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A study of effectiveness of a programme for standard 4

Student of Z. P. Primary School Galandwadi
on of Marathi Reading.
This report is submitted for the
practical fulfillment of D. T. Ed.
Baravar !rushali Madhuar
S.". #. $. %d.
A & '(
Submitted to :
M. ). %. Society *r. )ollege of %ducation
A+am )amus, )amp
.nder the Guidance /Mrs. Aatea han
*uly/ 01'1
No. of Chapter Chapter Page No.
Self Declaration
Redication & Vote of thans
!ist of Table
" #ntroduction of Topics of Research
"." #ntroduction of Problem
".$ Need of Problem
".% #mportance of Problem
".& Statement of Problem
".' (peration Definition
".) (b*ecti+es
"., -ssumption and ./pothesis
".0 Sample
".1 Scope and !imitation
$ Re+ie2 of Related !iterature
$." Re+ie2 of Related !iterature of
Research 2or
$.$ #nno+ation and usefulness of
Research 2or
% #mplementation of Research
%." Research 3ethodolog/
%.$ Sample
%.% Tool and Techni4ues of -ction Research
%.& Remedial 3easures
& Collection of #nformation and Data
#t5s s/nthesis and anal/sis
&." Presentation of #nformation and Data
&.$ -nal/sis and #nterpretation
&.% Conclusion
' Summar/6 Conclusion and Recommendation
'." Summar/
'.$ Conclusion
'.% Recommendation
'.& Suggestion for 7uture Research
Reference and -ppendi8
!ist of The reference 9oo

Self #eclaration
# am 9ara+ar Vrushali 3adhuar6 S.:.D.T.Ed. Di+ision ; -6 Roll
No. "% has submitted action research report i.e. <- ST=D: (7
- RE-D#N> S?#!! #N 3-R-T.# S=9@ECT 7(R EN>!#S. 3ED#=3 (7
ST=DENT.A (n the basis of rele+ant material and the field
2or that # had carried out in English 3edium School.
#edication 4 !ote of $hans
The researcher 2ould lie thans to sho2 her gratitude and to
thans 3rs. -nuradha Redd/ 3adam for her +aluable guidance and 3rs.
-atia ?han 3adam for ha+e ind helps.
The researcher 2ould lie than the Principal of 3.C.E. Societ/ of
@r. College of Education 3rs. Sabrina ?han 3adam for grading me the
permission to conduct the research.
7inall/6 the researcher 2ould lie to all her collogues 2ho help
her to completing the research.
Date :
9ara+ar Vrushali 3.
Place : StdBS. :. D. T. Ed
Roll NoB"%
)hapter 5o. '
2ntroduction of $opics of Research
'.' 2ntroduction of Pro6lem
'.0 5eed of Pro6lem
'.( 2mportance of Pro6lem
'.4 Statement of Pro6lem
'.7 8peration #efinition
'.9 86:ectives
'.; Assumption and <ypothesis
'.= Sample
'.> Scope and ?imitation
3arathi is mother tongue of people in 3aharashtra. Reading lie
listening is a recepti+e sill. Reading is an ad+ance language sill. Reading
apart from listening is an important 2a/ of getting e8posed to 3arathi but also6
so man/ students do not read the 3arathi +er/ 2ell. (ur e8posure to 3arathi
increase our communication competence to impro+e the language to gain
confidence and master/ o+er the language an English 3edium student to learn
the 3arathi. 3arathi is +er/ important because 3arathi is our mother tongue
and not onl/ 3arathi is mother tongue but also compulsor/ sub*ect in School
le+el. So marathi language is most important in English medium.
English medium student do not read 3arathi +er/ clearl/ and
iC To find out the mistaes in reading 3arathi.
iiC To De+elop a programme impro+e reading sill of 3arathi !anguage.
iiiC To find stud/ the effecti+eness of programme de+elop to mae interest in
reading 3arathi.
5%%# A5# 2MP8R$A5$
5%%# /
"C So man/ English 3edium student do not read 3arathi clearl/ and this
student not read 3arathi 2ill this is a most important goal and aim of this
$C Student read 3arathi 2ill because 3arathi is our mother tongue and
compulsor/ sub*ect in school s/llabus English 3edium.
