Human Development Index

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Human Development Index

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World map indicating the category of Human Development Index by country (based o
n 2013 data; published July 24, 2014).
The Human Development Index (HDI) is a composite statistic of life expectancy, e
ducation, and income indices used to rank countries into four tiers of human dev
elopment. It was created by a Pakistani economist Mahbub ul Haq and Indian econo
mist Amartya Sen in 1990[1] and was published by the United Nations Development
The 2010 Human Development Report introduced an Inequality-adjusted Human Develo
pment Index (IHDI) was introduced. While the simple HDI remains useful, it state
d that "the IHDI is the actual level of human development (accounting for inequa
lity)" and "the HDI can be viewed as an index of 'potential' human development (
or the maximum IHDI that could be achieved if there were no inequality)".[3]
Contents [hide]
1 Origins
2 Dimensions and calculation
2.1 New method (2010 Report onwards)[6]
2.2 Old method (before 2010 Report)
3 2014 report
3.1 Inequality-adjusted HDI
3.2 Countries not included
4 2013 report
4.1 Inequality-adjusted HDI
5 2011 report
5.1 Inequality-adjusted HDI
5.2 Countries not included
6 2010 report
6.1 Inequality-adjusted HDI
6.2 Countries not included
7 2009 report
7.1 Countries not included
8 2008 statistical update
8.1 Countries not included
9 2007/2008 report
10 Past top countries
10.1 In each original report
11 Future HDI projections
12 Criticism
13 Geographical coverage
14 Country/Region specific HDI lists
15 See also
16 Notes and references
17 External links
Amartya Sen
The origins of the HDI are found in the annual Development Reports of the United
Nations Development Programme (UNDP). These were devised and launched by Pakist
ani economist Mahbub ul Haq in 1990 and had the explicit purpose "to shift the f
ocus of development economics from national income accounting to people-centered
policies". To produce the Human Development Reports, Mahbub ul Haq brought toge
ther a group of development economists including Paul Streeten, Frances Stewart,
Gustav Ranis, Keith Griffin, Sudhir Anand and Meghnad Desai. Working along with

Nobel laureate Amartya Sen, they worked on capabilities and functionings that p
rovided the underlying conceptual framework. Haq was sure that a simple composit
e measure of human development was needed in order to convince the public, acade
mics, and policy-makers that they can and should evaluate development not only b
y economic advances but also improvements in human well-being. Sen initially opp
osed this idea, but he soon went on to help Haq develop the Index in the future.
Sen was worried that it was going to be difficult to capture the full complexit
y of human capabilities in a single index but Haq persuaded him that only a sing
le number would shift the attention of policy-makers from concentration on econo
mic to human well-being.[4][5]
Dimensions and calculation[edit]
New method (2010 Report onwards)[6][edit]
Published on 4 November 2010 (and updated on 10 June 2011), starting with the 20
10 Human Development Report the HDI combines three dimensions:
A long and healthy life: Life expectancy at birth
Education index: Mean years of schooling and Expected years of schooling
A decent standard of living: GNI per capita (PPP US$)
In its 2010 Human Development Report, the UNDP began using a new method of calcu
lating the HDI. The following three indices are used:
1. Life Expectancy Index (LEI) = \frac{\textrm{LE} - 20}{85-20}
2. Education Index (EI) = \frac{{\textrm{MYSI} + \textrm{EYSI}}} {2}
2.1 Mean Years of Schooling Index (MYSI) = \frac{\textrm{MYS}}{15}[7]
2.2 Expected Years of Schooling Index (EYSI) = \frac{\textrm{EYS}}{18}[8]
3. Income Index (II) = \frac{\ln(\textrm{GNIpc}) - \ln(100)}{\ln(75,000) - \ln(1
Finally, the HDI is the geometric mean of the previous three normalized indices:
\textrm{HDI} = \sqrt[3]{\textrm{LEI}\cdot \textrm{EI} \cdot \textrm{II}}.
LE: Life expectancy at birth
MYS: Mean years of schooling (Years that a 25-year-old person or older has spent
in schools)
EYS: Expected years of schooling (Years that a 5-year-old child will spend with
his education in his whole life)
GNIpc: Gross national income at purchasing power parity per capita
Old method (before 2010 Report)[edit]
The HDI combined three dimensions last used in its 2009 Report:
Life expectancy at birth, as an index of population health and longevity
Knowledge and education, as measured by the adult literacy rate (with two-thirds
weighting) and the combined primary, secondary, and tertiary gross enrollment r
atio (with one-third weighting).
Standard of living, as indicated by the natural logarithm of gross domestic prod
uct per capita at purchasing power parity.
HDI trends between 1975 and 2004
Europe not in the OECD and CIS
Latin America and the Caribbean
East Asia
Arab States
South Asia
Sub-Saharan Africa
This is the methodology used by the UNDP up until its 2011 report.

