GSM Call Drop Ratio Optimization Delivery Guide

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GSM Call Drop Ratio Optimization Delivery Guide

1 Overview........................................................................................................................................ 5
2 Definitions of Call Drop Ratio...................................................................................................... 5
2.1 Definition of BSC-level Call Drop Ratio................................................................................5
2.2 Definition of Cell-level Call Drop Ratio.................................................................................5
2.3 TCH Call Drop Ratio (%)(includin Handover).....................................................................5
2.! TCH Call Drop Ratio (%) ("#cludin Handover)...................................................................$
2.5 SDCCH Call Drop Ratio (%)................................................................................................. $
3 ppli!ation Strate"ies of Call Drop Ratio................................................................................... #
3.1 TCH Call Drop Ratio and TCH Call Drop Ratio (e#cludin Handover).................................$
3.2 Difference of Definition% Bet&een 'perator%.......................................................................$
3.2.1 TCH Call Drop Ratio.................................................................................................. $
3.2.2 SDCCH Call Drop Ratio............................................................................................. (
$ Strate"ies of Optimizin" Call Drop Ratio.................................................................................... %
!.1 )ind Trace of *nal+,in Call Drop -ro.le/......................................................................... 0
!.2 Hard&are 1ault%................................................................................................................. 12
!.3 Data Confiuration.............................................................................................................. 11
!.! Coverae -ro.le/%............................................................................................................ 11
!.5 3nterference -ro.le/.......................................................................................................... 12
!.$ Call Drop% Cau%ed .+ Handover........................................................................................ 13
GSM Call Drop Ratio Optimization Delivery Guide
1 Overview
Call drop ratio i% an i/portant inde# for /ea%urin 4ualit+ of &irele%% net&or5 and one of t6e
indicator% for apprai%in t6e operator. T6i% docu/ent e#pound% %everal definition% of call
drop ratio7 difference .et&een t6e definition%7 calculation for/ula and it% /eanin%7 and
propo%e% t6e opti/i,ation %trateie% of decrea%in call drop ratio.
T6e narration of t6i% docu/ent i% .a%ed on 8S) BSC 9322R222C13.
2 Definitions of Call Drop Ratio
2.1 Definition of &SC'level Call Drop Ratio
BSC-level call drop ratio i% defined .+ u%in t6e traffic /ea%ure/ent inde# in :BSC overall
perfor/ance /ea%ure/ent; -< :acce%% perfor/ance /ea%ure/ent;. =B> in t6e for/ula
indicate% inde# of BSC level.
(&1'a) *C+ !all drop ratio (,) (in!ludin" -andover)
Meanin". -ercentae of TCH call drop% to TCH occupation %ucce%%e%.
/ormula. 022 Count of call drop% on TCH;? :1@ Count of %ucce%%e% of occup+in TCH;A122%
1ote. T6i% inde# i% iven in t6e traffic /ea%ure/ent :BSC overall perfor/ance
/ea%ure/ent; -< :acce%% perfor/ance /ea%ure/ent;.
2.2 Definition of Cell'level Call Drop Ratio
T6e call drop ratio of cell level i% defined .+ u%in t6e traffic /ea%ure/ent inde# in :cell
perfor/ance /ea%ure/ent; -< :TCH perfor/ance /ea%ure/ent; or :cell perfor/ance
/ea%ure/ent 2; -< :TCH1?H perfor/ance /ea%ure/ent (2);. Cell-level calculation for/ula i%
directl+ iven for t6e cell-level call drop ratio definition corre%pondin to t6e BSC-level inde#.
=C> in t6e for/ula indicate% inde# of cell level.
(C1'a) *C+ !all drop ratio (,)
Definition. T6i% inde# indicate% t6e percentae of call drop% on TCH c6annel to t6e total
%ucce%%e% of occup+in TCH c6annel.
/ormula. 021!2 Count of call drop% on TCH;? :2125 Count of (all) %ucce%%e% of occup+in
1ote. T6i% inde# i% iven in t6e traffic /ea%ure/ent :cell perfor/ance /ea%ure/ent; -<
:TCH perfor/ance /ea%ure/ent;.
2.3 *C+ Call Drop Ratio (,) (2n!ludin" +andover)
Meanin". -ercentae of TCH call drop% to TCH occupation %ucce%%e%.
/ormula. :21!2 Count of call drop% on TCH B 21!3 Count of call drop% on TCH a%%ined
ver+ earl+; ? 2125 Count of %ucce%%e% of occup+in TCH; A 122%
2.$ *C+ Call Drop Ratio (,) (34!ludin" +andover)
)eaninC -ercentae of TCH call drop% (e#cludin 6andover) to TCH occupation %ucce%%e%
(e#cludin 6andover).
