October 2014 Trinity Trumpet

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Trinity Trumpet

Trinity United
Methodist Church

All Saints Sunday
November 2

On November 2, at all three wor-
ship services, Trinity will be re-
membering all those who have
gone on to the Church Triumphant
in the past year.

Inside This Issue

Health Outreach Ministry 2

Parish Nurse 3

Youth News 4

Christian Education 5

Bible Studies 6

Ask The Rev 7, 8

Fall Festival 9

Missions 10

UMW News 10

News and Notes 11, 15

Membership News 12

Recipe of the Month 12

Church Calendar 13

Birthdays 14

Thank You Notes 15

Dear Members and Friends of Trinity UMC:

Ever feel like God seems absent in your life? Ever feel like God is somewhere out there
on the fringes of the universe and out of touch with your challenges and issues in life?

In the Old Testament we read about a man named Haman. History records that he was
the first great anti-semite. He was the cruel enemy of the Jews. Haman wanted to annihi-
late the Jews. People wondered: where is God?

However, never once in all of Haman's pride and evil plotting had God ignored him or
his plan to murder Mordecai and the Jews. God had not missed his declaration, the pride
of his heart, or the violent and prejudicial motives behind his decisions. God was invisi-
ble, but He was not out of touch. He had not forgotten His people or His promises to
them---and to their enemies.

A knock came at the door. And before he could even get his thoughts together,
Haman was swept out of the house and escorted to the palace for the banquet that would
spell his doom. I can't help but wonder if on the way to the palace Haman glanced again
at the gallows he had built for Mordecai, shook his head, and regretted what he had done.

This is a magnificent theological principle underscored again and again in the Scriptures.
When God seems absent, He is present. Even when you think you have lost everything,
God uses it as an opportunity to awaken you to the realization that He is still in charge, as
well as to bring you to your knees.

Do you feel that God has been absent or on hold in your life, distant in some way? I want
to remind you of this: He may have seemed absent from you, but He has been present all
along. Furthermore, God knows your heart. He knows the true condition of your soul.
God knows the burden(s) you carry. God knows your sleepless nights. But He's heard
your cry, knows your situation, and He will not turn you away. For Holy God is the one
who knows you best and loves you most.

See you in Church!

God bless,

Rev. George R. Patterson, MDiv.