The formula defining the HDI is promulgated by the United Nations Development Pr
ogramme (UNDP).[9] In general, to transform a raw variable, say x, into a unit-f
ree index between 0 and 1 (which allows different indices to be added together),
the following formula is used:
x\text{-index} = \frac{x - \min\left(x\right)}{\max\left(x\right)-\min\left(x\ri
where \min\left(x\right) and \max\left(x\right) are the lowest and highest value
s the variable x can attain, respectively.
The Human Development Index (HDI) then represents the uniformly weighted sum wit
h contributed by each of the following factor indices:
Life Expectancy Index = \frac{LE - 25} {85-25}
Education Index = \frac{2} {3} \times ALI + \frac{1} {3} \times GEI
Adult Literacy Index (ALI) = \frac{ALR - 0} {100 - 0}
Gross Enrollment Index (GEI) = \frac{CGER - 0} {100 - 0}
GDP = \frac{\log\left(GDPpc\right) - \log\left(100\right)} {\log\left(40000\righ
t) - \log\left(100\right)}
Other organizations/companies may include other factors, such as infant mortalit
y, which produces different number of HDI.
2014 report[edit]
Main article: List of countries by Human Development Index
The 2014 Human Development Report by the United Nations Development Program was
released on July 24, 2014, and calculates HDI values based on estimates for 2013
. Below is the list of the "very high human development" countries:[10]
Increase = increase.
Steady = steady.
Decrease = decrease.
The number in brackets represents the number of ranks the country has climbed (u
p or down) relative to the ranking in 2013 report.
Country HDI
New 2014 estimates for 2013
Change in rank between 2014 report to 2013 report[11] New 2014 estimat
es for 2013
Change compared between 2014 report and 2013 report
Steady Norway 0.944 Increase 0.001
Steady Australia
0.933 Increase 0.002
Switzerland 0.917 Increase 0.001
Steady Netherlands
0.915 Steady
Steady United States 0.914 Increase 0.002
Steady Germany
0.911 Steady
Steady New Zealand
0.910 Increase 0.002
Steady Canada 0.902 Increase 0.001
Increase (3)
0.901 Increase 0.003
Steady Denmark
0.900 Steady
Decrease (3)
0.899 Decrease 0.002
Decrease (1)
Sweden 0.898 Increase 0.001
Steady Iceland
0.895 Increase 0.002
Steady United Kingdom 0.892 Increase 0.002
Steady Hong Kong
0.891 Increase 0.002
Increase (1)
South Korea
0.891 Increase 0.003
Decrease (1)
Japan 0.890 Increase 0.002
Decrease (2)
Liechtenstein 0.889 Increase 0.001
Steady Israel 0.888 Increase 0.002
Steady France 0.884 Steady

Steady Austria
0.881 Increase 0.001
Steady Belgium
0.881 Increase 0.001
Steady Luxembourg
0.881 Increase 0.001
Steady Finland
0.879 Steady
Steady Slovenia
0.874 Steady
Country HDI
New 2014 estimates for 2013
Change in rank between 2014 report to 2013 report[11] New 2014 estimat
es for 2013
Change compared between 2014 report and 2013 report
Steady Italy 0.872 Steady
Steady Spain 0.869 Steady
Steady Czech Republic 0.861 Steady
Steady Greece 0.853 Decrease 0.001
Steady Brunei Darussalam
0.852 Steady
Steady Qatar 0.851 Increase 0.001
Steady Cyprus 0.845 Decrease 0.003
Steady Estonia
0.840 Increase 0.001
Steady Saudi Arabia 0.836 Increase 0.003
Increase (1)
0.834 Increase 0.003
Decrease (1)
Poland 0.834 Increase 0.001
Steady Andorra
0.830 Steady
Increase (1)
0.830 Increase 0.001
Steady Malta 0.829 Increase 0.002
Steady United Arab Emirates 0.827 Increase 0.002
Increase (1)
Chile 0.822 Increase 0.003
Steady Portugal
0.822 Steady
Steady Hungary
0.818 Increase 0.001
Steady Bahrain
0.815 Increase 0.002
Steady Cuba 0.815 Increase 0.002
Decrease (2)
Kuwait 0.814 Increase 0.001
Steady Croatia
0.812 Steady
Steady Latvia 0.810 Increase 0.002
0.808 Decrease 0.003
Inequality-adjusted HDI[edit]
Main article: List of countries by inequality-adjusted HDI
The Inequality-adjusted Human Development Index (IHDI)[10] is a "measure of the
average level of human development of people in a society once inequality is tak
en into account."
Note: The green arrows (Increase), red arrows (Decrease), and blue dashes (Stead
y) represent changes in rank. The changes in rank are not relative to the HDI li
st above, but are according to the source (p. 168) calculated with the exclusion
of countries which are missing IHDI data.
Norway 0.891 (Steady)
Australia 0.860 (Steady)
Netherlands 0.854 (Increase 1)
Switzerland 0.847 (Increase 3)
Germany 0.846 (Steady)
Iceland 0.843 (Increase 2)
Sweden 0.840 (Decrease 4)
Denmark 0.838 (Increase 1)
Canada 0.833 (Increase 4)
Ireland 0.832 (Decrease 4)
Finland 0.830 (Steady)
Slovenia 0.824 (Decrease 2)

Austria 0.818 (Decrease 1)

