Sample Methodology

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Research Design
For the study, the researchers used the experimental method of research since it is used
for determining the difference between variables. The independent variable of the study is the
nutrient solution made with the spinach extract in the hydroponics set-up. On the other hand,
the dependent variable is the effect in the growth of the pepper plant: plant height, duration of
growth and amount of fruits. There are two set-ups; one experimental and one controlled. The
experimental set-up (A) included a hydroponics set-up with diluted spinach extract as the
nutrient solution. The control set-up is a hydroponic set-up with only tap water as the nutrient
solution. The controlled setup was the one with only water with nitrogen solution since it does
not contain the independent variable, which is the spinach extract. Both set-ups were observed
quantitatively. The hypothesis was tested by observing plant growth and amount of leaves by
comparing the results between the setups. This method is effective for the research to easily
determine which nutrient solution is more effective when it comes to plant growth. The
hydroponics set-ups were placed inside the school and checked for four weeks.
Sampling Procedure
The researchers followed the steps in research and decision making, to be able to find an
alternative ingredient for the nutrient solution of the hydroponics setup, knowing that the nutrient
solution is expensive. First, they read books, journals and Internet sites about alternative
ingredients such as vegetables, herbs and common ingredients they find in their houses,
confirming that the selected alternative ingredient has the needed macronutrients of the plant to
promote plant growth. After further discussion, the researchers decided to use spinach extract as
the alternative ingredient for the nutrient solution. The researchers also discussed on how they
will extract the spinach, whether to use a blender or use an extractor. The researchers decided to
use a blender because it is more possible and less expensive to use. After that, they researched
past studies so that their study would have a backup. Then, they looked for markets that offer
cheaper spinach since spinach is an expensive vegetable. They also looked for stores that offer
cheap materials for the hydroponics setup itself such as 6 medium-sized plastic cups, which will
serve as the replicates (3 per setup), 1 kilogram of clay stones from any hydro culture store from
the malls within Mandaluyong area, 6 chili pepper seedlings, 3 for each setup; and two plastic
boxes for each setup. Lastly, the researchers adapted procedures from the books, journals and
sites to ensure the feasibility of the study.
The researchers gathered the following ingredients in making the nutrient solution: water
and spinach extract coming from the leftover spinach. Six chili pepper seedlings were used for
all the set-ups. For the control set-up, instead of a nutrient solution, the researchers only
prepared tap water. Materials used for the hydroponics setup included six root chambers made
out of plastic cups that are the growing mediums for the chili pepper plant, six containers and
two aerators to oxygenate the nutrient solution per setup. A measuring tape was also used to
measure the height of the plant for four weeks.
Research Procedure
The researchers first assembled two hydroponics set-ups namely Set-up A and Set-up
B. Each setup contained three holes fit for three replicates containing the chili pepper seedling
and an aerator to add oxygen to the nutrient solution. Each replicate is a root chamber made
with plastic cups containing 100 g of clay stones. For experimental set-up A, 100g of spinach
were grinded using the mortar and pestle. Then, 50mL of water was added and finely crushed
and mixed in the blender for 3 minutes. Then the extract was mixed with 1 liter of water and
placed in the nutrient reservoir of Set-up A, serving as the experimental set-up of the study. For
control set-up B, 1.5 liters of water with only 100mL of nitrogen solution solution were placed in
the nutrient reservoir. To observe the dependent variable of the study, the researchers observed
the plant growth by measuring the plant height using a measuring tape and the amount of
leaves by individually counting the number of leaves produced by the plant.

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