Senior Pastor

Emergency Readiness Plans
Health Outreach Ministry
Dr. Dot Baker
Ready.gov is a national public service advertising campaign. It educates and encourages residents to prepare (get
ready) for natural or man-made emergencies or disasters. Examples include severe storms, hurricanes, earth-
quakes, floods, winter weather, fires, explosions, food poisonings, chemicals, bioterrorism acts, harmful spills,
poor water supply, etc. The Centers for Disease Control & Prevention (CDC) and other agencies such as the Fed-
eral Emergency Management Agency (FEMA) have a number of suggestions and guidelines to help us stay as safe
as possible. They suggest three steps: BE INFORMED (know about types of emergency or disaster situations; be
aware of ways to get information about the situation; know what to do before, during, and after these situations;
know about your local emergency services). MAKE A PLAN (plan ahead; make a family/friend/neighbor commu-
nication plan; practice your plan; post/enter emergency numbers at your house and in your phone; subscribe to an
emergency notification system; identify an out-of-town contact; prepare your home with fire and other alarms;
take first aid and cpr classes; check your emergency food, water, and battery supplies; locate your emergency shut-
offs for electric, water, gas; know where your local shelters are). GET A KIT (plan ahead for your home, car,
work, school; plan to meet everyones needs ---infants, children, adults, pets; plan for food supplies, fresh batter-
ies, etc.).
EMERGENCY SUPPLY KIT: Her e is a list of gener al usual supplies for your home kit. Please check with
credible sources for a complete list in order to personalize your kit. WATER (one gallon per person for 3 days).
FOOD (non-perishable food for 3 days; manual can opener; protein-type foods such as tuna, peanut butter that do
not require cooking). RADIO (battery-operated; extra batteries; tune to weather station). FLASHLIGHT and extra
batteries. CELL PHONE & charger (remember may not have electricity). FIRST AID KIT and BASIC GUIDE
(bandaids, gauze, and other items that Red Cross recommends). MEDICATIONS & EYEGLASSES. SANITARY
& DISPOSAL CONTAINERS (personal care products, plastic bags, hand sanitizer, towelettes, plastic sheet, duct
tape). CHANGES of CLOTHING. COPIES OF IMPORTANT DOCUMENTS in waterproof container (photo id,
proof of address, birth certificates, insurance cards, medical numbers, contact phone numbers). CASH, CREDIT
CARD, CHECKBOOK (to buy supplies, check into a motel). EXTRA SET OF HOUSE & CAR KEYS. SLEEP-
ING BAG or WARM BLANKET for each person. TOOL KIT (basic tools & scissors). WOODEN STICK
MATCHES (fireplace or candles). WHISTLE (may need to call for help). DISPOSABLE CUPS, PLATES,
UTENSILS (water supply may not be safe). ZIP LOCK BAGS and FOIL (store leftover foods, paper supplies,
medications, etc.). PAPER, PENCIL, MARKER, NOTE PAPER (to write instructions, addresses, phone numbers,
help signs). BOOKS, GAMES, PUZZLES (activities to occupy time). MAP OF YOUR GEOGRAPHIC AREA.
ANY OTHER SPECIAL ITEMS that you and your family need. Check out sample master home supply lists @
http://www.health.state.mn.us/oep/prepare/supplieslist.pdf or FEMAs Ready website. Check out a master vehicle
supply list @ the National Safety Council Emergency Preparedness website.
Involve everyone. Talk about the possible situations and the reasons to make your emergency kits. BE informed,
PLAN ahead, and MAKE your emergency kits. Scripture reminds us that we will have worldly experiences and
must lean on God to prepare for those experiences. In all, God is in charge. I have said these things to you, that in
me you may have peace. In the world you will have tribulation. But take heart; I have overcome the world. John
Resources: American Red Cross, Centers for Disease Control & Prevention, Minnesota Department of Health, Na-
tional Safety Council, Ready Campaign (Federal Emergency Management Agency)
By Carolyn Lewis, RN
I cannot believe that we are now going into Octo-
ber and the Oktoberfest Season. The stores have had
Halloween candy and decorations out now for over a
month, and before Halloween day is over, we see
Thanksgiving and Christmas supplies on display.
I love the fall and do enjoy the fall flavors, apples
being on the top of list, as well as the fall squash and
pumpkins and greens.
Today I have chosen the apple as an example of a
fruit that has so many health benefits, but is good
raw and in so many recipes for side dishes and salads
and desserts. In September, the start of the harvest
season of one of our favorite superfoods (and super
fruits!), the apple begins. It's no surprise that apples
are good for youthey have earned the "keep the
doctor away" reputation, after all, but there are a
number of lesser-known reasons to pick up a juicy
one today:
1. Apples lower cholesterol. One medium-sized ap-
ple contains about four grams of fiber. Some of that
is in the form of pectin, a type of soluble fiber that
has been linked to lower levels of LDL or "bad" cho-
lesterol. That's because it blocks absorption of cho-
lesterol, according to WebMD, which helps the body
to use it rather than store it.
2. They keep you full. The wealth of fiber an apple
provides keep you feeling full for longer without
costing you a lot of caloriesthere are about 95 in a
medium-sized piece of fruit. That's because it takes
our bodies longer to digest complex fiber than more
simple materials like sugar or refined grains. Any-
thing with at least three grams of fiber is a good
source of the nutrient; most people should aim to get
about 25 to 40 grams a day.
3. Apples may keep you slim. One component of an
apple's peel (which also has most of the fiber) is
something called ursolic acid, which was linked to a
lower risk of obesity in a recent study in mice. That's
because it boosts calorie burn and increases muscle
and brown fat, HuffPost UK reports.
4. They can help breathing problems. Five or more
apples a week (less than an apple a day!) has been
linked with better lung function, most likely because
of an antioxidant called quercetin found in the skin
of apples (as well as in onions and tomatoes), the
BBC reports. The breath benefits of apples extend
even further: A 2007 study found that women who
eat plenty of the fruit are less likely to have children
with asthma.
5. Apples boost your immune system. While they
don't quite rival oranges, apples are considered a
good source of immune system-boosting vitamin
C, with over 8 milligrams per medium-sized
fruit, which amounts to roughly 14 percent of
your daily recommended intake.
6. Apples may fight cancer. In 2004, French re-
search found that a chemical in apples helped
prevent colon cancer, WebMD reported. And in
2007, a study from Cornell University found ad-
ditional compounds, called triterpenoids, which
seem to fight against liver, colon, and breast can-
7. They decrease the risk of diabetes. A 2012
study published in the American Journal of Clini-
cal Nutrition found that apples, as well as pears
and blueberries, were linked with a lower risk of
developing type 2 diabetes because of a class of
antioxidants, anthocyanins,that are also responsi-
ble for red, purple, and blue colors in fruits and
8. They're good for your brain. The fruit has been
linked to an uptick in acetylcholine production,
which communicates between nerve cells, so ap-
ples may help your memory and lower your
chances of developing Alzheimer's.