/ormula. :21!2 Count of call drop% on TCH; ? (:212$ Count of %ucce%%e% of occup+in TCH;
B :212( Count of %ucce%%e% of occup+in TCH a%%ined ver+ earl+;)A122%
2.5 SDCC+ Call Drop Ratio (,)
Meanin". -ercentae of SDCCH call drop% to SDCCH occupation %ucce%%e%7 indicative of
t6e %ucce%% ratio of occup+in SDCCH c6annel.
/ormula. 022(2 Count of call drop% on SDCCH;? :22!@ Count of %ucce%%e% of occup+in
3 ppli!ation Strate"ies of Call Drop Ratio
3.1 *C+ Call Drop Ratio and *C+ Call Drop Ratio (e4!ludin"
TCH call drop ratio varie% fro/ TCH call drop ratio (e#cludin 6andover) in t6at t6e latter
eli/inate% t6e count of TCH occupation failure% cau%ed .+ 6andover in t6e nu/erator of t6e
for/ula7 and eli/inate% t6e count of TCH occupation %ucce%%e% cau%ed .+ 6andover in t6e
deno/inator. T6erefore7 &e %6ould %elect TCH call drop ratio (e#cludin 6andover) or TCH
call drop ratio accordin t6e actual condition% of t6e e#i%tin net&or5.
3.2 Differen!e of Definitions 5etween Operators
3.2.1 *C+ Call Drop Ratio
T6e /eanin of call drop ratio varie% .et&een different operator% due to t6eir under%tandin
on &irele%% net&or5 D-3 and influence fro/ co/petitor%. 1or e#a/ple7 C-ina 6ni!om doe%
not include t6e call drop% cau%ed .+ 6andover in calculatin call drop ratioE and C-ina
Mo5ile calculate% t6e call drop ratio di%cri/inatinl+ for t&o circu/%tance%C 3nclu%ive of t6e
6andover cau%ed .+ 6andover7 or e#clu%ive of it. Specificall+C
C6ina Fnico/
DefinitionC Count of call drop% on TCH ? Count of %ucce%%e% of a%%inin traffic c6annel
(e#cludin 6andover) A 122%
TCH call drop countC Call drop% cau%ed .+ all cau%e% in t6e &irele%% %u.%+%te/ of local
reion7 includin voice call drop% cau%ed .+ nor/al c6annel lo%% and variou% 6andover
rea%on% (includin %e/i rate).
Count of %ucce%%e% of a%%inin traffic c6annel (e#cludin 6andover)C 'ccupation of all voice
c6annel% in t6e &irele%% %u.%+%te/ of t6e local reion7 e#cludin t6e occupation of voice
c6annel% cau%ed .+ 6andover (includin %e/i rate).
C6ina )o.ile
Count of call drop% on voice c6annelC Call drop% cau%ed .+ all rea%on% after co/pletion of
a%%inin voice c6annel7 corre%pondin to :21!2 Count of call drop% on TCH;.
Count of voice c6annel occupation (includin 6andover)C Total count of %ucce%%e% of
a%%inin voice c6annel% for callin or called part+. 3t corre%pond% to :212$ Count of
%ucce%%e% of occup+in TCH; B :2112 Count of %ucce%%e% of occup+in TCH in ca%e of
inco/in cell 6andover in BSC; B :2113 Count of %ucce%%e% of occup+in TCH in ca%e of
inco/in cell 6andover .et&een BSC%;
Count of voice c6annel occupation (e#cludin 6andover)C Total count of %ucce%%e% of
a%%inin voice c6annel% for callin or called part+. 3t corre%pond% to Hua&ei :212$ Count of
%ucce%%e% of occup+in TCH;.
3.2.2 SDCC+ Call Drop Ratio
C6ina Fnico/
DefinitionC Count of call drop% on SDCCH ? Count of rando/l+ acce%%ed re4ue%t% G 122%.
Count of rando/l+ acce%%ed re4ue%t%C )ean% t6e )S re4ue%t% for a %inalin c6annel fro/
t6e net&or5 in idle /ode. 3t corre%pond% to Hua&ei :2105 Count of i//ediate a%%in/ent
Count of call drop% on SDCCHC Call drop% enerated in t6e period of occup+in SDCCH7
e#clu%ive of t6e relea%e of traffic cau%ed .+ cone%tion of TCH and Tran%coder re%ource%. 3t
corre%pond% to Hua&ei :22(2 Count of call drop% on SDCCH;.
