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Ministerul Educaiei, Cercetrii, Tineretului i Sportului

Centrul Naional de Evaluare i Examinare

Test de evaluare iniial Limba englez
Clasa a X- a L1
Pagina 1 din 4

Anul colar 2011-2012

Limba englez
Clasa a X- a L1

Numele i prenumele elevului:

Data susinerii testului:


Pentru rezolvarea corect a tuturor cerinelor din Partea I i din Partea a II-a se acord 90
de puncte. Din oficiu se acord 10 puncte.
Timpul efectiv de lucru este de 45 de minute.

PARTEA I (60 de puncte)

I. 1. Read the text below and complete the following tasks. Write all your answers on the
Answer Sheet.
All the national parks in Britain are different and have their own special qualities. Together they
cover 10 per cent of England and Wales and receive over 100 million visitors every year. (1)
_____. Not parks in the usually accepted urban sense nor owned by the nation, they represent the
most strongly protected threatened landscapes in Britain.

The Peak National Park, designated in 1988, was the first in the Midlands of England. All the
others are in the north or west of the country. (2) _____. The three Welsh national parks out of
which Snowdonia is the most famous proudly uphold the Welsh culture, tradition and language.
The Snowdonia National Park comprises mountain, moorland and forest, interspersed with deep
valleys, and extends as far as the coast.

(3) _____. It was the Lakeland poet William Wordsworth who first suggested that it should be set
aside as a sort of National property, in which every man has the right and interest who has an eye
to perceive and a heart to enjoy. It lies entirely within Cumbria, and is one of England's few
mountainous regions. All the land in England higher than three thousand feet above sea level lies
within the National Park. The Lake District also contains Scafell Pike, the highest mountain in

Further north are the Yorkshire Dales National Park, with its fine limestone scenery and
Northumberland, stretching north from historic Hadrians Wall to the Scottish border. (4) _____. Its
a special place a fantastic outdoor arena for recreation and peaceful relaxation and a haven for

Together, the British National Parks represent the cream of unspoiled scenery in England and
Wales there are still no national parks in Scotland.

Ministerul Educaiei, Cercetrii, Tineretului i Sportului
Centrul Naional de Evaluare i Examinare

Test de evaluare iniial Limba englez
Clasa a X- a L1
Pagina 2 din 4
I. 1. a. Four sentences have been removed from the text. Select the appropriate sentence for
each gap in the text. There is one extra sentence which you do not need to use. Write your
answers on the Answer Sheet. 8 points
A. The Lake District is probably the best-known of the British National Parks, and in one way
could be said to be the birthplace of the International National Park movement.
B. Established in 1954, the Yorkshire Dales National Park has outstanding scenery, a range of
wildlife habitats and a rich cultural heritage.
C. There is an ongoing debate about the damage caused by the amount of human and vehicular
traffic that such areas generate.
D. Dartmoor and Exmoor the last wildernesses of Southern England are both well known to
holiday makers in the south-west.
E. They are officially recognized by the government as being the jewels in the nations
conservation crown.

I. 1. b. Match the words in bold in the text to their definition given below. There is one extra
definition which you do not need to use. Write your answers on the Answer Sheet. 4 points
A. 1. something that has not been changed in
ways that make it less beautiful or enjoyable
B. 2. to show that you support something such as
an idea by what you say or do
C. 3. natural things such as trees, hills and lakes
that you can see in a particular place
D. 4. a place where people or animals can feel
safe and happy
E. 5. a large area of high land covered with grass
and bushes

I. 1. c For the following sentences, choose the answer (A, B, C, D) which fits according to
the text. Write your answers on the Answer Sheet. 10 points

1. National Parks are protected by law as they are _____.
A.. the property of the nation B. officially recognized
C. endangered landscapes D. different from urban parks

2. Welsh National Parks _______.
A. are the favourite destination of holiday-makers B. were the first to be created in Britain
C. preserve more than just natural landscapes D. were made famous by Wordsworth