How easy to improve our health by adding
lots of fruits and vegetables to our diet!
I wish you a Hallowed October and may each
day be filled with Gods blessings and natures
Christian Education

by Janal Walton
Director of Childrens Ministries

Genesis 12: 2 and 3

Abram marries Sarai
(Abraham) (Sarah)

Isaac marries Rebekah

Twins are bornEsau and Jacob

The story of Abram (Abraham) is the Bibles account of the beginning of Israel, Gods chosen peo-
ple. Gods call spurs Abram to complete the journey and continue onto the land that God had promised
them: Canaan. Abrams call sets up a familiar theme throughout the Bible: Follow me and I will be your
God; you will be my people.
A blessing is that which contributes to the well-being or happiness of another. When Abraham is
called by God, he is promised a large number of descendants, as many as the stars in the sky. This was
very important in Abrahams day, as that is how a person was felt to gain immortality.
Part of Abrahams blessing is all the families of the earth will be blessed because of you. Abra-
hams good fortune is not just for Abraham and his descendants, but for everyone on earth. The covenant
God makes with Abraham is not just for Abraham, but for all the peoples of the world-all of Gods people.
God wants our relationship with the divine to be a blessing, to bring us well-being and happiness.


Third Grade Bible Presentation

Our third graders will receive their new Bibles on December 7 at the
9:30 service. If you have not received a letter yet with this information-
please call Janal Walton at 410 726-5893.


The Monday Afternoon Bible Study continues every
Monday at 1:00 p.m. and the Berean Adult Sunday
School class continues at 10:45 a.m. every Sunday. In
both of these classes, which meet in room 303 of the
JMB, we are studying the Book of Psalms. Explore
the nature of ancient mid-east poetry and the fascinat-
ing prophetic words from a variety of authors in this
popular yet often misunderstood book of the Bible.

Hebrews: The Foundation of the
Christian Faith

The Wednesday Night Bible Study continues every
Wednesday at 6:30 p.m. in the Sanctuary with the de-
finitive book of the doctrine and base of the Christian
Faith: Hebrews. This book shows the supremacy of
Jesus, and that He is the fulfillment of the Jewish
prophecies concerning the Messiah.

New Members

The New Members Class will be held September 21, September 28, October 5, 12, and 19 in room 303 of
the JMB. at 9:30 a.m. New members will be received into the church on October 26 at 9:30 a.m. These
classes are held for anyone wishing to join Trinity. Topics include: doctrines of the Christian faith, intro-
duction to church history, Methodism & its beliefs, and the life of Trinity United Methodist Church. Those
interested in joining the church should call the church office: 410-749-5562.

Ask the Rev.

What is the difference between Sunni and Shiite Muslims?

The main difference between these two branches of Islam resolves around the successor to Moham-
mad. Ninety percent of Muslims are Sunni which represent basic orthodox Islam. They teach that
the successor to Muhammad was and should continue to be a male from the Quraish(1) tribe to
which Mohammad belonged and be selected by a consensus (ijma)(2) of the community. Begin-
ning with Abu Bakr (632 A.D.), caliphs have ruled according to sharia(3) law. The caliphate was
disbanded in 1924 after the fall of the Ottoman Empire. Various members of the ulam(4) with vari-
ous titles including imam(5) or sheik(6) are called upon to interpret the sharia.

Shiite tradition states that Muhammad told his followers to look to Ali (his son-in-law) after his death. Shiite tradition
maintains that succession is to remain in the family of the prophet, and thus Ali was to be the first imam and his sons
were to continue the leadership. Ali however was denied this position as it was given to Abu Bakr as the first caliph.
Ali was selected as fourth caliph, but he was murdered and buried in Najaf, Iraq. His tomb is a great Shiite shrine. A
pilgrimage to the shrine merits 100,000 martyrdoms and the forgiveness of both present and past sins.

Hasan, Alis first son, was proclaimed caliph (second imam) , but his rivalry between Muawiyah(7) forced him to abdi-
cate. He retired to Medina with his sixty wives where he was poisoned. Husain, Alis second son made an attempt to
become imam and supplant Muawiyah, but he and his family and friends were slaughtered by the Sunni army at Kerbala,
Iraq on the tenth day of Muharram(8) . His head was taken to Damascus and his body trampled under the hooves of
horses. This date is a holy day for Shiite Muslims. Husains tomb at Kerbala is a Shiite shrine from which a pilgrimage
to merits a thousand pilgrimages to Mecca and a thousand martyrdoms and a thousand days of fasting.

1. Quraysh tribe, the most powerful tribe of Mecca during the time of the Prophet Mohammad.

2. Ijma is an Arabic term referring to the consensus or agreement of the Muslim community basically on reli-
gious issues.

3. Sharia law is the moral code and religious law of a prophetic religion. In English usage, the term "sharia"
has been largely identified with Islam.Sharia (Islamic law), and it deals with many topics addressed by secu-
lar law, including crime, politics, and economics, as well as personal matters such as sexual intercourse, hy-
giene, diet, prayer, everyday etiquette, and fasting. Adherence to Islamic law has served as one of the distin-
guishing characteristics of the Muslim faith historically, and through the centuries Muslims have devoted
much scholarly time and effort on its elaboration. Human interpretations of sharia (fiqh) vary between Is-
lamic sects and respective schools of jurisprudence, yet in its strictest and most historically coherent define-
tion, sharia is considered the infallible law of God.