C6ina )o.ile
Count of call drop% on SDCCHC Total count of call drop% after SDCCH i% a%%ined
%ucce%%full+. 3t corre%pond% to :22(2 Count of call drop% on SDCCH; B :21!3 Count of call
drop% on TCH a%%ined ver+ earl+;
Count of SDCCH occupationC Count of %ucce%%e% of occup+in SDCCH. 3t corre%pond% to
:22!@ Count of (all) %ucce%%e% of occup+in SDCCH; B :212( Count of %ucce%%e% of
a%%inin TCH ver+ earl+;
1or t6e definition% of 6andover %ucce%% ratio /ade .+ eac6 operator7 %ee GSM KPI
Information Retrieval Analysis Tool V1.01. T6i% tool contain% t6e Hua&ei 8S) net&or5 D-3
defined .+ eac6 operator. (Currentl+7 t6i% docu/ent 6a% .een relea%ed7 .ut i% onl+
acce%%i.le to reional tea/ leader and net&or5 plannin /anaer of eac6 reional divi%ion)
$ Strate"ies of Optimizin" Call Drop Ratio
1actor% affectin t6e call drop ratio includeC '/i%%ion of adHacent cell relation%6ip7 traffic
cone%tion7 6andover failure7 i/proper %ettin of relevant para/eter%7 coverae pro.le/7
interference7 inter/ittent tran%/i%%ion7 and uplin5-do&nlin5 .alance. Due to uncertaint+ of
u%er /otion and &irele%% propaation7 t6e %+%te/ al&a+% incur% call drop% to %o/e e#tent.
T6rou6 traffic /ea%ure/ent anal+%i%7 &e can opti/i,e /ultiple factor% to reduce t6e call
drop%. Traffic /ea%ure/ent anal+%i% i% a proce%% of raduall+ ite/i,in fro/ BSC entiret+
perfor/ance to cell perfor/ance /ea%ure/ent7 carrier perfor/ance /ea%ure/ent7 and
c6annel perfor/ance /ea%ure/ent.
$.1 Mind *ra!e of nalyzin" Call Drop 7ro5lem
Figure 1.1 Process of analyzing call drop problem
I6en t6e call drop ratio i% found a.nor/al7 loo5 up t6e TCH perfor/ance %tati%tic%7 !-e!8
w-et-er it is a universal or individual p-enomenon7 anal+,e &6et6er Hu%t a fe& cell%
6ave 6i6 call drop ratio or all BTS% 6ave 6i6 call drop ratio7 &6ic6 lead% to a.nor/al call
drop ratio in entire perfor/ance. 1or univer%al pro.le/%7 c6ec5 t6e coverae7 cell
para/eter% and fre4uenc+ plan fro/ per%pective of plannin7 anal+,e &6et6er t6e lin5
.udet /eet% re4uire/ent%7 &6et6er t6e counter i% %et properl+ in ca%e of uplin5-do&nlin5
radio lin5 failure7 and &6et6er t6e net&or5 interference i% too 6i6. 3n addition7 in%pect t6e
6ard&are of BSC7 e..7 cloc5. T6en7 perfor/ a drive te%t for &irele%% coverae of t6e
3f onl+ individual cell% 6ave %eriou% call drop ratio% &6ic6 lead% to a.nor/al call drop ratio of
t6e entiret+7 c6ec5 &6et6er t6e call drop% are cau%ed .+ device fault accordin to t6e traffic
/ea%ure/ent. Device fault in%pection cover% ! part%C *-interface circuit7 /odule% in BSC7
*.i% interface circuit and BTS. Device pro.le/% are u%uall+ follo&ed .+ alar/%7 &6ic6 can
%erve a% au#iliar+ reference. 3n t6e practice7 t6e fault% are u%uall+ cau%ed .+ /icro&ave
tran%/i%%ion of *.i% interface and t6e BTS R1 co/ponent%7 e%peciall+ t6e TRJ .oard and
3f t6e pro.le/ i% not cau%ed .+ device fault7 anal+,e t6e call drop% of t6e radio interface fro/
t6ree a%pect%C 3nterference7 coverae and 6andover.