Luxembourg 0.814 (Increase 3)
Czech Republic 0.813 (Decrease 1)
United Kingdom 0.812 (Increase 3)
Belgium 0.806 (Decrease 2)
France 0.804 (Steady)
Japan 0.799 (New)
Israel 0.793 (Increase 1)
Slovakia 0.778 (Increase 1)
Spain 0.775 (Decrease 2)
Italy 0.768 (Increase 1)
Estonia 0.767 (Increase 1)
Greece 0.762 (Increase 2)
Malta 0.760 (Decrease 3)
Hungary 0.757 (Decrease 1)
United States 0.755 (Decrease 12)
Poland 0.751 (Increase 1)
Cyprus 0.752 (Decrease 1)
Lithuania 0.746 (Increase 2)
Portugal 0.739 (Steady)
South Korea 0.736 (Decrease 5)
Latvia 0.725 (Increase 1)
Croatia 0.721 (Increase 4)
Argentina 0.680 (Increase 7)
Chile 0.661 (Increase 4)
Countries in the top quartile of HDI ("very high human development" group) with
a missing IHDI: New Zealand, Singapore, Hong Kong, Liechtenstein, Brunei, Qatar,
Saudi Arabia, Andorra, United Arab Emirates, Bahrain, Cuba, and Kuwait.
Countries not included[edit]
Some countries were not included for various reasons, mainly the unavailability
of certain crucial data. The following United Nations Member States were not inc
luded in the 2014 report:[10] North Korea, Marshall Islands, Monaco, Nauru, San
Marino, Somalia, South Sudan, and Tuvalu.
2013 report[edit]
Main article: List of countries by Human Development Index
The 2013 Human Development Report by the United Nations Development Program was
released on March 14, 2013, and calculates HDI values based on estimates for 201
2. Below is the list of the "very high human development" countries:[12]
Note: The green arrows (Increase), red arrows (Decrease), and blue dashes (Stead
y) represent changes in rank when compared to the new 2012 data HDI for 2011 pub
lished in the 2012 report.
Norway 0.955 (Steady)
Australia 0.938 (Steady)
United States 0.937 (Increase 1)
Netherlands 0.921 (Decrease 1)
Germany 0.920 (Increase 4)
New Zealand 0.919 (Decrease 1)
Ireland 0.916 (Steady)
Sweden 0.916 (Increase 3)
Switzerland 0.913 (Increase 2)
Japan 0.912 (Increase 2)
Canada 0.911 (Decrease 5)
South Korea 0.909 (Increase 3)
Hong Kong 0.906 (Steady)
Iceland 0.906 (Steady)
Denmark 0.901 (Increase 1)

Israel 0.900 (Increase 1)

Belgium 0.897 (Increase 1)
Austria 0.895 (Increase 1)
Singapore 0.895 (Increase 7)
France 0.893 (Steady)
Finland 0.892 (Increase 1)
Slovenia 0.892 (Decrease 1)
Spain 0.885 (Steady)
Liechtenstein 0.883 (Decrease 16)
Italy 0.881 (Decrease 1)
Luxembourg 0.875 (Decrease 1)
United Kingdom 0.875 (Increase 1)
Czech Republic 0.873 (Decrease 1)
Greece 0.860 (Steady)
Brunei 0.855 (Increase 1)
Cyprus 0.848 (Decrease 1)
Malta 0.847 (Increase 4)
Estonia 0.846 (Steady)
Andorra 0.846 (Decrease 1)
Slovakia 0.840 (Steady)
Qatar 0.834 (Increase 1)
Hungary 0.831 (Increase 1)
Barbados 0.825 (Increase 9)
Poland 0.821 (Steady)
Chile 0.819 (Increase 4)
Lithuania 0.818 (Decrease 1)
United Arab Emirates 0.818 (Decrease 12)
Portugal 0.816 (Decrease 2)
Latvia 0.814 (Decrease 1)
Argentina 0.811 (Steady)
Seychelles 0.806 (Increase 6)
Croatia 0.805 (Decrease 1)
Inequality-adjusted HDI[edit]
Main article: List of countries by inequality-adjusted HDI
The Inequality-adjusted Human Development Index (IHDI)[12] is a "measure of the
average level of human development of people in a society once inequality is tak
en into account."
Note: The green arrows (Increase), red arrows (Decrease), and blue dashes (Stead
y) represent changes in rank. The changes in rank are not relative to the HDI li
st above, but are according to the source (p. 152) calculated with the exclusion
of countries which are missing IHDI data.
Norway 0.894 (Steady)
Australia 0.864 (Steady)
Sweden 0.859 (Increase 3)
Netherlands 0.857 (Steady)
Germany 0.856 (Steady)
Ireland 0.850 (Steady)
Switzerland 0.849 (Increase 1)
Iceland 0.848 (Increase 3)
Denmark 0.845 (Increase 3)
Slovenia 0.840 (Increase 7)
Finland 0.839 (Increase 6)
Austria 0.837 (Increase 3)
Canada 0.832 (Decrease 4)
Czech Republic 0.826 (Increase 9)
Belgium 0.825 (Decrease 1)
United States 0.821 (Decrease 13)
Luxembourg 0.813 (Increase 4)

France 0.812 (Decrease 2)