4. UlamScholars of Islamic theology or law; singular is Alim.

5. Imam is an Islamic leadership position. It is most commonly in the context of a worship leader of a mosque
and Muslim community by Sunni Muslims. In this context, Imams may lead Islamic worship services, serve
as community leaders, and provide religious guidance.

6. Sheik literally means "elder" and carries the meaning "leader and/or governor". It is commonly used to des-
ignate the front man of a tribe who got this title after his father, or an Islamic scholar who got this title after
graduating from a basic Islamic school.

7. Muawiyah was an early politically adept leader and the second caliph of the Umayyad clan.

8. Muharram is the first month of the Islamic calendar and one of the four sacred months.
The shedding of his blood is sacrificial and vicarious. During the month
of Muharram, there are passion plays that tell of and enact the gruesome
details of his death. Men cloth themselves in white and beat their heads
and chests with chains to draw blood to stain the white garments.

Shiites believe that the family of the prophet is elevated to infallible qual-
ities. They believe in the power associated with hero tombs and the addi-
tion to the orthodox confession a phrase that declares Ali the commander
of true believers and the friend of God. Shiite doctrine teaches that there
were twelve imams. The last went into hiding in 870 A. D. and will re-
turn at an appropriate time as the Mahdi(9) that will overcome evil. An ayatollah may(10) rule in his stead
until his return. Iran is the leading Shiite nation.

There are other branches of Islam including Sufi Mystics (Sufisim), which is a branch of Folk Islam that is
often influenced by local customs. Whahbism (ultra orthodox Muslims) view beheading and severing of
hands as just punishments for law breakers. Founded in Saudi Arabia, they have a strong following in
Egypt. They despise Sufism (Sufi mystics).

Ask the Rev is a Trumpet newsletter feature where Rev. DeFino will answer your questions on
the Bible, doctrine or religious beliefs and events. Send or call your questions into the church
office and they will be answered in future issues.

9. Mahdi is the prophesied redeemer of Islam who will rule for seven, nine, or nineteen years
(according to differing interpretations) before the Day of Judgment and will rid the world of evil.
According to Islamic tradition, the Mahdi's tenure will coincide with the Second Coming of Jesus
Christ (Isa), who is to assist the Mahdi against the "false Messiah. Jesus, who is considered the
Masih (Messiah) in Islam, will descend east of Damascus, dressed in yellow robes with his head
anointed. He will then join the Mahdi in his war against the evil deceiver and unite mankind.

10. Ayatollah is a high-ranking title given high ranking Shiite clerics. Those who carry the title are ex
perts in Islamic studies such as jurisprudence, ethics, and philosophy and usually teach in Islamic

Christian Drama Camp
November 7-9, 2014

Power Production ministries (started by Rev. DeFino) is sponsoring
a week-end Christian Drama camp to be held at Janes Island State Park in
Crisfield Maryland. This is a two night, all meals included, Christian Drama
training in acting, scriptwriting, storytelling, multimedia, and more. Lodging is in waterfront cabins at the beautiful
park. Free transportation from Salisbury is provided. This will be a fun exciting time of learning drama to be used as a
ministry for our churches. Earlier registration is $125. Brochures and more information can be obtained from the
church office and/or Rev. DeFino.

Ask the Rev continued

Get ready!
Last year was a blast, and we cant wait to do it again!
We could use your help with our Fall Festival this month! Please check the list below to
see if you could be of service to the children of Trinity by donating either an item or your time.
Thank you for your support in helping us to make this event a success! Volunteer forms will
be included in an upcoming bulletin.

Please place items in the back of the church or in the church office by Sunday, October 19.
For large item donations, please contact Sarah McCabe at (410) 677-3412, smcca-
be@hgcsweb.com. Thank you!

Apple cider (in disposable plastic containers)
Cakes, baked goods (for cakewalk) - Drop off date: Friday, October 24 in the JMB
Bulk bags of candy (for prizes)
Bulk bags of small toys (for prizes)
Single-serving bags of chips/pretzels (no large bags please)
Cans of soda (Pepsi, Diet Pepsi, Sprite only please)
Bottled water (16 oz. bottles)
Hot dog buns
Capri Suns
Loose corn kernels