%C Student 2hich is studding is &
standard this student do not read 3arathi is
a proper 2a/ and impro+e 4ualit/ of the student language sill.
#3P(RT-NT :
"C .elps for de+elop of listening and spiing sill of the student through
reading sill.
$C Student can ac4uire no2ledge and get practice of street on 2ords and
information of sentence 2ith compromising.
%C The reading is helpful for the emotional and intellectual de+elopment of
the student.
&C To impro+e our o2n teaching sill.
S$A$%M%5$ 8@ A2M
<- stud/ of effecti+eness of a programme de+elop to standard &
of D. P. Primar/ School >aland2adi on of 3arathi Reading.A
8P%RA$285A? #2@252$285
"C Reading : 3entall/ /ou are in+ol+ed 2ith 2hat /ou percei+e 2ith /our
e/es 2hile /ou read /ou interpret and tr/ to mae sense of
2hat /ou are reading.
$C Std. &
: The student 2ho are pass out the %
standard and stud/ in &
standard onl/ and di+. 9 onl/.
%C Programme : #t is the set of instruction de+elop b/ the researcher to
o+er come the mistae made b/ student.
Student no2 the 3arathi language and student use this language in a
dail/ life or dail/ con+ersation.
#f a more practice is gi+en to the student then reading sill of the student
2ill impro+e.
S)8P% 4 ?2M2$A$285
"C 3arathi is a compulsor/ sub*ect and 3arathi is mother tongue of our sate
and this language learn is +er/ important.
$C Ee ha+e to learn English language but al2a/s use in thining in our
mother tongue.
%C Ee ha+e to use this language in our dail/ con+ersation.
!#3#T-T#(N :
"C This related 2ith the onl/ English 3edium student in Shi+a*ira2 @edhe
School onl/.
$C This research is limited to the &
standard di+. 9 onl/.
%C This research is limited to the &
standard onl/.
&C This research is limited to reading 3arathi language onl/.
Population : -ll the student of the standard &
Di+. 9 of Shi+a*ira2 @edhe
English 3edium School .
Sample : #s student from &
standard Primar/ School of English
3edium School.
The researcher has used random sampling method.
)hapter 5o. 0
Review of Related ?iterature
0.' Review of Related ?iterature of
Research wor
0.0 2nnovation and usefulness of
Research wor
-ction research is the research undertaen to sol+e the current problem
hence e+er/ time6 it ma/ not be necessar/ to re+ie2 is to establish intellectual
connect to establish present state of no2ledge on the sub*ect. (nl/ he can
establish his o2n identit/ and pro+e that his research is different. This material
can also pro+e to be useful for finding out possible ans2ers to the 4uestion or
problem on 2hich he is undertaing the research.
#t ma/ be necessar/ to re+ie2 the a+ailable research material e+er/ time
and tools and re4uired proper ne2 material and tools. .e can use this material
for compiling material for his o2n research.
S8.RS%S 8@ R%!2%A
9oo Ne2spaper 9ouch #nternet Thesis 3agaFines
GGG Volume
R%!2%A 8@ R%?A$%# MA$%R2A?

Prof. Shanthaumari S. ?.
@orth survey of Research %ducation
+olume ; ##
Shri. San*a/ ?amble
Bal6harti $e3t 6oo
Std. &
3arathi 3edium
Prof. Trushalia 9apat
%nglish 6oo of @. ". #. $. %d.6
Nirali Praashan.
Prof. S2ati >adgil HNiraliC
Action Research and innovation
Su+ichar Praashan
B8.)< !8?.M%
-C Shanthaumari S. B. C'>=;D /
Pro6lem : H"10% ; "100C
<De+elopment of strategies for impro+ement in reading sill in English at
middle school le+el ma*or findings.
86:ective :
"C The inno+ation strateg/ helped impro+e the reading abilit/ the standard
of both high and group being higher than that in height group.
$C The increate in the achie+ement of reading abilit/ as result of
inter+ention strateg/ 2as height in appreciation and reorganiFation lauds
in the lo2 group of the student.
%C The increase in achie+ement of reading abilit/ as a result of inter+ention
strateg/ 2as significantl/ height literall/ comprehension in international
comprehension height and lo2 group student
9C Patel M. M.
