm also creates certain
flavors to stimulate continuous
interest and excitement'
Jurrng holrdays like Valentine's
Day or Christmas'
customers can
rpt t;buy the Cupid Milkshake and the Candy Cane Milkshake'
,vhcse colors and taste
go hand in hand with the seasons
4. Freshness
The firm uses fresh ingredients in making the products For
the firm uses fresh Carabao's milk' whipping cream
and ice cream. The firm differentiates
itself from competitors
use powdered versions of milk and flavorings' all of which tend to
be fllled with chemicals and lead to an artificial taste
5. 0n the Go
The firm targets customers
on the go' hence the products will
always be in take-away
form. The company
wishes to satisfy the
away stalls are the main channels of distribution'
5. AffordabititY
The company
wants t0 provide an affordable
to its customers;
hence its milkshakes are
priced in the middle
of low-quality/low-taste
(P50-60) and extra-premium-
(P150 300) The company strives tc
be premium-
quality/great tasting
(P61 B0)'
7. Young, fun endearing
and comforting
The company
young. fun, endearing
bY the brand
and collateral
by the service
The company culture indeed is young' fun' endearing and
which are exemplified
by the brand through logo'
The crew are y0ung, vibrant, energetic' fun and with a pass :r '
serve and accommodate
the needs and comforts of the cust:-'-'
L Non-traditionat
The media budget constrains the use of high penetra:i
medium. Filipinos relish on information
passe o :
person to another. Called
gossip or
things to buy, shows to watch and
places to go Hence' \\C'''1
or w"ord-of-mouth
is considered
important b1 8':: -'
survey respondents
in the target market in buying milksha(as
perceive milkshakes
as treats Hence' they are h:a
influenced by factors such as place, point-of-sale
promot :-
-sale promotions need to be bold' a"''t
inf ormative, distinctive
and highly visrble to attract the 31': :- l
purchase. The goal is to put temptation within l^:
shopper's reach
lll. Strategic
Every competitive advantage
the company has rests :-
unique firm-specific
The company's strategic
include c0re c0mpetencies,
strategic assets and core prc::s:::
A. Core ComPetencies
The term core competencies
refer to what the compai
knows. lt includes skills and unique capabilities
lt is s0ir:.-
that a company does well relative to other internal acti"i- e:
.. ::
Ateneo Student
Review ;;-=
I F! Lrrv
This company's
inctudes the
skitts of its peopte
in making
a high-quatity
ln making a high-quatity
the company
knows the correct prod'uct
dimensions to give
customers the rnost satisfying
Thrs company's core competence includes the skills of its people
in making a high-quality milkshake. ln making a high-qualiry
milkshake, the company knows the correct product dimensions to
give its customers the m0st satisfying experience These include
the right amount of ingredients, temperature, taste, creaminess,
consistency, sweetness, etc. Another c0re competence is the
knowledge to spot new trends in flavors and target market
desires, particularly
because the company is formed out of
young people who comprise the target market, and the skillto
develop these flavors into new pr0ducts. The firm also has certain
affiliates with industry experts, which provide useful knowledge
to the firm. These core competencies are unique and valuable
t0 customers, and they provide the benefit 0f satisfaction to the
firm's customers, and they are the
main reason why customers will keep coming back. These
c0re competencies give the company a competitive asset and thus
qualify as a genuine company strength and resource.
B. Strategic Assets
Strategic assets refer to what the company owns. They are
tangible things, rather than know-how.
human, and
organizational resources are this c0mpany's strategic assets. The
physical resources include the c0mpany's equipment
{such as
blenders and coolers), location (farrs
and bazaars), technology,
recipes and raw materials (ice
cream, milk, cream and other
ingredients). Human resources include allthose involvecl in the
workforce, training, experience, knowledge, skills, and abtlities.
Lastly, organizational resources include company structure,
planning processes, information systems, customer databases
and trademark. These strategic assets should be valuable to
the company and its customers. They are considered in devising
strategies that can lead to a sustainable competitive advantage
cver other competitors. Managing these resources strategically
involves developing the company's unique resources and
capabilities and continuously maintaining and strengthentng
these resources.