If you are interested in volunteering your time, please see the list in the
back of the church for the following categories.
Set Up (9:00 a.m.-11:00 a.m.)
Break Down (1:00 p.m. -3:00 p.m.)
Face Painting
Server: Hot dogs, apple cider, chips, cotton candy, popcorn, soda
Carnival Games: Bouncy House, Witches Brew, Ring Toss,
Crafts (Pumpkin Painting, Beads)
Hand out tickets at entrance
The food item for October is canned TUNA, Salmon or any other canned FISH! In addition to our monthly food items, the
Lazarus Food Pantry still needs cer tain food items to supplement the gover nment food and make complete and nutr i-
tious meals! These items include cereal, other breakfast foods, pasta and sauce, macaroni and cheese, boxed dinners, ham-
burger, chicken and tuna helper, canned soups, vegetables and fruits, canned meats, and individual juices and snack items for
the ready to eat bags! They also continue to need donations of small personal hygiene items such as deodorant, soap bars,
shampoos, lotions, toothpaste and toothbrushes, womens personal items, razor and shaving cream, chap stick, etc. At the
time of this writing, Trinity has donated 63,569 food items to the pantry since this project began a little over 9 years ago!!! It
has been said before but it is worth repeating, each week, when the food is delivered, they always remark that Trinity is the
only church that delivers without fail a generous amount of food and non-food items every week of the year!!!

Trinity volunteers continue to serve 100-130 hot lunches, including seconds, at the Joseph House on the third Wednesday of
every month. Our next day to serve will be October 15. This is a wonderful way to help those less fortunate in our communi-
ty and we always welcome new volunteers.

If you are interested in helping with any of these service projects, please feel free to call me at 443-944-0698.
Thank you again for your generous support of all of Trinitys Missions Pr ojects!

Kay Hopkins
Missions Chairperson
UMW Fall Soup and Chicken Salad Sale
Calling for all Soup and Chicken Salad Orders

We are excited about our Fall Soup and Salad Sales this year. We should have our new
stove in the JMB with more burners on top so we can cook more and be ready soon-
er. With cooler weather coming, our soups will be here to warm us and dont forget our Chicken Salad and Bake Table. It
sounds good already. Don't wait until the last week to try and get your orders in. The deadline for ordering is Fri-
day, October 10.

Just to pass along some thoughts on these sales. Our ladies and some men start the Sunday before the sales and work for
three days to be sure enough food is made for everyone. Can you imagine cooking over 500 pounds of chicken, yes over
500 pounds, just to make our Chicken Salad? But our team works together and always comes through. We know this is
for local missions, and this is what keeps us going.
Let's talk about our Bake Table with pies and cakes, fudge, zucchini bread, brownies, and a variety of cookies. They are oh
so good! They will be waiting for you when you pick up your order on Oct. 28 or29, between 2 and4 p.m.

I cannot talk enough about our UMW women. Year after year they come through with Carolyn Lewis heading up the kitchen
and Beryl Whaley and her helpers packing the food to be picked up or delivered. Fran Hastings is chairing this event, with
the help of her co-chair, Ellen Moran, and has been busy getting it all together.

Just be sure to fill out your order form and give it to a UMW member. We will do the rest. And, we thank you in advance for
helping support our Mission Program.

Jane Bowers, President

Jackson Memorial Building
North Division & Broad Streets
Salisbury, MD 21801

October 28 & 29, 2014
Homemade Chicken Salad
Vegetable Beef/Peas & Dumpling Soup Sale

Tuesday, October 28 Pick-up Time 2-4 p.m.
Wednesday, October 29 Pick-up Time 2-4 p.m.
( Pick-up at the Jackson Memorial Building )

Bake table goodies will be on sale when orders are picked up.

Deadline for ordering Friday, October 10
( No exceptions )

1 lb. (pint) of Chicken Salad$5.00
Pints of Soup$3.00 : Quarts of Soup $5.00

Bake table goodies will be on sale both days.

Trinity Church Office:
Phone: 410-749-5562; Fax: 410-749-8830

T.A. Phillips

Trinity continues to superbly support this program. Since July 2009, we have exceeded one million dollar value of
coupons. We mailed August 2014 coupons to U.S. Air Force, Incirlik, Turkey.

HELPFUL TIPS: Please do not tear the coupon booklets apar t. Leave the booklets fastened together just
like they arrive in the newspaper. If you do cut out the coupons: cut them into single coupons not in strips. Please do not
staple or roll the coupons with a rubber band.