Pro6lem / De+eloping and tr/ing out the scheme of impro+ing the
e8pression of through in mother tongue in Std. 0
Prof. Trushalia 9apat
%nglish 6oo of @. ". #. $. %d.6
Nirali Praashan.
Refere: . H#ntroduction about ProblemC
Reading lie listening is a recepti+e sill. Reading is an ad+ance
language sill. Reading apart from listening is an important 2a/ of getting
e8posed to 3arathi but also6 so man/ students do not read the 3arathi +er/
2ell. (ur e8posure to 3arathi increase our communication competence to
impro+e the language to gain confidence and master/ o+er the language an
English 3edium student to learn the 3arathi.
Prof. S2ati >adgil HNiraliC
Action Research and innovation
Su+ichar Praashan
Refere: H#ntroduction of Re+ie2 of Releted !itrecharC
-ction research is the research undertaen to sol+e the current problem
hence e+er/ time6 it ma/ not be necessar/ to re+ie2 is to establish intellectual
connect to establish present state of no2ledge on the sub*ect. (nl/ he can
establish his o2n identit/ and pro+e that his research is different. This material
can also pro+e to be useful for finding out possible ans2ers to the 4uestion or
problem on 2hich he is undertaing the research.
#t ma/ be necessar/ to re+ie2 the a+ailable research material e+er/ time
and tools and re4uired proper ne2 material and tools. .e can use this material
for compiling material for his o2n research.
2nnovation of Research wor /
The researcher had teach the 3arathi reading 2ith the help
of literature and bouch +olume and te8t boo of 3arathi Std. &
. The
researcher teach the reading sill 2ith help of man/ programmes and
games. The/ ha+e to sho2 in remedial ma*ors.
.sefulness of Researcher :
The research is useful for all the student to impro+e
reading of 3arathi. The teacher is suggest the remedies to impro+e6
e8pressi+e and creati+e student are product.

)hapter 5o. (
2mplementation of Research
(.' Research Methodology
(.0 Sample
(.( $ool and techniEues of the action research
(.4 Remedial measures
(.' Research methodology /
.istorical E8perimental Sur+e/
3ethod 3ethod 3ethod
'D <istorical Method/ This method is use to find out the e8act meaning of
the e+ent accurate the past or thro2 light in the ne2 fact found of about
the e+ent. To sol+e such problems the historical methods is not of much
0D %3perimental Method/ To sol+e the current problem related 2ith the
process of reading and teaching is the ob*ecti+e of action research.
Sur+e/ is the first step of action research.
(D %3perimental Research / The Research in 2hich effect of one factor on
the other is studied is called action research.
<#n an e8perimental stud/6 the researcher manipulates at
least one independent +ariable controls o+er rele+ant +ariables and
obser+es the effect on one +ariable.A
>a/ H"11$C
)haracteristics of the e3perimental research
"C 7or maing comparati+e stud/ of e8perimental and controlled sets6
minimum t2o sets are re4uired. This help to find the effect of the action
taen and 2hich action is more effecti+e.
$C Ehat action is to be taen and to 2hat e8tent is decided b/ the
%C #t is not possible to handle independent +ariable lie age6 social and
economical condition.
&C Sets and groups are di+ided e4uall/ b/ using random sampling method.
'C E8ternal +ariable 2hich are not included in stud/ but 2hich can effect the
depended are controlled b/ using the control process.
Ahy to select e3perimental method for research wor
"C #ts help to find the effect of the action taen and 2hich action is more
$C Dependent +ariables are handled b/ the researcher onl/.
%C #n that e8amining the h/pothesis indicating the causes and the effect
&C E8perimental research onl/ one independent is arranged for controlling
other +ariable.
'C To understand the programme is implemented in the desire direction.
(.0 Sample /
- sub*ect group selected from the population for the actual
stud/ is called sample. E+er/ factor of the sample is from the population
The Researcher has selected "I student for the sample of
action research.
Probabilit/ Non Probabilit/
Random Sampling 3ethod #ncidental Sampling 3ethod
Castar Sampling 3ethod Purposi+e Sampling 3ethod
Researcher is use the random sampling method to his research.