C. Core Processes
Core processes are what people in the company actually l_
They are methodologies and routines used in transformin0 inpu..
into 0utputs. They are activities, rather than assets or skills Th s
company's core processes
include its recruitment process, flavo:
development, made-to-order service and customer service. Ther
are used in translating competencies, assets and other inputs in.:
something valuable for the customers. The recruitment process
involves the careful selection of applicants who are c0mpetent i-
delivering the services the company provides They must be able
to execute their tasks with the right amount of self-confidence
together with a customer friendly attitude The company will
also provide their employees enough motivation to continuously
improve their performances.
Flavor development will be part
of the company's continuous research and development The
company will off er new flavors based on customer comments and
feedbacks. Another core process is the made-to-order service
wherein drinks are made fresh only upon ordering Finally, the
kind of custcmer service this company provides willgo hand in
hand with the young, f un and comfortable brand personality
Employees willbe approachable, cheerful, and friendly in getting
orders, entertaining questions,
and especially in dealing with
customer complaints, comments, feedback, and suggestions.
lV. Customer Benefits
A. Convenience and Speed through Takeaway
and On-the-Go
With this fast-paced lifestyle that Filipinos engage in each
day, outlets sprung around the corner, catering to the busy
working population
These people can no longer afford the time
to sit down in a restaurant and pick food or beverage from a long
menu. They prefer a quicker and more convenient way that can
aCapt to their lifestyle. These take-away establishments are just
perfect f or their fast-paced lifestyle. Furthermcre, time is of the
essence for them and to conserve it for more significant dealings
is highly advantage0us and beneficial for their kind of lifestyle.
There is no need for the customer to wait for so long since tnese
milkshakes willbe processed quicklv and as soon as the orders
are made.
B. Variety through Different Flavors
Variety of flavors also adheres to the preference
of the
Filipino market. According to the Consumer Foodservice market
research of Euromonitor lnternational, as more and more people
are attracted to the taste of global fusion, the Frlipino market
also opens up to different twists in flavors As the countrv took
OUTSTANDING !,, ti-,l=\. FAFffiftS
Ateneo Student Business Review
!,r.nrfii f +
- ---.1
part in the emergence of global fusion, new and international
flavors entered, and gave a new twist to the customary tastes
ln addition, based on the survey, 62ok oI the respondents felt
that variety of ingredients is quite important and very important
ln their motive of buying a milkshake. In that case, the company
aims to sell different flavors of milkshake lt also plans to produce
twists in its flavors such as cookies and cream and other specialty
(non-plain)flavors. ln doing so, the company will be able to satisfy
the customer's appetite f or variety.
C. Quatity and Safety through lngredients and
Handting Procedures
ln order to achieve the premium milkshake, the company
shall use premium quality ingredients. The frrm decided to use
these items to respond to the desires of the market Based
on the survey, the second most important thing
(next to taste)
that people consider when buying ice cream is the quality of
ingredients. For the milk, the firm will use carabao's milk instead
of cow's milk. Based on research, carabao's milk tastes better
and sweeterthan cow's milk. Carabao's milk is said to be more
superior to cow's milk and is better when it comes to milk-based
confectioneries, Arce Darry will be chosen as the ice cream base
that will be used for the mrlkshake This brand has a wide variety
of flavors, which is very appropriate as the compan1l
its different varieties for the milkshake ln terms of quality, this
local ice cream is also a premium quality ingredient because Arce
Dairy uses Carabac's milk for its ice cream. The company also
makes sure that the staff safely handles all the products Gloves,
aprons and hairnets will be the standard kitchen uniform A hand
policy will be implemented.
D. Comfort and Heat Retief
Based on the result, an overwnelming 97% valued taste
above all other matters in buyrng milkshakes with 84% who
considered it
important." Thus, the company is working
hard to achieve its goal of becoming the premium milkshake lt
will not only settle for a good taste, but it will excel to achieve
the perfect taste f or a milkshake that customers will highly
take pleasure in indulging on the mrlkshake without the guilt
trip. lt will be served cold so that it may provide a heat relief
for the customer, especially considering the hot weather of the
Philippines. lt will be a comfort food; scmething that is associated
with a sense of home and contentment. Based on the survey,
the top two attributes that customers look for in a milkshake
is are creaminess and sweetness respectively. The milkshake
will be very thick, velvety smooth, and creamy but would have a
consistency that could still be sipped and enjoyed easily with a
regular sized straw. The milkshake will have
just the right amount
of sweetness that naturally comes from the ingredients used and
it will not leave a sweet after taste similar to that of sugar on the
consumer's taste buds.