As always, thank you for your response to support this mission to military personnel and families who serve our
Report for the Program

Year Month(s) Number
Dollar Val-
ue ($) of
Grand Total
Number of
Coupons for

Grand Total
Dollar Value
($) of Coupons
for year

Grand To-
tal Number
of Coupons

Grand Total
Dollar Value
($) of Coupons

778,195 $1,229,025.97
2014 August 10,737
$19,142.23 103,514 $178,919.55 778,195 $1,229,025.97
Membership News

Peninsula Delaware Conference
Salisbury District

Rev. Peggy Johnson
Peninsula Delaware Conference

Rev. Frederick W. Duncan
Salisbury District

Church Staff
Rev. George R. Patterson, Senior Pastor
Rev. Dean DeFino, Associate Pastor
Rev. Dale Vroman, Associate Pastor
Mr. Zachary Wheeler, Youth Pastor
Mrs. Phyllis Oldham, Sanctuary Choir Director
Mrs. Sarah McCabe, Childrens Choir Director
Mr. David Lawson, Organist
Rev. Harry Gray, Handbell Choir Director
Mrs. Janal Walton, Director of Childrens Ministry
Mrs. Carolyn Lewis, RN, Parish Nurse
Mrs. Tracy Shannahan, CPA, Church Accountant
Mr. Wayne Tull, Sexton
Mrs. Sue Posey, Office Manager
Mr. Kyle Buchanan, Riverwalk Organist
Mr. Scott Albright, Video & Sound Technician

Church Leaders
Mr. Chuck Dix, Administrative Board Chairperson
Mrs. Lynne Smoak, Administrative Board Vice-
Mr. Tony Sarbanes, Lay Leader
Mr. Bob Moore, Staff Parish Relations Chairperson
Mr. Jim Thomas, Board of Trustees Chairperson
Mr. Carl Vincent, Finance Committee Chairperson
Mr. Kelly Shannahan, Nominations Committee
Mrs. Ellen DiCintio,, Treasurer

Committee Leaders
Mr. Tom Hopkins, Annual Conference Member
Mrs. Kay Hopkins, Missions Committee Chairperson
Mrs. Carolyn Lewis, Congregational Care Committee
Mrs. Laura Robertson Safe Sanctuary Team
Mrs. Vickie Blades, Membership Chairperson
Mrs. Jane Bowers, United Methodist Women President
Mr. Ed Freshwater, United Methodist Men President
Dr. Dorothy Baker, Health Outreach Ministry
Mr. Ron Moore, Trinity Trumpet Editor
Mrs. Karen Albright,, Video Ministry

Apple Pudding Cake

1 cup packed brown sugar
1/4 cup butter or margarine, softened
1 egg
1 cup Gold Medal all-purpose flour
1 teaspoon baking soda
1 teaspoon ground cinnamon
1/2 teaspoon ground nutmeg
teaspoon salt
2 cups chopped peeled or unpeeled cooking apples
(2 medium)
1/3 cup butter or margarine
2/3 cup granulated sugar
1/3 cup half-and-half
1/2 teaspoon ground cinnamon

Heat oven to 350F. Grease bottom and sides of 8-inch square
pan with shortening.
In large bowl, mix brown sugar and softened butter with
spoon until light and fluffy. Beat in egg. Stir in flour, baking
soda, 1 teaspoon cinnamon, the nutmeg and salt. Stir in ap-
ples. Spread batter in pan.
Bake 25 to 35 minutes or until toothpick inserted in center
comes out clean.
Meanwhile, in 1-quart saucepan, heat sauce ingredients over
medium heat, stirring frequently, until butter is melted and
sauce is hot. Serve warm sauce over warm cake.
September 13, 2014
Chana Hoprich and Andrew Emge

August 31, 2014
Alexis Jane Webster
Daughter of Matthew and Ashley Webster
Maternal Grandparents: Glenn & Sandra Hansen; Samuel
and Lisa Whaley; Doris Webster
Paternal Grandparents: Jeffrey and Debra Webster
Maternal Great Grandparents: Lauretta Pieroni; Harry and
Dora Hansen
Paternal Great Grandparents: Langford and Barbara
Godparents: Brian Webster and Amanda Hansen


October 2014
Sun Mon Tue Wed Thu Fri Sat

Morning Out
12pm Pastors
Pictorial Directory
1pm UMW Ruth
6:30pm Bible


6:15pm Handbell

6:30pm MOPS

Sanctuary Choir


8, 9:30, 11am
9:30am New
Member Class
4:45pm Youth
7pm ASP Interest

10am MOPS
Exercise Class
1pm Bible Study
1:30pm UMW
1:30pm Visitation


1pm UMW

5:15pm SPRC

7pm Moms in

Morning Out

11:30am Lunch

Pictorial Directory

6:30pm Bible


Pictorial Directory

6:15pm Handbell

Sanctuary Choir

Pictorial Directory

9am Women
Supporting Women

10am-5pm Pictorial
Directory Pictures

8, 9:30, 11am

9:30am New
Member Class

Pictorial Directory

4:45pm Youth

Pictorial Directory

1pm Bible Study

6:30pm MOPS
Exercise Class


5:15pm Trustees

6:30pm Chamber

7pm Moms in

15 Moms
Morning Out
Joseph House
Articles Due
6:30pm Bible


6:15pm Handbell
6:30pm MOPS
Sanctuary Choir


Youth Bush
Gardens Trip
8am UMM
9am Alzheimers
12pm ALS
Salisbury Walk
12:30pm Chamber