1. 3nterference co/e% in uplin5 interference and do&nlin5 interference. 1ro/ t6e nu/.er
of de%tination interference area of idle TCH in cell perfor/ance /ea%ure/ent7 &e can
anal+,e t6e uplin5 interface. 3t i% nor/al if t6e interference i% dropped to interference
area 1 and interference area 2. 1or t6e net&or5 /ultiple#ed at clo%e fre4uencie%7 it i%
partiall+ accepta.le if interference i% dropped to interference area 3. Here &e need to
ta5e overall account of fre4uenc+ 6op7 -B8T 6andover and coverae control. 3f
interference i% dropped to interference area !7 it i% nece%%ar+ to %earc6 t6e interference
carefull+. 3nterference enerall+ increa%e% &it6 increa%e of traffic. T6rou6 t6e receivin
4ualit+ /ea%ure/ent ta%5 and t6e receivin level /ea%ure/ent ta%57 &e can %ee t6at
t6e rade of voice 4ualit+ in t6e conver%ation increa%e% &6en interference e#i%t%. 1ro/
t6e inter-cell 6andover perfor/ance /ea%ure/ent7 &e can find t6at t6e percentae of
6andover cau%ed .+ inferior 4ualit+ .eco/e% 6i6er. )ean&6ile7 t6e count of after 6andover failure al%o increa%e%.
2. Call drop% cau%ed .+ coverae are attri.uta.le toC Deficient coverae or i/.alance
.et&een uplin5 and do&nlin5. Ko& %trent6 of receivin %inal% can .e detected
t6rou6 t6e /ean receivin level and po&er rade in t6e po&er control /ea%ure/ent
ta%5. I6en t6e tran%/itter po&er reac6e% t6e /a#i/u/ output &6ile t6e receivin level
i% %till ver+ lo&7 it indicate% area of poor coverae e#i%t%. )ean&6ile7 c6ec5 t6e /ean
receivin level and 4ualit+ at t6e ti/e of call drop. T6rou6 t6e T* value di%tri.ution7
e%ti/ate t6e u%er di%tri.ution radiu%. B+ o.%ervin t6e receivin %inal %trent6 of t6e
adHacent cell7 anal+,e t6e cell coverae7 &6ic6 i% enerall+ co/.ined &it6 drive te%t for
detailed anal+%i%.
3/.alance .et&een uplin5 and do&nlin5 can al%o lead to call drop%7 &6ic6 i% u%uall+ follo&ed
.+ R1 co/ponent fault or ca.le connection pro.le/%. 1ro/ t6e uplin5-do&nlin5 .alance
/ea%ure/ent ta%57 po&er control /ea%ure/ent ta%5 and call drop /ea%ure/ent ta%5%7 &e
can anal+,e i/.alance .et&een uplin5 and do&nlin5. 3n t6i% ca%e7 o.%erve t6e alar/
/e%%ae% and u%er co/plaint%.
3. )S cannot 6and over to t6e .e%t cell due to 6andover failure7 &6ic6 /a+ lead to call
drop%. T6i% can .e deter/ined .+ anal+,in t6e /ean receivin level of t6e cell
6andover &it6 a 6i6 call drop ratio and t6e cell 6andover %ucce%% ratio. T6i%
circu/%tance /a+ .e cau%ed .+ cro%% coverae and de%tination cell cone%tion. 3n t6i%
ca%e7 &6en t6e u%er /ove%7 t6e 6andover failure /a5e% t6e conver%ation 4ualit+ in t6e
old cell deteriorate continuou%l+ until call drop. Suc6 call drop% can .e %olved t6rou6
traffic .alance and increa%e of adHacent cell relation%6ip%.
T6e anal+%i% of too 6i6 SDCCH call drop ratio i% %i/ilar to t6e ca%e of TCH. *% a point-to-
point %inalin c6annel7 SDCCH i% /ore %en%itive to interference t6an t6e voice c6annel.
8enerall+7 t6e call drop ratio can .e i/proved .+ adHu%tin t6e acce%% t6re%6old and
decrea%in t6e interference.
Su//ar+ of relevant infor/ation for anal+,in call drop ratio
Cause Further causes Traffic measurement
Call drop ratio
is universally
BSC entirety performance
measurement -> Count of call
drops on TCH
BSC entirety performance
measurement -> Count of call
drops on SDCCH
-interface trun! performance
measurement -> "ean duration
occupied by timeslot # $s%
T&'() T&'*
CD+ standing
,ave ratio) cloc!
BSC cloc!