E. Affordabte Indutgence
With its premium quality ingredients and its wide variety of
flavcrs, the milkshakes will definitely be worth the value of the
customer's money. Based on the company's survey, when asked
how much the respondents are willing to pay for a high-quality
milkshake, P61
-PBO garnered more checks than any other price
range and having a percentage of 33% out of all the respondents
This will be consistent with the company's costing since it already
estimated a variable cost of P40 The price range may indeed
fall under the P6'l-PB0 range. The customer will indeed get his/
her value for money based on the premium milkshake that the
company will sell and from the benefit of consumer surplus that
the customer will obtain f rom paying in between a P61-PBO price
ranqe. At the same time, the company will also offer multiple
(small, medium, large) of products with different prices
These attract customers who may be willing to shell out less
money than others, and also to customers who may be on a diet
This allows for all choices of customers to be considered.
V. Business Plan
A. lndustry Background, Market Overview
There is a need to develop a milkshake expert ihat can
concentrate on developing the product according to changing
customer demands. Customers today are growing more
sophisticated and adventurous in taste. That is why today they
are dissatisfied with the offerings available in the market because
these products are unaffordable, inconvenient or poor in taste
The group conducted a survey comprised solely of people in
the desired tarqet market, that is 100 males and females aged
It witt not only settle for a
good taste, but it witt excel to
the perfect taste for
a mitkshake
that customers
witt highty take
indutging on the mitkshake
without the guitt triP.
Ateneo Student Business Beview
{a \
tu{Alq{FJ l,'i
,* u'
An overwhetming
vatued taste above a[[
other matters in buYing
mitkshakes with 84%
who considered
it very important.
13-30 belonging to the A-B and upper C sccio-economic classes
(SEC), living in NCB The group conducted the survey at Eastwood
Mall and Shangri-La Mall, two establishments frequented by the
target market, and where the group's main competitors
Daz, Dairy 0ueen, SBC, CBTL) are located. These surveys were
f ollowed up wrth interviews so that the respondents could
elaborate on their answers. These surveys served as a quick
appraisal of the product's viability and value tc the market
Consequently, the group found that 92ok oI the respondents
drink milkshakes When asked how often they drink milkshakes,
48% answered once a month. The respondents cited inaccessible
locations, expensive prices and inconvenience for the low
frequency of consumption. This is worth noting since majority
of them patronize Dairy 0ueen and coffee
joints (Seattle's Best
Coffee, Coffee Bean and Tea Leaf and Figaro respectively) for
therr milkshakes.
Dairy Oueen was ranked the top milkshake establishment,
and yet it only has six branchesl0 in the whole of Manila 0f
these branches, the respondents mostly frequent two: Glorietta
and Eastwood, since these areas cater more to the A-B-C+ SEC'
Further interviews with the respondents revealed that these areas
are frequented for proximity to school and work area. They are not
willing to travel far
just to get a milkshake BB% of respondents
cited that locations are important determinrng if they will buy
milkshakes. Hence, D0's market may be Iimited to the immediate
school and office area surrounding its branches, or only through
mall foot traffic Coffee
joints are the places where 38% of the
people go to buy milkshakes. Seattle's Best is ranked #2, followed
by Coffee Bean and Figaro Unlike D0, these coffee places are
scattered allover Manila and are situated in close proximity
to offices and schools. Some of these companies are even
situated inside schools themselves. However, the price of their
milkshake and similar products are expensive, rangrng from P120
and up, deterring respondents from purchasing them everyday
more frequently. When respondents were asked how much they
are willing to spend for a high-quality milkshake 6:'
P61 -1 00
Inconvenience is also a factor for why FilipLncs ::-:-- :
milkshakes infrequently. Besides the inaccesslbillt'i l- :-'- --
56% buy their mrlkshakes inside restaurants
Pancake House were cited), which cannot be taken a''. a,
quickly. lt becomes difficult for many office workers a'l : -- ll
particularly if their breaks are short. Fast food chains i.
N/cDonald's offer milkshakes for consumers on-the-go, t-:-'
5th among the establishments
patronized by Filipinos l:
taste and type of ice cream used should not be compror
for convenience. An overwhelming 97% valued taste ab:
other matters in buyrng milkshakes with 84% who consi:;'=
important-. 87% valued the type of ice cream us::
the quality of its rngredients. McDonald's milkshakes, un ..