8, 9:30, 11am
ASP Pancake
9:30am 3rd Grade
Bible Presentation
9:30am New
Member Class
1:30pm Chamber
4:45pm Youth


10am MOPS
Exercise Class

1pm Bible Study


5:15pm Finance

6:30pm Chamber

7pm Moms in

Morning Out

1pm Christian Book

6:30pm Bible


6:15pm Handbell

Sanctuary Choir


Monthly JMB
Pump Run

10am Pine Bluff

10am Chamber

11am Fall Festival

8, 9:30, 11am

9:30am New
Members Received

10:30am New
Members Brunch

4:45pm Youth

1pm Bible Study

6:30pm MOPS
Exercise Class

UMW Carry-Outs


6:30pm Chamber

7pm Moms in

Morning Out

UMW Carry-Outs

6:30pm Bible


6:15pm Handbell

Sanctuary Choir


name does not appear on this
list it does not mean that we
do not have you as a Trinity
member. It only means that
we do not have your birth
date. Please give the church
office a call with any addi-
tions to, or corrections, of this


1 - Janet Mitchell
Christopher Shetler
Laura Thompson

2 - Alexander Acle
Grace Acle
Hunter Greenwood
Makaila Keenan
Gwen Owen
Matt Shockley
Kerry Turner

3 - Alison Dunn
Louis Freshwater
Kendall King
Ken Layfield
Brandon Mahon
Nancy Moyers
Steve Richardson
Katie Rouse

4 - Steve Benedict
Alison Blevins
Sarah Butler
Katelynn Fleming
Ann Holder
Kevin Kenney
Alyssa Warfield
Christian Webb

5 - Donald Bradley
Cynthia Dykes
Donald Kohler
Michael Waller

6 - Linda Baker
George Kreis
Nancy Leer
Andrew Owen
Rebecca Rossi
Chris Shaner
7 - Woody Bozman, Jr.
Annamarie Hogg
Annalie Maguire
David Nelson

8 - Lucy Doyle
Catherine Fowlkes
Michelle Mauzy
Carl Vincent

9 - Nancy Dix
Linda Dumeyer
Keegan Dunne
Laura Elzey
George Jones
Joni Martin
Stephanie Phoebus
Laura Robertson

10 - Rick Darrah
Nicole Eberspeaker
Jonathan Guy
Ann Hill
Lily Howard
Nicholas Luppens
Carter Mason
Phillip Menzel
Sara Rossi

11 - Nathan Abercrombie
Lee Mason
Beth Nichols
Cynthia Todd

12 - Kyle Banks
Jay Bozman
Tracy Duvall
Jason Hussey
Hayden Mengason
Elizabeth Merritt
Conner OMalley

13 - Robert Dees
Lee Esham
Bill Hetherington
Stephen Mason
Monica Shores
Christina Vincent

14 - Harry Horner, Jr.
Ryenne Nelson
Tommy Oechsli
George Pearce

15 - Linda Carrano
Adam Corry
Nathan Downes
David Elzey
Ashley Godfrey
Michael Sartorio
Janal Walton

16 - Betty Baker
Fred Briggeman
Nancy Carroll
Robin Cox
Brian Howard
Rebecca Taylor
Pamela Zorzi

17 - Sandra Fowlkes
Julie Horner
Jana Jones
Michelle Kane
Allie Mertensotto
Kyle Stevenson
Joann Todd

18 - Scott Albright
Jonathan Evans
Bonnie Gibson
Ashley Mertensotto
Whitney Morris
Saige Oechsli

19 - Matthew Baysinger
Judy Briele
Justin Giles
Connie Lowman
Nicholas Malone
John Moran
Jennifer Ritchie
Nancy Slayton
Samuel Thorpe
Geraldine Wright

20 - Patty Blevins
Bob Culver, Jr.
Bob Menzel
Rebekah Morris
Linda Mundt

21 - Dot Bowden
Richard Collins

22 - Jodi Brown
David Esham
Levi Hall
Bill McCain

23 - Alice Evans
Tshya James-Mahon
Elizabeth Menzel
Bailey Pearce
Brian Webb

24 - Kyler Clifton
Angela Gray
David Hearne
Walter Lischick
Jane Ellen Mengason
John Terrell
Kelsea Wilson

25 - Thomas Ayd
Amanda Bryan
David Gladden
Lura Lunsford

26 - John Menzel
Chris Miles
Tiffany Pugh
Sally Rivello
Jessica Rossi
Shirley Sexton

27 - Alexandra Ayd
Kyle Coffin
Pat Fox
Ashley Phippin
William Wiseman

28 - Dean Gray
Tom Hopkins
Karlie Reichenberg
Ryan Shannahan
Linda Thomas

29 - Matthew Hedger
Shelley Hogg

30 - Gina Grier
Sheldon Larmore

31 - Stella Austin
Phyllis Campbell
Ioana Elburn
Margy Meeks
Nancy Ward
Lance Webster
Ferne Wilce