Call drop ratio
is high only in
individual cells
High call
drop ratio in
case of
Count of reestablishment failure
after handover failure in cell-
Count of reestablishment failure
Counters related to
handover. T&/'&)
Cause Further causes Traffic measurement
after outgoing BSC handover
Count of reestablishment failure
after handover failure inside BSC-
Count of timeout of ,aiting for
completion of handover in case of
1ncoming BSC handover-
Count of reestablishment failure
after outgoing system handover
parameter related
to handover)
ensuring the
handover to be
triggered in time0
Po,er control is
triggered before
handover) so that
the handover is
completed ,ith the
best po,er0
High radio
call drop
Chec!ing the interference area in
cell performance measurement $2%
and channel assignment
performance measurement-
receiving level performance
measurement- receiving 3uality
performance measurement- count
of attempts to originate handover
#umber of SCCH
counter of radio
lin! failure- T2'')
4or outband
interference) it is
necessary to
interference source
by s,eeping
fre3uency through
drive test0
5eceiving level performance
measurement- receiving 3uality
performance measurement- call
drop performance measurement
"inimum receiving
signal grade of
"S- minimum
receiving level of
5CH- carrier
po,er grade
8evel and 3uality ,hen originating
the handover0
"ean lead time in case of full9semi
rate TCH call drop0
"ean uplin!9do,nlin! level in case
of full9semi rate TCH call drop
"ean uplin!9do,nlin! level in case
of SDCCH call drop0
"ean lead time in case of SDCCH
call drop0
1ncoming9outgoing cell handover
performance measurement
Chec! the ad7acent
cell relationship
dd ad7acent cell
according to the
drive test
Lo& &e anal+,e t6e call drop% cau%ed .+ 6ard&are fault7 data confiuration7 coverae
pro.le/7 interference pro.le/ and 6andover7 and ive t6e corre%pondin %olution%.
$.2 +ardware /aults
1. C6ec5 t6e alar/ infor/ationC C6ec5 &6et6er an+ device i% fault+ t6rou6 infor/ation of
tran%/i%%ion alar/7 .oard co//unication alar/7 CDF %tandin &ave ratio alar/ and
cloc5 alar/. C6ec5 &6et6er an+ antenna or feeder i% connected inver%el+. 1or detail%7
%ee Operation Guide to Avoidin Inverse !onne"tion of Antenna # $eeder in GSM
Relo"ation Pro%e"t&'00(0)*0&+&1.0.
2. C6ec5 t6e indice% of t6e taret cell %uc6 a% :TRJ %ound ratio;7 :TCH availa.ilit+; and
:TCH call c6annel activation (L*CD);? :TCH call c6annel activation (T3)"'FT); to
/a5e %ure &6et6er an+ device i% fault+E c6ec5 t6e receivin level perfor/ance
/ea%ure/ent of t6e taret cell to anal+,e &6et6er t6e TRJ perfor/ance i%
3. C6ec5 :Count of *-interface failure in ca%e of TCH occupation; and :Count of round
lin5 cut in ca%e of TCH occupation; to anal+,e &6et6er an+ round lin5 device i% fault+.
!. 1or device fault pro.le/%7 a%5 t6e 8BSS enineer to 6andle.
$.3 Data Confi"uration
1ir%t7 c6ec5 &6et6er data i% /odified for t6e pro.le/atic cell?BSC?)SC .efore t6e call drop
occur%. C6ec5 t6e relevant para/eter confiuration7 and confiure t6e para/eter% properl+
accordin to t6e data confiuration %pecification%.
1. Radio lin5 failure counter (RKT)C 3ncrea%in t6i% para/eter properl+ can reduce call
drop%. Ho&ever7 if t6e adHu%t/ent i% too %6arp7 t6e ter/inal u%er &ill u%uall+ 6an up
.efore t6e %+%te/ di%connect% t6e lin5. T6at 6a% no effect of i/provin perception of
ter/inal u%er%7 and can onl+ .e u%ed a% a &a+ of opti/i,in D-3. 3t i% reco//ended to
%et t6i% para/eter to 327 and to !! for certain cell% of 6i6 call drop ratio. (3n RC')7 &e
%et t6i% value to $2)
2. S*CCH /ultifra/e 4uantit+C 3t define% t6e /a#i/u/ allo&ed radio lin5 connection
failure ti/e of t6e do&nlin5. 3t i% reco//ended to %et t6i% para/eter to .e %li6tl+
6i6er t6an t6e RKT para/eter value
3. )ini/u/ receivin %inal rade of )SC 3ncrea%in t6i% para/eter properl+ i% conducive
to reduction of call drop%7 .ut t6e coverae %cope &ill .e %6ortened. 3t i% reco//ended
to %et t6i% para/eter to 591:.
!. R*CH /ini/u/ receivin level7 R*CH .u%+ t6re%6oldC 3t indicate% t6e /ini/u/
receivin %inal level for t6e uplin5 acce%% %+%te/ of )S in t6e BTS3J (R*CH .u%+
t6re%6old i% u%ed in BTS22). Ki5e t6e =)S /ini/u/ receivin %inal rade> para/eter7
t6e coverae and call drop ratio %6ould .e leveraed in %ettin. T6e pain %ucce%%
ratio i% not included in t6e acceptance D-37 and can .e increa%ed properl+ in individual
cell% of 6i6 call drop ratio.