3. Snowdonia is _____.
A.. one of the last wildernesses of Southern England B. the best known British National Park
C. the birthplace of the international national D. a unique combination of forms of
park movement relief

4. The Yorkshire Dales are famous for ______.
A.. the cliffs overlooking the North Sea B. the moors
C. the limestone formations D. the unspoiled coastline

5. In Scotland, National Parks are ______ .
A.. considered the best British National Parks B. not very many
C. still non-existent D. not as well preserved as
those in England and Walsh

Ministerul Educaiei, Cercetrii, Tineretului i Sportului
Centrul Naional de Evaluare i Examinare

Test de evaluare iniial Limba englez
Clasa a X- a L1
Pagina 3 din 4
I. 2 Read the text below to fill in the missing information. On your Answer Sheet, write only
the missing words next to the number indicating each blank space. 12 points
Crop circles are large circular patterns (1)_____ have been turning (2)_____ mysteriously in
cornfields all over southern England, and in (3)_____ parts of the world, since (4) _____1980s.
Many people (5)_____ they could not have (6)_____ done by human beings they say only
visitors from outer space could have created such circles.

I. 3. Read the text below and use the words given in capitals below to form words that fit in
the gaps. The words in capitals are given in the order you need to use them: 11 points

The_____1 of a secret tunnel beneath a Nottingham museum could prove that one of historys
most famous legends was a flesh- and-blood reality. The tunnel may have been used by Robin
Hood to escape from the Sheriff of Nottingham to the _____2 of Sherwood Forest. For centuries
_____3 have questioned the _____4 of Robin, dismissing him as a _____5 figure who _____6 the
hopes of the poor in their struggle against the rich. His heroic deeds are wellknown to us from
our _____ 7 readings. The _____(8) unearthing of the passageway by archaeologists excavating
some man-made caves may cause them to rethink their views. The tunnel is blocked so its exact
length is _____(9) though it could stretch for three miles, from St. Marys Church to the citys
outskirts. According to medieval documents, Robin and his men _____(10) disappeared from the
church after _____(11) surrounded by the Sheriffs soldiers.

I. 4. Rephrase the following sentences so that the meaning stays the same. Write your
answers on the Answer Sheet. 15 points

1. Jack and Jill started arguing at midnight. Now its three a.m.
Jack and Jill
2. Jim worked there for five years. Then he resigned.
After ..
3. I have never met a more dependable person than Sam.
Sam is ...................
4. They served us the best cookies ever.
5. I am sure he is not angry with you.

PARTEA a II-a (30 de puncte)
Read the text below. In one paragraph write your own ending of the story. (8- 10 lines)
Henry Blodgett looked at his wristwatch and saw that it was two oclock in the morning. In despair,
he slammed shut the textbook hed been studying and let his head sink onto his arms on the table
in front of him. He knew hed never pass that examination tomorrow; the more he studied geometry
the less he understood it. Mathematics in general had always been difficult for him and now he was
finding that geometry was impossible for him to learn.
And if he flunked it, he was through with college; hed flunked three other courses in his first two
years and another failure this year would, under college rules, cause automatic expulsion.
He wanted that college degree badly, too, since it was indispensable for the career hed chosen
and worked toward. Only a miracle could save him now.
Ministerul Educaiei, Cercetrii, Tineretului i Sportului
Centrul Naional de Evaluare i Examinare

Test de evaluare iniial Limba englez
Clasa a X- a L1
Pagina 4 din 4
He sat up suddenly as an idea struck him. Why not try magic? The occult had always interested
him. He had books on it and hed often read the simple instructions on how to conjure up a demon
and make it obey his will. Up to now, hed always figured that it was a bit risky and so had never
actually tried it. But this was an emergency and might be worth the slight risk. Only through black
magic could he suddenly become an expert in a subject that had always been difficult for him.
From the shelf he quickly took out his best book on black magic, found the right page and
refreshed his memory on the few simple things he had to do.[]

(F. Brown, Honeymoon in Hell)


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