Thank you!
Thank you for the many cards and get well wishes. As I
recover from surgery and begin treatment, your continued
prayers are both needed and appreciated. God has blessed me
in so many ways. The decision to join the Trinity Church
family is among the best! Love and prayers to each of you.
Linda Townsend

Thank you for your prayers, calls, and cards during my
recent illness. I am truly blest to have so many Trinity
Mary Preller

Thank you so much for all the cards, e-mails, thoughts,
and prayers you sent to me and my family with the passing of
my mother. She loved coming to Trinity when she was visit-
ing. Many thanks, also, to Jennifer Doyle for the delicious
Apple Walnut cake. It was so moist and yummy. Its won-
derful to have such a lovely church family for support. We
are truly blessed to have you all in our lives and to be a part
of the Trinity family. Many thanks again for being there in
our time of need.
Bev Horner and Family

With the recent passing of Larry, we were once again re-
minded of how special Trinity and each of its members are to
us. During this difficult time, we were greatly supported by
the pastors and so many of the church staff and members of
this congregation. The funeral service officiated by Reverend
Vroman and the meal that followed were both wonderful trib-
utes to Larry. We truly appreciate every act of kindness our
church family has shown us. Your prayers, smiles, hugs,
cards, phone calls, visits, food, attendance at the funeral ser-
vice or visitation, and words of encouragement have meant so
very much to us. Thank you!
Norma Lee Phillips and Family
Do you know of someone in our church family who needs
visits from our pastors or our Congregational Care Lay
Visitation team? It would be helpful if you would call the
church office and let us know of those needs so we can
make sure contact is made.
We continue to have our monthly visits with the folks at
Pine Bluff, and our card ministry is truly a busy ministry.
In just a few weeks you will receive your Volunteer Min-
istry Packet and among the list under Congregational
Care are Special Receptions, Food Ministry, and Little
We hope you will prayerfully consider signing up for one
of these programs if you are a person who likes to cook or
bake and would be willing to share your talents with our
church family.

Our October program will be presented by Dr. and Mrs.
Richard Meeks, and they will present a travel log on Thai-
land. Please call the church office to let us know if you
are coming no later than October 6.

Our trip to the American Music Theater on No-
vember 5 is filling up. The cost is $80.00 per person.
The money needs to be in the office by October 15. We
still have 22 seats available. The fee is all inclusive,
which includes the meals at the Shady Maple Restaurant,
the show, bus, and all the gratuities. We furnish water,
sodas, snacks, and a sandwich and cookies for our bus
ride home.

As many of you know, our son, Brad, was diagnosed with ALS, also known as Lou Gehrig's Disease, in Jan
2010. At that time, his doctors estimated he had 2-5 years to live. We watched his physical abilities rapidly decline,
and when he lost his abilities to move, speak, and eat, he became confined to a wheelchair. He lost this battle near-
ly 4 years later, at the age of 43. There are many of our congregation whose lives have been affected, in some
way, by this devastationg disease....one that has no known cause, treatment, or cure. As well, there are many of you
in our congregation who have assisted our family, and the ALS fundraisers. And, once again, our deepest thanks.

This is an invitation to anyone who may be interested in spreading the word of awareness, (without ice!) helping to
raise funds to assist people living with ALS, and their families within the DC/MD/VAChapter,or for anyone who
simply wants to walk for a cause. OCTOBER 18th...WINTERPLACE.. 12 noon. Go to www.alsa.org and follow the
links to the SALISBURY WALK, find a team..THE SHERWOOD STRUTTERS would love to have you join us! More
information is posted at each sanctuary entrance. Or please contact us at kbrickards@hughes.net or 302-875-2437
(h) or 410-726-3570 (cell) for more information.

Thank you! Bob and Karen Rickards
Dear Trinity Family,

SATURDAY, October 18th

12 Noon


November 2
(2:00 a.m.)
Daylight Savings Time Ends

(Set your clocks back 1 hour before
going to bed on November 2.)
Thank You
September Bulletin Folders

Warren and Joyce Boyce
Dolly Burkett
Dottie Butler
Camilla Disharoon
Bonnie Gibson
Tom and Ann Holder
Linda Nelson
T. A. Phillips
Sarah Renshaw
Barbara Webster

Newsletter Staff

General Editor:
Ron Moore

Mailing Coordinators:
Norman and Barbara Webster

Salisbury, MD 21801

Return Service Requested
Church: 410-749-5562
FAX: 410-749-8830
E-mail: trinitynet@verizon.net

Office Hours: 8 a.m. to 4 p.m.

Trinity United Methodist Church
112 High Street
Salisbury, MD 21801
Visit us on the web at

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