5. T2227 L222C 2n!reasin" t-e *2:: and 12:: properl+ can i/prove t6e call drop
$. T3257 T320 ()SC para/eter)C De!reasin" t-e *3:5 and *3:; properly
(prefera5ly to 5s) can i/prove t6e call drop ratio. Ho&ever7 it i% nece%%ar+ to con%ult
&it6 t6e cu%to/er .efore t6e adHu%t/ent and tell t6e cu%to/er a.out t6e i/pact on
ot6er BSC.
(. C6ec5 t6e fre4uenc+ and fre4uenc+ 6op data confiurationC 3/proper fre4uenc+
plannin and fre4uenc+ 6op %ettin ()*3'7 HSL) &ill increa%e call drop%.
;. 2n!rease t-e value of *31:3 and *; properly for t-e re"ions w-ere t-e
-andover !all drop ratio is -i"-.
1or detailed para/eter %ettin%7 %ee t6e net&or5 plannin data confiuration %pecification%.
$.$ Covera"e 7ro5lems
*ccordin to t6e u%erM% co/plaint7 under%tand t6e reion% of deficient coverae7 and t6en
perfor/ drive te%t for a lare %cope of area. '.%erve t6e %inal level7 and c6ec5 &6et6er
6andover i% nor/al7 &6et6er call drop% occur. B+ u%in t6e ')C traffic /ea%ure/ent7 c6ec5
&6et6er t6e entiret+ call drop ratio of BSC. 1ind t6e cell% &6ere t6e call drop ratio i% 6i6 and
c6ec5 ot6er relevant traffic /ea%ure/ent to 6elp anal+,in. Ki%ted .elo& are %o/e traffic
/ea%ure/ent ta%5% and %tati%tic% ite/%C
1) 3n t6e po&er control perfor/ance /ea%ure/ent7 c6ec5 &6et6er t6e /ean
uplin5?do&nlin5 %inal %trent6 i% too lo&.
2) 1ro/ t6e receivin level perfor/ance /ea%ure/ent7 t6e percentae of lo& receivin
level i% too 6i6.
3) 3n t6e cell perfor/ance /ea%ure/ent?inter-cell 6andover perfor/ance /ea%ure/ent7
t6e level rade at t6e ti/e of oriinatin 6andover i% too lo&7 and t6e /ean receivin
level i% too lo&.
!) 3n t6e call drop perfor/ance /ea%ure/ent7 t6e level at t6e ti/e of call drop i% too lo&7
and t6e T* value i% a.nor/al .efore call drop occur%.
5) -erfor/ance /ea%ure/ent of defined adHacent cellC T6rou6 t6e %tati%tic% of adHacent
cell% defined in t6e cell adHacenc+ relation%6ip ta.le reported .+ )S7 &e can locate t6e
adHacent cell &6ere t6e /ean level i% too lo&.
$) -erfor/ance /ea%ure/ent of undefined adHacent cell%C C6ec5 e#i%tence of an+
undefined adHacent cell% &6ere t6e /ean level i% too 6i6.
() -o&er control perfor/ance /ea%ure/entC /a#i/u/ di%tance .et&een )S and BTS
(T* value)7 /ultiple continuou% ti/e %e/ent% .e+ond %pecification%.
0) Balance .et&een uplin5 and do&nlin5
Call drop% cau%ed .+ overae pro.le/ are attri.uta.le toC Deficient coverae or .lind area of
coverae7 inferior indoor coverae7 too narro& coverae7 cro%% coverae.
3f t6e call drop% are cau%ed .+ coverae pro.le/%7 &e can adHu%t in t6e follo&in a%pect%C
-erfor/ antenna N feeder in%pection and adHu%t/ent7 pa+ attention to ca.inet top po&er and
TRJE add /ore BTS or repeater%7 u%e /icrocell% to %olve coverae on certain %ite%7 and u%e
t6e indoor di%tri.ution %+%te/ if appropriateE i/prove t6e BTS coverae .+ ot6er /ean%7
e..7 increa%e t6e /a#i/u/ tran%/ittin po&er of t6e BTS7 c6ane t6e a,i/ut6 anle7 tilt
anle or /ount 6ei6t of t6e antennaE for t6e cell% &6ere cro%% coverae e#i%t% or adHacent
cell relation%6ip i% o/itted7 add t6e adHacent cell% a% re4uired7 and reduce t6e call drop%
cau%ed .+ lac5 of proper cell% for 6andover. T6e cro%% coverae can .e eli/inated .+
reducin t6e tilt anle of t6e BTS.