United Kingdom 0.802 (Increase 2)
Spain 0.796 (Decrease 1)
Israel 0.790 (Decrease 8)
Slovakia 0.788 (Increase 6)
Malta 0.778 (Increase 3)
Italy 0.776 (Decrease 4)
Estonia 0.770 (Increase 2)
Hungary 0.769 (Increase 3)
Greece 0.760 (Decrease 3)
South Korea 0.758 (Decrease 18)
Cyprus 0.751 (Decrease 4)
Poland 0.740 (Steady)
Montenegro 0.733 (Increase 8)
Portugal 0.729 (Increase 1)
Lithuania 0.727 (Decrease 1)
Belarus 0.727 (Increase 3)
Latvia 0.726 (Decrease 1)
Bulgaria 0.704 (Increase 5)
Countries in the top quartile of HDI ("very high human development" group) with
a missing IHDI: New Zealand, Chile, Japan, Hong Kong, Singapore, Taiwan, Liechte
nstein, Brunei, Andorra, Qatar, Barbados, United Arab Emirates, and Seychelles.
2011 report[edit]
The 2011 Human Development Report was released on 2 November 2011, and calculate
d HDI values based on estimates for 2011. Below is the list of the "very high hu
man development" countries (equal to the top quartile):[13]
Note: The green arrows (Increase), red arrows (Decrease), and blue dashes (Stead
y) represent changes in rank when compared to the 2011 HDI data for 2010 publish
ed in the 2011 report (p. 131).
Norway 0.943 (Steady)
Australia 0.929 (Steady)
Netherlands 0.910 (Steady)
United States 0.910 (Steady)
New Zealand 0.908 (Steady)
Canada 0.908 (Steady)
Ireland 0.908 (Steady)
Liechtenstein 0.905 (Steady)
Germany 0.905 (Steady)
Sweden 0.904 (Steady)
Switzerland 0.903 (Steady)
Japan 0.901 (Steady)
Hong Kong 0.898 (Increase 1)
Iceland 0.898 (Decrease 1)
South Korea 0.897 (Steady)
Denmark 0.895 (Steady)
Israel 0.888 (Steady)
Belgium 0.886 (Steady)
Austria 0.885 (Steady)
France 0.884 (Steady)
Slovenia 0.884 (Steady)
Finland 0.882 (Steady)
Spain 0.878 (Steady)
Italy 0.874 (Steady)
Luxembourg 0.867 (Steady)
Singapore 0.866 (Steady)
Czech Republic 0.865 (Steady)
United Kingdom 0.863 (Steady)

Greece 0.861 (Steady)

United Arab Emirates 0.846 (Steady)
Cyprus 0.840 (Steady)
Andorra 0.838 (Steady)
Brunei 0.838 (Steady)
Estonia 0.835 (Steady)
Slovakia 0.834 (Steady)
Malta 0.832 (Steady)
Qatar 0.831 (Steady)
Hungary 0.816 (Steady)
Poland 0.813 (Steady)
Lithuania 0.810 (Increase 1)
Portugal 0.809 (Decrease 1)
Bahrain 0.806 (Steady)
Latvia 0.805 (Steady)
Chile 0.805 (Steady)
Argentina 0.797 (Increase 1)
Croatia 0.796 (Decrease 1)
Barbados 0.793 (Steady)
Inequality-adjusted HDI[edit]
Main article: List of countries by inequality-adjusted HDI
Below is a list of countries in the top quartile by Inequality-adjusted Human De
velopment Index (IHDI).[14] According to the report, the IHDI is a "measure of t
he average level of human development of people in a society once inequality is
taken into account."
Note: The green arrows (Increase), red arrows (Decrease), and blue dashes (Stead
y) represent changes in rank when compared to the 2011 HDI list, for countries l
isted in both rankings.
Norway 0.890 (Steady)
Australia 0.856 (Steady)
Sweden 0.851 (Increase 5)
Netherlands 0.846 (Decrease 1)
Iceland 0.845 (Increase 5)
Ireland 0.843 (Steady)
Germany 0.842 (Increase 1)
Denmark 0.842 (Increase 4)
Switzerland 0.840 (Steady)
Slovenia 0.837 (Increase 7)
Finland 0.833 (Increase 7)
Canada 0.829 (Decrease 7)
Czech Republic 0.821 (Increase 9)
Austria 0.820 (Increase 1)
Belgium 0.819 (Decrease 1)
France 0.804 (Steady)
Spain 0.799 (Decrease 2)
Luxembourg 0.799 (Increase 3)
United Kingdom 0.791 (Increase 4)
Slovakia 0.787 (Increase 7)
Israel 0.779 (Decrease 8)
Italy 0.779 (Decrease 2)
United States 0.771 (Decrease 19)
Estonia 0.769 (Increase 2)
Hungary 0.759 (Increase 3)
Greece 0.756 (Decrease 2)
Cyprus 0.755 (Decrease 2)
South Korea 0.749 (Decrease 17)
Poland 0.734 (Steady)
Lithuania 0.730 (Steady)

Portugal 0.726 (Steady)

Montenegro 0.718 (Increase 7)
Latvia 0.717 (Decrease 1)
Serbia 0.694 (Increase 9)
Belarus 0.693 (Increase 10)
Countries in the top quartile of HDI ("very high human development" group) with
a missing IHDI include: New Zealand, Liechtenstein, Japan, Hong Kong, Singapore,
Taiwan, United Arab Emirates, Andorra, Brunei, Malta, Qatar, Bahrain, Chile, Ar
gentina and Barbados.
Countries not included[edit]
Some countries were not included for various reasons, mainly the unavailability
of certain crucial data. The following United Nations Member States were not inc
luded in the 2011 report:[15] North Korea, Marshall Islands, Monaco, Nauru, San
Marino, South Sudan, Somalia and Tuvalu.
2010 report[edit]
The 2010 Human Development Report by the United Nations Development Program was
released on November 4, 2010, and calculates HDI values based on estimates for 2
010. Below is the list of the "very high human development" countries:[16]
Note: The green arrows (Increase), red arrows (Decrease), and blue dashes (Stead
y) represent changes in rank when compared to the 2009 HDI published in the 2010
Norway 0.938 (Steady)
Australia 0.937 (Steady)
New Zealand 0.907 (Steady)
United States 0.902 (Steady)
Ireland 0.895 (Steady)
Liechtenstein 0.891 (Steady)
Netherlands 0.890 (Steady)
Canada 0.888 (Steady)
Sweden 0.885 (Steady)
Germany 0.885 (Increase 12)
Japan 0.884 (Steady)
South Korea 0.877 (Steady)
Switzerland 0.874 (Steady)
France 0.872 (Increase 2)
Israel 0.872 (Decrease 1)
Finland 0.871 (Decrease 1)
Iceland 0.869 (Steady)
Belgium 0.867 (Steady)
Denmark 0.866 (Steady)
Spain 0.863 (Steady)
Hong Kong 0.862 (Steady)
Greece 0.855 (Steady)
Italy 0.854 (Steady)
Luxembourg 0.852 (Steady)
Austria 0.851 (Steady)
United Kingdom 0.849 (Steady)
Singapore 0.846 (Steady)
Czech Republic 0.841 (Steady)
Slovenia 0.828 (Steady)
Andorra 0.824 (Steady)
Slovakia 0.818 (Steady)
United Arab Emirates 0.815 (Increase 1)
Malta 0.815 (Decrease 1)
Estonia 0.812 (Steady)
Cyprus 0.810 (Steady)