'D Purposive Sampling Method /
#n purposi+e sampling method the researcher select the
sample for the population of his interest and 2ith satisfied particular
purpose. 7or e8p. Student 2ea in English pronunciation are selected b/
the teacher for gi+ing treatment.

0D 2ncidental Sampling Method /
Ehen the sample is to the selected for the population of
the researcher interest the researcher select the sample for his
surrounding as an 2hen the sample unit are a+ailable this method is
no2n as incidental sampling method.
(.( $ool and $echniEues of action research /
The main tools are used for the action research are di+ided
in to four t/pes.
3ain Tools
(bser+ation Juestionnaire #nter+ie2 Test
"C Fuestionnaire /
Series of pre arranged 4uestions put for2ard for collecting
information is called 4uestionnaire.
Eell arranged set of 4uestion gi+e one to the person from
2hom information is to be collected is called 4uestionnaire.
)haracteristics of Euestionnaire :
"C Juestionnaire should be precise and its language should be clear and
$C Juestion should be understandable. This is possible b/ maing small and
eas/ sentence.
%C #nstructions in the 4uestionnaire should be clear.
&C Juestion should be small and neat.
'C T/ping of the 4uestionnaire should be tid/ and neat.
)C #nstruction for ans2ering the 4uestion should be specific and full proof.
This instruction should be gi+en at beginning of the 4uestionnaire.
Advantages of Euestionnaire /
"C #t is possible to get the response from the persons sta/ing at different
$C 3an/ persons can participate as the responsi+e persons.
%C Definite ans2er can be gi+e through the 4uestionnaire.
&C Those 2ho can5t oral ans2er to the 4uestions can sent 2ritten ans2er
through the 4uestionnaire.
'C The person are ans2ering the 4uestion the response is ob*ecti+e.
)C The person can send his response according to his con+enience.
BD #ata )ollection /
The data is collected b/ taing pre test and post test.
"C Pre test : The test 2hich is gi+en to the student before gi+ing the
treatment. Researcher ga+e a small paragraph of lesson of 3arathi te8t
boo of standard &
and anal/sis the mistaes done b/ the student.
$C Post test : The test 2hich is gi+en to the student after anal/Fing the
problem of the student. -fter anal/Fing result of pre test. Researcher has
conduct different programme.
%C Programmes :
iC Pre Test : Reading paragraph in the te8t boo ;
iiC #deal reading of paragraph : Teacher has e8plain rules of reading in the
proper direction to the student.
iiiC 3atching 4uestions and ans2ers : Teacher set t2o groups and set t2o
card. (ne is ans2er and another is 4uestions. Student ha+e to read the
4uestions and choose the ans2er of the other group.
i+C 3atching sentence to the picture : Teacher set the t2o card. (ne card
is 2ritten sentence and another card sho2 the picture about than
+C >ame of rh/ming 2ord : Teacher set t2o group of student. (ne is
represent one 2ord second group ans2er the rh/ming 2ord.
+iC Post test : Reading a paragraph in proper direction.
)hapter 5o. 4
)ollection 2nformation and data its synthesis and analysis
4.' Presentation of 2nformation and data.
4.0 Analyses and interpretation.
4.( )onclusion.
)hapter 5o. 7
Summery, )onclusion and recommendation
7.' Summery.
7.0 )onclusion.
7.( Recommendation.
7.4 Suggestion for future research.
7.' Summery /
2ntroduction /
3arathi reading is more important in English medium
student because 3arathi is mother tongue of people in 3aharashtra.
Reading is recepti+e sill. - good reader in 3arathi is one 2ho read the
considerable speed and ma8imum understanding. #f /ou eep reading
2ith a reasonable speed and understanding. :ou 2ill eep gro2ing
mentall/. Reading and intellectual gro2 hand in hand.
86:ectives /
"C To find out mistaes in reading 3arathi.
$C To de+elop a programme to impro+e reading sill of 3arathi language.
%C To stud/ the effecti+eness de+elop to mae interest in reading 3arathi.
Statement of aim /
- stud/ of effecti+eness of programme 7or student of std.
of D. P. Primar/ School >aland2adi on of 3arathi Reading
5eed and importance /
5eed / Student 2hich is stud/ing in &
standard this student do
not read 3arathi in proper 2a/ and impro+e 4ualities of the student
language sill.