0ueen and SBC, are made of soft-serve ice cream, an infer :-
cream, mixed with syrup.
Variety of flavors is also significant for 90% of the
respondents. Currently, the major milkshake establishments ..- .
the basic chocolate, vanrlla and strawberry flavors. The maio' -,
favors D0 because it has a variety of flavors including caram3
pineapple, double cocoa fudge, strawberry banana and mint
chocolate chip SBC offers avocado. Survey results reveal that
the top flavors of Filipinos are Vanilla
(78%), Chocolate
Cookies & Cream
(62%), Strawberry
(55%), Mocha
(46%), Rockt
(32%), Mango
(29%), Cheese l24ok),
Coffee \?Zokl
Avocado i16oro)
Haagen Dazs, although offering the most variety of flavors,
only garnered the 6th in ranking because of the exclusive
(P21 B) and also of the distinct taste The Belgian Chocolate
milkshake, its specialty, is bitter. This coincldes with the results
that sweetness is an important quality that respondents look for
in a milkshake. From top to bottom in importance, respondents
look for creaminess, sweetness,
quality of ingredients, vartety of
flavor and thickness in a milkshake.
Health consciousness is also another factor for purchasing
mrlkshakes with 3B% calling it very important. However, all the
major players have yet to offer low-fat or low-sugar varieties
of their milkshakes. This is because low-fat milk
(soy, skim) and
ice cream may alter the taste of the shake itself. The butterfat
c0ntent in ice cream is what gives the milkshake its original
creamy taste, preferred by Filipinos. Similarly, the group is
offerng much more than a product, it is also invrting Filipinos
to experience a sense of nostalgia and good memories. An
authentic milkshake is not watered down nor cut back. lt is a treat
after a hard day's work or studying lt should bring comfort and
i ndu I ge nce.
Most importantly, the gr0up should also consider the indirect
competition coming from coffee-based frappes that 33% buy
Ateneo Student Business Review
f,"4;\ef".r,i ,: ;,
:-, rlher week and fruit-based smoothies and shakes that
' ::
3J! once a month. Coffee frappes are bought because of the
ance of coffee
joints all over the city and as an alternative
coffee" drinks. Coffee frappes contain espress0 0r
which grves a cafferne
jolt. lt is not preferred when one
...s comfort and indulgence. However, what may be comforting
really the product but the environment Coffee frappes
, . :'imarily bought not for the product but for the lifestyle-
- -,-:mers
lrnger at Starbucks not
just for a luxury cup of coffee or
but also to unwind, socialize and engage in socializing and
: iectual discussion,
particularly among students and young
professionals.'l 6 Hence, takeaway may be Iess for coffee
Fruit-based smoothies are bought at the same frequency as
<shakes. They are easily available as well and convenient for
.: r3OW3!
B. Target Market
The firm will be competing rn the aged 13-29
youth' A' B and
classes, students and young workers with
,:un-loving attitude and a psychological need for indulgence'
::mfort and treating oneself. Economic Class The group chose the
classes as the target market for milkshakes
:'imarily because of the product's qualrties Milkshakes' Iike ice
:-eam, are impulse
products that customers buy without much
.rinktng, rationalization or advanced
planning Hence' the lower
, asses have less disposable income to avail of these products'
are also perceived as indulgent treats, hence the
wer classes would prefer to direct their little money for more
rasic needs Iike main meals
(rice or vrands), communication
:ards, load) and clothing. The group is also
pushing not
just a
rroduct to the Filipinos but also an experience of n0stalgia when
iheir parents would take them to ice cream
parlors fcr milkshakes
It seems that the ABC+ classes are m0re Iikely to relate with this
:xperience. Milkshakes would be unfamiliar to the lower classes'
Upper classes are also less price-sensitive, they are willtng to pay
-1 00 for a beverage
1. Age Range
The oroup chose the age range 13-29 primarily because they
have a strong independent
purchasing power and because they
are the most receptive to milkshakes Teens would come in groups
and buy milkshakes usually during hot-weather afternoons 0r at
night. Dairy 0ueen and Seattle's Best cited teens and especially
yuppies were their regular clients. D0 manager, Henry Tadena'
stated that call center agents were his usual customers in the
Eastwood branch Research also shows that yuppies tend t0 have
a great desire for their comforting childhocd memories Forums
ari appearing over the lnternet where 2O-somethings discuss how
much they miss milkshakes
2. Life Stage
Target consumers aged 13-29 are hrgh school students'
college students and workers. They are the primary users
of consumer fooclservice because of their hectic, on'the-go
lifestyles. These consumers
patronize take-away and delivery
for convenience and practicality they cann0t
prepare or cook
food in their schools and offices Hence, they buy food and drrnks
from cafeterias, stalls or fast food outlets They may also tend to
experience exhaustion; stress and fatigue that make them reach
out for something comfcrtrng, a milkshake, to soothe themselves'
Being single, they also tend to go out more because they have
fewer responsibilities.