Hungary 0.805 (Increase 1)

Brunei 0.805 (Decrease 1)
Qatar 0.803 (Steady)
Bahrain 0.801 (Steady)
Portugal 0.795 (Decrease 6)
Poland 0.795 (Steady)
Barbados 0.788 (Decrease 5)
Inequality-adjusted HDI[edit]
The 2010 Human Development Report was the first to calculate an Inequality-adjus
ted Human Development Index (IHDI), which factors in inequalities in the three b
asic dimensions of human development (income, life expectancy, and education). B
elow is a list of countries in the top quartile by IHDI:[17]
Note: The green arrows (Increase), red arrows (Decrease), and blue dashes (Stead
y) represent changes in rank when compared to the 2010 HDI list, for countries l
isted in both rankings.
Norway 0.876 (Steady)
Australia 0.864 (Steady)
Sweden 0.824 (Increase 4)
Netherlands 0.818 (Increase 1)
Germany 0.814 (Increase 3)
Switzerland 0.813 (Increase 4)
Ireland 0.813 (Decrease 3)
Canada 0.812 (Decrease 2)
Iceland 0.811 (Increase 5)
Denmark 0.810 (Increase 6)
Finland 0.806 (Increase 2)
United States 0.799 (Decrease 9)
Belgium 0.794 (Increase 2)
France 0.792 (Decrease 3)
Czech Republic 0.790 (Increase 8)
Austria 0.787 (Increase 5)
Spain 0.779 (Steady)
Luxembourg 0.775 (Increase 2)
Slovenia 0.771 (Increase 5)
Greece 0.768 (Decrease 2)
United Kingdom 0.766 (Increase 1)
Slovakia 0.764 (Increase 3)
Israel 0.763 (Decrease 11)
Italy 0.752 (Decrease 5)
Hungary 0.736 (Increase 3)
Estonia 0.733 (Steady)
South Korea 0.731 (Decrease 18)
Cyprus 0.716 (Decrease 1)
Poland 0.709 (Increase 1)
Portugal 0.700 (Decrease 1)
Lithuania 0.693 (Increase 1)
Montenegro 0.693 (Increase 4)[18]
Latvia 0.684 (Increase 2)
Romania 0.675 (Increase 3)
The Bahamas 0.671 (Decrease 4)
Countries in the top quartile of HDI ("very high human development" group) with
a missing IHDI include: New Zealand, Liechtenstein, Japan, Hong Kong, Singapore,
Republic of China (Taiwan), Andorra, United Arab Emirates, Malta, Brunei, Qatar
, Bahrain and Barbados.
Countries not included[edit]
Some countries were not included for various reasons, mainly the unavailability
of certain crucial data. The following United Nations Member States were not inc

luded in the 2010 report.[15] Cuba lodged a formal protest at its lack of inclus
ion. The UNDP explained that Cuba had been excluded due to the lack of an "inter
nationally reported figure for Cubas Gross National Income adjusted for Purchasin
g Power Parity". All other indicators for Cuba were available, and reported by t
he UNDP, but the lack of one indicator meant that no ranking could be attributed
to the country.[19][20] The situation has been addressed and, in later years, C
uba has ranked as a High Human Development country.
Antigua and Barbuda
Saint Kitts and Nevis
Saint Lucia
Saint Vincent and the Grenadines
North Korea
San Marino
Vatican City
Marshall Islands
2009 report[edit]
The 2009 Human Development Report by UNDP was released on October 5, 2009, and c
overs the period up to 2007. It was titled "Overcoming barriers: Human mobility
and development". The top countries by HDI were grouped in a new category called
"very high human development". The report refers to these countries as develope
d countries. They are:[21]
Norway 0.971 (Steady 0)
Australia 0.970 (Increase 2)
Iceland 0.969 (Decrease 1)
Canada 0.966 (Decrease 1)
Ireland 0.965 (Steady)
Netherlands 0.964 (Steady)
Sweden 0.963 (Steady)
France 0.961 (Increase 3)
Switzerland 0.960 (Increase 1)
Japan 0.960 (Decrease 2)

Luxembourg 0.960 (Decrease 2)