2mportance /
#ts help for the de+elop of listening and speaing sill of
student through reading sill.
8perational #efinition /
Reading / 3entall/ /ou are in+ol+ed 2ith 2hat /ou percei+e 2ith
/our e/es6 2hile /ou read and interpret and tr/ to mae sense of 2hat
/ou are reading.
Assumption / Student no2 the 3arathi language and use this language
in dail/ life.
<ypothesis / #f a more practice is gi+en to the student then reading sill
of the student 2ill impro+e.
Scope and ?imitation /
Scope / Ee ha+e to learn English language but al2a/s /ou use in
thining our mother tongue.
?imitation / This related 2ith onl/ English medium student in
Shi+a*ira2 @edhe English School onl/.
Research Method /
Researcher has used e8perimental research method.
#ata )ollection /
Researcher has used pre test6 program6 post test.
The deep stud/ of the research le+el the follo2ing conclusion :
Student get the no2ledge about the sub sill of reading
Student read the stor/6 paragraph6 poem6 essa/ 2ith proper speed6
pronunciation6 stress an intonation.Student read passing at the right place
for sufficient duration after comma and full stop.Student de+elop their
reading sill 2ith help of practice.Student ac4uire the micro sill of the
The Researcher obser+ed this change in the student in
e8perimental method 2hile concluding pre and post test statistical tool and
-bo+e research is +er/ useful to the student to help their
reading sill 2ith student it is beneficial to teacher also.
"C #t is +er/ useful to gi+es the information about the different creati+it/
2hich de+elop the student reading sill.
$C Teacher can follo2 the acti+ities in order to de+elop the reading sill of
the student. Teacher can tae ne2 interesting and different acti+it/ 2hich
being creati+it/ ness in teaching learning process.
%C #t is helpful to de+elop reading sill in other language also6 such as .indi
and English also.
&C Pro+ide the guidance to the other teacher. This research 2ill not be use
other &
standard but also used in high education and other school.
Suggestion for future research
"C -s a research is carried in reading sill similarl/ the research should be
in the 2riting6 speaing6 listening and other also.
$C The attitude & aptitude of a person should be change.
%C The parent also pro+ided their attention to2ard their children lie a
&C Ne2 methods of teaching should be use.
'C Regular practice of reading should be taen.
2n future /
"C The research can also conducted in other student.
$C Research stud/ can be conducted in other school.
%C Research stud/ can be conducted in $
&C Research can be conducted of English medium student.
?ist of Reference 6oo
AD Boo /
"C -r+ind !. ?opole6 $II'
Action research and innovation, 5irali Praashan6
edition H-uthorC

$C Prof. Tusharia 9apat6 $II'
%nglish C@. ". #. $. %d.D, 5irali Praashan.
edition H"I 3archC
%C Prof. S2ati >odgil
Action research and innovation, CS. ". #. $. %d.D,
Nirali Praashan6 "
edition H"I 3arch $II)6 -uthorC
&C Shri. San*a/ ?amble
Bal6harti Marathi 6oo
Std. &
edition H$II)C
BD Bouch !olume /
"C Santa ?umari S. ?.
7ourth sur+e/ of research in education H"10% ; 00C
Volume ##
$C Patel 3. 3. H"10&C
7ourth sur+e/ of research in education H"10% ; 00C
Volume ##
AD ?ist of Student and result /
Sr. No. Name of Student
"C 9anar Poonam Sh/am
$C 9ansode Sagar -sho
%C 9hosale Reena Chandu
&C Domale Seema Vasant
'C .ole Pu*a >orah
)C ?amble Ra*endra 9apu
,C Shinde Seema Ramaant
0C Solane 3a/ur 3ahesh
1C Tambe Varsha Nitin
"IC Eaade 3anisha 3adhuar
This is certificated that 3iss. 9ara+ar Vrushali 3adhuar6 S.
:. D. T. Ed6 Di+B-6 Roll NoB"%6 completed her report 2riting on -ction
Research lie - stud/ of effecti+eness of programme 7or student of
of D. P. Primar/ School >aland2adi on of 3arathi Reading.
PlaceB Name of the >uide

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