3. PsychotogicaI
Target consumers are those that desire for nostalgic
memories of their childhoods with authentic milkshakes along
with a psychological need for indLrlgence and treating oneself'
This is most evident with high-stress, tired and weary people who
tell themselves that thev deserve a break Also, these c0nsumers
prize variety and experimentatlon,
they are weary of the same
old flavors and are eager t0 try new ones These c0nsumers
also value quality and are not satisfied with inferior milkshake
pa rod i es
4. GeographicaI
a) Short-term Geographicat
School fairs will be targeted to the 13-17-age
range Upper-
private schools are the main market These may include
Ateneo High School, Miriam, lCA, Xavier, Poveda, lnternational
School, De la Salle Zobel, De la Salle Greenhills and Assurp' cr
Upscale outdoor villages or communities' bazaars, such as Cr" s'
the King and Valle Verde 5 Bazaar,arethe main market Far"s :':
bazaars are two areas ulhere milkshakes can be sold prima-
because 0ne gets tired easily from walking/shopping,
cou0 3:
It witt not on[Y settle
for a
good taste, but it witt excel to
taste for
a mitkshake
that customers
witt highty take
on the mitkshake
without the
guitt triP.
Ateneo Student Business Review ,:--''= ,
..', *APERS
h.{** 1'=e:rlrr*: Itc.
Stal*:::*rt *{ I **r Fl*r,l :
**t*tr*r i. :*{i:
Feb:ea:1':*. :aJ*S
fi*g*::rixg f**fu ** Hs**
Carh R*c*ip!=
T*tal R*c*ipt*
C*:t *l**r:dr S*l*
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,*d:.er1i:;i::g *xp*a=*
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F:i*ir:* {:;:t* *E:are*
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1Ie f*::?uei ]:ic.
5ta!***$ *fil$h Fl*e'!
*tt+b*: 1":lj*:
F*l-*:a:r, l'q. :*l-ii
with the heat and the crowding of people Equally important is that a
also indulgent activities primarrly for young teenagers where they ar=
to have fun and treat themselves to something comfcrttng and indu g
after a long day's work at school. The school is transformed to a who:
weekend of f un with rides and booths
b) Long-term Geographicat Locations
The firm's long-term expansion plans are mall'based, office-basec .-,
school-based The firm wants t0 be highly visrble and within easy reaci
0f the target market of students and workers The firm plans to expand
malls that target the same market, such as Eastwood, a call center hub
and a student
center and certain upscale office and private scl^::
cafeterias such as lnternational School, where branded establishments
are c0mmon. The firm plans to set up in areas where people will be mos.
likely tired, hungry, stressed 0r even the opposite-completely in a mood
for relaxation, rndulgence and fun
in movie cinemas for example).
Situating near office areas and schools
are where 27ok buy
therr milkshakes based 0n survey respondents) is significant because of the
fatigue rnduced in employees and students. This is particularly interesting
among call center workers, the biggest buyers of Eastwood's Dairy 0ueen
branch. Call center workers often work late nights, with rrregular/ shifting
schedules and short breaks, hence they are rnost likely to need something
comforting to keep them going. The firm willalso operate in areas where
the consumer is enjoyrng a pleasantly indulging experience such as near the
mcvie cinemas. lVovie watching for example is perceived to be a deserving
break f rom one's hectic work or
hence 0ne may go the whole mile
and buy popcorn, chips and drinks to complete the movie experience
lVrlkshakes do complement these food choices.