Finland 0.959 (Steady)
United States 0.956 (Increase 2)
Austria 0.955 (Steady)
Spain 0.955 (Increase 1)
Denmark 0.955 (Decrease 2)
Belgium 0.953 (Steady)
Italy 0.951 (Increase 1)
Liechtenstein 0.951 (Decrease 1)
New Zealand 0.950 (Steady)
United Kingdom 0.947 (Steady)
Germany 0.947 (Steady)
Singapore 0.944 (Increase 1)
Hong Kong 0.944 (Decrease 1)
Greece 0.942 (Steady)
South Korea 0.937 (Steady)
Israel 0.935 (Increase 1)
Andorra 0.934 (Decrease 1)
Slovenia 0.929 (Steady)
Brunei 0.920 (Steady)
Kuwait 0.916 (Steady)
Cyprus 0.914 (Steady)
Qatar 0.910 (Increase 1)
Portugal 0.909 (Decrease 1)
United Arab Emirates 0.903 (Increase 2)
Czech Republic 0.903 (Steady)
Barbados 0.903 (Increase 2)
Malta 0.902 (Decrease 3)
Countries not included[edit]
Some countries were not included for various reasons, such as being a non-UN mem
ber or unable or unwilling to provide the necessary data at the time of publicat
ion. Besides the states with limited recognition, the following states were also
not included.
North Korea
San Marino
Vatican City
Marshall Islands
Federated States of Micronesia
2008 statistical update[edit]
A new index was released on December 18, 2008. This so-called "statistical updat
e" covered the period up to 2006 and was published without an accompanying Human
Development Report. The update is relevant due to newly released estimates of p
urchasing power parities (PPP), implying substantial adjustments for many countr

ies, resulting in changes in HDI values and, in many cases, HDI ranks.[22]
Iceland 0.968 (Steady)
Norway 0.968 (Steady)
Canada 0.967 (Increase 1)
Australia 0.965 (Decrease 1)
Ireland 0.960 (Steady)
Netherlands 0.958 (Increase 3)
Sweden 0.958 (Decrease 1)
Japan 0.956 (Steady)
Luxembourg 0.956 (Increase 9)
Switzerland 0.955 (Decrease 3)
France 0.955 (Decrease 1)
Finland 0.954 (Decrease 1)
Denmark 0.952 (Increase 1)
Austria 0.951 (Increase 1)
United States 0.950 (Decrease 3)
Spain 0.949 (Decrease 3)
Belgium 0.948 (Decrease 1)
Greece 0.947 (Increase 6)
Italy 0.945 (Increase 1)
New Zealand 0.944 (Decrease 1)
United Kingdom 0.942 (Decrease 4)
Hong Kong 0.942 (Decrease 1)
Germany 0.940 (Decrease 1)
Israel 0.930 (Decrease 1)
South Korea 0.928 (Increase 1)
Slovenia 0.923 (Increase 1)
Brunei 0.919 (Increase 3)
Singapore 0.918 (Decrease 3)
Kuwait 0.912 (Increase 4)
Cyprus 0.912 (Decrease 2)
United Arab Emirates 0.903 (Increase 8)
Bahrain 0.902 (Increase 9)[23]
Portugal 0.900 (Decrease 4)
Countries not included[edit]
Some countries were not included for various reasons, such as being a non-UN mem
ber, unable, or unwilling to provide the necessary data at the time of publicati
on. Besides the states with limited recognition, the following states were also
not included.[24]
North Korea
San Marino
Vatican City

Marshall Islands
Federated States of Micronesia
2007/2008 report[edit]
The Human Development Report for 2007/2008 was launched in Brasilia, Brazil, on
November 27, 2007. Its focus was on "Fighting climate change: Human solidarity i
n a divided world."[25] Most of the data used for the report are derived largely
from 2005 or earlier, thus indicating an HDI for 2005. Not all UN member states
choose to or are able to provide the necessary statistics.
The report showed a small increase in world HDI in comparison with last year s r
eport. This rise was fueled by a general improvement in the developing world, es
pecially of the least developed countries group. This marked improvement at the
bottom was offset with a decrease in HDI of high income countries.
A HDI below 0.5 is considered to represent "low development". All 22 countries i
n that category are located in Africa. The highest-scoring Sub-Saharan countries
, Gabon and South Africa, are ranked 119th and 121st, respectively. Nine countri
es departed from this category this year and joined the "medium development" gro
A HDI of 0.8 or more is considered to represent "high development". This include
s all developed countries, such as those in North America, Western Europe, Ocean
ia, and Eastern Asia, as well as some developing countries in Eastern Europe, Ce
ntral and South America, Southeast Asia, the Caribbean, and the oil-rich Arabian
Peninsula. Seven countries were promoted to this category this year, leaving th
e "medium development" group: Albania, Belarus, Brazil, Libya, Macedonia, Russia
and Saudi Arabia.
On the following table, green arrows (Increase) represent an increase in ranking
over the previous study, while red arrows (Decrease) represent a decrease in ra
nking. They are followed by the number of spaces they moved. Blue dashes (Steady
) represent a nation that did not move in the rankings since the previous study.
Iceland 0.968 (Increase 1)
Norway 0.968 (Decrease 1)
Australia 0.962 (Steady)
Canada 0.961 (Increase 2)
Ireland 0.959 (Decrease 1)
Sweden 0.956 (Decrease 1)
Switzerland 0.955 (Increase 2)
Japan 0.953 (Decrease 1)
Netherlands 0.953 (Increase 1)
France 0.952 (Increase 6)
Finland 0.952 (Steady)
United States 0.951 (Decrease 4)
Spain 0.949 (Increase 6)
Denmark 0.949 (Increase 1)
Austria 0.948 (Decrease 1)
Belgium 0.946 (Decrease 4)
United Kingdom 0.946 (Increase 1)
Luxembourg 0.944 (Decrease 6)
New Zealand 0.943 (Increase 1)
Italy 0.941 (Decrease 3)
Hong Kong 0.937 (Increase 1)
Germany 0.935 (Increase 1)
Israel 0.932 (Steady)
Greece 0.926 (Steady)