$.5 2nterferen!e 7ro5lem
3nterference include% co//on-fre4uenc+7 adHacent fre4uenc+ and cro%%-/odulation
interference. I6en t6e )S receive% ver+ %tron co//on-fre4uenc+ or adHacent-fre4uenc+
interference %inal% in t6e %ervice cell7 .it error rate &ill deteriorate7 and t6e )S &ill .e
una.le to .e de/odulated to t6e B3SC code% of t6e adHacent cell accuratel+7 or una.le to
receive t6e /ea%ure/ent report% of t6e )S correctl+. 3nterference t6re%6old i% co//on-
fre4uenc+ carrier-to-interference ratio C?3@dB7 adHacent fre4uenc+ carrier-to-interference ratio
C?* -@dB. I6en t6e interference ratio deterioration oe% .e+ond t6i% t6re%6old7 interference
to t6e conver%ation in t6e net&or5 &ill occur7 t6e conver%ation 4ualit+ &ill .eco/e &or%e7 and
call drop% &ill occur.
3nterference /a+ e#i%t in or out%ide t6e net&or57 in t6e uplin5 or do&nlin5 %inal%. Ie can
locate interference in /an+ &a+%. 8enerall+ availa.le /et6od% are a% follo&%C
1. 3n vie& of t6e u%er co/plaint%7 perfor/ conver%ation drive te%t in t6e area% vulnera.le
interference to in%pect t6e do&nlin5 interference. F%e t6e drive te%t tool% to detect t6e
place% &6ere receivin %inal level i% %tron .ut t6e conver%ation 4ualit+ i% poor. F%e
t6e te%t )S to perfor/ loc5ed-fre4uenc+ dialin te%t7 and o.%erve &6et6er interference
i% received on a certain fre4uenc+.
2. 3n%pect t6e fre4uenc+ plannin7 and c6ec5 &6et6er co//on-fre4uenc+ or adHacent-
fre4uenc+ interference occur% a% a re%ult of i/proper plannin. *dHu%t t6e fre4uencie%
po%%i.l+ incurrin interference7 and c6ec5 &6et6er t6e interference can .e doded or
3. C6ec5 t6e interference cau%ed .+ device factor%.
!. *nal+,e t6e traffic /ea%ure/ent and find t6e place% vulnera.le to interference.
1ollo&in are traffic /ea%ure/ent indice% u%ed for anal+,in interference in t6e traffic
1) *nal+,e t6e interference area in t6e traffic /ea%ure/ent and o.%erve t6e uplin5
interferenceC 3f t6ere i% an idle c6annel e#i%tent in interference area 37 ! or 57
interference &ill u%uall+ occur. T6e interference in net&or5 i% related to traffic7 &6ile
interference out%ide t6e net&or5 i% not related to traffic. T6erefore7 if interference
%trent6 i% related to c6ane of traffic7 it can .e inferred a% interference in net&or5. 3n
addition7 if all carrier c6annel% of t6e BTS are .u%+7 it &ill affect accurac+ of %tati%tic% of
interference area. T6e+ %6ould .e ta5en into overall account.
2) Receivin level perfor/ance /ea%ure/ent (&6ic6 ive% t6e /atri# relation%6ip .et&een
t6e level and t6e 4ualit+)C 3f t6ere are too /an+ 6i6-level and lo&-4ualit+ call%7 it
indicate% t6e fre4uenc+ of t6i% carrier .oard incur% co//on-fre4uenc+ interference7
adHacent-fre4uenc+ interference or off-net interference.
3) -ercentae of 6andover cau%ed .+ inferior 4ualit+C 3n t6e cell perfor/ance
/ea%ure/ent?inter-cell 6andover perfor/ance /ea%ure/ent7 or outoin 6andover
perfor/ance /ea%ure/ent7 &e can c6ec5 &6et6er uplin5 or do&nlin5 interference
e#i%t% accordin to t6e count of outoin 6andover atte/pt% cau%ed .+ inferior 4ualit+.
!) Receivin 4ualit+ perfor/ance /ea%ure/entC *verae receivin 4ualit+ i% inferior.
5) Call drop perfor/ance /ea%ure/entC T6e level i% 6i6 and t6e 4ualit+ i% lo& in ca%e of
call drop.
$) 3f t6e count of failure% i% too 6i6 after 6andover failure7 interference /a+ e#i%t in t6e
taret cell.