Vl. Business Vision, Mission and Values
Purple Cow's vision will guide rts strategies and objectives in the
business and serve to unify and motivate its employees, managers and
stakeholders. Purple Cow's vision of
do we wantto become?" is to
be a national company with stores all over the Philrppines recognized by the
Filipinos as the #1 in great-tasting milkshakes and beverages We will be an
endearing brand for all and lead in product taste. We will provide standards
of excellence in every encounter and fun and comfort in every moment.
Before anything else, the firm must be able to define the overall purpose
of the company without being too broad as to be similar with every other
company mission and without being too specific so as to lose any sense of
innovation. Hence, Purple Cow's mission is to provide every customer with
unique, great-tasting beverages suited to the Frlipin0 taste, bringing the fun
and comfort of drinking to everyone on the go. This mission encapsulates
the c0re purp0se of the firm, whrch is to provide unique and great-tasting
beverages to everyone on the go. Uniqueness and great taste are the
imp0rtant attributes for the company with regard to product and service.
The firm, Moo Ventures, strives to continually improve and to be ahead
of competitors by coming up with new flavors, new products and new
strategies to increase customer loyalty. The reason why cold milkshakes are
Ateneo Student Business Review
**qi$:i$g {'eslt r"i* }1*:td
{'ash R*t*iptl
T*tal R*erpli
{1'rrl *f ir*r'itli t*l*
Sal*:i*: Isp*:r:*
3$r*rtiii::g l:t:*tt:*
Ttc*ip**a*+ir .t **1!..'*ry [rp*:t*
5*ppii*i E:p*r*
T*:e} Fi:*ri$*q:+*:i
Er:di::s i':,ri: fiala*i* i:..i#.].l: i
The group is also
pushing not
product to the Fitipinos
but also an experience
of nostatgia when
parents would
take them to ice cream
partors for milkshakes.
stated is to allow for long-term innovation especially
,1e firm seeks to diversify into other products namely floats,
.roothies and warm drinks like hot milkshakes. The firm
wish to limit itself to one product only seeing that the
', -arket trends in the future will open up as opportunities
.-: frrm grow and as the firm increases revenues Beverages
remain the cornerstone of the flrm. Although extra
r'.em expansion
plans may see the arrival of certain comf ort
such as curly fries, pizza rolls, nuggets or pocl<et pies,
will serve t0 complement the drinking experience
, and n0t to overrun it. Purple Cow is essentially and will
avs be a take-away kiosk The company understands the
offered t0 customers with drinks that are convenient
speedy and perfect for their fast-paced lrfestyles As
-: ,,,iduals
in the modern world are busier with limited
-: on their hands, they are constantly searching for quick
hassle-free waVS to eat and drink; hence takeaway
:,lmes the popular choice. This mission also reveals the
young and comforting culture and personality of the
permeates through its logo and brand, stalls,
offerings, its customer service, its employees and
.s management. These will ultimately be included in the
bases for diff erentiation, which will be discussed
',rther in the paper. Moo Ventures has developed a set of
, alues. They are the principles with which the management
woven into the company, and which the management
.-rives to demonstrate on a daily basis-with the owners
.remselves, the customers and the partners.
both results and behavior Do the rtght thing'
Respect the dignity of every individual. Treat others the way
you want to be treated.
Achieve standards of Excellence in makrng the beverages
with a passion to serve.
Vll. Projected Financiat Statements and Pricing
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Have Funl Enjoy what you do Live youngl
Develop Enthusiastically Satisfied Customers all the
Act with lntegrrty: Do what y0u say. Be accountable for
ildlisiit: iln.lliie), li[*ii];.q. ,ltriy
i iii'i'" l-ilrrie illl-iVE i:lYi I Aii i:ii\rrr,l'y f l i I i
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{ lill:ieir.rlii;- lirliippilrcs. i:lrlrtlitilt itiletlaililrl'ti: illll'ii','\'lal'<:i
lrriitirl, lcrcrrl:t 2ll-i$ i:
lltllls,/kr*sli!- lrhrilrri-riiiils. Ir.:tiltrl-rliir:i
iirtcitraill:lal.lirlilta': S*ri'-]i
nricfirrl, l-isrerri:e r ?ltl6, pp. 3
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ilsi girl.' llililE. l3
Ateneo Student Business Review
i-JT. AF=

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