Singapore 0.922 (Steady)

South Korea 0.921 (Steady)
Slovenia 0.917 (Steady)
Cyprus 0.903 (Increase 1)
Portugal 0.897 (Decrease 1)
Brunei 0.894 (Increase 4)[26]
Past top countries[edit]
The list below displays the top-ranked country from each year of the Human Devel
opment Index. Norway has been ranked the highest eleven times, Canada eight time
s, followed by Japan which has been ranked highest three times. Iceland has been
ranked highest twice.
In each original report[edit]
The year represents when the report was published. In parentheses is the year fo
r which the index was calculated.
2014 (2013) Norway
2013 (2012) Norway
2011 (2011) Norway
2010 (2010) Norway
2009 (2007) Norway
2008 (2006) Iceland
2007 (2005) Iceland
2006 (2004) Norway
2005 (2003) Norway
2004 (2002) Norway
2003 (2001) Norway
2002 (2000) Norway
2001 (1999) Norway
2000 (1998) Canada
1999 (1997) Canada
1998 (1995) Canada
1997 (1994) Canada
1996 (1993) Canada
1995 (1992) Canada
1994 (????) Canada
1993 (????) Japan
1992 (1990) Canada
1991 (1990) Japan
1990 (????) Japan
Future HDI projections[edit]
In April 2010, the Human Development Report Office provided[27] the 20102030 HDI
projections (quoted in September 2010, by the United Nations Development Program
me, in the Human Development Research paper 2010/40, pp. 4042). These projections
were reached by re-calculating the HDI, using (for components of the HDI) proje
ctions of the components conducted by agencies that provide the UNDP with data f
or the HDI.
The Human Development Index has been criticized on a number of grounds including
alleged ideological biases towards egalitarianism and so-called "Western models
of development", failure to include any ecological considerations, lack of cons
ideration of technological development or contributions to the human civilizatio
n, focusing exclusively on national performance and ranking, lack of attention t
o development from a global perspective, measurement error of the underlying sta
tistics, and on the UNDP s changes in formula which can lead to severe misclassi
fication in the categorisation of low , medium , high or very high human d
evelopment countries.[28]
Economists Hendrik Wolff, Howard Chong and Maximilian Auffhammer discuss the HDI

from the perspective of data error in the underlying health, education and inco
me statistics used to construct the HDI.[28] They identify three sources of data
error which are due to (i) data updating, (ii) formula revisions and (iii) thre
sholds to classify a countrys development status and find that 11%, 21% and 34% o
f all countries can be interpreted as currently misclassified in the development
bins due to the three sources of data error, respectively. The authors suggest
that the United Nations should discontinue the practice of classifying countries
into development bins because the cut-off values seem arbitrary, can provide in
centives for strategic behavior in reporting official statistics, and have the p
otential to misguide politicians, investors, charity donors and the public who u
se the HDI at large. In 2010 the UNDP reacted to the criticism and updated the t
hresholds to classify nations as low, medium, and high human development countri
es. In a comment to The Economist in early January 2011, the Human Development R
eport Office responded[29] to a January 6, 2011 article in the magazine[30] whic
h discusses the Wolff et al. paper. The Human Development Report Office states t
hat they undertook a systematic revision of the methods used for the calculation
of the HDI and that the new methodology directly addresses the critique by Wolf
f et al. in that it generates a system for continuous updating of the human deve
lopment categories whenever formula or data revisions take place.
Each year, UN member states are listed and ranked according to the computed HDI.
If high, the rank in the list can be easily used as a means of national aggrand
izement; alternatively, if low, it can be used to highlight national insufficien
cies. Using the HDI as an absolute index of social welfare, some authors have us
ed panel HDI data to measure the impact of economic policies on quality of life.
Geographical coverage[edit]
The HDI has extended its geographical coverage: David Hastings, of the United Na
tions Economic and Social Commission for Asia and the Pacific, published a repor
t geographically extending the HDI to 230+ economies, whereas the UNDP HDI for 2
009 enumerates 182 economies and coverage for the 2010 HDI dropped to 169 countr
Country/Region specific HDI lists[edit]
African countries
Argentine provinces
Australian states and territories
Brazilian states
Chilean regions
Chinese administrative divisions
European countries
Indian states
Indonesian provinces
Latin American countries
Mexican states
Pakistani Districts
Philippine provinces
Russian federal subjects
South African provinces
U.S. states
Venezuelan states
See also[edit]
Portal icon
Sustainable development portal
City development index explains how the CDI or City Development Index is calcula
Demographic economics
Economic development
Ethics of care
Human Development and Capability Association