() Fplin5 fre4uenc+ %cannin
3f t6e interference cannot .e eli/inated in t6e afore/entioned &a+%7 &e can u%e a %pectru/
anal+,er to %&eep and find t6e interferin fre4uenc+7 and furt6er find t6e interference %ource.
1or detail% of locatin t6e interference pro.le/%7 %ee G , Guide to -andlin Interferen"e
Pro.lems &'00/0*11&A&1.0.
1or call drop% cau%ed .+ interference7 &e can /a5e t6e follo&in adHu%t/ent%C B+
adHu%tin t6e BTS tran%/ittin po&er of t6e relevant cell7 tilt anle of antenna or fre4uenc+
plannin7 &e can avoid interference. *lternativel+7 .+ u%in t6e 6ot fre4uenc+ tec6noloie%7
po&er control and diver%it+ tec6noloie%7 &e can reduce t6e %+%te/ noi%e and i/prove t6e
%+%te/ capa.ilit+ of re%i%tin interference.
$.# Call Drops Caused 5y +andover
T6rou6 anal+%i% on traffic /ea%ure/ent indice%7 &e can anal+,e e#i%tence of t6e cell%
&6ere t6e 6andover %ucce%% ratio i% lo&7 t6e count of failure% after 6andover
failure i% 6i67 and t6e call drop ratio i% 6i6. Ie can u%e traffic /ea%ure/ent to anal+,e t6e
cau%e% for t6e 6andover. 1or e#a/pleC Handover cau%ed .+ uplin5?do&nlin5 receivin levelE
6andover cau%ed .+ uplin5?do&nlin5 receivin 4ualit+E 6andover cau%ed .+ po&er .udet
(-B8T)E directional retr+ of call%E 6andover cau%ed .+ traffic cau%e%. C6ec5 t6e alar/%7 and
o.%erve &6et6er an+ cloc5 alar/% are related to BTS7 &6et6er t6e BTS cloc5 i% in t6e nor/al
runnin %tatu%7 and c6ec5 t6e BTS cloc5 &6en nece%%ar+. -erfor/ a drive te%t and detect
t6e 6andover pro.le/% in t6e drive te%t. -erfor/ drive te%t repeatedl+ near t6e pro.le/atic
cell. Detect t6e call drop pro.le/% related to 6andover fro/ /an+ a%pect%7 and reduce call
drop% t6rou6 6andover opti/i,ation. 1ollo&in are indice% t6at clai/ attention in t6e traffic
1. 3nter-cell 6andover perfor/ance /ea%ure/entC Count of failure% after
6andover failure i% too 6i6.
2. Fndefined adHacent cell perfor/ance /ea%ure/entC Fndefined adHacent cell level7 too
/an+ /ea%ure/ent report%.
3. 'utoin cell 6andover perfor/ance /ea%ure/entC T6e outoin cell %ucce%% ratio i%
lo& (%pecific to a certain cell). Kocate t6e cell to &6ic6 t6e 6andover %eldo/ %ucceed%7
and furt6er find t6e rea%on% fro/ t6e taret cell.
!. T6e inco/in cell 6andover %ucce%% ratio i% lo&7 and t6e 6andover para/eter% of t6e
oppo%ite cell are %et i/properl+.
5. TCH perfor/ance /ea%ure/entC T6e 6andover count i% out of proportion to t6e count
of %ucce%%e% of occup+in TCH7 and t6e 6andover count i% too 6i6. (6andover?call < 3)
1or t6e call drop% cau%ed .+ 6andover7 &e can /a5e t6e follo&in adHu%t/ent%C C6ec5 t6e
adHacent cell relation%6ip7 para/eter %ettin%7 e..7 la+er %ettin7 variou% 6andover
t6re%6old%7 variou% 6andover dela+7 6andover %tati%tic% ti/e7 6andover continuation ti/e7
and /ini/u/ acce%% level of 6andover candidate cell. 3f t6e call drop% are cau%ed .+ lac5 of
6andover c6annel at t6e taret BTS due to i/.alance of traffic7 t6e %olution i% to adHu%t t6e
traffic. 1or e#a/ple7 .+ adHu%tin t6e enineerin para/eter% %uc6 a% do&n tilt anle and
a,i/ut6 anle of t6e antenna7 &e can control t6e coverae %cope of t6e cellE .+ %ettin t6e
net&or5 para/eter%C CR'7 la+er priorit+7 load 6andover7 &e can e4uali,e t6e trafficE or &e
can %olve t6e pro.le/ t6rou6 carrier e#pan%ion. 1or t6e BTS &it6 cloc5 pro.le/%7 &e can
cali.rate t6e BTS cloc5 to %olve t6e cloc5 %+nc6roni,ation pro.le/.

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