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A Loessic Alphabet [subjective and incomplete;

additions are required; send to Loess Appreciation Group page on

A. Ambroz. ojtek Ambroz ! t"e loess o# t"e "ill countr$.
An %"i&s"eng. Abelev. Abelev. Ale'iev. Anan(ev.
B. Berg. L.).Berg* +ero ! Geograp"er. Bonn ! t"e ,---
LoessFest. Bee&eater birds nesting in t"e loess. B...Butler.
Brunnacker. Bo/ler. Bronger. Bondarc"uk. F.0.Baker.
0. 0ra$#ord. 1"e 0ra$#ord brickeart". 2erz$ 0egla.
0"ern$ak"ovskii. 0"ang 1sung&"u. 0able. 0att.
3. 3enisov4 3odonov4 3ust5large64 3anube& 3anubius
Fluviorum .uropae 7rinceps4 3erb$s"ire*
.d/ard 3erb$s"ire t"e t"ird #acilitator. 3rui#. 3$lik.
.. .astern .urope& a loessic paradise* 7oland4 +ungar$4
0zec" 8epublic4 )lovakia4 )erbia4 8omania4 Bulgaria etc.
F. Fink. 2ulius Fink #irst president o# t"e 9:;<A Loess
0ommission4 t"e #irst #acilitator& organiser o# loessic activit$.
2aroslav Feda.
G. Gra"mann. 8udol# Gra"mann& t"e loess map o# .urope.
+. +aase. G. +aase ! 3. +aase; anot"er loess map o#
.urope. +eidelberg and t"e naming o# t"e loess. 2o"n
+ardcastle and t"e invention o# loess stratigrap"$.
+$droconsolidation. +and$
9. 9l(in& amazing loess t"eories ! a di##icult career. 9o/a.
9llinois. 9:;<A. 9:;<A Loess 0ommission. 9:;<A Loess
Focus Group.
2. 2a"n. 2ersak.
=. =eil"ack. =onrad =eil"ack and t"e #irst /orld/ide map o#
Loess. George =ukla and t"e linking o# t"e loess record to
t"e deep sea record. :icolai 9vanovic" =riger. .9.=rokos.
.ndre =rolopp.
L. Loess ! Leon"ard ! L$ell& beginnings. Loess Letter. Liu
1ung&s"eng t"e #ourt" #acilitator. Lozek #or snails. Li 7o.
>. >ammot". >ammut"us primigenius in t"e Loess. >a"ler
3as Lied von der Loess. >alan loess. >ississippi. >arkovic&
>arjanovic4 >arkovic* )lobodan >arkovic t"e #i#t" #acilitator.
>arsigli& Luigi Ferdinando >arsigli /"o sa/ t"e loess in t"e
3anube valle$.
:. :ovi )ad ! t"e ?@@- LoessFest. :e/ %ealand. :ort"e$.
:eustruev. :ort"more.
A. Abruc"ev. ladimir A#anas(evic" Abruc"ev. A(+ara&
3"and. A/en.
7. 7ecsi. >arton 7ecsi second president o# t"e 9:;<A Loess
0ommission* t"e second #acilitator. 7alaeosol. 7article
packing. 7$askovskii and t"e deep soil #ormation. 7e/e.
;. ;uaternar$ 9nternational4 place o# publication o# Loess
papers. ;uaternaria. ;uartar. ;uaternar$ )cience 8evie/s.
8. 8ic"t"o#en. F.von 8ic"t"o#en& t"e aeolian /orld o# Loess.
8.2.8ussell& t"e not&aeolian /orld o# Loess. 8iver 8"ine.
8u"e. 8oz$cki
). )malle$. 9an )malle$ bibliograp"er& recorder o# events4
people4 places4 books4 papers4 publications. 1o parap"rase
Gilbert B"ite C.ver$ subject needs its o/n bibliograp"er(.
)and >artins. )c"eidig. )oergel. )ubsidence. 1"e )"ire.
)nails. Bo"umil )"imek.
1. 1utkovskii. 1imaru. 1isza. 1itel plateau. 1okarski.
<. <#ersc"/alben& in der Loess. <zbekistan. <kraine
. ojvodina. enus o# Billendor#& #ound in t"e Loess near
=rems4 kept in a museum in ienna. irlet d(Aoust. elic"ko.
B. Buc"eng. Ann Bintle. Brocla/. B"alle$
D. Dian& lots o# people made o# loess. 1ang capital& lots o#
dust$ poetr$ /ritten "ere
E. Eello/ .art". Eello/ 8iver. Eaalon. elise$ev.
%. %/ierz$niec& in t"e 7olis" loess belt4 near Lublin. Lud/ig
%oeller. %dzisla/ 2ar$. %orica )vircev.

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