Human Poverty Index

International Association for Feminist Economics
International development
Important publications in development economics
Oxford Poverty and Human Development Initiative
Social Progress Index
Sustainable development
System of National Accounts which contains alternative ways of measuring progres
UN Human Development Index
Welfare economics
Women s education and development
World Happiness Report
Notes and references[edit]
Jump up ^ "The Human Development concept". UNDP. Retrieved 7 April 2012.
Jump up ^ "United Nations Development Programme". 2013-05-26. Retrieve
d 2013-05-30.
Jump up ^ Human Development Report, The Real Wealth of Nations: Pathways to Huma
n Development (2010) 87
Jump up ^ Fukuda-Parr, Sakiko (2003). "The Human Development Paradigm: operation
alizing Sens ideas on capabilities". Feminist Economics 9 (23): 301317. doi:10.1080
Jump up ^ United Nations Development Programme (1999). Human Development Report
1999. New York: Oxford University Press.
Jump up ^ HDR_2013_EN_TechNotes. Page 2.
Jump up ^ Mean years of schooling (of adults) (years) is a calculation of the av
erage number of years of education received by people ages 25 and older in their
lifetime based on education attainment levels of the population converted into
years of schooling based on theoretical durations of each level of education att
ended. Source: Barro, R. J.; Lee, J.-W. (2010). "A New Data Set of Educational A
ttainment in the World, 19502010". NBER Working Paper No. 15902.
Jump up ^ (Expected years of schooling is a calculation of the number of years a
child of school entrance age is expected to spend at school, or university, inc
luding years spent on repetition. It is the sum of the age-specific enrolment ra
tios for primary, secondary, post-secondary non-tertiary and tertiary education
and is calculated assuming the prevailing patterns of age-specific enrolment rat
es were to stay the same throughout the childs life. Expected years of schooling
is capped at 18 years. (Source: UNESCO Institute for Statistics (2010). Correspo
ndence on education indicators. March. Montreal.)
Jump up ^ Definition, Calculator, etc. at UNDP site[dead link]
^ Jump up to: a b c
^ Jump up to: a b c d e f g h "Human Development Report 2014 "Sustaining Human P
rogress: Reducing Vulnerabilities and Building Resilience"". HDRO (Human Develop
ment Report Office) United Nations Development Programme. Retrieved 25 July 2014
^ Jump up to: a b
Jump up ^ "2011 Human Development Index" (PDF). Retrieved 2013-05-30.
Jump up ^ "2011 Human Development Complete Report" (PDF). Retrieved 2013-05-30.
^ Jump up to: a b International Human Rights Development Indicators, UNDP
Jump up ^ "2010 Human Development Index trends, 19802010" (PDF). Retrieved 2013-0
Jump up ^ "2010 Human Development Complete Report" (PDF). Retrieved 2013-05-30.
Jump up ^ "Human Development Report 2010" (PDF). UNDP. pp. 152155. Retrieved 2014
Jump up ^ "Samoa left out of UNDP index", Samoa Observer, January 22, 2010
Jump up ^ Cuba country profile, UNDP
Jump up ^ "Human Development Report 2009" (PDF). UNDP. pp. 167174. Retrieved 2014

Jump up ^ "News Human Development Reports (UNDP)". 2008-12-18. Ret

rieved 2013-05-30.
Jump up ^ "Human Development Indices: A statistical update 2008". UNDP. p. 29. R
etrieved 2014-08-03.
Jump up ^ "Human Development Indices: A statistical update 2008". UNDP. p. 32. R
etrieved 2014-08-03.
Jump up ^ "Human Development Report 2007/2008". UNDP. Retrieved 2014-08-03.
Jump up ^ "Human Development Report 2007/2008" (PDF). UNDP. p. 229. Retrieved 20
Jump up ^ In: Daponte Beth Osborne, and Hu difei: "Technical Note on Re-Calculat
ing the HDI, Using Projections of Components of the HDI", April 2010, United Nat
ions Development Programme, Human Development Report Office.
^ Jump up to: a b Wolff, Hendrik; Chong, Howard; Auffhammer, Maximilian (2011).
"Classification, Detection and Consequences of Data Error: Evidence from the Hum
an Development Index". Economic Journal 121 (553): 843870. doi:10.1111/j.1468-029
Jump up ^ "UNDP Human Development Report Office s comments". The Economist. Janu
ary 2011.[dead link]
Jump up ^ "The Economist (pages 6061 in the issue of Jan 8, 2011)". January 6, 20
Jump up ^ Davies, A.; Quinlivan, G. (2006). "A Panel Data Analysis of the Impact
of Trade on Human Development". Journal of Socio-Economics 35 (5): 868876. doi:1
Jump up ^ Hastings, David A. (2009). "Filling Gaps in the Human Development Inde
x". United Nations Economic and Social Commission for Asia and the Pacific, Work
ing Paper WP/09/02.
Jump up ^ Hastings, David A. (2011). "A "Classic" Human Development Index with 2
32 Countries". Information Note linked to data
External links[edit]
Human Development Report
2010 Human Development Index Update
Human Development Interactive Map
Human Development Tools and Rankings
Technical note explaining the definition of the HDI PDF (5.54 MB)
An independent HDI covering 232 countries, formulated along lines of the traditi
onal (pre-2010) approach.
List of countries by HDI at
America Is # ... 15? by Dalton Conley, The Nation, March 4, 2009
Human Development Index (HDI) by countries at
[show] v t e
Economic classification of countries
[show] v t e
Lists of countries by population statistics
[show] v t e
Lists of countries by quality of life rankings
Wikimedia Commons has media related to Human Development Index.
Categories: Human Development IndexInternational rankingsGlobalization-related i
ndicesScience and technology in IndiaScience and technology in PakistanEnvironme
ntal economics
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